Luke Windsor
I research and teach in the broad areas of music psychology, empirical musicology and critical musicology. My recent published work has focused on the analysis of timing in expert piano performance, the perception and production of gesture in music, and ecological approaches to music perception and action. I have successfully supervised 15 doctoral students since 2003 on a wide range of topics related to musical performance (including practice-led work on improvisation) and the perception of music. My own PhD was on the analysis and perception of electroacoustic music, a topic I return to from time to time. Since 2017 I have been Professor or Music Psychology in the School of Music.Since August 2016 I have been Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures here at the University of Leeds, which has over 7000 students from around the world, and over 700 staff.
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Books by Luke Windsor
Papers by Luke Windsor