RULLI (Remote Ultra-Low Light Imager) is a unique single photon imager with very high (microsecond) time resolution and continuous sensitivity, developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory. This technology allows a family of astrophysical... more
an affirmative actionlequal opportunity emptdyer, is operated by the University of California for the US. Department of Energy under contract W-7405-ENG-36. By acceptance of this article, the publisher recognizes that the US. Government... more
The remarkable temporal resolution of the Remote Ultra-Low Light Imaging (RULLI) sensor developed by Los Alamos.confEnal Laboratory has led to interest in exploiting this capability to perform 3-D imaging of satellites for improved Space... more
Remote Ultra-Low Light Imaging detectors are photon limited detectors developed at Los Alamos National Laboratories. RULLI detectors provide a very high degree of temporal resolution for the arrival times of detected photoevents, but... more
We have developed a technique for laser tuning at rates of 100 kHz or more using a pair of acousto-optic modulators. In addition to all-electronic wavelength control, the same modulators also can provide electronically variable... more
Feasibility of Microwave Interferometry and Fourier-Transform Spectrometry for High-Spectral-Resolution Sensing ... Sig Gerstl, NIS-DO Bradley Cooke, NIS-4 Abram Jacobson, NIS-1 Steven Love, NIS-2 Andrew Zardecki, NIS-7 ... DOE Office of... more
We survey recent developments in off-beam cloud lidar and especially the Wide Angle Imaging Lidar (WAIL) developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). By abandoning the single backscattering assumption of standard (on-beam) lidar in... more
We describe a new type of lidar instrument, Wide-Angle Imaging Lidar (WAIL), designed to study and directly make use of multiple scattering in clouds. Providing time-resolved imagery over a 60°field of view, the new instrument captures... more
The discovery of persistent spectral hole burning in the infrared vibrational modes of simple molecular impurities in the chalcogenide glasses, the first instances of non-electronic persistent hole burning in covalently bonded glasses,... more
The Wide-Angle Imaging Lidar (WAIL), a new instrument that measures cloud optical and geometrical properties by means of off-beam lidar returns, was deployed as part of a multi-instrument campaign to probe a cloud field at the Atmospheric... more
This paper describes the design and characteristics of a scanning spectral polarimeter designed to measure spectral radiances and fluxes in the range between 0.4 and 4.0 m. The instrument characteristics are described, and the procedures... more