Papers by Magda Szarota
Disability Studies Quarterly, 2021
No abstract available.
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible, 2020
Disability oftentimes tends to be associated with misfortune, personal tragedy, passivity, and de... more Disability oftentimes tends to be associated with misfortune, personal tragedy, passivity, and dependency. However, a closer look at the actual history of the disabled people’s movement and disability studies reveals stories of imagining disability and therefore societies differently.
Wstęp "Nic o nas bez nas" głosi hasło ruchu na rzecz osób z niepełnosprawnościami 1 spopularyzowa... more Wstęp "Nic o nas bez nas" głosi hasło ruchu na rzecz osób z niepełnosprawnościami 1 spopularyzowane w latach 90. przez Jamesa Charltona i Davida Wernera. Hasło to w zwięzły sposób oddaje kluczowe postulaty aktywizmu osób z niepełnosprawnościami, czyli walkę o godność i podmiotowość w relacjach z systemem opieki społecznej i medycznej, jak również uznanie za pełnoprawnych obywateli i obywatelki oraz uczestników i uczestniczki życia społecznego. Hasło to przyświecało również nam, redaktorkom niniejszego numeru specjalnego poświęconego polskim studiom o niepełnosprawności (ang. disability studies). Zgodnie z myślą przewodnią tej obecnie bardzo intensywnie rozwijającej się dziedziny naukowej nieodłącznie splecionej z aktywizmem, badania o niepełnosprawności powinny uwzględniać jak najwięcej głosów oraz perspektyw, zwłaszcza osób z niepełnosprawnościami, które są aktywistami i aktywistkami oraz naukowcami i naukowczyniami, tak by obraz zjawiska, jakim jest niepełnosprawność, nie był tworzony wyłącznie przez pełnosprawnych badaczy i badaczki, z których część rości sobie prawo do definiowania i opisywania tego, co nie jest ich doświadczeniem. Dlatego w numerze oprócz klasycznych artykułów naukowych znaleźć można teksty wychodzące poza schemat akademicki, a nawet zcrippowane 2 , takie jak definicje pojęć kluczowych w aktywizmie czy wywiad z twórcami i twórczyniami Teatru 21.
Association of Women with Disabilities, established in 2004, is the first non-governmental... more Association of Women with Disabilities, established in 2004, is the first non-governmental organization in Poland devoted to addressing the intersection of gender and disability as well as disablism and sexism. It is also the first Polish non-governmental organization funded and run by disabled women for other disabled women but also allies of disabled women and disabled people in general. It focuses on educational, raising-awareness and advocacy initiatives – and has initiated a variety of pioneering projects, which gained recognition in Poland and abroad. represents disabled women in the media, variety of expert bodies in Poland (e.g. Polish Ombudsman Office) as well is active in pan-European initiatives (e.g. organized by the European Disability Forum). Women Enabled International (WEI) works at the intersection of women's rights and disability rights to advance the rights of women and girls with disabilities around the world. Through advocacy and education, WEI increases international attention to—and strengthens international human rights standards on—issues such as violence against women, sexual and reproductive health and rights, access to justice, education, legal capacity, and humanitarian emergencies. Working in collaboration with women with disabilities rights organizations and women's rights organizations worldwide, WEI fosters cooperation across movements to improve understanding and develop cross-cutting advocacy strategies to realize the rights of all women and girls. Submission Summary This submission describes human rights violations against women and girls with disabilities in Poland. These violations include discrimination, stereotypes, exclusion from public participation, and lack of data collection; higher rates of gender-based violence; sexual and reproductive rights violations including forced sterilization and abortion as well as lack of access to respectful maternal health care, contraception, and abortion services and comprehensive sexuality education; discrimination in education and employment; and denial of legal capacity. This submission also outlines how Poland's reservations to the CRPD impact women and girls with disabilities and violate the object and purpose of the treaty, calling on Poland to withdraw those reservations. Through this submission, our organizations make the following key recommendations: Engage women and girls with disabilities and their organizations in consultation, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of programs, initiatives, policies, and laws that affect them.
Reports outlining the situation regarding girls and women
with disabilities in the different coun... more Reports outlining the situation regarding girls and women
with disabilities in the different countries, national disability councils or European NGOs. The publication marks the 10th anniversary of the European Disability Forum
Manifesto by Girls and Women with Disabilities.
Pierwsze w Polsce kompendium wiedzy nt. łączenia edukacji historycznej i edukacji o prawach człow... more Pierwsze w Polsce kompendium wiedzy nt. łączenia edukacji historycznej i edukacji o prawach człowieka i na ich rzecz w wymiarze teoretycznym i metodologicznym.
Books by Magda Szarota
‘The (Non)Attendance List: Disability in School Textbooks’ is the first research project in Polan... more ‘The (Non)Attendance List: Disability in School Textbooks’ is the first research project in Poland, implemented in the field of disability studies in three dimensions: descriptive, normative and advocacy-wise,
and concerning the issues of: disability, education, education system, culture (including cultural policy), social and cultural diversity. A comprehensive study of the representation of disability in school
textbooks has not been carried out so far. The project was carried out by a team of female activists with disabilities and non-disabled female researchers who are allies of the movement of people with
disabilities. The main objective of the study ‘(Non)Attendance List: Disability in School Textbooks’ was to reconstruct the way disability and people with disabilities are presented in school textbooks and to
indicate in what contexts and ways disability is defined and represented.
The study involved the analysis of 75 textbooks used for all subjects at all stages of education (early, primary- and secondary-school education).
Utopie Kobiet 100 lat praw wyborczych kobiet (1918-2018), 2019
Rozdział w książce "Utopie Kobiet 100 lat praw wyborczych kobiet (1918-2018)"
Zespół Turnera. Głosy i doświadczenia., 2019
Book Reviews by Magda Szarota
Disability Studies Quarterly , 2021
Review of: Pettinicchio, David. Politics of Empowerment: Disability Rights and the Cycle of Ameri... more Review of: Pettinicchio, David. Politics of Empowerment: Disability Rights and the Cycle of American Policy Reform. Stanford UP, 2019.
Papers by Magda Szarota
with disabilities in the different countries, national disability councils or European NGOs. The publication marks the 10th anniversary of the European Disability Forum
Manifesto by Girls and Women with Disabilities.
Books by Magda Szarota
and concerning the issues of: disability, education, education system, culture (including cultural policy), social and cultural diversity. A comprehensive study of the representation of disability in school
textbooks has not been carried out so far. The project was carried out by a team of female activists with disabilities and non-disabled female researchers who are allies of the movement of people with
disabilities. The main objective of the study ‘(Non)Attendance List: Disability in School Textbooks’ was to reconstruct the way disability and people with disabilities are presented in school textbooks and to
indicate in what contexts and ways disability is defined and represented.
The study involved the analysis of 75 textbooks used for all subjects at all stages of education (early, primary- and secondary-school education).
Book Reviews by Magda Szarota
with disabilities in the different countries, national disability councils or European NGOs. The publication marks the 10th anniversary of the European Disability Forum
Manifesto by Girls and Women with Disabilities.
and concerning the issues of: disability, education, education system, culture (including cultural policy), social and cultural diversity. A comprehensive study of the representation of disability in school
textbooks has not been carried out so far. The project was carried out by a team of female activists with disabilities and non-disabled female researchers who are allies of the movement of people with
disabilities. The main objective of the study ‘(Non)Attendance List: Disability in School Textbooks’ was to reconstruct the way disability and people with disabilities are presented in school textbooks and to
indicate in what contexts and ways disability is defined and represented.
The study involved the analysis of 75 textbooks used for all subjects at all stages of education (early, primary- and secondary-school education).