Hi everyone! I am back for the moment. Still really buzy with the kids and such. And I have also decided to go back to work. With the economy the way it is, it is just getting to hard to stay home and make ends meet. So I still really want to be part of the groups I have joined, I just might not be as present as I have been in the past.

Anyway...Here are a couple of Halloween cards I made for my boys. Before I hear about..Yes I realize I did use what would be considered Christmas colors but there was a method to my madness!
I used the green color cuz I figured stinky feet would be gross, green and moldy! Yuck! I then choose red for blood and guts. And I just didnt want to go for the traditional orange. So there ya go...that is how I got Halloween cards the color of Christmas cards!
Thanks for stopping by!