Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fresh flowers hand bouquet 🌸

Fresh flowers hand bouquet starting from rm85. Any inquiry whatsapp or SMS to 01126101430, or email me [email protected]. For hantaran fresh flowers you can also whatsapp or email, rm60 per hantaran. Thanks 🌸

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hantaran 2014

Price for 2014: Hantaran fresh flower rm60 per dulang inclusive with sewa dulang but if you want to use your own dulang the price would be rm55 only! Fresh flower hand bouqet price is rm80. 

Any inquiry email me at [email protected] or whatsapp me at 01126101430. Thanks! 😊

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hantaran for your big day?

Price per dulang inclusive with dulang rental is rm60 , but if you are using your own dulang the price would be rm55 . I'm using all fresh flowers. Book a month earlier if possible to avoid any clash and date full booked . Any other inquiry email me at [email protected] or whatsapp me at 01126101430 . Thanks 😊 

P/s: harga naik sikit from rm55 to rm60 disebabkan harga bunga pon banyak naik . So nak tanak i pon terpaksa naikkan harga sikit . Dkt Msia semua benda harga nak naik kan . Harap maklum ✌️

Friday, November 8, 2013

November is my month

Hello! alhamdullilah i just turned 23 on 5 november. what a blessed! :)) dalam usia 23 tahun ni banyak jugak yang i dah achieve as a human being, being a mom and wife at the age of 23, a final year accounting student, a daughter to Dr.Mohd Daud and Pn.Faizah and most of all a servant to Allah s.w.t. i'm improving myself dari segala sudut. trying to be better from time to time. banyak lagi nak kena ubah, ubah ke arah kebaikan. apart from that, i've started my so called small business which is decorating hantaran for those yang nak kahwin or tunang etc. price range rm50-rm60 per hantaran (promote jap :p)

I have two more weeks before final exams started. i just started going to class back for the last 3 weeks. harini ke 31 pantang i dah pergi kelas hihi. banyak sangat nak kena catch up. like seriously! three papers on this semester. so doakan i okay pass semua subject! after habis exam, will be quite busy with my abang's wedding that will be happening on mid of December. got some hantaran to do at the end of nov and dec as well. busy busy busy. but anyway, hujung tahun nanti i akan pergi holiday to Melbourne and Sydney for 2 weeks! excited! Adelea pon ikut sekali. hehe her first holiday abroad . wuuuuu!

Dalam masa yang same, i nak pergi ambik barang barang i yang i tinggalkan dekat Wollongong dulu. banyak jugak lah, more than 10 boxes (small boxes), 1 big luggage and 2 small luggage as i can recall. i tinggalkan barang barang i tu dekat rumah kak wanie who is a malaysian but now an Austalian resident since she works as a doctor in Wollongong and  rumah kawan i, if you remember i always mention her in my blog before when i stayed in Wollongong, Pai Theartsoul, a cute girl who have a big passion in photography. selalu dia yang tangkap gambar i. ingat tak? hehe. kalau tak ingat scroll balik entry lame i :p

After habes holiday, i will be busy with my side job, doing hantaran. i love my side job! penat sikit but puas hati because i'm doing things that i like. decorating, designing. tak ade lah pandai sangat pon :p and insyaAllah ingat nak start kerja with my dad's company on January next month but still considering depending on my tahap kerajinan dan kemalasan. nak kena tinggal Adelea lame lame itu yang i tak suka. kalau pergi kelas sekejap pon dah rindu acane. nanti dia dah besar sikit mesti lagi tak boleh nak tinggal lama lama. oh mummy loves you so much Adelea. you are everything to me now! and forever!

Ok emo sekejap. lepas jadi mummy ni hati cepat betul tersentuh i mean hati jadi fragile sikit. memang cenggitu eh? lagi lagi kalau hal berkaitan dengan anak. haishh. lagi geram and sedih bila tengok budak kena dera pukul dekat taska ish tak boleh terima betul lah. tak ade perasaan ke pengasuh tu semua??!! patutnya kena tangkap kasi sebat masuk penjara je sebab buat budak kecik and bayi macam tu. takde hati perasaan betul. even binatang pon ada perasaan tau! Malaysia should do something about it. kena kuatkan undang2. pasang CCTV dekat semua taska taski tasku semua semualah pusat penjagaan.

Parents pon kena ambik berat and beri perhatian lebih sikit dalam hal ni. selagi boleh jaga sendiri, jaga lah sendiri. selagi boleh tinggalkan anak dekat relatives or saudara terdekat, lagi bagus. orang zaman sekarang ni bukan boleh percaya sangat. scary huh? nak keluar memana pon takut sekarang ni, dengan kes tembak menembak, tikam sana sini. masyaAllah apa lah nak jadi dengan dunia sekarang ni. hati hati lah ye semua jaga diri baik baik. perempuan kalau keluar kena berteman seeloknya. benda kalau nak jadi bukan kita boleh jangka kan. eh tak pasal pasal dah melencong cakap pasal benda lain, hahaha

Semalam episod last Love you mr.arrogant! siapa tengok angkat tangan? saya saya pon tengok jugak! hehe okay ending dia best, i suka cerita tu seriously. macam sweet sweet gitu. kalau sayang macam mana pon, hati yang keras pon boleh jadi lembut. tak gitu? hopefully lepas ni ada lagi drama best best! okay lah i think the entry is long enough for you guys to read. ada lagi tak orang nak baca blog ni? *wondering*. till next time. ada masa lagi i update lagi okay. insyaAllah. jaga diri semua. oh Adelea dah 47 hari harini. lagi 2 minggu majlis akikah dia. tak sabarnyaa! ;) okay thanks for reading this entry!

*Mummy Adelea Jasmyne
p/s: senyum tak perlu kata apa apa :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Hi, assalamualaikum semua :) harini Adelea Jasmyne dah 17 hari. cepat kan masa berlalu. nanti tup tap tup tap Adelea pon dah besar. i am currently enjoying myself being a mom. quite tough jugak at first but now i have use to it already hihi. saja je update blog nak cerita pengalaman jadi seorang ibu selama dua minggu ni dan juga berpantang dalam masa yang sama. lagi 23 hari je lagi tempoh berpantang i nak habes. adoidoidoiii rasa lama sangat okay.

Satu sebab rasa lama, yelah dok terperap dalam rumah kan. bosan taktau nak buat ape. lepas tu bukan semua benda i boleh makan. banyak benda tak boleh makan daripada boleh makan. lepas tu nak kena pakai stokin bagai, makan itu ini, zzzzzzz tapi the best part is kena urut. haritu kena urut 3 hari berturut turut wuuu best gila rasa ringan je badan ;) tapi sebenarnya time pantang ni lah kita kena jaga betul betul. memang lah nampak sihat sekarang. dah tua?

Tapi sebenarnya pantang ni untuk kebaikan masa hadapan, for long term purposes. ada setengah orang yang tak berpantang, tak jaga badan, usually bila dah berumur mula lah sakit itu ini, betul tak? dengar dari pengalaman orang jugak. lagi lagi kalau yang bersalin operation, lagi lah nak kena jaga macam macam. okay nak cerita pasal pengalaman dapat jadi ibu, i think it is the best feeling ever lah! malam pertama haritu agak seksa jugak sebab tak biasa kan.

Memang tak tidur lah i dengan hubby berjaga malam jaga baby Adelea. sekejap sekejap baby bangun nak susu lah, pampers basah lah, itu ini. kekadang tu kitorang lost taktau dia nangis sebab ape. hihi kelakar je bila ingat mula mula jaga Adelea. tapi from day to day, kitorang pon dah improve diri masing masing. dah tahu selok belok nak jaga baby ni. waktu tidur pon dah okay compare to day first. tapi still tak cukup tidur jugak haha. bangun susukan baby dan lain lain,

Tapi disebabkan i berpantang dekat rumah my mom, so usually after subuh my mom dah bangun i akan serahkan tugas jaga baby Adelea dekat my mom haha, i dengan hubby masa tu lah nak tidur dengan aman damai dan nyenyak. hehe dapat jugaklah tidur 2-3 jam tiap tiap pagi lepas subuh. lagipon my mom yang akan mandikan baby Adelea semua. i dengan hubby tak berani lagi nak mandikan. walaupun Adelea ni badan dah tegap, tapi still have no guts.

Adelea besar sikit ataupun dah sebulan lebih nanti boleh lah kot i mandikan sendiri. senang je jaga Adelea ni, die tak meragam banyak pon. menangis pon kalau nak susu and kalau pampers basah je. alhamdullilah so far dia sihat :) best sangat jadi seorang ibu ni, walaupun dalam masa yang sama i ade banyak lagi komitmen lain, still belajar lagi, tapi insyaAllah i harap semua nya akan dipermudahkan. nak tengok gambar Adelea banyak dekat instagram i ;)

Okay enuf said i think, Adelea pon nampak gaya macam nak bangun susu.
Till then lovely readers,

Thank you for reading this entry!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Adelea Jasmyne Syamsul Asyraf

Alhamdullilah alhamdullilah praise to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala :))

There are few moments in my life that will forever seared into my memory in exact details. and entry ni is one of it. this is the story of how Adelea Jasmyne came into this world. my baby Adelea Jasmyne. our first baby. still cant believe i just give a birth to a wonderful baby girl. Monday, 23 September 2013, i knew that i'm going to be induce by a doctor that morning. the reason i kena induce is risau baby overweight and may lead to operation which i really don't want it to happened. due date sebenarnya 27 September 2013. so awal dalam 4 hari.

I went to the hospital, KPJ Ampang around 2am. doctor said i have to be at the hospital by 6am. so after had my last MCD before confinement period :p hubby and i went straight to the hospital. we check into the room around 3am. a single bedroom was full that night. we have to share with another married couple which just give birth through operation a day before. we slept about1-2 hours and then the nurse came. she started with the process. i dah start nervous sikit sikit dah masa tu. hanya Allah saja yang tahu. they induce me around 8am.

So the real process of giving birth has started. dup dap dup dap dalam hati. masa tu relax lagi sebab tak rasa sakit ape lagi. but then around 11 am ive started to feel something is not right with my tummy. contraction is getting painful from time to time. nurse datang nak check dah bukak berapa cm. its 2cm! around 1pm the pain is getting harder, i couldnt stand anymore and they brought me to the labour room and gave me some painkiller and gas to reduce my pain. i was deeply sleep after that dalam 3 jam jugak. tidur tak hengat dunia dah!

I woke up, and saw my hubby sitting next to me. the pain has gone. i feel relieved at the moment. but the journey to give birth only half way through. nurse keep coming to the labour room to check up on me. berapa cm dah bukak bla blaa blaaa. i really hate it when they doing that. so uncomfortable you know :3 and around 5pm, one indian nurse came who is really really really nice. i felt very calm when i'm with her. she asked me whether i wanted some epidural untuk process bersalin nanti. i was blur and asked her 'what is epidural?'

So after she explained, then i knew that it was a painkiller that we can choose to take or not which could lessen your pain 80% and maybe more. it cost around 1k. so bila dengar macamtu, orang yang lemah semangat macam i ni memang akan terus agree lah. haha. sakit contraction sikit tadi pon i dah macam orang gila :p so doctor bius datang half an hour after that. i thought it was going to be very painful. yelah injection kan. but it was very smooth and i didnt feel any pain at all. alhamdullilah :) lepas tu i dah start rasa kebas sikit demi sikit.

After maghrib, the nurse came to check on me, masa tu i dah bukak 6cm. so diorang nak kena pecahkan air ketuban i. orang cakap sakit kan? but sebab epidural it was less painful. rasa sikit sikit je sakitnya. then approximately around 8.15 they started with the main process of giving birth. i was really nervous like really nervous! hubby was with me all the time. he keep playing surah maryam through the phone. the doctor came afterwards and within 20 minutes, after few attempts of pushing, then i can listen my baby first cry.

I was relieved and touched :')

I saw it as a once in a lifetime event and experience. it was scary at first but at the end it is yet a good experience for me. alhamdullilah :) the baby is healthy alhamdullilah. i pon sihat syukur alhamdullilah. dah bersaling tu memang penat yang amat lah badan. i vomited few times after that sebab effect epidural. all the family members came that night. baby datang dekat bilik i around 11am selepas dah mandi semua. then they brought her back to nursery because i need a good rest that night. i fell asleep after that. malam tu dapat bilik single.

Now i tengah berpantang di rumah my mom. so after everything is under control. alhamdullilah. just malam lah kena berjaga sebab baby every hour bangun. still dah biasakan diri but i will get used to it. i have to. so thats a little bit story of my experience giving birth to Adelea Jasmyne. thank you to everyone's wishes, pray and everything. it meant a lot to me. i hope i could be the best mom for her. i love you Adelea Jasmyne. and to my hubby, thank you for taking care of me! me and Adelea loves you so very much :* okay till then,

Thank you for reading this entry!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Expecting a baby girl soon ..

Hello readers, yeah its been a while i should say. my last post was about 2 months ago. i have no idea if there is still someone that is and will be reading my blog. due to my kemalasan yang teramat sangat lagi lagi di kemuncak kehamilan hehe. 4 days left before i bersalin. can you believe it? how times fly. supposedly my due date is 27 September but because of certain reason doctor nak induce awal. the baby is quite overweight. haritu last checkup pon dah 3.2kg. risau kalau tunggu 27 September berat baby almost 4kg and kalau berat macamtu ada kemungkinan kena operation.

So disebabkan nak avoid dari operation, yes of course i prefer bersalin normal, doctor reschedule bersalin awal sikit. doakan semuannya dipermudahkan okay. i takut takut nervous jugak ni sebab yelah first time experience kan. dengar experience orang lain macam macam tapi tak boleh nak compare sebab lain orang lain rasa dan pengalamannya. i harap sangat baby keluar dengan sihat dan tak ada masalah apa. i pon harap dapat bersalin dengan mudah. i have starting taking air selusuh which people say could make things easier. apepon kita berdoa dan bertawakal je dekat Allah s.w.t :)

Recently, i had 2 surprise baby shower! it was a big surprise for me sebab i didnt expect any of friend would do such a thing for me :') it was truly a blessed. a first baby shower was organized by a friend of mine from Highschool, Ikha. my hubby pon joined komplot dengan diorang. i macam tak percaya my hubby boleh komplot dengan kawan2 i. haha but it was a good suprise and i really had so much fun that night. will all the presents, cute doorgift, balloons, friends etc. thank you to everyone that involved. i just appreciate everything you all did that night. it really makes my day. sangat sangat!

*masa ni dah 36 weeks

The 2nd baby shower was organized by my friend masa dekat UIA foundation dulu. i dulu pernah belajar dekat UIA Nilai fyi to those yang tak tahu. i buat foundation for one semester only before moving to Dubai. okay actually they want to have a quick dinner with me at TGI Friday Wangsa Walk. so my hubby send me there and we had a normal chit chat and dinner, laughing here and there. and suddenly the TGI Friday's staff came to me with the balloons, cakes, the pop pop things, and they shouted a bit to make the situation became chaos. i was really shocked and 'malu'. muka sangat lah merah :O

They even asked me to sing a song. haha which didnt happened and wouldnt happened. seriously. siapa yang pernah buat suprise party kt TGI confirm tahu staff diorang akan suprisekan korang macammane hehe. alhamdullilah with all the surprises and loves that everyone gave me. i am truly happy :) thank you so much. so far preparation nak dapat baby ni dah almost 99%. tak sabar sangat nak jumpa baby kite tapi nervous sangat at the same time. contraction makin kuat hari ke hari. thanks to my hubby sebab tak penat jaga i sebab selalu jaga tiap tiap malam sebab sakit yang amat sangat. hihi 

I love you hubby and i couldn't asked for more! be a good daddy okay. hot daddy :p anyway, i hope this short entry could tell you a little bit of what is going on with my life right now. I AM CURRENTLY EXPECTING A BABY GIRL IN 4 DAYS!!!! :)) hopefully nanti dah ada baby, i will be able to update this blog lagi. insyaAllah. i akan berpantang di rumah my mom. so kalau nak datang visit meh lah datang rumah my mom hihi. last but not leastly, thank you for reading this entry. doakan semuannya akan berjalan dengan lancar nanti ye. i akan upload gambar baby i nanti insyaAllah when i have time ;)


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fresh flower hantaran update rm50 per dulang

                      RM50 per dulang
 Any inquiry email me at [email protected]

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hari raya entri di minggu terakhir puasa

Alhamdullilah dah 3 minggu kite puasa kan, cepat betul masa berjalan. so tinggal lagi 6 hari je lagi before ramadhan meninggalkan kita semua. ramadhan kali ni i tinggal 2 hari je puasa. yayy! sebenarnya pregnant boleh dapat exception tak payah puasa tapi nanti kena ganti balik tapi memandangkan i larat je nak puasa so better puasa je lah. nak berganti nanti lagi lah malas puasa sorang sorang. weee tak sabar nya nak raya! how's your preparation so far? dah beli baju raya ke? kasut raya? kuih raya dah banyak ke buat? hehe.

Soalan random yang akan ditanya oleh semua orang yang nak sambut raya. excited gitteww. i tak buat baju raya banyak pon, sehelai dua je itupon kaftan sahaja yang boleh i pakai for now. nak buat nak beli pon rasa macam membazir je nanti lepas bersalin dah tak boleh pakai dah. so pakai jelah apa yang ade. next year baru boleh meriah sikit dengan baby lagi nanti, by that time baby pon dah almost nak setahun dah kot. boleh lah design baju kurung yang omel omel untuk baby kite nanti. haha fikir pasal raya tahun depan pulok dah :p

I still tak tahu lagi tahun ni beraya dekat mana, maybe dekat Gombak je or maybe balik K.Terengganu. tapi rasanya macam raya dekat KL je. i pon dah sarat ni esok cukup 8 bulan usia kandungan i. fuhh lagi sebulan lebih je lagi mummy and daddy nak jumpa baby. serious tak sabar. nama baby pon kitorang dah cari but tak finalize lagi. barang baby dah 50% settled. ada lagi sikit sikit nak kena beli. oh i am so excited! next monday ada baby checkup. hopefully everything goes well and baby pon sihat walafiat macam mummy and daddy dia hihi.

Last checkup, doctor said my baby a little bit overweight. sebab maybe my glucose consumption quite high and actually at the borderline level. so nak taknak i kena cut down and reduce my sugar consumption walaupun i rasa i tak ada lah makan benda manis sangat. makan macam biasa je tapi i memang agak sweet tooth sikit sekarang ni *eh pulak haha*,  tapi iyelah kan badan ibu mengandung ni macam macam boleh kena penyakit. penyakit yang tak ade pon and kite tak expect pon boleh datang. so kena lah jaga pemakanan etc. 

So basically thats it for this entry, dah lama sangat tak online pakai laptop. lama sangat sangat. kalau on laptop baru lah baru hupdate blog bersawang ni. tsk tsk. nanti dah ada baby hopefully mummy izzatie ni tak jadi lagi malas lah ye. because this blog is actually my passion. i love to write i love to share tapi keadaan kadang2 tu tak mengizinkan. cehhhh alasan gittewww dah malas tu malas jelah izzatie oi. okaylah, enjoy your last 6 day of ramadhan. selamat hari raya in advance in case i miss the chance to wish you nextweek :p

Thank you for reading this entry!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The exam is finally over

Hello, assalamualaikum, today i had my last exam paper, alhamdullilah its finally over :)) rasa lega yang amat sangat ok. now boleh lah fully concentrate on Ramadhan, preparation for raya, nak beli barang baby. i am so thrilled and excited! puasa and raya tahun ni semangat lebih sikit tak tahu kenapa. maybe sebab different from a year before and before kot. semalam berbuka di rumah in law i, meriah sangat sebab ramai ada. harini pulak berbuka dekat rumah mama i. esok insyaAllah nak berbuka di rumah sendiri kot dengan hubby ;)

Maybe lepas ni i ada masa sikit kot nak update blog i ni, korang kasi lah idea dekat i nanti nak tulis ape eh hehe sebab i kekadang tu memang tak ada idea langsung nak tulis apa (ceh padahal pemalas). anyway, ada ramai tanya gambar hantaran i posted in previous entry siapa yang buat semua kan, maybe ade yang miss entry i before before ni kot, i yang buat hantaran tu semua hikhikhik. i'm taking orders and doing it as a part time job. so kalau berminat nak i buatkan, feel free to inbox/direct message me on Facebook or my email okay.

After raya quite full jugak orang mintak i buatkan hantaran. seronok sebenarnya buat benda ni walaupun penat sikit tapi rasa best sebab i memang minat kerja kerja mengubah, hias, decorate ke apa apa lah yang seangkatan dengannya hihi. bulan Ramadhan ni pulak i da start sibuk buatkan hamper raya for my dad's company untuk diorang distribute to their client etc. usually my dad tempah je dekat mana mana tempat tapi this year i mintak dekat my dad nak tolong buatkan. boleh cari side income sikit kan, syiokkkk sangat sangat hihi.

Its not all about money pon, i memang suka buat benda benda kerja macamni semua. plus after habis degree ni pon i dont feel like getting a job as an accountant or kerja dekat office. i tak suka kerja duduk atas kerusi mengadap desktop and kena ikut office hour. it is so not me haha. i nak buat business sendiri but anyway it depends macam mana situation nanti. my daddy dah insist nak hantar i kerja sini lah situ lah. kalau i nak pon kerja office, i kerja dekat office die jelah kot. senang sikit hihi boleh ngelat ngelat bila perlu :p

Harini hari kedua kite puasa kan, sekejap je masa berjalan. sedar tak sedar nanti dah nak raya dah kan. semalam i pi Bazar Ramadhan masyaAllah ramai betul orang dengan jalan jam sana sini. so hectic tapi meriah lah, iyelah suasana macam ni dapat rasa pon setahun sekali je kan. so far i okay je berpuasa tak ada lah penat sangat, baby pon tak meragam lagipon i tak miss sahur. kalau tak sahur rasanya tak larat jugak nak berpuasa. now pon baby dah masuk 7 bulan lebih dah. okay lah i think thats all for this entry; take care ye

I will see you again in the next entry ok, oh btw i ada upload video reception i hihi tengok lah kalau sudi :)
Thank you for reading this entry!