Showing posts with label serendipity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label serendipity. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I have two minutes to write something before I charge off to my day. I wanted to ask you, dear readers, if you are prone to noticing good omens when it comes to your creative output? For instance, I realized that the publisher, that I sent The Rock Walker to, has a name that consists of my favorite childhood doll's name and my best friend's last name! That seems so good to me. Will it if I get a rejection? Serendipity occurs often in my writing - without much effort on my part. When Malcolm and I wrote Death, the Musical - I insisted that the bartender in the After-Life Bar & Grill be named Beulah (my mother's middle name). The ALBG is of course the holding bar to Heaven or Hell. I found out later that the land right outside of the pearly gates is Beaulah Land. So!

And of course rainbows are always good luck! My two pals and buisness partners and I saw so many on this last trip. I include them in this posting.
What is good luck for you - not the "oh you're so lucky" variety but more omens and portents? And isn't serendipity the nicest word!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

18 of the Best

Today - the day I was nervous about - turned around and surprised me. When I do my workshop Being Human in a Messed-Up World it is usually to a small group of between 8 and 12. the youths in it range from 16 to 24 and they usually have more than a passing acquaintance with the court system and not as court reporters. I have designed it so that we work from 9 til 3 with a ten minute break every 50 minutes. I get through as much material as I can and at the rate that it can be taken in which varies greatly from group to group. I always start by parsing the title of the workshop and then by doing a go-around where I ask some variation of the following questions: What makes your socks run up and down? What are your goals? What are your obstacles? Then I make an agenda from that with the help of the participants. Sometimes it's pretty good - with interest and insights happening; sometimes it's horrid - with kids who can't settle even for a minute and one golden time I had a hundred dollars stolen from me. But today - today was sublime. Instead of 8 I had 18. Instead of kids with a strong interest in drugs, sex and crime I had 18 kids who liked video games and Pokemon and one who wants to be a choclatier. They had gone through the school system as ghosts. Sure they probably had good teachers and a system that may care about them but they didn't fit into the 'regular' population and to teens there is nothing more important. Since September they've been with kids who get them and teachers who choose them and a big old community college that is full of glorious outsiders and misfits and earnest beavers of every sort.

And so dear readers, I did what I love to do. I taught and played and preached and cajoled and laughed and taught a bit more. We explored intention, balance, ego-states, finding purpose, EFT (energy therapy). We talked about chickens and driving and fire drills and breathing while crying and talking while afraid. And it was good.

I'm going back. I'm going to do one there in place of the one that got pooched yesterday - the one I don't have to make up. I'm going. I'm going to make it up with this wonderful gang of 18.

This is a pic of my Grandmother on my Dad's side and his sisters...
don't they all look so nice and dear?