Books by Belskiy Stanislav
Archaeologia Medii Aevi Finlandiae XXV, 2018
The monograph is devoted to the publication of materials obtained in the course of excavations of... more The monograph is devoted to the publication of materials obtained in the course of excavations of the burial ground of Kalmistomäki in Kylälahti in the north-western Ladoga region in 2006–2009. Our goal is to introduce new archaeological sources into the domain of scientific studies. We focus particularly on the history of archaeological investigations in the western Ladoga region, the features of the burial rite at the site under study, the detailed description of the funerary complexes excavated, the typology of the artefacts found, the determination of their parallels from archaeological sites in neighbouring regions, and the development of burial chronology at the cemetery. Special attention is paid to analysing the assemblage of written sources from the 14th–16th centuries concerned with the history of the Kylälahti pogost (parish) of the Novgorod Land.
Гераклейский сборник V, 2021
СПб.: МАЭ РАН, 2019
Монография является итоговой работой, объединившей исследования последних десятилетий отечественн... more Монография является итоговой работой, объединившей исследования последних десятилетий отечественных
и зарубежных специалистов по восстановлению миграционных и культурных процессов восточной части Балтий-
ского региона в VI–III тыс. до н.э., а также по моделированию палеогеографической ситуации Нарвско-Лужского
междуречья. Исследование представляет данные для реконструкции древних культурных и природных процессов
в голоцене далеко за пределами рассматриваемой территории. Издание предназначено для специалистов по архео-
логии и палеогеографии, смежным специальностям, краеведов и всех интересующихся древней историей человека
и природы Прибалтийского региона.
Погребальные памятники Карельского перешейка и Северного Приладожья XI–XIII вв. Археологические исследования 2010–2016 гг., 2018
В книге на примере материалов Восточной Европы рассмотрена проблема
критериев оценки научной знач... more В книге на примере материалов Восточной Европы рассмотрена проблема
критериев оценки научной значимости опорных памятников и комплексов
Представлены результаты многолетних полевых исследований
двух стоянок тимоновско-юдиновской культурной традиции в палеолите
Десны, археологических материалов и комплексов мезолита — неолита
арельского перешейка, а также погребальных памятников Карельского
перешейка и Северного Приладожья
Издание рассчитано на археологов, историков и всех интересующихся
древней историей Восточной Европы.
Монография посвящена публикации материалов, полученных в ходе исследований могильника Кюлялахти К... more Монография посвящена публикации материалов, полученных в ходе исследований могильника Кюлялахти Калмистомяки в Северо-западном Приладожье в 2006-2009 годах. Цель публикации – введение в широкий научный оборот новых археологических и антропологических источников. Внимание авторов сосредоточено на истории археологических исследований в Северном Приладожье, особенностях погребальной обрядности изученного памятника, детальном описании открытых комплексов, типологии вещевых находок, поиске их параллелей в археологических памятниках сопредельных регионов, построении хронологии погребений могильника. Особое внимание уделено анализу комплекса письменных источников XIV-XVI веков, связанных с историей Кюлялашского погоста Новгородской земли.
Публикация предназначена не только для профессиональных археологов, но и историков, краеведов, преподавателей, а также для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся историей и культурой Северо-запада России, Финляндии и сопредельных регионов.
Papers by Belskiy Stanislav
Военная археология. Вып. 7, 2022
The article is devoted to the analysis of the find of the upper part of the sword with a diskshap... more The article is devoted to the analysis of the find of the upper part of the sword with a diskshaped
pommel and a straight cross-guard, made under random circumstances, on a private plot in the
village of Otsanlahti (Kurkijoki, Republic of Karelia). A set of restoration work was carried out with the
subject. The most important feature of the find is ornamentation and the technique of its application. It is
made of thin silver wire using the technique of notching on the surface of iron elements – the pommel and the
cross-guard. A mark of thin wire was discovered as result of using x-ray surveys of the blade. It is a vertical
cross with one crosshair and double serifs on the edges. The find can be placed in the context of a very
representative series of weapons decorated in such a technique. The most likely region of their production
should be sought in Southwest Finland or Gotland. Production time, presumably, can be determined by the
second half of the 12th century.
КСИА 266, 2022
The study of the composition of metal items from the excavations led by
N. M. Pechenkin at the B... more The study of the composition of metal items from the excavations led by
N. M. Pechenkin at the Belbek I cemetery in 1903–1905 identified a small group of finds
(a belt set and plate finger-rings) made of low-grade silver. These artifacts can be attributed to the category of items of prestige, therefore, probably, precious metal was used for
their manufacture, though strongly «diluted» with copper, in some cases, lead and tin.
As a result of a comparison of the alloy composition of these finds and the Roman silver
coins (antoninians) of the 3rd century AD a cautious assumption can be made that since
Roman silver coins did not circulate as monetary units among the local population in Taurica, they could be used to make jewelry and accessories. Antoninians reached Taurica
together with the Roman military contingent. In a barbarian environment, Roman imperial
coins were not used as money but were melted down and served as a material for jewelry,
along with other low-grade silver and bronze items in the form of scrap metal
Страницы Выборгской истории. Книга четвертая, 2020
Российская Археология, 2020
В 2017 г. экспедиция МАЭ РАН исследовала погребальный комплекс Калманиеми 1
(Kalmaniemi – фин. бу... more В 2017 г. экспедиция МАЭ РАН исследовала погребальный комплекс Калманиеми 1
(Kalmaniemi – фин. букв. “Мыс смерти”) в Лахденпохском районе Республики Карелия.
Объект локализован на высоком скалистом мысу северного побережья Ладожского озера.
Выявлено погребение, совершенное по обряду кремации на стороне. На площади раско-
па найдено 54 целых и 8 фрагментов железных ладейных заклепок, а также 3 скобы. Судя
по их распределению, над погребением было поставлено небольшое судно (деревянные ча-
сти не сохранились), около 6-7 м в длину, предположительно килем вверх. Также обнаружен
комплекс вооружения, характерный для эпохи викингов в IX–первой половине X в.: нако-
нечник копья, два боевых топора, три навершия плетей с шумящими привесками. Помимо
них найдены две стеклянные (одна в двух фрагментах) и одна сердоликовая бусины, побы-
вавшие в погребальном костре. Датировка подтверждается результатами радиоуглеродного
анализа кальцинированных костей из погребения. Погребальный комплекс Калманиеми 1
уникален для Северного Приладожья и Карелии в целом. Материалы памятника с очевид-
ностью подтверждают достаточно раннее присутствие скандинавов (или носителей сканди-
навской традиции) на северном побережье Ладожского озера.
In 2017, the expedition of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography RAS investigated
the burial complex of Kalmaniemi 1 (the Finnish for ‘Cape of Death’) in Lahdenpohja district
of the Republic of Karelia. The object is located on a high rocky cape on the northern coast
of Lake Ladoga. A burial was discovered that was performed according to the rite of secondary
cremation. In the excavation area, 54 whole iron boat rivets and 8 fragments of them, as well
as 3 staples, were found. Judging by their spatial distribution, a small vessel about 6-7 m long
was placed over the burial (wooden parts have not survived), presumably with its keel up. Besides,
the expedition discovered a weaponry complex typical of the Viking age in the 9th – the first
half of the 10th century: a spear tip, two battle axes, three lash pommels with rattling pendants.
In addition to them, two glass (two fragments of one item) and one carnelian beads were found
that had been exposed to the funeral pyre. The dating is confirmed by the results of radiocarbon
analysis of calcined bones from the burial. The Kalmaniemi 1 burial complex is unique for the
Northern Ladoga littoral and Karelia as a whole. The site materials clearly confirm rather early
presence of the Scandinavians (or carriers of the Scandinavian tradition) on the northern coast of
Lake Ladoga.
Новгород и Новгородская земля. История и археология, 2014
Tiverskiy Gorodok fortification was studied by archaeological expedition of MAE RAS in
2017. The ... more Tiverskiy Gorodok fortification was studied by archaeological expedition of MAE RAS in
2017. The site locates in Priozersky district of the Leningrad Region. The instrumental topographic plan was
made for the southern part of the fortification. Then, an excavation of 27 square meters was marked on the
rampart. The base of the rampart turned out to be a rock or a stony moraine surface. Three walls were built on it:
external, the remains of the inner wall and central. The inner walls were discovered for the first time. The remains
of the cultural layer of the settlement of an earlier period was found under the rampart. The coal of this horizon
received radiocarbon dating, indicating 11th–12th centuries. A lot of ceramics, burned bones, objects from the
Viking Age (the bronze divider of the belt and the “eye” bead), fragments of flint products were collected. Four
crossbow bolts of various types and an arrow-head were found as well. Probably, these finds are traces of the
1411 attack of the site.
Fennoscandia archaeologica, 2017
The present article is a publication of three newly found objects of worship called cup-marked st... more The present article is a publication of three newly found objects of worship called cup-marked stones or cup-stones. They were discovered in 2016 in the Karelian Isthmus (Priozersk District of Leningrad Oblast, Russia). The complex of archaeological monuments including cup-marked stones near the village of Ol'khovka is a unique phenomenon because it is the largest concentration of cup-stones in North-Western Russia. In autumn of 2015, within the area of the complex under consideration, road construction works were started. The imminent danger of demolition and a high probability of making new finds stimulated conduction of additional researches in April and May of 2016 in order to identify new objects and study more precisely the general structure of the complex and its presumable limits. In the course of field investigations yet other three cup-marked stones were found. The new finds of cup-stones suggest that the studies of the territory of this complex are not yet complete. There are serious grounds to search for new monuments of this type and this fact raises the scientific status of the site under consideration. As before, there is an actual problem of dating the objects discovered. It is necessary to recognize the entire area of localization of archaeological objects in this district as a single protected zone. This area should be preserved as a natural and historical ensemble constituting a single whole with the surrounding landscape. All the archaeological objects recorded should be preserved.
Краткие сообщения Института археологии Вып. 251. 2018, 2018
Latvijas Nacionâlâ vçstures muzeja rakstu krâjums Nr. 24 “Ceïâ uz latvieðu tautu”: rakstu krâjums. Riga, 2018 P. 115-122, 2018
Раннесредневековые погребальные памятники на Карельском перешейке: некоторые результаты текущих исследований
Резюме. Статья посвящена анализу особенностей погребальной обрядности населе-
ния Карельского пер... more Резюме. Статья посвящена анализу особенностей погребальной обрядности населе-
ния Карельского перешейка в X–XI вв. Памятники на этой территории представлены
комплексами почти поверхностных трупосожжений. Какие-либо видимые с совре-
менной поверхности надмогильные сооружения отсутствуют. Такие особенности за-
трудняют их выявление, фиксацию и организацию охраны. Погребальная обрядность
этого периода обладает локальным своеобразием. Но как явление культуры она мо-
жет быть помещена в контекст общности бескурганных могильников с кремациями,
охватывавшей огромные пространства севера Восточной Европы и восточной Балти-
ки в конце I тыс. н. э. Одновременно результаты текущих исследований позволяют
утверждать, что по облику и, очевидно, происхождению материальная культура дан-
ного региона являлась западно-финской и находилась под существенным воздействи-
ем скандинавской традиции.
Summary. This article presents an analysis of the types of burial rites of the mediaeval population
of the Karelian Isthmus in 10th–11th cent. The concerned sites in this territory are represented
by complexes of near-surface cremation burials. No above-grave structures visible
on the surface are here found. These peculiarities of the rite of the mediaeval population of
this region make it very difficult to identify and record them, as well as to organize their protection.
The funeral rites of this period has a local identity. But as a cultural phenomenon, it
can be treated in the context of community non-mound burials with cremation, which covered
vast expanses of North Eastern Europe and Eastern Baltic in the end Ist Millennium
AD. The recent data suggests that, judging by their form and perhaps origin, the material
culture of the region under consideration was of a West-Finnish character essentially influenced
by the Scandinavian tradition.
Ключевые слова: погребальная обрядность, погребальные памятники, матери-
альная культура, эпоха викингов, Карельский перешеек.
Key-words: funerary rites, funerary sites, material culture, Viking Age, Karelian
Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли. Семи- нар имени академика В. В. Седова: Материалы 61-го заседа- ния. Вып. 31. — М. : ИА РАН, 2016. — 472 с., ил., 2016
The paper deals with the problem of the distribution of the so-called zhalniky –
cemeteries with... more The paper deals with the problem of the distribution of the so-called zhalniky –
cemeteries with flat inhumation graves edged around their perimeter with stone settings of
circular, oval or rectangular shape. On the basis of new data a new region, where this burial
tradition has been recorded is singled out. It is Karelia and South-Eastern Finland.
Here, the sites are primarily associated with large cemeteries of local ecclesiastic centers.
It is likely that the emergence of the «Northern group» of zhalniky is associated with
the process of Christianization and the establishment of the Church institutions in the
peripheral areas of Novgorod land during the 14th and 17th centuries.
Keywords: middle ages, Novgorod land, funeral rite, inhumation.
Series of well-dated sites place the initial peopling of Finland and Karelia in the late Preborea... more Series of well-dated sites place the initial peopling of Finland and Karelia in the late Preboreal period. The results of investigations of the sites Borovskoye 1 and Borovskoye 2 site in the Karelian Isthmus are well in line with these data. The site Borovskoye 2 was partly excavated in 2012 in the area 1216 sq.m due to the extensive railway construcion works. A few accumulations of artifacts associated with firepaces were documented. 14C datings 9273±59 (Hela-3163) and 9336±58 (Hela-3164) were obtained from calcinated bones.
The lithic inventory (>3500 items) consists of quartz artifacts, including flakes, cores and few formal tools. Characteristics of the debitage indicate full cycle of preparing and utilizing quartz tools. The assemblage is distinguished by a considerable portion of blade-like flakes produced mainly by bipolar technique, though attempts to make blades using pressure technique or soft hammer percussion also couldn't be ruled out. Similar tendency has been traced in quartz assemblages of the Preboreal sites such as Kirkkolahti I in the north-west of Ladoga Lake region.
Весной 2015 г. был открыт могильник, расположенный на мысу Ристиниеми (северо-западный берег Ладо... more Весной 2015 г. был открыт могильник, расположенный на мысу Ристиниеми (северо-западный берег Ладожского озера, Республика Карелия). Погребения в нем совершались по обряду кремации. Среди ювелирных изделий и предметов вооружения, датирующихся XI в., присутствуют три монеты с признаками вторичного использования. Ими оказались милиарисий императоров Василия II и Константина VIII, 976—1025 гг., пенни Кнута Великого 976—1029 гг. и ранее неизвестный тип куфического дирхама времени Алидского восстания против Аббасидов (?), периода правления халифа аль-Хади, отчеканенный на монетном дворе Медины (?) в 16(?)9 г. х., с именем 'Али бин Джа'фара. Особенности системы размещения ушек и отверстий на монетах позволили провести реконструкции их положения в составе погребального убора и предположить возможность присутствия в нем многорядного ожерелья.
In the spring of 2015, a new cremation cemetery was discovered. The site is located on the Cape Ristiniemi (NorthWestern shore of the Ladoga Lake, Republic of Karelia). Three coins with signs of secondary use were found among jewelry
and weapons dating from the 11th century. They are a miliaresion of Emperors Basil II and Constantine VIII (976—1025),
a penny of Knut the Great (976—1029) and a previously unknown type of Kufic dirham. The last coin dates to the time of
revolt against the Abbasid (?), during the reign of Caliph al-Hadi, minted by Medina mint (?) in 16 (?)9 Hijri year with the name
of Ali bin Ja’far. The features of the arrangement of the lugs and holes in the coins allowed to reconstruct their positions in
funerary headdress and assume a possibility for presence of a multi-row necklace in it.
+ Приложение Металл эпохи Хунну могильника Терезин I (Тува )
С. В. Хаврин
Books by Belskiy Stanislav
и зарубежных специалистов по восстановлению миграционных и культурных процессов восточной части Балтий-
ского региона в VI–III тыс. до н.э., а также по моделированию палеогеографической ситуации Нарвско-Лужского
междуречья. Исследование представляет данные для реконструкции древних культурных и природных процессов
в голоцене далеко за пределами рассматриваемой территории. Издание предназначено для специалистов по архео-
логии и палеогеографии, смежным специальностям, краеведов и всех интересующихся древней историей человека
и природы Прибалтийского региона.
критериев оценки научной значимости опорных памятников и комплексов
Представлены результаты многолетних полевых исследований
двух стоянок тимоновско-юдиновской культурной традиции в палеолите
Десны, археологических материалов и комплексов мезолита — неолита
арельского перешейка, а также погребальных памятников Карельского
перешейка и Северного Приладожья
Издание рассчитано на археологов, историков и всех интересующихся
древней историей Восточной Европы.
Публикация предназначена не только для профессиональных археологов, но и историков, краеведов, преподавателей, а также для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся историей и культурой Северо-запада России, Финляндии и сопредельных регионов.
Papers by Belskiy Stanislav
pommel and a straight cross-guard, made under random circumstances, on a private plot in the
village of Otsanlahti (Kurkijoki, Republic of Karelia). A set of restoration work was carried out with the
subject. The most important feature of the find is ornamentation and the technique of its application. It is
made of thin silver wire using the technique of notching on the surface of iron elements – the pommel and the
cross-guard. A mark of thin wire was discovered as result of using x-ray surveys of the blade. It is a vertical
cross with one crosshair and double serifs on the edges. The find can be placed in the context of a very
representative series of weapons decorated in such a technique. The most likely region of their production
should be sought in Southwest Finland or Gotland. Production time, presumably, can be determined by the
second half of the 12th century.
N. M. Pechenkin at the Belbek I cemetery in 1903–1905 identified a small group of finds
(a belt set and plate finger-rings) made of low-grade silver. These artifacts can be attributed to the category of items of prestige, therefore, probably, precious metal was used for
their manufacture, though strongly «diluted» with copper, in some cases, lead and tin.
As a result of a comparison of the alloy composition of these finds and the Roman silver
coins (antoninians) of the 3rd century AD a cautious assumption can be made that since
Roman silver coins did not circulate as monetary units among the local population in Taurica, they could be used to make jewelry and accessories. Antoninians reached Taurica
together with the Roman military contingent. In a barbarian environment, Roman imperial
coins were not used as money but were melted down and served as a material for jewelry,
along with other low-grade silver and bronze items in the form of scrap metal
(Kalmaniemi – фин. букв. “Мыс смерти”) в Лахденпохском районе Республики Карелия.
Объект локализован на высоком скалистом мысу северного побережья Ладожского озера.
Выявлено погребение, совершенное по обряду кремации на стороне. На площади раско-
па найдено 54 целых и 8 фрагментов железных ладейных заклепок, а также 3 скобы. Судя
по их распределению, над погребением было поставлено небольшое судно (деревянные ча-
сти не сохранились), около 6-7 м в длину, предположительно килем вверх. Также обнаружен
комплекс вооружения, характерный для эпохи викингов в IX–первой половине X в.: нако-
нечник копья, два боевых топора, три навершия плетей с шумящими привесками. Помимо
них найдены две стеклянные (одна в двух фрагментах) и одна сердоликовая бусины, побы-
вавшие в погребальном костре. Датировка подтверждается результатами радиоуглеродного
анализа кальцинированных костей из погребения. Погребальный комплекс Калманиеми 1
уникален для Северного Приладожья и Карелии в целом. Материалы памятника с очевид-
ностью подтверждают достаточно раннее присутствие скандинавов (или носителей сканди-
навской традиции) на северном побережье Ладожского озера.
In 2017, the expedition of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography RAS investigated
the burial complex of Kalmaniemi 1 (the Finnish for ‘Cape of Death’) in Lahdenpohja district
of the Republic of Karelia. The object is located on a high rocky cape on the northern coast
of Lake Ladoga. A burial was discovered that was performed according to the rite of secondary
cremation. In the excavation area, 54 whole iron boat rivets and 8 fragments of them, as well
as 3 staples, were found. Judging by their spatial distribution, a small vessel about 6-7 m long
was placed over the burial (wooden parts have not survived), presumably with its keel up. Besides,
the expedition discovered a weaponry complex typical of the Viking age in the 9th – the first
half of the 10th century: a spear tip, two battle axes, three lash pommels with rattling pendants.
In addition to them, two glass (two fragments of one item) and one carnelian beads were found
that had been exposed to the funeral pyre. The dating is confirmed by the results of radiocarbon
analysis of calcined bones from the burial. The Kalmaniemi 1 burial complex is unique for the
Northern Ladoga littoral and Karelia as a whole. The site materials clearly confirm rather early
presence of the Scandinavians (or carriers of the Scandinavian tradition) on the northern coast of
Lake Ladoga.
2017. The site locates in Priozersky district of the Leningrad Region. The instrumental topographic plan was
made for the southern part of the fortification. Then, an excavation of 27 square meters was marked on the
rampart. The base of the rampart turned out to be a rock or a stony moraine surface. Three walls were built on it:
external, the remains of the inner wall and central. The inner walls were discovered for the first time. The remains
of the cultural layer of the settlement of an earlier period was found under the rampart. The coal of this horizon
received radiocarbon dating, indicating 11th–12th centuries. A lot of ceramics, burned bones, objects from the
Viking Age (the bronze divider of the belt and the “eye” bead), fragments of flint products were collected. Four
crossbow bolts of various types and an arrow-head were found as well. Probably, these finds are traces of the
1411 attack of the site.
ния Карельского перешейка в X–XI вв. Памятники на этой территории представлены
комплексами почти поверхностных трупосожжений. Какие-либо видимые с совре-
менной поверхности надмогильные сооружения отсутствуют. Такие особенности за-
трудняют их выявление, фиксацию и организацию охраны. Погребальная обрядность
этого периода обладает локальным своеобразием. Но как явление культуры она мо-
жет быть помещена в контекст общности бескурганных могильников с кремациями,
охватывавшей огромные пространства севера Восточной Европы и восточной Балти-
ки в конце I тыс. н. э. Одновременно результаты текущих исследований позволяют
утверждать, что по облику и, очевидно, происхождению материальная культура дан-
ного региона являлась западно-финской и находилась под существенным воздействи-
ем скандинавской традиции.
Summary. This article presents an analysis of the types of burial rites of the mediaeval population
of the Karelian Isthmus in 10th–11th cent. The concerned sites in this territory are represented
by complexes of near-surface cremation burials. No above-grave structures visible
on the surface are here found. These peculiarities of the rite of the mediaeval population of
this region make it very difficult to identify and record them, as well as to organize their protection.
The funeral rites of this period has a local identity. But as a cultural phenomenon, it
can be treated in the context of community non-mound burials with cremation, which covered
vast expanses of North Eastern Europe and Eastern Baltic in the end Ist Millennium
AD. The recent data suggests that, judging by their form and perhaps origin, the material
culture of the region under consideration was of a West-Finnish character essentially influenced
by the Scandinavian tradition.
Ключевые слова: погребальная обрядность, погребальные памятники, матери-
альная культура, эпоха викингов, Карельский перешеек.
Key-words: funerary rites, funerary sites, material culture, Viking Age, Karelian
cemeteries with flat inhumation graves edged around their perimeter with stone settings of
circular, oval or rectangular shape. On the basis of new data a new region, where this burial
tradition has been recorded is singled out. It is Karelia and South-Eastern Finland.
Here, the sites are primarily associated with large cemeteries of local ecclesiastic centers.
It is likely that the emergence of the «Northern group» of zhalniky is associated with
the process of Christianization and the establishment of the Church institutions in the
peripheral areas of Novgorod land during the 14th and 17th centuries.
Keywords: middle ages, Novgorod land, funeral rite, inhumation.
The lithic inventory (>3500 items) consists of quartz artifacts, including flakes, cores and few formal tools. Characteristics of the debitage indicate full cycle of preparing and utilizing quartz tools. The assemblage is distinguished by a considerable portion of blade-like flakes produced mainly by bipolar technique, though attempts to make blades using pressure technique or soft hammer percussion also couldn't be ruled out. Similar tendency has been traced in quartz assemblages of the Preboreal sites such as Kirkkolahti I in the north-west of Ladoga Lake region.
In the spring of 2015, a new cremation cemetery was discovered. The site is located on the Cape Ristiniemi (NorthWestern shore of the Ladoga Lake, Republic of Karelia). Three coins with signs of secondary use were found among jewelry
and weapons dating from the 11th century. They are a miliaresion of Emperors Basil II and Constantine VIII (976—1025),
a penny of Knut the Great (976—1029) and a previously unknown type of Kufic dirham. The last coin dates to the time of
revolt against the Abbasid (?), during the reign of Caliph al-Hadi, minted by Medina mint (?) in 16 (?)9 Hijri year with the name
of Ali bin Ja’far. The features of the arrangement of the lugs and holes in the coins allowed to reconstruct their positions in
funerary headdress and assume a possibility for presence of a multi-row necklace in it.
и зарубежных специалистов по восстановлению миграционных и культурных процессов восточной части Балтий-
ского региона в VI–III тыс. до н.э., а также по моделированию палеогеографической ситуации Нарвско-Лужского
междуречья. Исследование представляет данные для реконструкции древних культурных и природных процессов
в голоцене далеко за пределами рассматриваемой территории. Издание предназначено для специалистов по архео-
логии и палеогеографии, смежным специальностям, краеведов и всех интересующихся древней историей человека
и природы Прибалтийского региона.
критериев оценки научной значимости опорных памятников и комплексов
Представлены результаты многолетних полевых исследований
двух стоянок тимоновско-юдиновской культурной традиции в палеолите
Десны, археологических материалов и комплексов мезолита — неолита
арельского перешейка, а также погребальных памятников Карельского
перешейка и Северного Приладожья
Издание рассчитано на археологов, историков и всех интересующихся
древней историей Восточной Европы.
Публикация предназначена не только для профессиональных археологов, но и историков, краеведов, преподавателей, а также для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся историей и культурой Северо-запада России, Финляндии и сопредельных регионов.
pommel and a straight cross-guard, made under random circumstances, on a private plot in the
village of Otsanlahti (Kurkijoki, Republic of Karelia). A set of restoration work was carried out with the
subject. The most important feature of the find is ornamentation and the technique of its application. It is
made of thin silver wire using the technique of notching on the surface of iron elements – the pommel and the
cross-guard. A mark of thin wire was discovered as result of using x-ray surveys of the blade. It is a vertical
cross with one crosshair and double serifs on the edges. The find can be placed in the context of a very
representative series of weapons decorated in such a technique. The most likely region of their production
should be sought in Southwest Finland or Gotland. Production time, presumably, can be determined by the
second half of the 12th century.
N. M. Pechenkin at the Belbek I cemetery in 1903–1905 identified a small group of finds
(a belt set and plate finger-rings) made of low-grade silver. These artifacts can be attributed to the category of items of prestige, therefore, probably, precious metal was used for
their manufacture, though strongly «diluted» with copper, in some cases, lead and tin.
As a result of a comparison of the alloy composition of these finds and the Roman silver
coins (antoninians) of the 3rd century AD a cautious assumption can be made that since
Roman silver coins did not circulate as monetary units among the local population in Taurica, they could be used to make jewelry and accessories. Antoninians reached Taurica
together with the Roman military contingent. In a barbarian environment, Roman imperial
coins were not used as money but were melted down and served as a material for jewelry,
along with other low-grade silver and bronze items in the form of scrap metal
(Kalmaniemi – фин. букв. “Мыс смерти”) в Лахденпохском районе Республики Карелия.
Объект локализован на высоком скалистом мысу северного побережья Ладожского озера.
Выявлено погребение, совершенное по обряду кремации на стороне. На площади раско-
па найдено 54 целых и 8 фрагментов железных ладейных заклепок, а также 3 скобы. Судя
по их распределению, над погребением было поставлено небольшое судно (деревянные ча-
сти не сохранились), около 6-7 м в длину, предположительно килем вверх. Также обнаружен
комплекс вооружения, характерный для эпохи викингов в IX–первой половине X в.: нако-
нечник копья, два боевых топора, три навершия плетей с шумящими привесками. Помимо
них найдены две стеклянные (одна в двух фрагментах) и одна сердоликовая бусины, побы-
вавшие в погребальном костре. Датировка подтверждается результатами радиоуглеродного
анализа кальцинированных костей из погребения. Погребальный комплекс Калманиеми 1
уникален для Северного Приладожья и Карелии в целом. Материалы памятника с очевид-
ностью подтверждают достаточно раннее присутствие скандинавов (или носителей сканди-
навской традиции) на северном побережье Ладожского озера.
In 2017, the expedition of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography RAS investigated
the burial complex of Kalmaniemi 1 (the Finnish for ‘Cape of Death’) in Lahdenpohja district
of the Republic of Karelia. The object is located on a high rocky cape on the northern coast
of Lake Ladoga. A burial was discovered that was performed according to the rite of secondary
cremation. In the excavation area, 54 whole iron boat rivets and 8 fragments of them, as well
as 3 staples, were found. Judging by their spatial distribution, a small vessel about 6-7 m long
was placed over the burial (wooden parts have not survived), presumably with its keel up. Besides,
the expedition discovered a weaponry complex typical of the Viking age in the 9th – the first
half of the 10th century: a spear tip, two battle axes, three lash pommels with rattling pendants.
In addition to them, two glass (two fragments of one item) and one carnelian beads were found
that had been exposed to the funeral pyre. The dating is confirmed by the results of radiocarbon
analysis of calcined bones from the burial. The Kalmaniemi 1 burial complex is unique for the
Northern Ladoga littoral and Karelia as a whole. The site materials clearly confirm rather early
presence of the Scandinavians (or carriers of the Scandinavian tradition) on the northern coast of
Lake Ladoga.
2017. The site locates in Priozersky district of the Leningrad Region. The instrumental topographic plan was
made for the southern part of the fortification. Then, an excavation of 27 square meters was marked on the
rampart. The base of the rampart turned out to be a rock or a stony moraine surface. Three walls were built on it:
external, the remains of the inner wall and central. The inner walls were discovered for the first time. The remains
of the cultural layer of the settlement of an earlier period was found under the rampart. The coal of this horizon
received radiocarbon dating, indicating 11th–12th centuries. A lot of ceramics, burned bones, objects from the
Viking Age (the bronze divider of the belt and the “eye” bead), fragments of flint products were collected. Four
crossbow bolts of various types and an arrow-head were found as well. Probably, these finds are traces of the
1411 attack of the site.
ния Карельского перешейка в X–XI вв. Памятники на этой территории представлены
комплексами почти поверхностных трупосожжений. Какие-либо видимые с совре-
менной поверхности надмогильные сооружения отсутствуют. Такие особенности за-
трудняют их выявление, фиксацию и организацию охраны. Погребальная обрядность
этого периода обладает локальным своеобразием. Но как явление культуры она мо-
жет быть помещена в контекст общности бескурганных могильников с кремациями,
охватывавшей огромные пространства севера Восточной Европы и восточной Балти-
ки в конце I тыс. н. э. Одновременно результаты текущих исследований позволяют
утверждать, что по облику и, очевидно, происхождению материальная культура дан-
ного региона являлась западно-финской и находилась под существенным воздействи-
ем скандинавской традиции.
Summary. This article presents an analysis of the types of burial rites of the mediaeval population
of the Karelian Isthmus in 10th–11th cent. The concerned sites in this territory are represented
by complexes of near-surface cremation burials. No above-grave structures visible
on the surface are here found. These peculiarities of the rite of the mediaeval population of
this region make it very difficult to identify and record them, as well as to organize their protection.
The funeral rites of this period has a local identity. But as a cultural phenomenon, it
can be treated in the context of community non-mound burials with cremation, which covered
vast expanses of North Eastern Europe and Eastern Baltic in the end Ist Millennium
AD. The recent data suggests that, judging by their form and perhaps origin, the material
culture of the region under consideration was of a West-Finnish character essentially influenced
by the Scandinavian tradition.
Ключевые слова: погребальная обрядность, погребальные памятники, матери-
альная культура, эпоха викингов, Карельский перешеек.
Key-words: funerary rites, funerary sites, material culture, Viking Age, Karelian
cemeteries with flat inhumation graves edged around their perimeter with stone settings of
circular, oval or rectangular shape. On the basis of new data a new region, where this burial
tradition has been recorded is singled out. It is Karelia and South-Eastern Finland.
Here, the sites are primarily associated with large cemeteries of local ecclesiastic centers.
It is likely that the emergence of the «Northern group» of zhalniky is associated with
the process of Christianization and the establishment of the Church institutions in the
peripheral areas of Novgorod land during the 14th and 17th centuries.
Keywords: middle ages, Novgorod land, funeral rite, inhumation.
The lithic inventory (>3500 items) consists of quartz artifacts, including flakes, cores and few formal tools. Characteristics of the debitage indicate full cycle of preparing and utilizing quartz tools. The assemblage is distinguished by a considerable portion of blade-like flakes produced mainly by bipolar technique, though attempts to make blades using pressure technique or soft hammer percussion also couldn't be ruled out. Similar tendency has been traced in quartz assemblages of the Preboreal sites such as Kirkkolahti I in the north-west of Ladoga Lake region.
In the spring of 2015, a new cremation cemetery was discovered. The site is located on the Cape Ristiniemi (NorthWestern shore of the Ladoga Lake, Republic of Karelia). Three coins with signs of secondary use were found among jewelry
and weapons dating from the 11th century. They are a miliaresion of Emperors Basil II and Constantine VIII (976—1025),
a penny of Knut the Great (976—1029) and a previously unknown type of Kufic dirham. The last coin dates to the time of
revolt against the Abbasid (?), during the reign of Caliph al-Hadi, minted by Medina mint (?) in 16 (?)9 Hijri year with the name
of Ali bin Ja’far. The features of the arrangement of the lugs and holes in the coins allowed to reconstruct their positions in
funerary headdress and assume a possibility for presence of a multi-row necklace in it.
of chronology.
This paper is devoted to chronology of the ring brooches discovered in number of burial grounds on Karelian
isthmus (nowadays North-western Russia) dated to the Crusade and Post-Medieval Period. Ring brooches as a type
are very simple personal ornaments consisting of a more or less fl at metal band forming a circular frame and a pin
attached to one side of the frame. These ornaments were in use from its introduction in Early Middle Ages till the
Modern Period. The fi nds could be divided to seven main groups: the brooches with half-cabled frames, the brooches
with fl at frames and chevrons, the brooches without ornamentation, the brooches with inscriptions, the brooches
with fl at frames and clasped hands, non-circular brooches and the brooches with knobs. Their presence among
the Karelian complexes indicates the continuation of stable tendencies in material culture, which had appeared in
a more ancient period, as well as the direction of the external connections. The dating of a series of assemblages
revealed no controversy in the dates neither in correspondence with the Central-European nor Novgorod chronological
scales. Nor any “delaying” of the European imports has been revealed. This fact suggests that their importation was
dynamic and continuous notwithstanding the political collisions through a few centuries.