Papers by Geert Kelchtermans
De titel van dit boek, McOnderwijs in Vlaanderen, suggereert dat alle onderwijs koopbaar en verko... more De titel van dit boek, McOnderwijs in Vlaanderen, suggereert dat alle onderwijs koopbaar en verkoopbaar is en dat dit over de hele wereld hetzelfde is. Alle vergelijkingen lopen mank, maar helemaal fout is de suggestie hier niet. De laatste jaren is duidelijk geworden dat hoger onderwijs, net als goederen en andere diensten, door velen als koopwaar wordt gezien en dat dit fenomeen zich gelijk waar in de wereld voordoet. Universiteiten en hogescholen uit eigen land of uit vreemde landen proberen hun onderwijs te verkopen. Hoger onderwijs is in dit geval niet langer meer een dienst van de samenleving aan haar leden, maar wordt iets dat enkel ter beschikking komt van koopkrachtigen. Het hoger onderwijs staat geregeld op de maatschappelijke en de politieke agenda: structuren en autonomie, taalregeling, toelatingseisen en democratisering, ... en dus ook commercialisering en internationalisering. Want bij geen enkel onderwijsniveau is de internationale context zo belangrijk. Dit boek anal...
Ofschoon onderwijsbeleid formeel nog in eerste ,instantie toekomt aan de nationale staten (of dee... more Ofschoon onderwijsbeleid formeel nog in eerste ,instantie toekomt aan de nationale staten (of deelstaten) stellen we vast dat internationale organisaties de voorbije jaren steeds uitdrukkelijker een rol zijn gaan spelen in dit beleid. Vooral het hoger onderwijs mag zich "verheugen" in een groeiende belangstelling vanwege de internationale organisaties. In dit hoofdstuk buigen we ons over de vraag of en vooral op welke wijze die internationale organisaties een sturende rol spelen of trachten te spelen in het onderwijsbeleid. Daarbij beginnen we met een beknopte omschrijving van de macro-sociologische kenmerken die de huidige samenleving typeren en daarmee het decor vormen waartegen we de internationale invloeden op het onderwijs moeten begrijpen. Vervolgens gaan we exemplarisch in op de rol van de OESO en de EU en staan we uitvoeriger stil bij de invoering van de BAMA-structuur in Vlaanderen. Daarbij illustreren we telkens de beïnvloedings- en sturingsmechanismen. In het la...
3. Hoe zien het Vlaamse beleid en de Vlaamse instellingen voor hoger onderwijs de internationalis... more 3. Hoe zien het Vlaamse beleid en de Vlaamse instellingen voor hoger onderwijs de internationalisering en commercialisering van het hoger onderwijs en de verhouding daarvan met kwaliteit, democratisering, professionaliteit, …?
Beter leraren kunnen opleiden door het onderzoeken van je eigen praktijk als lerarenopleider, dat... more Beter leraren kunnen opleiden door het onderzoeken van je eigen praktijk als lerarenopleider, dat is de inzet van dit boek. Het is ook de inzet van LOEP: Lerarenopleiders Onderzoeken hun Eigen Praktijk. Met de LOEP-benadering introduceren we in het Nederlandse taalgebied het gedachtegoed van de “Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices”-beweging, die zich de voorbije twee decennia prominent ontwikkelde in het internationale onderzoek over de lerarenopleiding. In de LOEP-benadering gaan lerarenopleiders op zoek naar onderbouwde inzichten in hun eigen praktijk, met de bedoeling die praktijk te verbeteren. Door die kennis ook publiek te maken, dragen ze bouwstenen aan voor een gefundeerde didactiek van de lerarenopleiding. Leraren opleiden is immers een vak apart, dat vraagt om aparte professionals. Het boek gaat van start met de onderwijskundige uitgangspunten en principes van de LOEPbenadering. De systematische, theoretische introductie wordt meteen geconcretiseerd door uitvoerige v...
Teachers and Teaching Theory and Practice
Journal of Curriculum Studies, 2015
ABSTRACT This article reports on a systematic review of the Self-Study of Teacher Education Pract... more ABSTRACT This article reports on a systematic review of the Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices research literature published between 1990 and 2012. Self-study research refers to teacher educators researching their practice with the purpose of improving it, making explicit and validating their professional expertise and, at the same time, contributing to the knowledge base of teacher education. Reflecting our analysis, we defined self-study as a research approach in the field of teacher education which can be typified by the following characteristics: self-study research focuses on one’s own practice; for this reason, it privileges the use of qualitative research methods; collaborative interactions play a central role in the research process; and its validation is based on trustworthiness. Furthermore, we identified two tensions inherent in the self-study work, on which researchers always and continuously need to position themselves for self-study inquiries to achieve its purposes: the tension between relevance and rigour on the one hand, and that of effectiveness and understanding on the other hand.
Teaching and Teacher Education, 2014
ABSTRACT This study connects to the international call for research on teacher educator professio... more ABSTRACT This study connects to the international call for research on teacher educator professionalism. Combining positioning theory with the personal interpretative framework, we examined the relationship between teacher educators' positioning and their teacher education practices. The interpretative analysis of qualitative data from twelve experienced Flemish teacher educators revealed three teacher educator positionings: a teacher educator of ‘pedagogues’, a teacher educator of reflective teachers, and a teacher educator of subject teachers. Each positioning constitutes a coherent pattern of normative beliefs about good teaching and teacher education, the preferred relationships with student teachers, and valuable methods and strategies to enact these beliefs.
Professional Development in Education, 2015
ABSTRACT This article reports on a two-year study of a self-study research group facilitation. Th... more ABSTRACT This article reports on a two-year study of a self-study research group facilitation. The research group was designed as a professional development project in which six experienced teacher educators investigated their practices using a self-study approach. The pedagogical rationale of the facilitation was based on four broadly shared theoretical principles on how teacher educators can effectively work on their professional development. These theoretical principles were translated in a series of propositions (‘if … then …’) making clear the implications these principles held for the interventions of facilitators of teacher educator professional development. Qualitative content analysis of the audiotapes of the research group meetings, the facilitators’ logbooks and all the written materials produced during the project serves as an empirical validation and refinement of these principles. The findings are presented as amendments to the original propositions. By interpretatively discussing why these propositions functioned as they did in practice, we contribute to the development of a pedagogy of teacher educator professional development.
Teaching and Teacher Education, 2015
International Journal of Educational Research, 2002
Teachers' professional learning takes place in an organisational context, in which issues of... more Teachers' professional learning takes place in an organisational context, in which issues of power, influence, and control can play an important part. In this article, we argue that learning how to deal with these inevitable micropolitical aspects of their work lives, constitutes an ...
Teaching and Teacher Education, 2005
Based on narrative-biographical work with teachers, the author argues that teachers' emotions hav... more Based on narrative-biographical work with teachers, the author argues that teachers' emotions have to be understood in relation to the vulnerability that constitutes a structural condition of the teaching job. Closely linked to this condition is the central role played by teachers' ''self-understanding''-their dynamic sense of identity-in teachers' actions and their dealing with, for example, the challenges posed by reform agendas. The (emotional) impact of those agendas is mediated by the professional context, that encompasses dimensions of time (age, generation, biography) and of space (the structural and cultural working conditions). Finally, it is argued that the professional and meaningful interactions of teachers with their professional context contains a fundamental political dimension. Emotions reflect the fact that deeply held beliefs on good education are part of teachers' self-understanding. Reform agendas that impose different normative beliefs may not only trigger intense feelings, but also elicit micropolitical actions of resistance or proactive attempts to influence and change one's working conditions. r It's more than a feeling y Boston ARTICLE IN PRESS 0742-051X/$ -see front matter r
Teaching and Teacher Education, 2009
During the last two decades teachers in many countries have found themselves facing new demands a... more During the last two decades teachers in many countries have found themselves facing new demands and changes. In his intensification thesis Apple, MW [(1986). Teachers and Texts. A political economy of class and gender relations in educations. London: Routledge] made a ...
Papers by Geert Kelchtermans