Books by Michał E . Nowakowski
Świat wartości w poradnikach dyplomatycznych Pierwszej Rzeczypospolitej oraz ich europejski kontekst [Ambassador at the Crossroads. The World of Values in the Diplomatic Manuals of Poland-Lithuania and their European Context], 2023
Inspired by studies in the New Diplomatic History, this book constitutes the first attempt at a c... more Inspired by studies in the New Diplomatic History, this book constitutes the first attempt at a comprehensive discussion of early modern Polish diplomatic manuals—hitherto one of the less recognized textual genres of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. It compares Polish writings with abundant source material, including numerous diplomatic manuals produced in Western Europe, as well as selected examples of political literature, diplomatic relations, letters, or diaries. This allowed to show both the links of Polish diplomatic reflection with the European one, as well as its distinctive features.
The book examines those texts in the context of the key research problems, namely the issues of the sovereign and autonomy of the diplomats, their representational and negotiating duties, information gathering, and their ambiguous relationship with truth and deceit. In accordance with the methodological objectives of the NDH, the study employed diverse research apparatus, combining philological tools with knowledge of the history of diplomacy and the history of ideas and political science. By conducting the analysis from an axiological perspective, I have reconstructed the world of values of Polish diplomatic theorists, while the conclusions formulated are applicable to a wide range of academics—from historians of international relations to scholars of political literature.
Papers by Michał E . Nowakowski
Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce, Mar 5, 2024
Kalwińska z Chrystusem wojna i odnaleziona Kolęda paniom saskim-domniemany autor i edycja wierszy... more Kalwińska z Chrystusem wojna i odnaleziona Kolęda paniom saskim-domniemany autor i edycja wierszy antyprotestanckich Celem artykułu jest próba ustalenia autorstwa dwóch siedemnastowiecznych, antyprotestanckich cyklów epigramatycznych-Kolędy paniom saskim oraz Kalwińskiej z Chrystusem wojny-oraz ich pierwsze krytyczne wydanie, uwzględniające utwory dotychczas nieznane oraz uważane za zaginione. Wywód atrybucyjny obejmuje ustalenia dotyczące czasu i okoliczności powstania obu cyklów, omówienie ich cech wspólnych oraz istniejących przekazów, a także skorygowanie i uzupełnienie stanu wiedzy na temat życia i twórczości jezuity Jana Chądzyńskiego, prawdopodobnego autora epigramatów. Th e article seeks to establish the authorship of two seventeenth-century, anti-Protestant epigrammatic cycles-Kolęda paniom saskim [Gift to the Saxon Ladies] and Kalwińska z Chrystusem wojna [Calvinist War with Christ]and to provide their fi rst critical edition, which includes the pieces hitherto unknown and believed to be lost. Th e attribution discussion consists of determining the time and the circumstances of the composition of the two cycles, discussing their mutual qualities and their existing textual witnesses, as well as revising and supplementing our knowledge of the life and works of the Jesuit Jan Chądzyński, the probable author of the epigrams.
Journal of Jesuit Studies, 2024
Odrodzenie i Reformacja w Polsce, 2023
The article seeks to establish the authorship of two seventeenth-century, anti-Protestant epigram... more The article seeks to establish the authorship of two seventeenth-century, anti-Protestant epigrammatic cycles – Kolęda paniom saskim [Gift to the Saxon Ladies] and Kalwińska z Chrystusem wojna [Calvinist War with Christ]. It also provides their first critical edition, which includes the pieces hitherto unknown and believed to be lost. The attribution discussion consists of determining the time and the circumstances of the composition of the two cycles, analyzing their mutual qualities and their existing textual witnesses, as well as revising and supplementing our knowledge of the life and works of the Jesuit Jan Chądzyński, the most likely author of the epigrams.
This paper examines Ławryn Piaseczyński’s diplomatic manual and its origins in the context of the... more This paper examines Ławryn Piaseczyński’s diplomatic manual and its origins in the context of the author’s three consecutive diplomatic missions to Crimea on behalf of the Polish king, revealing the issues of diplomatic contacts with non-European cultures and the practice of gift-giving in late Renaissance diplomacy. I demonstrate how this hitherto unexplored text stands out from other Renaissance treatises and manuals on diplomacy and how Piaseczyński’s unique diplomatic experiences in Crimea informed his writing. In order to achieve this, I analyze the structure, style, and contents of the Powinności poselskie (Ambassador’s duties), and point out the features that distinguish it from other similar works in Poland and western Europe. In the final part of the article, I establish the correlation between some specific episodes from the author’s Crimea missions and the content of his manual. This analysis allows for the completion of fragmentary data about the origins of the Powinności poselskie and for the correction of previous findings, such as narrowing the manual’s date of composition.
Journal of Jesuit Studies, 2023
Roczniki Humanistyczne, 2023
The aim of this paper is to introduce Tadeusz Morski’s diplomatic reflections as expressed in his... more The aim of this paper is to introduce Tadeusz Morski’s diplomatic reflections as expressed in his "Myśli o potrzebie i sposobach przysposobienia młodzieży do służby dyplomatycznej w Polszcze" (Thoughts on the necessity and the ways of preparing the youth for diplomatic service in Poland; 1792) and to place it within its European context. The analysis focuses on the author’s views on international relations, diplomacy, and the figure of the perfect ambassador (his preparation, qualities, and duties). Morski’s vision is presented in comparison with other European diplomatic manuals, which had a profound influence on the eighteenth-century theory of diplomacy, authored by Abraham de Wicquefort, François de Callières, and Gabriel Bonnot de Mably.
Tematy i Konteksty, 2019
"Hymenaeus, or a Mating Poem" by Paweł Mankiewicz, found in the second half of the 20th century,... more "Hymenaeus, or a Mating Poem" by Paweł Mankiewicz, found in the second half of the 20th century, is an epithalamion written for the wedding of Barbara Kleinpoldtówna and Jakub Giza in 1642. The author, the newlyweds as well as the commissioners of the piece are all representatives of the bourgeoisie. In many respects, however, Mankiewicz’s poem definitely stands out among other 17th-century bourgeois wedding poems, not imitating epithalamions characteristic of „high” literature, yet introducing valuable historical, moral and epic information. | rassegna italiana di argomenti polacchi, 2021
The aim of the article is to analyse three 16 th and 17 th centuries Polish diplomatic manuals wr... more The aim of the article is to analyse three 16 th and 17 th centuries Polish diplomatic manuals written by Krzysztof Warszewicki, Ławryn Piaseczyński and Stanisław Miński dealing with the dilemma 'the will of the ruler or the common good', also known as 'the prince or peace' dilemma. This problem highlights the tension between the two opposing concepts of political order in early modern Europe: absolutist and republican. The article focuses on the attitude of the aforementioned authors towards the role of the monarch and the community of the republic, as well as the relationship between the monarch and the ambassadors.
Viator. Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2022
This paper examines Ławryn Piaseczyński’s diplomatic manual and its origins in the context of the... more This paper examines Ławryn Piaseczyński’s diplomatic manual and its origins in the context of the author’s three consecutive diplomatic missions to Crimea on behalf of the Polish king, revealing the issues of diplomatic contacts with non-European cultures and the practice of gift-giving in late Renaissance diplomacy. I demonstrate how this hitherto unexplored text stands out from other Renaissance treatises and manuals on diplomacy and how Piaseczyński’s unique diplomatic experiences in Crimea informed his writing. In order to achieve this, I analyze the structure, style, and contents of the Powinności poselskie (Ambassador’s duties), and point out the features that distinguish it from other similar works in Poland and western Europe. In the final part of the article, I establish the correlation between some specific episodes from the author’s Crimea missions and the content of his manual. This analysis allows for the completion of fragmentary data about the origins of the Powinności poselskie and for the correction of previous findings, such as narrowing the manual’s date of composition.
Book Reviews by Michał E . Nowakowski
Journal of Jesuit Studies , 2023
Journal of Jesuit Studies, 2023
Journal of Jesuit Studies, 2023
Books by Michał E . Nowakowski
The book examines those texts in the context of the key research problems, namely the issues of the sovereign and autonomy of the diplomats, their representational and negotiating duties, information gathering, and their ambiguous relationship with truth and deceit. In accordance with the methodological objectives of the NDH, the study employed diverse research apparatus, combining philological tools with knowledge of the history of diplomacy and the history of ideas and political science. By conducting the analysis from an axiological perspective, I have reconstructed the world of values of Polish diplomatic theorists, while the conclusions formulated are applicable to a wide range of academics—from historians of international relations to scholars of political literature.
Papers by Michał E . Nowakowski
Book Reviews by Michał E . Nowakowski
The book examines those texts in the context of the key research problems, namely the issues of the sovereign and autonomy of the diplomats, their representational and negotiating duties, information gathering, and their ambiguous relationship with truth and deceit. In accordance with the methodological objectives of the NDH, the study employed diverse research apparatus, combining philological tools with knowledge of the history of diplomacy and the history of ideas and political science. By conducting the analysis from an axiological perspective, I have reconstructed the world of values of Polish diplomatic theorists, while the conclusions formulated are applicable to a wide range of academics—from historians of international relations to scholars of political literature.