Papers by Łucja F . Okoń
„Facta Ficta. Journal of Theory, Narrative & Media”, 2023
"They don't dig into anything, they don't bite anything, like other rabbits and mice tend to do."... more "They don't dig into anything, they don't bite anything, like other rabbits and mice tend to do." The guinea pig in the literature of earlier times (selected examples) The domestic cavy, commonly known as a guinea pig, is nowadays a domesticated animal often associated with children. The aim of this chapter is to present a completely different image of this animal, which emerges from its old European and Polish descriptions from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. The chapter's author presents various descriptions of the domestic cavy in the following naturalistic treatises: Historia animalium (1551) by K. Gessner, The History Of Four-Footed Beasts (1658) by E. Topsell, Regnum animale in classes IX distributum (1762) by M. Brisson, Systema naturae per regna tria naturae (1766) by K. Linnaeus, Historiae naturalis de quadrupedibus libri (1656) by J. Johnston, and Zwierząt domowych i dzikich osobliwie krajowych historyi naturalnej początki i gospodarstwo (1779) by K. Kluk. Most of the mentioned works by Latin and English-speaking authors have not Łucja Okoń, studentka filologii polskiej pierwszego stopnia na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim Jana Pawła II. W 2021 roku zdobyła tytuł laureata XXXI Olimpiady Teologii Katolickiej; od 2022 roku pełni funkcję prezesa Koła Badań nad Twórczością Pozytywistów KUL; jest stypendystką Studenckiego Stypendium Marszałka Województwa Lubelskiego; swoje zainteresowania naukowe koncentruje głównie wokół motywów roślinnych i zwierzęcych w literaturze oraz problematyki sacrum w kulturze i sztuce.
Czasopismo "Facta Ficta Journal" by Łucja F . Okoń
Facta Ficta Journal, 2023
The aim of the chapter is to encourage reflection and to search answer the question: Can Rebecca ... more The aim of the chapter is to encourage reflection and to search answer the question: Can Rebecca and Mary Magdalene become the inspiration for the modern woman and show them the road of independence and strength to set their own goals? The chapter does not include an unequivocal answer but encourages verifying knowledge about biblical female characters and the situation of women in The Catholic church. The chapter contains an introduction to discussed issues. Next, the meaning of feminism and emancipation has been explained and historical and cultural background has been presented. In the next step, a case study of Rebecca and Mary Magdalene has been done. In the end, an attempt to define their potential to become the inspiration for modern women has been made.
Papers by Łucja F . Okoń
Czasopismo "Facta Ficta Journal" by Łucja F . Okoń