Showing posts with label Gouache. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gouache. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2013

New things, New Year!

First of all,  I am wishing everyone including myself a Happy "Ninja" New Year!  I am excited.  I gave myself permission awhile ago and I hope I continue to listen to my voice telling me to "go ahead, do it, do it."  I know.  .  .  "do what?"  Well .  .  .   "whatever within reason."  That means a  lot.  I have opened my own Etsy shop.  If you would like to take a look, type in Peggi Kroll Roberts in the search box, click on that and it should take you to my store.  This is where I am selling my "personal, experimental, not what the galleries want" work.  And because of that I am able to sell it at affordable prices.  Heaven knows there are so many artists and works out there that I would love to own but I simply cannot afford most of it.  I do trades but I can't come up with the $$.  AND! I wish people would look for ORIGINAL art and not all these giclee prints!  I mean it's simply "Ink on Paper" and I think they are WAY OVER PRICED!  Priced accordingly I would NOT have a problem with it. Now that does NOT INCLUDE wonderful woodcuts, mono prints etc.  I want to know the artist had a real hand in it.  I mean you can go into a museum shop and find a wonderful poster of a master work for what? 25 bucks??  So why would I pay $1000 for a print!  And especially if it had a run of 200 or more.  Come on! I don't believe they will hold their value.  Sorry, but that is the way I feel about it.  Buy Original art.  

"Ninja New Year" by Peggi Kroll Roberts

"Ninja Lady"

Below are the recent works in gouache that  I will be placing in my Etsy store.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  "If you don't ask, you don't get."  I simply want to "Paint, teach and sell." 
(And travel.)  

"Long Flowing Hair" by Peggi Kroll Roberts Original Gouache Painting, Figure Painting, Featured in Etsy.

"Long Flowing Hair"

"Table Top with Blue Creamer"

"Table Top with Olive Oil"

"Table Top with Bowl of Fruit"

"Table Top with Backlighting"

"Table Top with Yellow Coffee Pot"

"Table with Flowers"