Papers by Alexey Sinyavskiy
Revista on line de Política e Gestão Educacional
Ethics education is a vast term for learning experiences aimed to assist students in developing e... more Ethics education is a vast term for learning experiences aimed to assist students in developing ethically, whether in terms of increased ethical awareness and understanding or greater motivation to act ethically in the world. The article discusses the doctrine of double effect in the context of ethical education between deontology and consequentialism. The authors note that it is impossible to agree the doctrine of double effect with contrarian normative positions. In the first part of the article, authors argue in favor of the doctrine of the double effect as an independent ethical principle. In the second part of the article, authors consider the doctrine of double effect by using the example of an armed conflict situation in the terms of international humanitarian law. The main thesis of the article is that the doctrine of double effect should be considered as a universal presupposition of both ethical and educational regulation.
Electronic Supplement to Russian Juridical Journal
Cognitive Ecology in the Age of the Internet, 2021
The article deals with the problem of intellectual behavior in the era of development of the Inte... more The article deals with the problem of intellectual behavior in the era of development of the Internet and social networks. Just as geo-ecology has put the values of nature conservation at the forefront over those
of economic gain, so cognitive ecology puts intellectual values at the forefront of the cognitive process. The author substantiates the idea that the Internet has its own cognitive ecology. An overabundance of information requires more complex skills in evaluating and analyzing information, as well as changing value-based intellectual attitudes. It is argued that the theoretical basis for the analysis of cognitive
ecology in the Internet age can be the epistemology of virtues, in which various intellectual virtues and vices are studied. The article lists some intellectual virtues and vices that can be demanded when working
on the Internet. These intellectual virtues include: open-mindedness, intellectual caution, intellectual courage, intellectual thoroughness, etc. It is shown that manifestation of intellectual virtues is necessary to navigate in epistemologically “unfriendly” environment of the Internet.
The Restrictions of Human Rights During COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020
In 2020, the world is faced with COVID-19 pandemic as one of the worst global catastrophes of the... more In 2020, the world is faced with COVID-19 pandemic as one of the worst global catastrophes of the 21st century. The governments of countries around the world have introduced various emergency rules on the territory of their states as a measure to contain the pandemic. Are such restrictions permissible and how justified were they? Did the restrictions impose to comply with the norms enshrined in international human rights standards? Have states managed to strike a balance between “legality” and “necessity”? We will try to answer all these questions in this paper.
«Руководящие принципы предпринимательской деятельно-
сти в аспекте прав человека» являются первым... more «Руководящие принципы предпринимательской деятельно-
сти в аспекте прав человека» являются первым общепризнанным глобальным международным стандартом в области прав человека и бизнеса. В соответствии с ними, ТНК и другие предприятия обязаны соблюдать национальные законы государств и уважать международно-признанные права человека во время осуществления своей предпринимательской деятельности. Однако, в соответствии с доктриной международного права, корпорации не обладают международной правосубъектностью и их обязательства носят скорее добровольный характер, в связи с чем, основная обязанность по обеспечению защиты прав человека ложится на государства. Одним из способов реализации Руководящих принципов на практике, является разработка и последующая имплементация государствами Национальных Планов Действий.
This article discusses the current challenges to the protection of personal data and the rights t... more This article discusses the current challenges to the protection of personal data and the rights to privacy in the digital age on the example of European Union. First it considers the international legal regulations in the digital sphere. Then it considers the gap in this area with a view to metadata and digital footprints. Finally, it proposes the measures that affect the liability of the states in the digital sphere.
This paper is the english translation of author's published paper "Защита персональных данных в цифровую эпоху. Цифровые следы и метаданные" from 2018.
Электронное правосудие и процессы цифровизации права: проблемы и перспективы. Материалы III Международного научно-практического конвента студентов и аспирантов./сост.: Ю.М. Лукин, Н.Н. Маколкин, Р.Э. Сабитов и др. -Казань: Изд-во Казан. ун-та - Т. 1. , 2018
This article discusses the current challenges to the protection of personal data and the rights t... more This article discusses the current challenges to the protection of personal data and the rights to privacy in the digital age on the example of European Union. First it considers the international legal regulations in the digital sphere. Then it considers the gap in this area. Finally, it proposes the effective measures that affect the liability of the states in the digital sphere.
Сборник научных работ XI Международного молодежного конкурса (Россия, г. Липецк, 21 июня 2019 г.) / Отв. ред. А.В. Горбенко. , 2019
В статье рассматривается дихотомия международно-правовых стандартов на мягкие и твердые. В ней та... more В статье рассматривается дихотомия международно-правовых стандартов на мягкие и твердые. В ней также определяются основные причины данного деления, а также роль международно-правовых стандартов в области бизнеса в защите прав человека от неблагоприятного воздействия крупных коммерческих предприятий. В заключении, автором анализируются рассмотренные стандарты и выводится список критериев юридически обязательного договора, призванного устранить существующие правовые пробелы в международно-правовом регулировании деятельности ТНК и обеспечить защиту международно-признанных прав человека.
Вызовы правовой действительности в мире и в России в связи с пандемией COVID-19. Материалы Итоговой научно-образовательной конференции студентов и аспирантов Юридического факультета Казанского (Приволжского) Федерального Университета., 2020
The global health and economic crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19
has become the cause of ma... more The global health and economic crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19
has become the cause of many economic, political, social and legal problems. The international business and human rights agenda has become one of the central themes most affected by the new coronavirus infection. The virus has disrupted supply chains, exacerbated the already precarious situation of migrant workers and other vulnerable groups, and led to a general decline in domestic and international business. As a result of difficult economic and social conditions, millions of workers around the world may lose their jobs, money, food and housing, as many of them lack effective social protection for their human rights. A new challenge facing business enterprises is the need, opportunity and desire to ensure respect for all internationally recognized human rights
as enshrined in international business and human rights law. What are the human rights obligations of business enterprises? What measures can they apply within available resources to secure them? What is the responsible business conduct approach during the Coronavirus pandemic? In this article, I will try to answer all these questions by illustrating them with relevant examples.
Вызовы правовой действительности в мире и в России в связи с пандемией COVID-19. Материалы Итоговой научно-образовательной конференции студентов и аспирантов Юридического факультета Казанского (Приволжского) Федерального Университета., 2020
In the 21st century, almost any person was been inextricably linked to the process of consuming i... more In the 21st century, almost any person was been inextricably linked to the process of consuming information about the reality surrounding us, both from the media and from alternative communication channels. Although many are aware that information from the media and other sources may not correspond to the real state of things, it is almost
impossible to resist false information. Given these circumstances, many jurists agree that the spread of mass lies can cause irreparable damage to society, and therefore it is necessary to look for reliable legal mechanisms for timely response to the appearance of inaccurate information in order to prevent negative consequences within society after the publication of such information.
International Relations and Society , 2019
Currently in international law does not exist legally binding treaties establishing the responsib... more Currently in international law does not exist legally binding treaties establishing the responsibility of transnational corporations for human rights violations, since they are not subjects of international law. Different states address this legal gap in different ways. Their national legislation, however, may be not enough when it comes to TNCs, whose business activities go beyond the boundaries of one state. In the middle of the last century, the doctrine of «Drittwirkung effect« was developed in Germany, which makes it possible to hold non-state actors accountable for violations of constitutional rights. It became widespread and was adopted by the ECHR, after which it was used to hold TNCs and enterprises accountable for human rights violations in EU states. This article will examine the evolution of the «Drittwirkung effect « concept and considered its impact on modern international law through the practice of the ECHR.
Moscow Journal of International Law, 2020
This study analyzes available remedies for victims who have suffered harm from business activity ... more This study analyzes available remedies for victims who have suffered harm from business activity of transnational corporations. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of available remedies for the protection human rights of individuals from adverse impacts of the business activity of TNCs. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to fulfill the following tasks: to consider the obligations of TNCs in modern international law, the role of states in the protecting human rights against the business activities of TNCs, examine the content of the right to an effective remedy, and characterize the existing remedies for the individuals.
"Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” are the first universally recognized global int... more "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” are the first universally recognized global international standard in the field of human rights and business. In accordance with them, transnational corporations and other enterprises are obliged to comply with the national laws of states and respect internationally recognized human rights while carrying out their business activities. On 16 June 2011, the Human Rights Council unanimously endorsed the Guidelines in its resolution 17/4, “Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Enterprises,” setting a universal standard for protecting human rights from the adverse effects of transnational corporations and other enterprises. However, in accordance with the doctrine of international law,corporations do not have an international legal personality and their obligations to respect human rights are only voluntary in nature, and therefore, the main obligation to ensure the protection of human rights lies with states. One of the ways to implement international standards in the field of business and human rights in practice is the development by States of National Action Plans. This paper is devoted, firstly, to a summary of the main ideas of the “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” as an international legal standard in the field of human rights. Secondly, to consider the role of National Action Plans in the implementation of the Guidelines in EU countries. Thirdly, a review of existing practices for the implementation of these principles by EU states using National Action Plans.
Conference Presentations by Alexey Sinyavskiy
In this memoir discusses the cultural dynamic of panhuman values,
which were declared by D.S. Lik... more In this memoir discusses the cultural dynamic of panhuman values,
which were declared by D.S. Likhachov in his work "Letters about the Kind and Beautiful". During work author measures the transformation of this values in recent world.
Правовое регулирование разумного потребления: материалы IV Международного научно-практического конвента студентов и аспирантов/ сост.: Ю. М. Лукин, Ю.Ю. Цыбенко, Р. Э. Сабитов и др. - Казань: изд-во Казан. Ун-та. - Т.1. -, 2019
Due to the large number of gross human rights violations by transnational corporations and other ... more Due to the large number of gross human rights violations by transnational corporations and other commercial enterprises, as well as the lack of effective mechanisms for the protection of the rights of victims from such violations, the problem of providing victims with access to remedies is becoming especially urgent. The world community is faced with the question: how to prevent human rights violations done by enterprises, and if the violation occurred, then what should be an effective remedy? The answer is given by the Guiding principles on business and human rights.
Внесудебный механизм разрешения споров в рамках ВОИС: процедура посредничества (Публикация по итогам конференции Ломоносов 2020), 2020
Papers by Alexey Sinyavskiy
of economic gain, so cognitive ecology puts intellectual values at the forefront of the cognitive process. The author substantiates the idea that the Internet has its own cognitive ecology. An overabundance of information requires more complex skills in evaluating and analyzing information, as well as changing value-based intellectual attitudes. It is argued that the theoretical basis for the analysis of cognitive
ecology in the Internet age can be the epistemology of virtues, in which various intellectual virtues and vices are studied. The article lists some intellectual virtues and vices that can be demanded when working
on the Internet. These intellectual virtues include: open-mindedness, intellectual caution, intellectual courage, intellectual thoroughness, etc. It is shown that manifestation of intellectual virtues is necessary to navigate in epistemologically “unfriendly” environment of the Internet.
сти в аспекте прав человека» являются первым общепризнанным глобальным международным стандартом в области прав человека и бизнеса. В соответствии с ними, ТНК и другие предприятия обязаны соблюдать национальные законы государств и уважать международно-признанные права человека во время осуществления своей предпринимательской деятельности. Однако, в соответствии с доктриной международного права, корпорации не обладают международной правосубъектностью и их обязательства носят скорее добровольный характер, в связи с чем, основная обязанность по обеспечению защиты прав человека ложится на государства. Одним из способов реализации Руководящих принципов на практике, является разработка и последующая имплементация государствами Национальных Планов Действий.
This paper is the english translation of author's published paper "Защита персональных данных в цифровую эпоху. Цифровые следы и метаданные" from 2018.
has become the cause of many economic, political, social and legal problems. The international business and human rights agenda has become one of the central themes most affected by the new coronavirus infection. The virus has disrupted supply chains, exacerbated the already precarious situation of migrant workers and other vulnerable groups, and led to a general decline in domestic and international business. As a result of difficult economic and social conditions, millions of workers around the world may lose their jobs, money, food and housing, as many of them lack effective social protection for their human rights. A new challenge facing business enterprises is the need, opportunity and desire to ensure respect for all internationally recognized human rights
as enshrined in international business and human rights law. What are the human rights obligations of business enterprises? What measures can they apply within available resources to secure them? What is the responsible business conduct approach during the Coronavirus pandemic? In this article, I will try to answer all these questions by illustrating them with relevant examples.
impossible to resist false information. Given these circumstances, many jurists agree that the spread of mass lies can cause irreparable damage to society, and therefore it is necessary to look for reliable legal mechanisms for timely response to the appearance of inaccurate information in order to prevent negative consequences within society after the publication of such information.
Conference Presentations by Alexey Sinyavskiy
which were declared by D.S. Likhachov in his work "Letters about the Kind and Beautiful". During work author measures the transformation of this values in recent world.
of economic gain, so cognitive ecology puts intellectual values at the forefront of the cognitive process. The author substantiates the idea that the Internet has its own cognitive ecology. An overabundance of information requires more complex skills in evaluating and analyzing information, as well as changing value-based intellectual attitudes. It is argued that the theoretical basis for the analysis of cognitive
ecology in the Internet age can be the epistemology of virtues, in which various intellectual virtues and vices are studied. The article lists some intellectual virtues and vices that can be demanded when working
on the Internet. These intellectual virtues include: open-mindedness, intellectual caution, intellectual courage, intellectual thoroughness, etc. It is shown that manifestation of intellectual virtues is necessary to navigate in epistemologically “unfriendly” environment of the Internet.
сти в аспекте прав человека» являются первым общепризнанным глобальным международным стандартом в области прав человека и бизнеса. В соответствии с ними, ТНК и другие предприятия обязаны соблюдать национальные законы государств и уважать международно-признанные права человека во время осуществления своей предпринимательской деятельности. Однако, в соответствии с доктриной международного права, корпорации не обладают международной правосубъектностью и их обязательства носят скорее добровольный характер, в связи с чем, основная обязанность по обеспечению защиты прав человека ложится на государства. Одним из способов реализации Руководящих принципов на практике, является разработка и последующая имплементация государствами Национальных Планов Действий.
This paper is the english translation of author's published paper "Защита персональных данных в цифровую эпоху. Цифровые следы и метаданные" from 2018.
has become the cause of many economic, political, social and legal problems. The international business and human rights agenda has become one of the central themes most affected by the new coronavirus infection. The virus has disrupted supply chains, exacerbated the already precarious situation of migrant workers and other vulnerable groups, and led to a general decline in domestic and international business. As a result of difficult economic and social conditions, millions of workers around the world may lose their jobs, money, food and housing, as many of them lack effective social protection for their human rights. A new challenge facing business enterprises is the need, opportunity and desire to ensure respect for all internationally recognized human rights
as enshrined in international business and human rights law. What are the human rights obligations of business enterprises? What measures can they apply within available resources to secure them? What is the responsible business conduct approach during the Coronavirus pandemic? In this article, I will try to answer all these questions by illustrating them with relevant examples.
impossible to resist false information. Given these circumstances, many jurists agree that the spread of mass lies can cause irreparable damage to society, and therefore it is necessary to look for reliable legal mechanisms for timely response to the appearance of inaccurate information in order to prevent negative consequences within society after the publication of such information.
which were declared by D.S. Likhachov in his work "Letters about the Kind and Beautiful". During work author measures the transformation of this values in recent world.