Kona Bay Fabrics blog is written by Douglas Eagleson, the founder and owner of Kona Bay Fabrics, and he is also known as The Textile Samurai. Kona Bay Fabrics is a wholesale fabric company that specializes in producing beautiful 100% cotton fabrics for the quilting community.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics back from Quilt Market
Kona Bay Fabrics staff has returned from the recent Quilt Market (wholesale trade show) in Houston and it was so nice to see our customers, sales team and friends!!
We showed many of our new fabrics and we were very pleased with the response from our customers!!
Our VP, Kristina Nakashima, was thrilled she got to meet Ty Pennington as many say that Ty and I look a lot alike....(yeah right!!!)
One of the highlights of our Quilt Market show was showcasing the actual fabric from the SHADOWLAND COLLECTION which was done in conjunction with super star Jason Yenter from In the Beginning Fabrics.
We hope those in attendance had a great time and we thank you so much for visiting our booth.
Soon, many of the new fabrics shown to our quilt shop customers at Quilt Market will be in your local quilt shop and we know you are going to love them!!
Mahalo from Da Textile Samurai
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
How Kona Bay Fabrics got started
People often wonder how Kona Bay Fabrics (http://www.konabay.com) came to be. It’s an interesting story (I’m biased—but it really is!). So grab your coffee and I’ll tell you the story.
My career managing political campaigns brought me to Hawaii in 1974 right after college.
After doing the political jumps through hoops and doing my part to elect good people to political office, I decided business was my next arena. Kona coffee was a hot commodity, so I started Kona Bay Coffee Estates. I had made the transition to business owner and I loved it.
Textiles were a recurring topic during Japan trips I was making on behalf of the coffee business. I knew little about textiles. In 1991, that changed.
An invitation from a Japanese trading company I was regularly doing business with to attend a textile trade show on the west coast sounded like a fun outing to the mainland. Trading companies are brokers who deal in many different products. This company wanted to investigate textiles in the US.
I was astounded. At food trade shows people sample your coffee and take their thoughts back home with them. At the textile show, people were lined up waiting to place their order. Hmmm, I was balancing the options in my mind—A business where you get an instant order or one where you wait for orders. You can guess where the scale tipped. The trading company offered to provide me with bolts of fabric—cotton sateen’s with oriental designs so I could test the waters.
That fall I bought a booth at the annual quilt market show in Houston. People like Mary Ellen Hopkins, a famous quilter we all love, saw my tiny booth and our gorgeous fabrics and dragged hundreds of quilters to my booth to see our designs. My Asian fabric business took hold. I felt like I had been swimming in this pool all my life and the water felt wonderful. Kona Bay Fabrics was born.
Many people have played a key role in helping to shape Kona Bay what it is today and one of them was my good friend and mentor, the late Irwin Bear, President of P&B Textiles.
Now, 22 wonderful years later, I am just as enthusiastic and excited as ever. I am still fascinated by the artistic talent and appreciate the dedication that quilters show for their craft.
I have made many life long friends as a result of Kona Bay Fabrics and I’m grateful to be a part of the quilting and fabric community.
Kona Bay Fabrics is only 22 years old and I look forward to the next 22 years with the same enthusiasm.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics' Shadowland Collection Released
Kona Bay Fabrics is proud to announce that quilt shops have now received one of Kona Bay's most popular and gorgeous fabric collections this year -- SHADOWLAND COLLECTION.
Kona Bay's SHADOWLAND COLLECTION is a very pretty fabric group combining the special printing technique from Kona Bay and distinctive designs by In the Beginning's very own Jason Yenter.
There are thrity-three wonderful fabric selections in SHADOWLAND that covers the color spectrum with much beauty and elegance.
For the first time ever, Kona Bay Fabrics has published a companion book featuring six beautiful quilts by our very own Georgie Gerl, an award winning quilter from Spokane, WA.
Please visit your local quilt shop today and see what the SHADOWLAND excitement is all about!!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics ready for Quilt Market
Kona Bay Fabrics staff is working very hard to get ready for the upcoming Quilt Market show in Houston this week.
Those attending Quilt Market are invited to come by our booth at 1336 and see all our fabric collections and treat yourself to a chocolate macadamia nut from Hawaii which has been our official booth candy since we started in 1991.
This wholesale show is where Kona Bay Fabrics gets together with its loyal quilt shop customers and dedicated sales reps to show out latest beautiful fabric collections and we hope to please one and all with our new collections.
Three of the gorgeous collections being shown this year are:
Hanko (Japanese stamp) Collection:
Flutter Friends:
Kona Bay Fabrics has been producing wonderful Asian fabrics since 1991 and one of our most famous motifs has always been our dragonflies. This Flutter Friends group keeps with that time honored tradition.
All three of these fabric collections will be available at your local quilt shop in December and we hope you love them as much as we do!!
You can always visit our Kona Bay Fabrics website and see all the colors in these three groups along with the many other fabric collections.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics has two new collections being shipped to quilt shops now!
Kona Bay Fabrics is now shipping two wonderful and gorgeous fabric groups to your favorite quilt shop as we speak!!
Butterfly Carnival Collection and Leaf Candy have been very popular sellers and we know the quilt shops are eager to receive them to show their customers!!
Butterfly Carnival has a FREE ONLINE pattern that can be downloaded from the Kona Bay Fabrics website so make sure you print it out before heading over to your favorite quilt shop.
Kona Bay's Leaf Candy is a beautiful tonal group with so many colors for you to fall in love with!
Mahalo and Aloha from Da Textile Samurai of Kona Bay Fabrics!!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics' Butterfly Carnival fabrics have arrived!!

From there, the warehouse lads and laddies will fold this beautiful fabric and ship to our wonderful quilt shop customers for all to enjoy!!
Kona Bay Fabrics would also like to remind everyone that a FREE pattern using the pretty Butterfly Carnival Collection is online at the Kona Bay Fabrics website.
Now would be a great time to download the pattern, then head into your local quilt shop to check out the gorgeous fabrics.
Thanks to one and all for making our Butterfly Carnival Collection so successful!!!
Mahalo and Aloha from Da Textile Samurai!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics catalog now online and FREE!
Kona Bay Fabrics has put its FREE catalog on its current fabric selections online for all to enjoy!!
We encourage everyone to review the catalog showcasing all the wonderful Kona Bay fabric collections before visiting your local quilt shop to check these gorgeous fabrics out in person.
Please enjoy the free Kona Bay Fabrics catalog with our compliments!!
We hope you enjoy our Kona Bay Fabrics as much as we love producing them for everyone!! MAHALO!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics's Asian Fabric Mag is FREE ONLINE!!
Beginning this Thursday, the very poplular Asian Fabric magazine, now in its' seventh year of publication, will become a free online publication.
Enjoy free projects and patterns celebrating Asian fabric, a peek at upcoming Kona Bay fabric releases, tips and techniques you'll use again and again, book reviews and a gallery of spectacular reader created projects.
Issue #26 features projects by Kona Bay's Georgie Gerl and guest contributors Patricia Brown and Pepper Cory.
Plus, join us as we travel through Asia, learn about the culture and experience the food (complete with recipes you can try!). We'll be in Japan for Issue #26. You'll even find delightful tips to help you entertain.
In the right column, click were it says, "Sign up here" to provide your e-mail address. Mahalo!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics Koi Garden Collection Arrives!!
Kona Bay Fabrics is happy to announce that the very popular KOI GARDEN Collection has landed at the Seattle docks and within 7-10 days, it will be in the quilt shops and available for all Kona Bay fans to enjoy!!
In addition, the free KOI GARDEN pattern is now available on the Kona Bay Fabrics website and you can download it now for free and start to plan your amazing quilt.
When Kona Bay first showed the artwork for this group, we knew we had a huge hit on our hands!!
Quilt shops were excited as well as our Kona Bay Fabrics Facebook fans --- and we now number almost 7,000!
Prepare yourself for a great fabric collection and a beautiful quilt project by taking advantage of our FREE quilt pattern from our website!
Mahalo and Aloha from Da Textile Samurai!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics back from Spring Quilt Market
Kona Bay Fabrics has returned from a successful Quilt Market which was recently held in Kansas City, MO. Quilt Market is held twice a year in which Kona Bay is able to show the quilting industry our latest fabric collections and meet with our customers and sales reps.
This year, the highlight of the show for Kona Bay was the showcasing of the hugely successful SHADOWLAND COLLECTION which was done in conjunction with quilting superstar Jason Yenter of In the Beginning Fabrics fame.
Shadowland Collection will be released in Sept/Oct and for the first time ever, Kona Bay Fabrics will be publishing a book of six beautiful quilt projects involving the Shadowland Collection.
Quilt shop customers should be seeing their Kona Bay sales rep shortly with all the sample color boards and I know there are going to be blown away by the designs and the colors of this superb fabric group!!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics Teams Up with Jason Yenter!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics is US Distributor for DaGama Textiles
Kona Bay Fabrics is very proud to be the US Distributor for DaGama Textiles...a fabric manufacturer from South African that is famous for its many fabrics.
Kona Bay will be releasing its group of DaGama fabrics in late May or early June and encourages one and all to visit their local quilt shop to view this gorgeous fabric assortment. |
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics has new fabric collections!
Kona Bay Fabrics is gearing up for the upcoming Quilt Market and with that comes the release of many of our new fabric collections.
Pictured above is a beautiful fabric collection entitled Rain Forest Festival which is a tribute to one of our more popular designs in celebration of our twenty years in the quilting industry.
Rain Forest Festival is a gorgeous leaf design in nine wonderful colors and will be released to quilt shops in August.
Quilt Market is a wholesale show for the quilting industry and will be held this Spring in Kansas City, Missouri from May 18-20.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics Gorgeous Sanctuary Collection

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics will be at Quilt Market again!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Gorgeous bags made with our Kona Bay Fabrics

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
More DaGama Textiles are now on Kona Bay's Website!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Asian Fabric Magazine at Quilt Shops Now!

Issue 25 of Kona Bay Fabrics' Asian Fabric magazine is now at your local quilt shop and it is jammed packed with great patterns, pictures, features, recipes and all types of goodness!!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics' Magical Flight Collection has Arrived!

So light and refreshing, the Magical Flight Collection from Kona Bay Fabrics seems to make everyone who sees it smile. The brightly colored dragonflies frolic on a deep black background and are highlighted in gold metallic. Pair this collection with one of Kona Bay's fantastic tonal groups, like Geisha Tonals, Paradise Gold Dust or Color Movement for a truly fantastic project.
Remember to send pictures of how you use your Kona Bay fabric. Your creations might be published in an upcoming issue of Asian Fabric Magazine!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics Web Page Updated with NEW!!!

Busy time at Kona Bay Fabrics and we have just updated the Kona Bay Fabrics website to include our many new and upcoming fabric collections for 2012!!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Kona Bay Eco Friendly Hot/Cold Bags a Hit!

Friday, January 27, 2012
Kona Bay Fabrics releases new FREE pattern!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Kona Bay next butterfly group: Butterfly Carnival

Friday, January 6, 2012
New Butterfly fabric group soon from Kona Bay

Tuesday, January 3, 2012
New Year Gifts from Kona Bay Fabrics