Papers by Suci Nurpratiwi
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Law, Social Sciences, and Education, ICLSSE 2022, 28 October 2022, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
Mitra pengabdian kepada masyarakat kami adalah Komunitas Mat Peci dan Sekolah Sungai Ciliwung. pe... more Mitra pengabdian kepada masyarakat kami adalah Komunitas Mat Peci dan Sekolah Sungai Ciliwung. permasalahan yang muncul pada lingkungan mitra adalah yang pertama, masih minim kesadaran serta edukasi masyarakat sekitar DAS mengenai pelestarian sungai Ciliwung yang berdampak pada perubahan ekosistem. Kedua, Masih minimnya pengetahuan mengenai pencemaran sampah yang terjadi di DAS Ciliwung serta cara untuk mengurangi limbah sampah, khususnya sampah rumah tangga. Selain itu, kedua komunitas tersebut belum memiliki program yang khusus memberikan edukasi pencemaran sampah dengan metode yang menyenangkan seperti membuat tote bag dan menhiasnya dengan metode doodle art.. Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang kami lakukan adalah agar masyarakat sekitar DAS Ciliwung mulai sadar dan meningkatnya pengetahuan mengenai pelestarian sungai. Selain itu menambah pendapatan kedua mitra dimana tote bag yang dihasilkan dapat dijual serta kedua mitra dapat menjual ekowisata membuat tote bag denga...
This study aims to analyze students' self-reflection on their Technological, Pedagogical, Con... more This study aims to analyze students' self-reflection on their Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge (TPACK) abilities through a case-based learning model. The research was carried out at the State University of Jakarta, with the research subjects 41 students of the Islamic Religious Education study program who took the micro-teaching course. This type of research is qualitative, with data collection methods through observation, interviews, documentation, and distributing questionnaires. The results showed that the case-based learning model in the micro-teaching course could stimulate students' self-reflection ability. Self-reflection related to TPACK is students can find out their strengths and weaknesses in terms of TPACK. The results of student self-reflection show that technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge skills are very good, with a percentage above 80%. In comparison, the aspect that is still low is mastery related to technological content knowledge...
Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan kemampuan ICT dan mengembangkan pr... more Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan kemampuan ICT dan mengembangkan profesionalisme guru dalam pembelajaran daring melalui pendampingan penyusunan bahan ajar digital. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian berupa ceramah interaktif, diskusi, praktik, dan penugasan. Peserta yang terlibat adalah guru Sekolah Dasar sebanyak 11 orang. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan melalui tahapan proses pembuatan panduan, pelaksanaan pendampingan, pemantauan, dan pemberian tugas, dan evaluasi. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pendampingan berhasil mengembangkan kemampuan dan profesionalitas guru dalam penggunaan teknologi dalam pembelajaran. Peserta telah dapat menyusun bahan ajar digital secara mandiri dan telah mengimplementasikannya kepada peserta didik dalam pembelajaran daring. Adapun sebesar 30,74% peserta menyatakan kegiatan pengabdian memberikan wawasan baru dan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan peserta dalam membuat bahan ajar digit...
al-Afkar, Journal For Islamic Studies, Mar 9, 2021
Manusia di pandang sebagai makhluk Tuhan yang memiliki fitrah-fitrah tertentu yang harus dikemban... more Manusia di pandang sebagai makhluk Tuhan yang memiliki fitrah-fitrah tertentu yang harus dikembangkan secara optimal. Pendidikan yang memanusiakan adalah pendidikan yang mampu mengembangkan pribadi seseorang dengan semua aspeknya. Rasulullah saw telah mengingatkan kepada umat Islam dengan haditsnya bahwa pendidikan harus dilakukan dengan berdasar atas nilai-nilai kemanusiaan. Dalam pendidikan yang mengutamakan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, pendidik merupakan tokoh sentral terhadap berkembangnya kemampuan dan potensi anak didik. Penggunaan metode pembelajaran yang humanis dalam memberikan pengajaran termasuk salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan. Metode yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode dokumentasi dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Penganalisaan data lebih difokuskan pada penelitian kepustakaan (library research), yakni dengan membaca, menelaah dan mengkaji buku-buku dan sumber tulisan yang erat kaitannya dengan masalah yang dibahas, yaitu berpedoman dari kitab hadits shahih Bukhari sebagai referensi primer dan buku-buku lain yang mendukung sebagai referensi sekunder. Pendekatan kualitatif penulis gunakan untuk menganalisis sudut pandang hadits terhadap konsep pendidikan yang humanis. Teknik analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik content analysis. Adapun dalam pembahasannya penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif karena data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata dan bukan angka-angka. Hasil penelitian ini adalah mengenai konsep pendidikan yang humanis terhadap pendidik dan metode pembelajaran dalam sudut pandang hadits. Seorang pendidik yang humanis harus dapat mengetahui dan memahami kondisi psikologis siswa, menunjukkan kasih sayang dan kepeduliannya, juga tegas terhadap siswa tanpa harus marah. Sedangkan metode pembelajaran yang humanis merupakan cara guru memberikan kebebasan kepada siswa dalam berpikir dan bertindak sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip kemanusiaan. Metode belajar humanis diantaranya yaitu metode simulasi, eksperimen, diskusi, gradual, pemberian reward, kontrak belajar, dan tanya jawab. Dalam metode pembelajaran yang humanis guru harus mengoptimalkan seluruh kemampuan siswa agar dapat berpikir kritis dan mengembangkan kemampuannya dalam keterampilan dan sikap. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pencerahan akan pentingnya humanisme dalam pendidikan, yaitu mengedepankan pendekatan humanis dalam pengembangan potensi peserta didik. Maka akan tercipta suasana belajar mengajar yang kondusif, penuh kasih sayang, membebaskan dan demokratis. Sehingga dapat terwujudnya tujuan pendidikan yaitu memanusiakan manusi
Hayula: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies
This study aims to analyze the development of self-reflection and collaboration skills of student... more This study aims to analyze the development of self-reflection and collaboration skills of students through the implementation of a team-based project model in learning for micro-teaching courses. The research was conducted at the State University of Jakarta, with the research subjects were 41 students. Data collection techniques through observation, documentation, interviews, and self-reflection questionnaires. The results showed that 72.1% of students always evaluate their performance and try to do better in teaching practice based on self-reflection results. The aspect that needs to be improved is speaking skills in front of the class (public speaking). Meanwhile, student collaboration skills have shown to be good, as indicated by the synergy in identifying, researching, analyzing, and formulating answers and solutions to the problems found and stated in the project report.
Pelatihan Zoom Meeting utnuk pemberdayaaan komunitas majelis taklim meruapakan kegaiatan Pengabdi... more Pelatihan Zoom Meeting utnuk pemberdayaaan komunitas majelis taklim meruapakan kegaiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat untuk pemerdayaan ibu-ibumajelis taklim dalam penggunaan fitur zoom meeting dan streaming youtube, sekaligus membuat mereka dapat menerapkan komunikasi dua arah dalam kegiatan. Kegiatan ini berbentuk pelatihan dengan pemberian materi melalui animasi dan dilanjutkan penjelasan langsung oleh pembicara dan adanya sesi tanya jawab untuk membuat partisipan semakin paham atas materi yang telah di sampaikan. Tujuan diadakan pelatihan ini dikarenakan di tengah pandemi saat ini membuat banyak kegiatan yang offline harus menadi kegiatan online. Sehingga kegiatan ini dibuat untuk dapat memberikan pemahaman untuk menggunakan zoom meeting untuk melakukan pertemua meeting online pengajian majelis taklim
The research aims to develop an attitude assesment model using online media. According to primary... more The research aims to develop an attitude assesment model using online media. According to primary reseach by several Madrasah Ibtidaiyah YURJA teachers, conclude that they had difficult to assesment at social attitude because used online learning methods. Based on the research bakcground, needs to the develop a social attitude assesment model using online aplication, as an alternative assesment during the covid 19 pandemic. The research methode is literature review and development research, data collection techniques are questionnaries and documentation studies. The result is research is to describe the difficulties of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teachers in assessing social attitudes, describe the types of social attitudes relevant to 21st century skills, and describe the steps to implement a social attitude assesment instrument trough online aplicaton, such as slido and video.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Democracy and Social Transformation, ICON-DEMOST 2021, September 15, 2021, Semarang, Indonesia, 2022
The current pandemic period has resulted in many restrictions on all offline activities. Online a... more The current pandemic period has resulted in many restrictions on all offline activities. Online activities are required, one of which is online recitation activities at the Al-Hijrah Ta'lim Council, Pulo Gebang, Cakung. However, the use of online media has not been understood by all participants of the Al-Hijrah Ta'lim Council. Many members of the taklim assembly do not know about zoom and the use of zoom for seminars, conferences, or online studies. The pre-test results showed that 50% of the participants did not know about the zoom platform and the use of zoom for online studies. So there is a need for training for Majellis Ta'lim participants in optimizing the use of Zoom Meetings and Youtube Streaming so that the online recitation process can be carried out correctly. In meetings and training, service zoom youtube streaming for taklim online community empowerment has been attended by 20 participants. The activity went well, and the communication created was two-way due to the active participation of participants who asked questions. The training results showed an increase in the knowledge of the participants from the survey results that as many as 80% of the participants knew how to use zoom for online study meetings.
Yumary : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Purpose: This community service aims to improve skills and provide knowledge for majelis taklim m... more Purpose: This community service aims to improve skills and provide knowledge for majelis taklim members about using Zoom meeting for the virtual event and broadcasting virtual events through Youtube streaming service in Malaka Jaya District, Jakarta City. Method: This community service applied an interactive method with survey location, finding community problems with interview methods and training methods to provide knowledge and improve the majelis taklim community of Malaka Jaya District, Jakarta City. Results: Organizing online meetings with Zoom meetings can provide solutions to majelis taklim community during the Covid-19 pandemic, where the implementation of studies can still be held without face-to-face. It supports government movements to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. In addition, broadcasting a study event by streaming on a Youtube channel can have a broad impact on the general public. Conclusion: Training on Zoom meetings and Youtube streaming can develo...
Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama untuk Pemberdayaan
This community service aims to develop teacher professionalism in online learning through assista... more This community service aims to develop teacher professionalism in online learning through assistance in preparing digital teaching materials. The methods used in the service activities are interactive lectures, discussions, practices, and assignments. The participants involved were 11 elementary school teachers. Community service activities are carried out through making guidelines, implementing assistance, monitoring, and assigning tasks. The service results show that the mentoring activities have succeeded in developing the abilities and professionalism of teachers in the use of technology in learning. Participants have compiled digital teaching materials independently and have implemented them for students in their online learning. Meanwhile, 81.82% of participants stated that service activities provided new insights, and 63.64% were satisfied with the activities carried out.Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan profesionalisme guru dalam pembelajaran dar...
Religious literacy is essential because understanding religious doctrine is about the normative p... more Religious literacy is essential because understanding religious doctrine is about the normative principle and how religion applies in a social context. Religious literacy can develop through the learning process. This study analyzes student religious literacy by learning Islamic Religious Education (IRE) based on the flipped classroom. The research method used is classroom action research through two cycles. The research subjects were students who took the general course of Islamic Religious Education. The results showed that applying flipped classrooms in Islamic Religious Education learning could increase student diversity in belief, practice dimensions, knowledge dimensions, and implementation dimensions. The implementation of Islamic learning based on flipped classroom can also improve student learning activities. Students pay attention to learning carefully, actively participate in discussions, actively ask questions, provide opinions, and perform assigned tasks. Besides that, ...
: In this era of technological development, the spread of information is rapidly and easy. So tha... more : In this era of technological development, the spread of information is rapidly and easy. So that hoax’s information are not infrequently appearing. The emergence of hoax information can lead to a variety of perspectives in several religions, especially Islam. Because hoax’s information cause various kinds of losses, such as the emergence of new slanders and lies. As a young generation, we must be able to sort out information before disseminating it. One of them is by increasing literacy culture. Keywords: Information, Hoax, Share Abstract : Pada era perkembangan teknologi ini, penyebaran informasi sangat cepat dan mudah. Sehingga tidak jarang bermunculan informasi hoaks. Munculnya informasi hoax dapat menimbulkan berbagai macam perspektif dalam beberapa agama, terutama agama islam. Karena informasi hoaks menimbulkan berbagai macam kerugian, seperti munculnya fitnah baru dan kebohongan. Sebagai generasi muda, kita harus bisa memilah suatu informasi sebelum menyebarkannya. Salah s...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education in Muslim Society, ICEMS 2019,30 September - 01 October 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2020
This study aimed to describe and analyze the implementation of information literacy in learning I... more This study aimed to describe and analyze the implementation of information literacy in learning Islamic Religious Education at Al-Izhar Islamic High School. Information literacy is closely related to the ability to think critically. This study applied a qualitative approach, with a type of case study research. The results indicate that the implementation of information literacy in learning Islamic Religious Education at Al-Izhar Islamic High School is very good, as seen from the role of PAI teachers who was so great in the process of developing information literacy in classroom learning, encourage habituation activities to students, and support the additional lessons.
Aptekmas Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, 2021
The current pandemic period has resulted in many restrictions on all offline activities. Online a... more The current pandemic period has resulted in many restrictions on all offline activities. Online activities are required, one of which is online recitation activities at the Al-Hijrah Ta'lim Council, Pulo Gebang, Cakung. However, the use of online media has not been understood by all participants of the Al-Hijrah Ta'lim Council. Many members of the taklim assembly do not know about zoom and the use of zoom for seminars, conferences, or online studies. The pre-test results showed that 50% of the participants did not know about the zoom platform and the use of zoom for online studies. So there is a need for training for Majellis Ta'lim participants in optimizing the use of Zoom Meetings and Youtube Streaming so that the online recitation process can be carried out correctly. In meetings and training, service zoom youtube streaming for taklim online community empowerment has been attended by 20 participants. The activity went well, and the communication created was two-way due to the active participation of participants who asked questions. The training results showed an increase in the knowledge of the participants from the survey results that as many as 80% of the participants knew how to use zoom for online study meetings.
This study discusses school-based management in relation to developing the quality of students. T... more This study discusses school-based management in relation to developing the quality of students. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the steps of each component of school management that affect the quality development of students. To approach this problem, the theoretical references used by G.A. Cole regarding open system management, and also a theory about the concept Total Quality Management. The research method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. Data collection was obtained through observation, interview, and documentation techniques. This study concludes that the development of the quality of students can be supported through a good management process, the components that influence it include the instrumental input component, including the role of a good headmaster, competent educational resources and teaching staff, complete and supporting infrastructure facilities, components environmental input includes estab...
Papers by Suci Nurpratiwi