Papers by Darma Rika Swaramarinda

Quality - Access to Success
In order to improve the quality of youth in entrepreneurship. Schools managements need to know th... more In order to improve the quality of youth in entrepreneurship. Schools managements need to know the entrepreneurial intention (EI) of their students. A past study systematic review findings showed that EI measurement has to be improved. To the best ability, this is the contribution of this study and a novel strategy that may pave the way for further research in this area in the future. Thereupon, this study aims for scale development specially for youth in vocational school context and determine the dimensionality of items measuring the EI construct. This study also conducted bibliometric analysis. Research tools used were SPSS version 24 and VOS viewer. The validation used Modified Delphi Method for content and face validity with seven panelists, meanwhile Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) for construct validity was administered to 100 students in 23 vocational high schools (VHS), using questionnaires. The initial items were analyzed using Fleiss Kappa Index (FKI) and Content Validity Index (CVI) that consist of I-CVI and S-CVI. However, the I-CVI achieved the criteria, S-CVI is 0.898, and FKI is 0.432, then processed to the EFA procedure. The EFA identified four sub-constructs of EI with 73.729% of the total variance explained (TVE) in this study. The study found that the instrument is valid and reliable in measuring the values aspect of EI. The study's findings could be of interest to the governments, schools managements, and other researchers. It will enable those parties to analyze which factorsare needed to enhance the quality and successful youth in entrepreneurship post-covid-19.
Jurnal pendidikan ekonomi & bisnis, Mar 29, 2013
This research was aimed at describing the effect of cultural capital, education level of parents ... more This research was aimed at describing the effect of cultural capital, education level of parents and income level of parents to academic achievement. In this research, the analysis use qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative analysis described in descriptive about cultural capital, education level of parents and income level of parents to academic achievement. The quantitative analysis used Logistic Regression. The Regression of research results show that: (1) cultural capital has a positive influence to academic achievement and the effect statistically significant. (2) education level of parents has a positive influence to academic achievement and the effect statistically significant. (3) income level of parents has a positive influence to academic achievement and the effect statistically significant.
Jurnal pendidikan ekonomi & bisnis, Oct 31, 2014
This article was aimed at describing connections between unemployment to poverty in DKI Jakarta. ... more This article was aimed at describing connections between unemployment to poverty in DKI Jakarta. In this article, the analysis use descriptive-qualitative. This analysis described in descriptive about unemployment and poverty in DKI Jakarta. Unemployment that occured in DKI Jakarta making poverty is increasing and that seen everywhere. The increase of unemployment in development countries emerging due to the slow growth of employment than the the rapid growth of labor force. Policies need to be created by the local government that can increase the demand of unskilled labor in order to facilitate poor peoples sell their labor and reduce the number of unemployment.

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Jan 25, 2020
The purpose of this study is to see the index of education development and implementation of educ... more The purpose of this study is to see the index of education development and implementation of education policies in Indonesia. For the purposes of the papers, researchers investigated and analyzed the extensive literature. The review of the literature revealed that the index of education development in Indonesia was increased by years, but there were obstacles in educational policies referring to the indicators of the index of education development to policy makers in making education policies and implementing those policies. There are still low teacher qualifications and competencies, the education budget, the school environment that is not yet child-friendly and the lack of access to education for marginalized people. The contribution of this study is to provide recommendations and solutions according to the analysis of those literatures.

Econosains: Jurnal Online Ekonomi dan Pendidikan, Aug 20, 2015
Improving the quality of graduates who can compete in the millenimum era is the responsibility of... more Improving the quality of graduates who can compete in the millenimum era is the responsibility of the world of education, especially the world of higher education in this case one of them is the State University of Jakarta .. One of the steps that can be done to prepare graduates who berkulaitas that is by adjusting the need for the competence of graduates with the world Work and industry. To know the suitability between graduate competence with user requirement is tracer study (trace study). This study was conducted with the aim to identify the competence of FE UNJ graduates in Economic Education Study Program based on the profile of waiting time, job suitability and first salary while working as well as company perception about alumni competence. This research is a qualitative study with the study population is alumni of Prodi Economic Education graduated from the period of 2011/2012. The sampling technique uses convenience sampling technique (non probability sampling). The data used in this study is the primary data obtained by interview or interview. The results obtained are about the suitability of the work field that is the teacher of 25% of the population

Econosains: Jurnal Online Ekonomi dan Pendidikan, Mar 31, 2014
Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the Compulsory Basic Education Programme period 2008-2011 i... more Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the Compulsory Basic Education Programme period 2008-2011 in Jakarta and knew the extent of the success of the program, and formulate policy recommendations to improve this activity in the future . This study uses the CIPP evaluation process to assess whether the program is appropriate to proceed or not. From the research, it is seen that in the context of the stage success indicators compulsory education program, it can be concluded that the implementation of the law that underlies the program has not done well. Referring to the input stage of program success indicators compulsory education, it can be concluded that the population of school age enrolled in school at that level has been well absorbed. Referring to the indicators of the success of the process stages of compulsory education program, it can be concluded that the stage of the process is quite successful. As well as referring to the indicators of the success of the product phase of compulsory education program, it can be concluded that the stage of successful products, because its value at a high level of completeness that range from 94% -103 %. Keywords: Basic Education Programme, CIPP Evaluation, DKI Jakarta.

Econosains: Jurnal Online Ekonomi dan Pendidikan, Mar 31, 2014
This study was conducted to identify the competencies of graduates FE UNJ waiting times based upo... more This study was conducted to identify the competencies of graduates FE UNJ waiting times based upon the profile of the work , the suitability of the first areas of work, salary and perceptions about the competence of the alumni corporation. This research is a qualitative study and the population are alumnies of the Faculty of Economics who working in government agencies, private and entrepreneur and graduated from the period 2011/2012 to 2012/2013. Sample of the population is set at 10 % of the total population, and using a technique comvenience sampling (non probability sampling). The data used in this study is primary data obtained from interviews and use the questionnaire instrument. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics by looking at the frequency distribution and the average of respondents's answers regarding the competence of graduates of the Faculty of Economics UNJ. 92.8 % of alumni of the Faculty of Economics working as employees of the company, 5.8 % be a teacher, others go to college and as entrepreneurs. The average waiting time for alumnies FE UNJ only takes waited less than 6 months to get a job. The level of salary received at the time of the first alumni of work varies with an average of 2-3 million by 49 % and between 3 million and above by 23 %. The level of compliance competencies and job average amounted to 77 % of alumni and competence of alumni based on the user 's perception was expressed by 71 % of alumni FE UNJ have a good competence.

Econosains: Jurnal Online Ekonomi dan Pendidikan, Apr 3, 2011
This research was aimed at describing connections between government expenditures to Indonesia's ... more This research was aimed at describing connections between government expenditures to Indonesia's economic growth in the period 1997-2007. In this research, central government expenditure can be divided into current expenditure and capital expenditure. The data were taken from Badan Pusat Statistik, International Funding Statistik (IFS) and Asian Development Bank (ADB). The analysis use qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative analysis described in descriptive about government expenditures in Indonesia. The quantitative analysis used Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) with secondary data. The Regression of research results show that: (1) current expenditure has a positive relationship to economic growth and the effect statistically significant. (2) capital expenditure has a positive relationship to economic growth and the effect statistically significant.
Jurnal pendidikan ekonomi & bisnis, May 21, 2017
The study aims to determine whether there is the influence of job satisfaction and organizationco... more The study aims to determine whether there is the influence of job satisfaction and organizationcommitment towards turnover intention of employess on Pahala Express Jatiasih Bekasi. The study was conducted for 3 (three) months since Januari 2015 until April 2015. The research method is survey method with the correlational approach.. The sample is 119 people, 5% of the population. The sampling technique with proportional random technique.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Mar 25, 2020

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Jan 25, 2020
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the the Entre... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the the Entrepreneurial Student Program and determine the extent of successfull of the program and analyze responses and feedback as well as constraints in the implementation of policies regarding the holding of the Entrepreneurial Student Program in UNJ. This study uses mix methods. The evaluation model used in this study is a CIPP model. The result are : In the sub focus background and the the Entrepreneurial Student Program, includes on it managers, lecturers, tutors and participants. Sub-program preparation for The Entrepreneurial Student Program consists of short-term programs, long-term, curriculum and training materials, technical and operational guidelines, HR, companion mentors, monitoring, secretariat, infrastructure and financing the budget. This program has not been used optimally. Socialization is made by mail to the faculties and social media. The preparation phase for providing supplies to students is about the basics of entrepreneurship, there are no participants following a program that actively internships in SMEs. Fostering, monitoring evaluation, participants are required to make a report that contained TOR of use of funds. This program follow-up programs experiencing capacity increase as much as 67.74%, while the the capability increased by 70.97%.

Econosains: Jurnal Online Ekonomi dan Pendidikan, Aug 20, 2015
The purpose of this research is to detect correlation between organization culture with organizat... more The purpose of this research is to detect correlation between organization culture with organization commitment on Employee at PT. Yodya Karya. The research is done during for two months since May until June 2014. The method of research is survey method with correlation approach. The population research was employee in PT. Yodya Karya center board with total 57 employee, and 48 employees for sampling and used probability random sampling. Instrument that used to get variable data X (Organization Culture) and variable data Y measured by questionnaire using Likert scale. The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is Ŷ = 45,47 + 0,29X. Analysis rules test that is test normalitas while analysis rules test that is test normalitas regression estimation error Y on X with test Liliefors got Lhitung (0,1202) < Ltabel (0,1278) matters this means sample comes from population normal distribution. Significancy test and regression linearity by using analysis table varians (Anava) got regression similiarity Fhitung (8,67) >Ftabel (4,05) that declare regression very mean with regression linearity test that produce Fhitung (0,91) < Ftabel (2,04) that show the regression model that used linear. Correlation coefficient hypothesis test is done with formula product moment produce rhitung = 0,401. Significancy test with thitung (2,97) > ttabel (1,68). Because thitung> ttabel, from watchfullness result so researcher can conclude that found connection significant between organization culture with organization commitment on employee PT. Yodya Karya. Determination coeficient test produce KD as big 132

Econosains: Jurnal Online Ekonomi dan Pendidikan, Aug 30, 2016
, interviews, documentation and archive footage, while the analysis of data using qualitative dat... more , interviews, documentation and archive footage, while the analysis of data using qualitative data analysis interactive model. The results showed that: (1) Implementation of UN 2015 went well, although there are still obstacles to the program, but this is normal and can be controlled quickly and well. (2) The 2015 UN Program is a pilot program, where this year the UN goal is to assess the achievement of national competency standards on a particular subject. (3) The results of the UN as a basis for mapping the quality of programs and or education units, consideration of selection into the next level of education and training as well as providing assistance to the education unit in its efforts to improve the quality of education, not as a determinant of graduation of students. (4) each learner formal education and non-formal education pathways equality eligible for the national exam and has the right to repeat the extent not otherwise meet the criteria of achievement of competence of graduates, and every student must attend one national exam at no charge.

Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2018
The purpose of this research is to know Influence Ability, Perception of Change and Motivation to... more The purpose of this research is to know Influence Ability, Perception of Change and Motivation to Intention of Entrepreneurship. Respondents in this research are 166 students of Faculty of Economics UNJ. The method used is descriptive quantitative. Analysis technique used in this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) with analyst is confirmatory factor. The results are: 1. There is positive and significant influence between ability to Motivation. 2. There is a positive but not significant influence between ability to Intention of Entrepreneurship. 3. There is Indirect Influence between ability to Intention of Entrepreneurship through Motivation. 4. There is a positive and significant influence between perceptions of change on Motivation. 5. There is a positive and significant influence between perceptions of change to Intention of Entrepreneurship. 6. There is no significant influence between perceptions of change on Intention of Entrepreneurship through Motivation. 7. There is a positive and significant influence between Motivations with Intention of Entrepreneurship. Theoretical and practical implications are entrepreneurship learning at university is very useful to improve the quality of university graduates and practical policies, and also in this study see that entrepreneurial intentions can be optimized through motivation, ability and perception to change. Entrepreneurial learning must be interactive and facilitated by faculties and universities so that students have the motivation and desire to become entrepreneurs. Need to combine good conventional and online learning (but not fully online) to learn more interactive entrepreneurship

Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2018
The purpose of researcher is analyze responses of teachers perceptions of school and teacher read... more The purpose of researcher is analyze responses of teachers perceptions of school and teacher readiness in utilization Information Communication Technology (ICT) systems in Entrepreneurship Subject at Vocational High School in East Java, Indonesia. This research used descriptive quantitative survey method to identify the conditions of schools and using observation with deep interviews to respondents who selected according to the criteria. They were 102 entrepreneurship teachers from Vocational High School in Indonesia. The result are 1. Schools already have readiness in the utilization of ICT. 2. The utilization of the ICT system is still lacking by the teachers even though the school is ready in the system. 3. Lack of teachers' willingness to learn. 4. Based on the criteria of the respondent the female teacher needs training in using ICT system and teachers with undergraduate background still lack the mastery of ICT system.

IntechOpen eBooks, Feb 23, 2023
Digital entrepreneurship is becoming more popular, so now is a great time to learn more about it.... more Digital entrepreneurship is becoming more popular, so now is a great time to learn more about it. This research aims to find out how digital entrepreneurship knowledge in Vocational High School Students. The novelty of this present study is that it looks at digital entrepreneurship using a mixed-methods and focuses on Vocational High School Students as its subject. The sample used was twelve student respondents who had met the saturation criteria in the qualitative phase; from the results of the qualitative phase, several themes came up from the interview process using inductive code on the thematic analysis. However, the researchers only focused on the digital entrepreneurship theme based on the need for this theme at the vocational high school level. Then, the quantitative phase investigates in deep of other data and is processed using questionnaires. The result begins with a validity test in which R calculates each indicator its value above the table R-value of 0.576, while for the test the reliability of Cronbach's Alpha value 0.966 has high reliability. Furthermore, using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test found the data was normally distributed and homogeneous. Independent Sample t Test is known that there is a difference in digital entrepreneurship knowledge between Male and Female Students.

IntechOpen eBooks, Feb 23, 2023
Digital entrepreneurship is becoming more popular, so now is a great time to learn more about it.... more Digital entrepreneurship is becoming more popular, so now is a great time to learn more about it. This research aims to find out how digital entrepreneurship knowledge in Vocational High School Students. The novelty of this present study is that it looks at digital entrepreneurship using a mixed-methods and focuses on Vocational High School Students as its subject. The sample used was twelve student respondents who had met the saturation criteria in the qualitative phase; from the results of the qualitative phase, several themes came up from the interview process using inductive code on the thematic analysis. However, the researchers only focused on the digital entrepreneurship theme based on the need for this theme at the vocational high school level. Then, the quantitative phase investigates in deep of other data and is processed using questionnaires. The result begins with a validity test in which R calculates each indicator its value above the table R-value of 0.576, while for the test the reliability of Cronbach&#39;s Alpha value 0.966 has high reliability. Furthermore, using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test found the data was normally distributed and homogeneous. Independent Sample t Test is known that there is a difference in digital entrepreneurship knowledge between Male and Female Students.

Humanities and Social Sciences Letters
The present study demonstrated scale development of the social support (SS), whose measurement sh... more The present study demonstrated scale development of the social support (SS), whose measurement should be re-evaluated based on past studies findings. This study aimed for scale development and investigated the dimensionality of items measuring the SS construct. The validation for content and face validity used Modified Delphi Method with seven panelists, however the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) used questionnaires for construct validity and was administered on 100 students in 23 vocational high schools (VHS) as the sampling of this study. A total of 30 initial items were analyzed using Content Validity Index (CVI) that consisted of I-CVI and S-CVI, and was also analyzed with Fleiss Kappa Index (FKI). However, the 25 items were used to collect data in the study, which was then processed using SPSS version 24 on the EFA procedure. The SS-values instrument was found valid. This study's findings could serve as a basis for future research in this area as contribution reliable, a...

Humanities and Social Sciences Letters , 2022
The present study demonstrated scale development of the social support (SS), whose
measurement s... more The present study demonstrated scale development of the social support (SS), whose
measurement should be re-evaluated based on past studies findings. This study aimed
for scale development and investigated the dimensionality of items measuring the SS
construct. The validation for content and face validity used Modified Delphi Method
with seven panelists, however the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) used
questionnaires for construct validity and was administered on 100 students in 23
vocational high schools (VHS) as the sampling of this study. A total of 30 initial items
were analyzed using Content Validity Index (CVI) that consisted of I-CVI and S-CVI,
and was also analyzed with Fleiss Kappa Index (FKI). However, the 25 items were used
to collect data in the study, which was then processed using SPSS version 24 on the
EFA procedure. The SS-values instrument was found valid. This study's findings could
serve as a basis for future research in this area as contribution reliable, and
recommended in other relevant studies.
Papers by Darma Rika Swaramarinda
measurement should be re-evaluated based on past studies findings. This study aimed
for scale development and investigated the dimensionality of items measuring the SS
construct. The validation for content and face validity used Modified Delphi Method
with seven panelists, however the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) used
questionnaires for construct validity and was administered on 100 students in 23
vocational high schools (VHS) as the sampling of this study. A total of 30 initial items
were analyzed using Content Validity Index (CVI) that consisted of I-CVI and S-CVI,
and was also analyzed with Fleiss Kappa Index (FKI). However, the 25 items were used
to collect data in the study, which was then processed using SPSS version 24 on the
EFA procedure. The SS-values instrument was found valid. This study's findings could
serve as a basis for future research in this area as contribution reliable, and
recommended in other relevant studies.
measurement should be re-evaluated based on past studies findings. This study aimed
for scale development and investigated the dimensionality of items measuring the SS
construct. The validation for content and face validity used Modified Delphi Method
with seven panelists, however the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) used
questionnaires for construct validity and was administered on 100 students in 23
vocational high schools (VHS) as the sampling of this study. A total of 30 initial items
were analyzed using Content Validity Index (CVI) that consisted of I-CVI and S-CVI,
and was also analyzed with Fleiss Kappa Index (FKI). However, the 25 items were used
to collect data in the study, which was then processed using SPSS version 24 on the
EFA procedure. The SS-values instrument was found valid. This study's findings could
serve as a basis for future research in this area as contribution reliable, and
recommended in other relevant studies.