bbd - breadbakingday

*** BBD has its own facebook fanpage. Just like it! ***

BreadBakingDay the monthly event for passionate and to-be bread bakers.

Let's bake bread and share recipes and experiences on the first day of every month.

Make sure you got the monthly bbd theme, post your recipe by the specified deadline and email the host with a link to your entry.

Next BBD will be announced soon!

*** Archive ***

#56 January 2013
bbd #56 - A Bread Fashion Show! hosted by The Gingered Whisk
Roundup can be found here.

#55 December 2012
bbd #55 - Coloured Bread hosted by Katha-kocht!
Roundup can be found here.

#54 November 2012
bbd #54 - Overnight hosted by Hefe und mehr
Roundup can be found here.

#53 August 2012
bbd #53 - Swirly Breads hosted by C Mom Cook
Roundup can be found here.

#52 July 2012
bbd #52 - French Bread hosted by Cindystar
Roundup can be found here.
#51 June 2012
bbd #51 - Bread with beer for the 5th anniversary hosted by 1x umrühren bitte aka kochtopf
Roundup can be found here.

#50 May 2012
bbd #50 - Bread with vegetables hosted by From Snuggs Kitchen
Roundup can be found here.

#49 April 2012
bbd #49 - Pizzas & Italian Breads Revisited hosted by Cravo e Canela - Uma Cozinha no Brasil
Roundup can be found here.

#48 March 2012
bbd #48 - Bread with Eggs hosted by Paulchens FoodBlog
Roundup is online here.

#47 February 2012
bbd #47 - Bread with Chocolate hosted by Parsley, Sage, Desserts and Line Drives
Roundup can be found here.

#46 January 2012
bbd #46 - Baking a bread from a place you would love to visit hosted by Ya Salam Cooking
Roundup can be found here.

#45 December 2011
bbd #45 - Xmas edition hosted by Cindystar
Roundup can be found here.

#44 November 2011
bbd #44 - Autumn flavors hosted by Winged Snail
Roundup can be found here.

#43 August 2011
bbd #43 - Onion Breads hosted by judy's gross eats
Roundup can be found here.

#42 July 2011
bbd #42 - Bread for a Picnic hosted by Come conmigo, el blog de Palmira
Roundup can be found here.

#41 June 2011
bbd #41 - 4th anniversary edition - Bread with herbs hosted by my discovery of Bread
Roundup can be found here.

#40 May 2011
bbd #40 - Bread with Curd hosted by 1x umrühren bitte aka kochtopf
Roundup can be found here.

#39 April 2011
bbd #39 - Salt Rising Bread hosted by easier than pie
Roundup can be found here.

#38 March 2011
bbd #38 - No Knead-Bread hosted by Cindystar
Roundup can be found here.

#37 February 2011
bbd #37 - Bread made with sponge or pre-ferment hosted by Versatile Vegetarian Kitchen
Roundup can be found here.

#36 January 2011
bbd #36 - Corn"y Breads hosted by girlichef
Roundup can be found here.

Check BBD Archive 2007-2010, too.


Want to be the host?

If you would like to host one of the next breadbakingday, send me an e-mail to kochtopf (at) gmail (dot) com.

Special thanks to mgb for the banner.
mamma3 (guest) - 2. May, 14:31

HI! I read about BreadBakingDay, And I enjoeyed it a lot! May I partecipate to the next one? If I'm in late, I would like to post on June, I wait your news

Kitchen Goddess (guest) - 10. May, 12:21

Culinary Travels of a Kitchen Goddess

I love the idea of this challenge but I doubt I'd be able to post every month, is it ok to just do occasional challenges?
Zorra - 10. May, 13:31

You don't need to participate every month, it's up to you which challenges you wanna take.
Margaret (guest) - 6. Apr, 03:58


I would enjoy being a part of this. I really just started baking bread from scratch and find I enjoy it tremendously. May I join in. When do you post the next challenge???

Zorra - 6. Apr, 09:08


You are more than welcome to join us. Announcing day of the theme is always the 6th of the month and submission due date is always the first of the month. Just check this post and your are up to date.
SallyBR (guest) - 26. Oct, 23:00

I would love to participate, so count me in for the next round!

THank you again for organizing the World Bread Day, what a great event this was!
peppinella (guest) - 9. Feb, 20:22


ich sollte mich echt umbenennen. eventverpasserin wäre gerade recht, oder?

Karin (guest) - 10. Feb, 09:25

Am Dienstag kommt mein neuer Herd und dann kann ich endlich auch wieder backen. Einige Ideen habe ich auch schon.

cinzia (guest) - 6. May, 22:39

hi zo,
could you please check the links for BBD # 28 Round up 1 and 2 - Buns hosted by Tangerine''s Kitchen? because I can't get through, I can only read the blog's headline, nothing else.
many thanks!

Zorra - 7. May, 11:12


I checked it and on my computer it works. Strange...
cinzia (guest) - 11. May, 08:27

it's working now!
thank you anyway, have a nice week, here weather horrible since last week...rainy and cold!...where spring has gone?
Lien (guest) - 5. May, 11:50

Hi Zorra, just a question. Is the 39th edition the May one or should it be April? (March seems to be missing).

Any idea yet who's hosting May (or it it June)? Have a great day.

Zorra - 5. May, 12:02


Thank you Lien, 39th was the edition of April. 40th edition will be announced tomorrow, and is hosted by me.

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