My scholarly research published papers by Fariya Abubakari

Decisions on containment of potential Cu toxicity require an understanding of its behaviour in th... more Decisions on containment of potential Cu toxicity require an understanding of its behaviour in the soil. Two experiments arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), with four replications, were carried out separately, to assess the distribution of Cu. The treatments were 0.00, 12.33, 18.50 and 24.70 g/m 2. Two different soils, Gleyic Arenosol (Nta series) and Eutric/Dysteric Gleysol(Temang series) were used for the studies. The study showed Cu sorption increased with increasing soil organic matter (SOM) content. Whilst the correlation between Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and Cu sorption was positive in the Gleyic Arenosol, it was negative in the Eutric/Dysteric Gleysol. The clay content did not show any regular pattern with Cu sorption. Copper sorption increased with increasing pH in both soil types. Gleyic Arenosol adsorbed more Cu than the Eutric/Dysteric Gleysol at all levels of Cu application. The results showed the annual Cu movement in the soil to be 4.17 and 4.58 cm y-1 for the Gleyic Arenosol and Eutric/Dysteric Gleysol respectively. Continuous application of Cu may have serious groundwater implications especially under low pH and SOM. Industries processing heavy metals are encouraged to set up large column leaching apparatus to clean industrial effluents before disposing them. Copyright©2016, Abubakari Awudu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The study focused on the profitability of tomato production in the Talensi Nabdam District of Upp... more The study focused on the profitability of tomato production in the Talensi Nabdam District of Upper East Region of Ghana. A total of 100 respondents were interviewed using questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the income statement. The arithmetic mean was used to find the average cost of production, output per acre and return per acre. Tomato production was found to be
profitable with a profit of GH¢ 284.83 per hectare, output of 1,716kg per hectare, gross income of GH¢1,304.16 per hectare and return per Cedi invested was found to be 0.279 Pesewa. Labor constituted 62% of the total variable cost and this shows the high intensity of labor in tomato production.

A highly variability and unpredictable climate has always being experienced in the Upper East Reg... more A highly variability and unpredictable climate has always being experienced in the Upper East Region
of Ghana where the is occurrence of droughts and floods which often occur in the same area within
months and poses a threat to food productivity where production is mainly rain fed and decreased yield
due to loss of lands and creates uncertainty about what and when to plant, people at risk from hunger,
decreased fish stock due to increasing temperatures and fall of net revenues from crops. This study
was carried out to examine the determinants of household food security and climate change impact on
agriculture in the Talensi Nabdam District of Upper East Region of Ghana. Data was collected from
sample households by administering questionnaire. Random sampling was used in selecting seven
communities in Talensi Nabdam District in Upper East Region of Ghana. They communities include;
Belungu, Kongo, Damolgo, Zalerigu, Dagliga, Nangodi, and Damolgo. About 88% of the respondence
was male and 12% represented females. Majority of the respondence about 46% falls within age range
of 31-40. From the study, about 43% of the household were food secured and 57% of the household
were food insecure. Farmer based organization, household size; extension contact and labor with the
exception of credit, married, age and male had significant impact on household food security in the
study area.

The study examines the effects of awareness of fertilizer subsidy on the yield of crops among rur... more The study examines the effects of awareness of fertilizer subsidy on the yield of crops among rural farmers in Ghana. Random sampling was used to select six communities and 10 households per community. They include Bawku, Navrongo, Tolon kumbungu and Walewale from the Northern part and Ejura and Atebubu in the Southern part of Ghana. Primary data were collected from the sampled household by administering questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used in analyzing the data and independent-samples t-test was used to compare the crop yield of farmers that are aware of the fertilizer subsidy program and unaware of the fertilizer subsidy program and mean was used to find the output of the beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries by using SPSS. Out of the 60 farmers interviewed in the study, male households head constituted majority 88.3%.Thepercentages of beneficiaries of the fertilizer subsidy program were 66.7% and that of the non-beneficiaries were 33.3%.Maize recorded the highest average output per acre 10.12kg/acre of beneficiaries of fertilizer subsidy program and the highest average output per acre 11.3kg/acre for the non-beneficiaries of the fertilizer subsidy program. Rice recorded the highest average output per acre 40.10kg/acre of beneficiaries before the fertilizer subsidy program and also recorded the highest average output per acre of beneficiaries after the fertilizer subsidy program. The results of the independent-samples T-test shows that, the group means 16.21 and 12.50 are significantly different because the value in the sig (2 tailed) row 0.01 and 0.03 are less than 0.05. This implies that, those farmers who were aware of the fertilizer subsidy program had higher crop yield than those who were unaware of the fertilizer subsidy program.
Problems that adversely affect total dependence on either organic or mineral fertilizers in Sub-S... more Problems that adversely affect total dependence on either organic or mineral fertilizers in Sub-Saharan Africa include high cost and scarcity or mineral fertilizer and increases soil acidity, nutrient imbalance and physical degradation of soil. Organic manure is not often available in sufficient quantity for large farms, aside from its low quality, transportation and handling problems. The low productivity of the agricultural sector in many parts of Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) is largely attributed to low and decreasing soil fertility due to many factors such as soil erosion, continuous cropping, soil acidity and inadequate sustainable soil fertility management. This review describes the characteristics, constraints and limitation of soil amendments in Sub-Saharan Africa soil.

This study examines the production trend for maize, millet and rice in the Kassena Nankana East D... more This study examines the production trend for maize, millet and rice in the Kassena Nankana East District between 2001 and 2013. The production of maize starts to increase between 2001 and 2002 and a marginal decrease (-3%) between 2002 and 2003 and reduce drastically (-51%) between 2004 and 2005.
Production for millet starts to decrease between 2001 and 2005 and a marginal increase (84%) between 2009 and 2010 and reduced drastically (-78%) between 2010 and 2011. The production of rice starts to decrease (-52%) between 2001 and 2010 and a marginal decrease of production from 40,000Mt to
10,000Mt between 2012 and 2013. The lowest production of maize was in 2013 (10,000Mt). On the other hand, rice and millet production recorded maximum of 45,000Mt and 12,000Mt between 2011 and 2009 respectively. The area allocated for maize and rice cultivation consistently remained above 20,000ha and maize reaches its highest peak of 30,000ha and rice 25,000ha. The rate of growth also remained
stable for millet from 2001 to 2009. The trends reflect the relative importance of the crops in the Ghanaian food system.

Climate change is a threat to agriculture and food security because of the loss in food productio... more Climate change is a threat to agriculture and food security because of the loss in food production through crop failure and increase in disease and mortality rate of livestock. One of the main elements of climate change for agriculture is the variability in rainfall and temperatures that directly impact soil
moisture. This study addresses the effect of climate changing on food crop in Ghana between 2001 and 2010. Some of the crops grown by farmers in this study are cassava, soybean, maize and millet. The effect of climate changing on the yield of cassava was 13.80Mt/Ha and that of the achievable yield was
48.70Mt/Ha, average yield of soybean was 1.5Mt/Ha and its achievable yield 2.30Mt/Ha, maize average yield was 170Mt/Ha and achievable yield 6Mt/Ha and that of millet 1.3Mt/Ha and achievable yield 2Mt/Ha. The highest rainfall in the regions was recorded in 2003 12,229mm and the least in 2004 9,928mm. The types of livestock from this study include cattle, sheep, goats and poultry. There is a positive covariation between poultry population and the rainfall 30-year average under consideration, a perfect negative significant correlation between goat population and rainfall 30-year average, a positive covariation between sheep population and the rainfall 10-year and 30-year average and a positive covariation between cattle population and rainfall 30-year average.

Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy of Ghana. The Government has given special attention t... more Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy of Ghana. The Government has given special attention to the sector to play a leading role in the economic development of the country. The role of the sector is an engine of economic development and depends upon other things on sustainable use of the land resource. This study was carried out in the Sudan Savannah (Bawku and Navrongo) and Guinea Savannah (Tolon kumbungu and Walewale) zone of Ghana to assess the effect of fertilizer subsidy on yield of crops among rural farmers. Data was collected from randomly selected households by administering questionnaire and a descriptive statistics consisting of simple percentages, frequencies, means and tables, were used to examine the socio- economic characteristics of farmers. The arithmetic mean was used to find the average farm size per acre and output per acre of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the fertilizer subsidy program. Results of the analysis showed that 93% of the sampled farmers were men. Land ownership of the farmers was known to affect their farming activities. Evidence from this study reveals that (63%) of the farmers were sole owners, (13%) hired, (25%) family, 68% belong to farmers group and 32% do not belong to any association. The percentage of beneficiaries of the fertilizer subsidy program was 68% and that of the non-beneficiaries was 32%. The average output per acre of the beneficiaries of the fertilizer subsidy program were16.15kg/acre maize, 7kg/acre soybean, 41kg/acre rice and 8kg/acre groundnut and average output per acre for the non-beneficiaries of the fertilizer subsidy program were 12.38kg/acre maize, 2.25kg/acre soybean, 8.5kg/acre rice and 5kg/acre groundnut. The average output per acre of the beneficiaries before the fertilizer subsidy program were 16.15kg/acre maize, 7kg/acre soybean, 40.4kg/acre rice and 8kg/acre groundnut and that of the beneficiaries output per acre after the fertilizer subsidy program were 19.54kg/acre maize, 8kg/acre soybean, 29kg/acre rice and 4.2kg/acre groundnut. Majority 93% of the farmers were aware of the fertilizer subsidy program and few were unaware of the fertilizer subsidy program7%.

Soil erosion is one of the most important forms of land degradation that threatens continued and ... more Soil erosion is one of the most important forms of land degradation that threatens continued and sustained agricultural production in Ghana. The most severely affected areas are the three northern regions especially Upper East Region, where large tracts of land have been destroyed by water erosion leading to soil depth reduction and decline in soil fertility. This study was carried out in Talensi Nabdam District of Upper East Region of Ghana to examine the adoption of soil conservation technologies of rural farmers in the district. A random sample of 350 household was selected from seven communities in the district. Questionnaires administered in the area provided primary data needed for analysis. Descriptive statistics were employed in describing the socio-economic characteristic of farmers. Mean was used to rank the constraints and perception indices were used to analyze for the perception of farmers on the various soil conservation technologies. Probit model was used in the analysis of factors that influenced farmer’s decision to adopt soil conservation technologies and among the eight variables fitted in the model, four were found to be significant for stonebunds, three for earthbunds, three for vertiver grass and three for manure. Farmer based organization, household size; extension contact and labour were significant for stonebunds. Education, household size and labour were significant for earthbunds. Gender, household size and extension contact were significant for vertiver grass. Gender, household size and extension contact were significant for manure. Age, marital status and credit have no significant effects on farmers adopting all the conservation technologies.

The study focused on the analysis of production and marketing constraints of tomato among rural f... more The study focused on the analysis of production and marketing constraints of tomato among rural farmers in Talensi Nabdam district of Upper East Region of Ghana.A total of 100 respondents were interviewed using questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics to describe the socio economic characteristics of the farmers and Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance was used to rank the constraints. Lack of access to credit and lack of reliable market were the major constraints the farmers were facing. Male's form 89% of the respondents and 11% were females. This indicates that, majority of the tomato farmers were males. Moreover, 55% of the respondents have no access to basic education. 15% have access to primary and 11% to Senior high School and lastly 4% to tertiary institution which means more than half of the tomato farmers were illiterate.77% of the respondents have been in the practice of tomato production for more than 5 years, this result shows that tomato production is an age long profession of the people in the study area Abstract
My Scholarly Scientific Papers by Fariya Abubakari
Problems that adversely affect total dependence on either organic or mineral fertilizers in Sub-S... more Problems that adversely affect total dependence on either organic or mineral fertilizers in Sub-Saharan Africa include high cost and scarcity or mineral fertilizer and increases soil acidity, nutrient imbalance and physical degradation of soil. Organic manure is not often available in sufficient quantity for large farms, aside from its low quality, transportation and handling problems. The low productivity of the agricultural sector in many parts of Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) is largely attributed to low and decreasing soil fertility due to many factors such as soil erosion, continuous cropping, soil acidity and inadequate sustainable soil fertility management. This review describes the characteristics, constraints and limitation of soil amendments in Sub-Saharan Africa soil.

This study was conducted in Talensi and Nabdam districts of the Upper East Region of Ghana. Much ... more This study was conducted in Talensi and Nabdam districts of the Upper East Region of Ghana. Much of the tomato is being cultivated in these districts and yet the poorest with low income. The study was therefore conducted to investigate the determinants of poverty among tomato farmers. Pwalugu, Pusu-Namogo, Winkogo, Yindure and Arigu were the communities which were purposively selected in Talensi and Nabdam districts. A total of 100 farmers were selected and the simple random technique was used to select 20 rural farmers from each community. The linear regression was used in SPSS to estimate the poverty determinants of the farmers. Data collected include, marital status, age, sex, extension contact, access to credit, farming experience, education, farm income, farm size and kind of labour using questionnaire. It was observed that, extension contact, farming experience, educational level, access to credit and gender are important determinants in reducing poverty as against age and marital statue.

Soil erosion is one of the most important forms of land degradation that threatens continued and ... more Soil erosion is one of the most important forms of land degradation that threatens continued and sustained agricultural production in Ghana. The most severely affected areas are the three northern regions especially Upper East Region, where large tracts of land have been destroyed by water erosion leading to soil depth reduction and decline in soil fertility. This study was carried out in Talensi Nabdam District of Upper East Region of Ghana to examine the adoption of soil conservation technologies of rural farmers in the district. A random sample of 350 household was selected from seven communities in the district. Questionnaires administered in the area provided primary data needed for analysis. Descriptive statistics were employed in describing the socio-economic characteristic of farmers. Mean was used to rank the constraints and perception indices were used to analyze for the perception of farmers on the various soil conservation technologies. Probit model was used in the analysis of factors that influenced farmer’s decision to adopt soil conservation technologies and among the eight variables fitted in the model, four were found to be significant for stonebunds, three for earthbunds, three for vertiver grass and three for manure. Farmer based organization, household size; extension contact and labour were significant for stonebunds. Education, household size and labour were significant for earthbunds. Gender, household size and extension contact were significant for vertiver grass. Gender, household size and extension contact were significant for manure. Age, marital status and credit have no significant effects on farmers adopting all the conservation technologies
Papers by Fariya Abubakari

Leguminous crops have a special role of fixing atmospheric nitrogen in the soil through the proce... more Leguminous crops have a special role of fixing atmospheric nitrogen in the soil through the process of biological nitrogen fixation. Biological nitrogen fixation is a natural means of reducing atmospheric nitrogen (N 2) to ammonia in the presence of nitrogenase in a form available to plants. Low crop productivity is a problem facing farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. These low yields in leguminous crops are as a result of declining soil fertility, reduced N 2-fixation, soil acidity, over cultivation, poor soil management practices and this make soils deficient in Nitrogen, and Phosphorus making the soil susceptible to erosion and leading to land degradation. It has been reported that application of organic matter increased soil pH from 5.0 to 6.5 after 90days of application. Majority of farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa are unable to afford the high prices of mineral fertilizer and much of the fertilizers are imported and putting pressure on foreign exchange. Hence farmers are advised to intercrop with legumes or practiced crop rotation to help increase the nitrogen content of the soil as a way of increasing yield. This review paper tends to reveal ways of improving nodulation and nitrogen fixation by legumes to enhance production in smallholder farming systems.

This study was carried out in Talensi Nabdam District of Upper East Region of Ghana to assess the... more This study was carried out in Talensi Nabdam District of Upper East Region of Ghana to assess the effect of soil conservation on the yield of millet and groundnut among farmers. Random sampling was used to select 50 farmers from seven communities namely Belungu, Kongo, Damolgo, Zalerigu,
Dagliga, Nangodi, and Arigu. Questionnaires administered in the area provided primary data needed for analysis. Descriptive statistics was employed in describing the socio-economic characteristic of farmers and independent-samples t-test was used to compare the output of millet and groundnut
farmers that adopted stonebunds, earthbunds, vertiver grass and manure by using SPSS. Male farmers 300 constituted the majority of adopters of the conservation methods and non-adopters represented 20. The group means 190.83 for output of adopters of stonebunds and 95.28 for output of non-adopters of stonebunds were significantly different. Farmers who adopted stonebunds had higher yield of
groundnut than those who did not adopt stonebunds. The group means 158.95 for output of adopters of earthbunds and 173.83 for output of non-adopters of earthbunds were significantly different. Adopters of stonebunds had higher output of millet than non-adopters.
My scholarly research published papers by Fariya Abubakari
profitable with a profit of GH¢ 284.83 per hectare, output of 1,716kg per hectare, gross income of GH¢1,304.16 per hectare and return per Cedi invested was found to be 0.279 Pesewa. Labor constituted 62% of the total variable cost and this shows the high intensity of labor in tomato production.
of Ghana where the is occurrence of droughts and floods which often occur in the same area within
months and poses a threat to food productivity where production is mainly rain fed and decreased yield
due to loss of lands and creates uncertainty about what and when to plant, people at risk from hunger,
decreased fish stock due to increasing temperatures and fall of net revenues from crops. This study
was carried out to examine the determinants of household food security and climate change impact on
agriculture in the Talensi Nabdam District of Upper East Region of Ghana. Data was collected from
sample households by administering questionnaire. Random sampling was used in selecting seven
communities in Talensi Nabdam District in Upper East Region of Ghana. They communities include;
Belungu, Kongo, Damolgo, Zalerigu, Dagliga, Nangodi, and Damolgo. About 88% of the respondence
was male and 12% represented females. Majority of the respondence about 46% falls within age range
of 31-40. From the study, about 43% of the household were food secured and 57% of the household
were food insecure. Farmer based organization, household size; extension contact and labor with the
exception of credit, married, age and male had significant impact on household food security in the
study area.
Production for millet starts to decrease between 2001 and 2005 and a marginal increase (84%) between 2009 and 2010 and reduced drastically (-78%) between 2010 and 2011. The production of rice starts to decrease (-52%) between 2001 and 2010 and a marginal decrease of production from 40,000Mt to
10,000Mt between 2012 and 2013. The lowest production of maize was in 2013 (10,000Mt). On the other hand, rice and millet production recorded maximum of 45,000Mt and 12,000Mt between 2011 and 2009 respectively. The area allocated for maize and rice cultivation consistently remained above 20,000ha and maize reaches its highest peak of 30,000ha and rice 25,000ha. The rate of growth also remained
stable for millet from 2001 to 2009. The trends reflect the relative importance of the crops in the Ghanaian food system.
moisture. This study addresses the effect of climate changing on food crop in Ghana between 2001 and 2010. Some of the crops grown by farmers in this study are cassava, soybean, maize and millet. The effect of climate changing on the yield of cassava was 13.80Mt/Ha and that of the achievable yield was
48.70Mt/Ha, average yield of soybean was 1.5Mt/Ha and its achievable yield 2.30Mt/Ha, maize average yield was 170Mt/Ha and achievable yield 6Mt/Ha and that of millet 1.3Mt/Ha and achievable yield 2Mt/Ha. The highest rainfall in the regions was recorded in 2003 12,229mm and the least in 2004 9,928mm. The types of livestock from this study include cattle, sheep, goats and poultry. There is a positive covariation between poultry population and the rainfall 30-year average under consideration, a perfect negative significant correlation between goat population and rainfall 30-year average, a positive covariation between sheep population and the rainfall 10-year and 30-year average and a positive covariation between cattle population and rainfall 30-year average.
My Scholarly Scientific Papers by Fariya Abubakari
Papers by Fariya Abubakari
Dagliga, Nangodi, and Arigu. Questionnaires administered in the area provided primary data needed for analysis. Descriptive statistics was employed in describing the socio-economic characteristic of farmers and independent-samples t-test was used to compare the output of millet and groundnut
farmers that adopted stonebunds, earthbunds, vertiver grass and manure by using SPSS. Male farmers 300 constituted the majority of adopters of the conservation methods and non-adopters represented 20. The group means 190.83 for output of adopters of stonebunds and 95.28 for output of non-adopters of stonebunds were significantly different. Farmers who adopted stonebunds had higher yield of
groundnut than those who did not adopt stonebunds. The group means 158.95 for output of adopters of earthbunds and 173.83 for output of non-adopters of earthbunds were significantly different. Adopters of stonebunds had higher output of millet than non-adopters.
profitable with a profit of GH¢ 284.83 per hectare, output of 1,716kg per hectare, gross income of GH¢1,304.16 per hectare and return per Cedi invested was found to be 0.279 Pesewa. Labor constituted 62% of the total variable cost and this shows the high intensity of labor in tomato production.
of Ghana where the is occurrence of droughts and floods which often occur in the same area within
months and poses a threat to food productivity where production is mainly rain fed and decreased yield
due to loss of lands and creates uncertainty about what and when to plant, people at risk from hunger,
decreased fish stock due to increasing temperatures and fall of net revenues from crops. This study
was carried out to examine the determinants of household food security and climate change impact on
agriculture in the Talensi Nabdam District of Upper East Region of Ghana. Data was collected from
sample households by administering questionnaire. Random sampling was used in selecting seven
communities in Talensi Nabdam District in Upper East Region of Ghana. They communities include;
Belungu, Kongo, Damolgo, Zalerigu, Dagliga, Nangodi, and Damolgo. About 88% of the respondence
was male and 12% represented females. Majority of the respondence about 46% falls within age range
of 31-40. From the study, about 43% of the household were food secured and 57% of the household
were food insecure. Farmer based organization, household size; extension contact and labor with the
exception of credit, married, age and male had significant impact on household food security in the
study area.
Production for millet starts to decrease between 2001 and 2005 and a marginal increase (84%) between 2009 and 2010 and reduced drastically (-78%) between 2010 and 2011. The production of rice starts to decrease (-52%) between 2001 and 2010 and a marginal decrease of production from 40,000Mt to
10,000Mt between 2012 and 2013. The lowest production of maize was in 2013 (10,000Mt). On the other hand, rice and millet production recorded maximum of 45,000Mt and 12,000Mt between 2011 and 2009 respectively. The area allocated for maize and rice cultivation consistently remained above 20,000ha and maize reaches its highest peak of 30,000ha and rice 25,000ha. The rate of growth also remained
stable for millet from 2001 to 2009. The trends reflect the relative importance of the crops in the Ghanaian food system.
moisture. This study addresses the effect of climate changing on food crop in Ghana between 2001 and 2010. Some of the crops grown by farmers in this study are cassava, soybean, maize and millet. The effect of climate changing on the yield of cassava was 13.80Mt/Ha and that of the achievable yield was
48.70Mt/Ha, average yield of soybean was 1.5Mt/Ha and its achievable yield 2.30Mt/Ha, maize average yield was 170Mt/Ha and achievable yield 6Mt/Ha and that of millet 1.3Mt/Ha and achievable yield 2Mt/Ha. The highest rainfall in the regions was recorded in 2003 12,229mm and the least in 2004 9,928mm. The types of livestock from this study include cattle, sheep, goats and poultry. There is a positive covariation between poultry population and the rainfall 30-year average under consideration, a perfect negative significant correlation between goat population and rainfall 30-year average, a positive covariation between sheep population and the rainfall 10-year and 30-year average and a positive covariation between cattle population and rainfall 30-year average.
Dagliga, Nangodi, and Arigu. Questionnaires administered in the area provided primary data needed for analysis. Descriptive statistics was employed in describing the socio-economic characteristic of farmers and independent-samples t-test was used to compare the output of millet and groundnut
farmers that adopted stonebunds, earthbunds, vertiver grass and manure by using SPSS. Male farmers 300 constituted the majority of adopters of the conservation methods and non-adopters represented 20. The group means 190.83 for output of adopters of stonebunds and 95.28 for output of non-adopters of stonebunds were significantly different. Farmers who adopted stonebunds had higher yield of
groundnut than those who did not adopt stonebunds. The group means 158.95 for output of adopters of earthbunds and 173.83 for output of non-adopters of earthbunds were significantly different. Adopters of stonebunds had higher output of millet than non-adopters.