Papers by Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2022
Electroencephalography (EEG) eye state classification becomes an essential tool to identify the c... more Electroencephalography (EEG) eye state classification becomes an essential tool to identify the cognitive state of humans. It can be used in several fields such as motor imagery recognition, drug effect detection, emotion categorization, seizure detection, etc. With the latest advances in deep learning (DL) models, it is possible to design an accurate and prompt EEG EyeState classification problem. In this view, this study presents a novel compact bat algorithm with deep learning model for biomedical EEG EyeState classification (CBADL-BEESC) model. The major intention of the CBADL-BEESC technique aims to categorize the presence of EEG EyeState. The CBADL-BEESC model performs feature extraction using the ALexNet model which helps to produce useful feature vectors. In addition, extreme learning machine autoencoder (ELM-AE) model is applied to classify the EEG signals and the parameter tuning of the ELM-AE model is performed using CBA. The experimental result analysis of the CBADL-BEESC model is carried out on benchmark results and the comparative outcome reported the supremacy of the CBADL-BEESC model over the recent methods.

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2022
Recently, medical data classification becomes a hot research topic among healthcare professionals... more Recently, medical data classification becomes a hot research topic among healthcare professionals and research communities, which assist in the disease diagnosis and decision making process. The latest developments of artificial intelligence (AI) approaches paves a way for the design of effective medical data classification models. At the same time, the existence of numerous features in the medical dataset poses a curse of dimensionality problem. For resolving the issues, this article introduces a novel feature subset selection with artificial intelligence based classification model for biomedical data (FSS-AICBD) technique. The FSS-AICBD technique intends to derive a useful set of features and thereby improve the classifier results. Primarily, the FSS-AICBD technique undergoes min-max normalization technique to prevent data complexity. In addition, the information gain (IG) approach is applied for the optimal selection of feature subsets. Also, group search optimizer (GSO) with deep belief network (DBN) model is utilized for biomedical data classification where the hyperparameters of the DBN model can be optimally tuned by the GSO algorithm. The choice of IG and GSO approaches results in promising medical data classification results. The experimental result analysis of the FSS-AICBD technique takes place using different benchmark healthcare datasets. The simulation results reported the enhanced outcomes of the FSS-AICBD technique interms of several measures.

Springer Nature: Environmental Earth Sciences, 2022
Accurate multi-time scale prediction of groundwater level (GWL) is important for water resources ... more Accurate multi-time scale prediction of groundwater level (GWL) is important for water resources planning and management. But it is difficult to achieve reliable and robust GWL predictive even by the use of soft-computing techniques which considers the uncontrollable error, indefinite input, and unneglectable uncertainty at the time of modeling process. Soft computing approaches integrated into the data pre-treatment approach, input selection model, or uncertainty analysis can be employed to resolve this issue. The design of extensive deterministic and uncertainty analysis of automated models for the prediction of GWL is yet to be extensively explored. In this aspect, this study focuses on the design of type-II fuzzy logic system with uncertainty handling (T2FLS-UH) for GWL prediction. The goal of the T2FLS-UH technique is for predicting the GWL with the consideration of uncertainty. The T2FLS-UH technique encompasses different stages of operations such as data preparation, feature selection, prediction, and membership function selection. Besides, an ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) technique is involved for the decomposition of the original signals as to various intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). In addition, the Boruta approach is used for the selection of appropriate input variables for the prediction process. Moreover, the T2FLS model is applied for the GWL prediction process to estimate the value for every IMF. To improvise the predictive performance, the membership function of the T2FLS technique is chosen optimally by seagull optimization (SGO) algorithm. A wide range of simulations was carried to highlight the enhanced predictive performance of the T2FLS-UH technique. The experimental values pointed out the supremacy of the T2FLS-UH technique over the recent state of art prediction techniques.

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
Short-term traffic flow prediction (TFP) is an important area in intelligent transportation syste... more Short-term traffic flow prediction (TFP) is an important area in intelligent transportation system (ITS), which is used to reduce traffic con gestion. But the avail of traffic flow data with temporal features and periodic features are susceptible to weather conditions, making TFP a challenging issue. TFP process are significantly influenced by several factors like accident and weather. Particularly, the inclement weather conditions may have an extreme impact on travel time and traffic flow. Since most of the existing TFP techniques do not consider the impact of weather conditions on the TF, it is needed to develop effective TFP with the consideration of extreme weather conditions. In this view, this paper designs an artificial intelligence based TFP with weather conditions (AITFP-WC) for smart cities. The goal of the AITFP WC model is to enhance the performance of the TFP model with the inclusion of weather related conditions. The proposed AITFP-WC technique includes Elman neural network (ENN) model to predict the flow of traffic in smart cities. Besides, tunicate swarm algorithm with feed forward neural networks (TSA-FFNN) model is employed for the weather and periodicity analysis. At last, a fusion of TFP and WPA processes takes place using the FFNN model to determine the final prediction output. In order to assess the enhanced predictive outcome of the AITFP-WC model, an extensive simulation analysis is carried out. The experimental values highlighted the enhanced performance of the AITFP-WC technique over the recent state of art methods.

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
Content authentication, integrity verification, and tampering detection of digital content exchan... more Content authentication, integrity verification, and tampering detection of digital content exchanged via the internet have been used to address a major concern in information and communication technology. In this paper, a text zero-watermarking approach known as Smart-Fragile Approach based on Soft Computing and Digital Watermarking (SFASCDW) is proposed for content authentication and tampering detection of English text. A first-level order of alphanumeric mechanism, based on hidden Markov model, is integrated with digital zero-watermarking techniques to improve the watermark robustness of the proposed approach. The researcher uses the first-level order and alphanumeric mechanism of Markov model as a soft computing technique to analyze English text. Moreover, he extracts the features of the interrelationship among the contexts of the text, utilizes the extracted features as watermark information, and validates it later with the studied English text to detect any tampering. SFASCDW has been implemented using PHP with VS code IDE. The robustness, effectiveness, and applicability of SFASCDW are proved with experiments involving four datasets of various lengths in random locations using the three common attacks, namely insertion, reorder, and deletion. The SFASCDW was found to be effective and could be applicable in detecting any possible tampering.

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
With the rapid development of the next-generation mobile network, the number of terminal devices ... more With the rapid development of the next-generation mobile network, the number of terminal devices and applications is growing explosively. Therefore, how to obtain a higher data rate, wider network coverage and higher resource utilization in the limited spectrum resources has become the common research goal of scholars. Device-to-Device (D2D) communication technology and other frontier communication technologies have emerged. Device-to-Device communication technology is the technology that devices in proximity can communicate directly in cellular networks. It has become one of the key technologies of the fifth-generation mobile communications system(5G). D2D communication technology which is introduced into cellular networks can effectively improve spectrum utilization, enhance network coverage, reduce transmission delay and improve system throughput, but it would also bring complicated and various interferences due to reusing cellular resources at the same time. So resource management is one of the most challenging and importing issues to give full play to the advantages of D2D communication. Optimal resource allocation is an important factor that needs to be addressed in D2D communication. Therefore, this paper proposes an optimization method based on the game-matching concept. The main idea is to model the optimization problem of the quality-of-experience based on user fairness and solve it through game-matching theory. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm effectively improved the resource allocation and utilization as compared with existing algorithms.

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
In India, water wastage in agricultural fields becomes a challenging issue and it is needed to mi... more In India, water wastage in agricultural fields becomes a challenging issue and it is needed to minimize the loss of water in the irrigation process. Since the conventional irrigation system needs massive quantity of water utilization, a smart irrigation system can be designed with the help of recent technologies such as machine learning (ML) and the Internet of Things (IoT). With this motivation, this paper designs a novel IoT enabled deep learning enabled smart irrigation system (IoTDL-SIS) technique. The goal of the IoTDL-SIS technique focuses on the design of smart irrigation techniques for effectual water utilization with less human interventions. The proposed IoTDL-SIS technique involves distinct sensors namely soil moisture, temperature, air temperature, and humidity for data acquisition purposes. The sensor data are transmitted to the Arduino module which then transmits the sensor data to the cloud server for further process. The cloud server performs the data analysis process using three distinct processes namely regression, clustering, and binary classification. Firstly, deep support vector machine (DSVM) based regression is employed was utilized for predicting the soil and environmental parameters in advances such as atmospheric pressure, precipitation, solar radiation, and wind speed. Secondly, these estimated outcomes are fed into the clustering technique to minimize the predicted error. Thirdly, Artificial Immune Optimization Algorithm (AIOA) with deep belief network (DBN) model receives the clustering data with the estimated weather data as input and performs classification process. A detailed experimental results analysis demonstrated the promising performance of the presented technique over the other recent state of art techniques with the higher accuracy of 0.971.

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
Due to the rapid increase in the exchange of text information via internet networks, the security... more Due to the rapid increase in the exchange of text information via internet networks, the security and authenticity of digital content have become a major research issue. The main challenges faced by researchers are how to hide the information within the text to use it later for authentication and attacks tampering detection without effects on the meaning and size of the given digital text. In this paper, an efficient text-based watermarking method has been proposed for detecting the illegal tampering attacks on the Arabic text transmitted online via an Internet network. Towards this purpose, the accuracy of tampering detection and watermark robustness has been improved of the proposed method as compared with the existing approaches. In the proposed method, both embedding and extracting of the watermark are logically imple mented, which causes no change in the digital text. This is achieved by using the third level and alphanumeric strategy of the Markov model as a text analysis technique for analyzing the Arabic contents to obtain its features which are considered as the digital watermark. This digital watermark will be used later to detecting any tampering of illegal attack on the received Arabic text. An extensive set of experiments using four data sets of varying lengths proves the effectiveness of our approach in terms of detection accuracy, robustness, and effectiveness under multiple random locations of the common tampering attacks

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
The rapid technological developments in the modern era have led to increased electrical equipment... more The rapid technological developments in the modern era have led to increased electrical equipment in our daily lives, work, and homes. From this standpoint, the main objective of this study is to evaluate the potential relationship between the intensity of electromagnetic radiation and the total energy of household appliances in the living environment within the building by measuring and analyzing the strength of the electric field and the entire electromagnetic radiation flux density of electrical devices operating at frequencies (5 Hz to 1 kHz). The living room was chosen as a center for measurement at 15 homes in three different environmental regions (urban, suburbs, and open areas). The three measurement methods are (Mode 1: people in a sitting position with electrical appliances on. Mode 2: People in a standing position with electrical appliances on. Mode 3: People are in the upright position while turning off the electrical devices) in the living room. These measurement methods and their results reinforce the importance of this research. The results showed that the average electric field strength measured in Mode 2 is much greater than the two methods, and we also found less electromagnetic radiation in Mode 3 than in the two modes. All results remain within the recommended overall exposure developed by the International Committee for the Prevention of Non-Ionizing Radiation and the International Electrotechnical Commission.

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
An exponential growth in advanced technologies has resulted in the exploration of Ocean spaces. I... more An exponential growth in advanced technologies has resulted in the exploration of Ocean spaces. It has paved the way for new opportunities that can address questions relevant to diversity, uniqueness, and difficulty of marine life. Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) are widely used to leverage such opportunities while these networks include a set of vehicles and sensors to monitor the environmental conditions. In this scenario, it is fascinating to design an automated fish detection technique with the help of underwater videos and computer vision techniques so as to estimate and monitor fish biomass in water bodies. Several models have been developed earlier for fish detection. However, they lack robustness to accommodate considerable differences in scenes owing to poor luminosity, fish orientation, structure of seabed, aquatic plant movement in the background and distinctive shapes and texture of fishes from different genus. With this motivation, the current research article introduces an Intelligent Deep Learning based Auto mated Fish Detection model for UWSN, named IDLAFD-UWSN model. The presented IDLAFD-UWSN model aims at automatic detection of fishes from underwater videos, particularly in blurred and crowded environments. IDLAFD-UWSN model makes use of Mask Region Convolutional Neural Network (Mask RCNN) with Capsule Network as a baseline model for fish detection. Besides, in order to train Mask RCNN, background subtraction process using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) model is applied. This model makes use of motion details of fishes in video which consequently integrates the outcome with actual image for the generation of fish-dependent candidate regions. Finally, Wavelet Kernel Extreme Learning Machine (WKELM) model is utilized as a classifier model. The performance of the proposed IDLAFD-UWSN model was tested against benchmark underwater video dataset and the experimental results achieved by IDLAFD-UWSN model were promising in comparison with other state-of-the-art methods under different aspects with the maximum accuracy of 98% and 97% on the applied blurred and crowded datasets respectively

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
Cybersecurity encompasses various elements such as strategies, policies, processes, and technique... more Cybersecurity encompasses various elements such as strategies, policies, processes, and techniques to accomplish availability, confidentiality, and integrity of resource processing, network, software, and data from attacks. In this scenario, the rising popularity of Online Social Networks (OSN) is under threat from spammers for which effective spam bot detection approaches should be developed. Earlier studies have developed different approaches for the detection of spam bots in OSN. But those techniques primarily concentrated on hand-crafted features to capture the features of malicious users while the application of Deep Learning (DL) models needs to be explored. With this motivation, the current research article proposes a Spam Bot Detection technique using Hybrid DL model abbreviated as SBD-HDL. The proposed SBD-HDL technique focuses on the detection of spam bots that exist in OSNs. The technique has different stages of operations such as pre-processing, classification, and parameter optimization. Besides, SBD-HDL technique hybridizes Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model for spam bot classification process. In order to enhance the detection performance of GCN-RNN model, hyperparameters are tuned using Lion Optimization Algorithm (LOA). Both hybridization of GCN-RNN and LOA-based hyperparameter tuning process make the current work, a first-of-its-kind in this domain. The experimental validation of the proposed SBD-HDL technique, conducted upon benchmark dataset, established the supremacy of the technique since it was validated under different measures.

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
In recent years, there has been an increasing demand to improve
cellular communication services ... more In recent years, there has been an increasing demand to improve
cellular communication services in several aspects. The aspect that received
the most attention is improving the quality of coverage through using smart
antennas which consist of array antennas. this paper investigates the main
characteristics and design of the three types of array antennas of the base
station for better coverage through simulation (MATLAB) which provides
field and strength patterns measured in polar and rectangular coordinates for
a variety of conditions including broadsides, ordinary End-fire, and increasing
directivity End-fire which is typically used in smart antennas. The method of
analysis was applied to twenty experiments of process design to each antenna
type separately, so sixty results were obtained from the radiation pattern indicating the parameters for each radiation pattern. Moreover, nineteen design
experiments were described in this section. It is hoped that the results obtained
from this study will help engineers solve coverage problems as well as improve
the quality of cellular communication networks

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
Renewable energy is one of the essential elements of the social and economic development in any c... more Renewable energy is one of the essential elements of the social and economic development in any civilized country. The use of fossil fuels and the non-renewable form of energy has many adverse effects on the most of ecosystems. Given the high potential of renewable energy sources in Yemen and the absence of similar studies in the region, this study aimed to examine the wind energy potential of Hodeidah-Yemen Republic by analyzing wind characteristics and assessment, determining the available power density, and calculate the wind energy extracted at different heights. The average wind speed of Hodeidah was obtained only for the data currently available for the five years 2005-2009 (due to the current economic and the political situation in Yemen). The results show that the average wind speed in the five years is (25.2 W/m2 at 10 m, 93.9 W/m2 at 30 m, and 173.5 W/m2 at 50 m). The average yearly wind power density (25.2 W/m2 at 10 m, 93.9 W/m2 at 30 m and 173.5 W/m2 at 50m), and the average yearly energy density (220.8 KWh/m2/year at 10 m, 822.6 KWh/m2/year at 30 m and 1519.9 KWh/m2/year at 50 m). This research is a preliminary assessment of the potential of wind energy in Hodeidah, which provides useful information for developing wind energy and an efficient wind approach. According to the International Wind Energy Rating criteria, the region of Hodeidah falls under 'Class 2' and is classified as 'Marginal' for most of the year.

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
The increasing use of fossil fuels has a significant impact on the environment and ecosystem, whi... more The increasing use of fossil fuels has a significant impact on the environment and ecosystem, which increases the rate of pollution. Given the high potential of renewable energy sources in Yemen and other Arabic countries, and the absence of similar studies in the region. This study aims to examine the potential of wind energy in Mokha region. This was done by analyzing and evaluating wind properties, determining available energy density, calculating wind energy extracted at different altitudes, and then computing the capacity factor for a few wind turbines and determining the best. Weibull speed was verified as the closest to the average actual wind speed using the cube root, as this was verified using 3 criteria for performance analysis methods (R2 = 0.9984, RMSE = 0.0632, COE = 1.028). The wind rose scheme was used to determine the appropriate direction for directing the wind turbines, the southerly direction was appropriate, as the winds blow from this direction for 227 days per year, and the average southerly wind velocity is 5.27 m/s at an altitude of 3 m. The turbine selected in this study has a tower height of 100m and a rated power of 3.45 MW. The capacitance factor was calculated for the three classes of wind turbines classified by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and compared, and the turbine of the first class was approved, and it is suitable for the study site, as it resists storms more than others. The daily and annual capacity of a single, first-class turbine has been assessed to meet the needs of 1,447 housing units in Mokha region The amount of energy that could be supplied to each dwelling was around 19 kWh per day, which was adequate to power the basic loads in the home

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
With the rapid development of Internet technology, users have an
increasing demand for data. The ... more With the rapid development of Internet technology, users have an
increasing demand for data. The continuous popularization of traffic-intensive applications such as high-definition video, 3D visualization, and cloud computing has promoted the rapid evolution of the communications industry. In order to cope with the huge traffic demand of today’s users, 5G networks must be fast, flexible, reliable and sustainable. Based on these research backgrounds, the academic community has proposed D2D communication. The main feature of D2D communication is that it enables direct communication between devices, thereby effectively improve resource utilization and reduce the dependence on base stations, so it can effectively improve the throughput of multimedia data. One of the most considerable factor which affects the performance of D2D communication is the co-channel interference which results due to the multiplexing of multiple D2D user using the same channel resource
of the cellular user. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a joint algorithm time scheduling and power control. The main idea is to effectively maximize the number of allocated resources in each scheduling period with satisfied quality of service requirements. The constraint problem is decomposed into time scheduling and power control subproblems. The power control subproblem has the characteristics of mixed-integer linear programming of NP-hard. Therefore, we proposed a gradual power control method. The time scheduling subproblem belongs to the NP-hard problem having convex-cordinality, therefore, we proposed a heuristic scheme to optimize resource allocation. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm effectively improved the resource allocation and overcome the co-channel interference as compared
with existing algorithms

Tech Science Press: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021
In this article, a high-sensitive approach for detecting tampering attacks on transmitted Arabic-... more In this article, a high-sensitive approach for detecting tampering attacks on transmitted Arabic-text over the Internet (HFDATAI) is proposed by integrating digital watermarking and hidden Markov model as a strategy for soft computing. The HFDATAI solution technically integrates and senses the watermark without modifying the original text. The alphanumeric mechanism order in the first stage focused on the Markov model key secret is incorporated into an automated, null-watermarking approach to enhance the proposed approach's efficiency, accuracy, and intensity. The first-level order and alphanumeric Markov model technique have been used as a strategy for soft computing to analyze the text of the Arabic language. In addition, the features of the interrelationship among text contexts and characteristics of watermark information extraction that is used later validated for detecting any tampering of the Arabic-text attacked. The HFDATAI strategy was introduced based on PHP with included IDE of VS code. Experiments of four separate duration datasets in random sites illustrate the fragility, efficacy, and applicability of HFDATAI by using the three common tampering attacks i.e., insertion, reorder, and deletion. The HFDATAI was found to be effective, applicable, and very sensitive for detecting any possible tampering on Arabic text.

Tech Science Press: Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 2021
In this paper, a combined approach CAZWNLP (a combined approach of zero-watermarking and natural ... more In this paper, a combined approach CAZWNLP (a combined approach of zero-watermarking and natural language processing) has been developed for the tampering detection of English text exchanged through the Internet. The third gram of alphanumeric of the Markov model has been used with text-watermarking technologies to improve the performance and accuracy of tampering detection issues which are limited by the existing works reviewed in the literature of this study. The third-grade level of the Markov model has been used in this method as natural language processing technology to analyze an English text and extract the textual characteristics of the given contexts. Moreover, the extracted features have been utilized as watermark information and then validated with the attacked English text to detect any suspected tampering occurred on it. The embedding mechanism of CAZWNLP method will be achieved logically without effects or modifying the original text document to embed a watermark key. CAZWNLP has been implemented using VS code IDE with PHP. The experimental and simulation results using standard datasets of varying lengths show that the proposed approach can obtain high robustness and better detection accuracy of tampering common random insertion, reorder, and deletion attacks, e.g., Comparison results with baseline approaches also show the advantages of the proposed approach.

Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 2020
In this paper, a robust approach INLPETWA (an Intelligent Natural Language Processing and English... more In this paper, a robust approach INLPETWA (an Intelligent Natural Language Processing and English Text Watermarking Approach) is proposed to tampering detection of English text by integrating zero text watermarking and hidden Markov model as a soft computing and natural language processing techniques. In the INLPETWA approach, embedding and detecting the watermark key logically conducted without altering the plain text. Second-gram and word mechanism of hidden Markov model is used as a natural text analysis technique to extracts English text features and use them as a watermark key and embed them logically and validates them during detection process to detect any tampering. INLPETWA approach has been implemented by self-developed program using PHP with VS code IDE. INLPETWA approach has been proved with various experiments and simulation scenarios. Comparison results with baseline approaches also show that the proposed approach is appropriate to detect all types of tampering attacks. The paper includes implications for integrating natural language processing and text-watermarking to propose an intelligent solution. This paper fulfils an identified need to study how we can use a robust text information via various Internet applications.

Sensors and Materials, 2020
The number of elderly and disabled people worldwide has increased and their day-to-day
activitie... more The number of elderly and disabled people worldwide has increased and their day-to-day
activities depend on others’ help. Improving the quality of life of these people has become the
most important responsibility of society and it is the role of technology specialists to make their
life as normal as possible and easy so that they can do their day-to-day activities at the right
time without othersʼ help. Many researchers have proposed several solutions, but they have
limitations such as poor performance and usability. In this paper, we propose a smart wirelessbased wheelchair system that completely controls the motion of a wheelchair wirelessly through
hand movements to help partially quadriplegic people to perform their daily activities easily. In
the proposed approach, sensors with relevant materials and technologies have been integrated
with microcontrollers to capture hand movement signals and process them to the fully control
the wheelchair wirelessly. An accumulator sensor is placed on the user’s hand to acquire the
directions of hand movements and translate them into movement commands using an Arduino
microcontroller that is directly connected to the wheelchair and moves it. The proposed system
has been simulated, and the obtained results show the effectiveness of the proposed system and
its applicability for use by most physically disabled persons.

Sensors and Materials, 2019
The number of elderly and disabled people worldwide has increased and their day-to-day
activitie... more The number of elderly and disabled people worldwide has increased and their day-to-day
activities depend on others’ help. Improving the quality of life of these people has become the
most important responsibility of society and it is the role of technology specialists to make their
life as normal as possible and easy so that they can do their day-to-day activities at the right
time without othersʼ help. Many researchers have proposed several solutions, but they have
limitations such as poor performance and usability. In this paper, we propose a smart wirelessbased wheelchair system that completely controls the motion of a wheelchair wirelessly through
hand movements to help partially quadriplegic people to perform their daily activities easily. In
the proposed approach, sensors with relevant materials and technologies have been integrated
with microcontrollers to capture hand movement signals and process them to the fully control
the wheelchair wirelessly. An accumulator sensor is placed on the user’s hand to acquire the
directions of hand movements and translate them into movement commands using an Arduino
microcontroller that is directly connected to the wheelchair and moves it. The proposed system
has been simulated, and the obtained results show the effectiveness of the proposed system and
its applicability for use by most physically disabled persons.
Papers by Dr. Mohammad Alamgeer
cellular communication services in several aspects. The aspect that received
the most attention is improving the quality of coverage through using smart
antennas which consist of array antennas. this paper investigates the main
characteristics and design of the three types of array antennas of the base
station for better coverage through simulation (MATLAB) which provides
field and strength patterns measured in polar and rectangular coordinates for
a variety of conditions including broadsides, ordinary End-fire, and increasing
directivity End-fire which is typically used in smart antennas. The method of
analysis was applied to twenty experiments of process design to each antenna
type separately, so sixty results were obtained from the radiation pattern indicating the parameters for each radiation pattern. Moreover, nineteen design
experiments were described in this section. It is hoped that the results obtained
from this study will help engineers solve coverage problems as well as improve
the quality of cellular communication networks
increasing demand for data. The continuous popularization of traffic-intensive applications such as high-definition video, 3D visualization, and cloud computing has promoted the rapid evolution of the communications industry. In order to cope with the huge traffic demand of today’s users, 5G networks must be fast, flexible, reliable and sustainable. Based on these research backgrounds, the academic community has proposed D2D communication. The main feature of D2D communication is that it enables direct communication between devices, thereby effectively improve resource utilization and reduce the dependence on base stations, so it can effectively improve the throughput of multimedia data. One of the most considerable factor which affects the performance of D2D communication is the co-channel interference which results due to the multiplexing of multiple D2D user using the same channel resource
of the cellular user. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a joint algorithm time scheduling and power control. The main idea is to effectively maximize the number of allocated resources in each scheduling period with satisfied quality of service requirements. The constraint problem is decomposed into time scheduling and power control subproblems. The power control subproblem has the characteristics of mixed-integer linear programming of NP-hard. Therefore, we proposed a gradual power control method. The time scheduling subproblem belongs to the NP-hard problem having convex-cordinality, therefore, we proposed a heuristic scheme to optimize resource allocation. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm effectively improved the resource allocation and overcome the co-channel interference as compared
with existing algorithms
activities depend on others’ help. Improving the quality of life of these people has become the
most important responsibility of society and it is the role of technology specialists to make their
life as normal as possible and easy so that they can do their day-to-day activities at the right
time without othersʼ help. Many researchers have proposed several solutions, but they have
limitations such as poor performance and usability. In this paper, we propose a smart wirelessbased wheelchair system that completely controls the motion of a wheelchair wirelessly through
hand movements to help partially quadriplegic people to perform their daily activities easily. In
the proposed approach, sensors with relevant materials and technologies have been integrated
with microcontrollers to capture hand movement signals and process them to the fully control
the wheelchair wirelessly. An accumulator sensor is placed on the user’s hand to acquire the
directions of hand movements and translate them into movement commands using an Arduino
microcontroller that is directly connected to the wheelchair and moves it. The proposed system
has been simulated, and the obtained results show the effectiveness of the proposed system and
its applicability for use by most physically disabled persons.
activities depend on others’ help. Improving the quality of life of these people has become the
most important responsibility of society and it is the role of technology specialists to make their
life as normal as possible and easy so that they can do their day-to-day activities at the right
time without othersʼ help. Many researchers have proposed several solutions, but they have
limitations such as poor performance and usability. In this paper, we propose a smart wirelessbased wheelchair system that completely controls the motion of a wheelchair wirelessly through
hand movements to help partially quadriplegic people to perform their daily activities easily. In
the proposed approach, sensors with relevant materials and technologies have been integrated
with microcontrollers to capture hand movement signals and process them to the fully control
the wheelchair wirelessly. An accumulator sensor is placed on the user’s hand to acquire the
directions of hand movements and translate them into movement commands using an Arduino
microcontroller that is directly connected to the wheelchair and moves it. The proposed system
has been simulated, and the obtained results show the effectiveness of the proposed system and
its applicability for use by most physically disabled persons.
cellular communication services in several aspects. The aspect that received
the most attention is improving the quality of coverage through using smart
antennas which consist of array antennas. this paper investigates the main
characteristics and design of the three types of array antennas of the base
station for better coverage through simulation (MATLAB) which provides
field and strength patterns measured in polar and rectangular coordinates for
a variety of conditions including broadsides, ordinary End-fire, and increasing
directivity End-fire which is typically used in smart antennas. The method of
analysis was applied to twenty experiments of process design to each antenna
type separately, so sixty results were obtained from the radiation pattern indicating the parameters for each radiation pattern. Moreover, nineteen design
experiments were described in this section. It is hoped that the results obtained
from this study will help engineers solve coverage problems as well as improve
the quality of cellular communication networks
increasing demand for data. The continuous popularization of traffic-intensive applications such as high-definition video, 3D visualization, and cloud computing has promoted the rapid evolution of the communications industry. In order to cope with the huge traffic demand of today’s users, 5G networks must be fast, flexible, reliable and sustainable. Based on these research backgrounds, the academic community has proposed D2D communication. The main feature of D2D communication is that it enables direct communication between devices, thereby effectively improve resource utilization and reduce the dependence on base stations, so it can effectively improve the throughput of multimedia data. One of the most considerable factor which affects the performance of D2D communication is the co-channel interference which results due to the multiplexing of multiple D2D user using the same channel resource
of the cellular user. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a joint algorithm time scheduling and power control. The main idea is to effectively maximize the number of allocated resources in each scheduling period with satisfied quality of service requirements. The constraint problem is decomposed into time scheduling and power control subproblems. The power control subproblem has the characteristics of mixed-integer linear programming of NP-hard. Therefore, we proposed a gradual power control method. The time scheduling subproblem belongs to the NP-hard problem having convex-cordinality, therefore, we proposed a heuristic scheme to optimize resource allocation. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm effectively improved the resource allocation and overcome the co-channel interference as compared
with existing algorithms
activities depend on others’ help. Improving the quality of life of these people has become the
most important responsibility of society and it is the role of technology specialists to make their
life as normal as possible and easy so that they can do their day-to-day activities at the right
time without othersʼ help. Many researchers have proposed several solutions, but they have
limitations such as poor performance and usability. In this paper, we propose a smart wirelessbased wheelchair system that completely controls the motion of a wheelchair wirelessly through
hand movements to help partially quadriplegic people to perform their daily activities easily. In
the proposed approach, sensors with relevant materials and technologies have been integrated
with microcontrollers to capture hand movement signals and process them to the fully control
the wheelchair wirelessly. An accumulator sensor is placed on the user’s hand to acquire the
directions of hand movements and translate them into movement commands using an Arduino
microcontroller that is directly connected to the wheelchair and moves it. The proposed system
has been simulated, and the obtained results show the effectiveness of the proposed system and
its applicability for use by most physically disabled persons.
activities depend on others’ help. Improving the quality of life of these people has become the
most important responsibility of society and it is the role of technology specialists to make their
life as normal as possible and easy so that they can do their day-to-day activities at the right
time without othersʼ help. Many researchers have proposed several solutions, but they have
limitations such as poor performance and usability. In this paper, we propose a smart wirelessbased wheelchair system that completely controls the motion of a wheelchair wirelessly through
hand movements to help partially quadriplegic people to perform their daily activities easily. In
the proposed approach, sensors with relevant materials and technologies have been integrated
with microcontrollers to capture hand movement signals and process them to the fully control
the wheelchair wirelessly. An accumulator sensor is placed on the user’s hand to acquire the
directions of hand movements and translate them into movement commands using an Arduino
microcontroller that is directly connected to the wheelchair and moves it. The proposed system
has been simulated, and the obtained results show the effectiveness of the proposed system and
its applicability for use by most physically disabled persons.