Cody is the youngest of the animals at Camie's Kitties, being seven years old. Tara's Mother adopted him from Pet Smart as a Mother's Day gift to herself when he was a kitten. It was only afterwards that she learned that Cody, his mother and his siblings were rescued from the field next to the store. His early experience of being feral has left Cody very timid. I included the second picture to show that Cody does enjoy playing, as long as he has an escape route near. That is a nip snake he is playing with and he has a lot of fun with it. Cody has always been terrified of people. He was getting used to Tara's Mother and was beginning to let her pet him, but she died and he went right back to the way he was when he was first adopted. Tara is very patient with him and he recently has allowed her to give him about five seconds of cheek scritching, which is great progress for him. Cody is so skittish and so good at hiding that he hasn't been to the vet since he got his hoo-ha-ectomy when he was about six months old. It's a good thing that he's a healthy cat. The really good thing is that Cody is not afraid (much) of Tiki and Tavi, or even Camie, unless they move suddenly. Cody loves wrestling and snuggling with Tiki or Tavi. Cody may even snuggle with Camie occasionally. At least he has been seen in Camie's bed, though Camie wasn't there at the time. Cody also likes to play with the cat toys, though he seems to prefer to do this by himself. Cody has discovered that the best thing in the whole wide world is Temptations. He will come out of hiding for Temptations and will even eat them out of Tara's hand, as long as she stays very still. Sometimes he comes out and demands Temptations. One of Cody's nicknames is Ghost Cat, because no one, aside from Tara and her husband, have ever seen him. They went away for a week once and had a pet sitter live in the house to take care of the cats and Camie. The pet sitter never saw Cody even once for the whole week.
When it comes to people, Cody is shy.
A stranger's voice will make him fly.
He'll come out for treats
And stay calm while he eats,
But a sudden movement will make him say, "Bye!"