Bölümü'nde öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmalarına devam etmektedir. Ekonomik gelişme, finans-reel sek... more Bölümü'nde öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmalarına devam etmektedir. Ekonomik gelişme, finans-reel sektör ilişkisi ve uluslararası politik iktisat alanlarında çeşitli uluslararası dergilerde yayınları bulunmaktadır.
Bu çalışma 2001 krizinde dibe vurmuş bir ekonomiye sahip Türkiye’nin 2015 yılında dünyanın en cöm... more Bu çalışma 2001 krizinde dibe vurmuş bir ekonomiye sahip Türkiye’nin 2015 yılında dünyanın en cömert ülkesi haline dönüşme hikayesini ele almakta ve kalkınma yardımlarında yürütmekte olduğu insani yönetişim odaklı politikaları değerlendirmektedir.
Belirsizliğin artış gösterdiği günümüzde, küresel ekonomi önemli bir dönüşüm sürecinden geçmekted... more Belirsizliğin artış gösterdiği günümüzde, küresel ekonomi önemli bir dönüşüm sürecinden geçmektedir. 1980'lerin ortasından 2008 Küresel Finans Krizi'ne kadar olan süreçte neoliberal bir hiper küreselleşme dönemi yaşanmış ve bu dönemde dünya ticaretinde ve yatırımlarında büyük ölçekli bir büyüme gerçekleşmiştir. Gelişmiş ülkelerde finansallaşma ile birlikte hizmetler sektörü hızlı bir şekilde gelişme göstermiş, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde üretim, yatırım ve tedarik zincirinin gelişmesi ile önemli ilerlemeler yaşanmıştır. Ancak finansal krizler ve makroekonomik sorunlar da yaşanmaya devam etmiştir. Öncelikle batılı ülkelerin sermaye ve finans piyasalarında kendini gösteren küreselleşme, ilk dönemlerde finansal derinleşmeye olumlu katkı sağlamıştır. Ancak, hızlanan bu dönüşüm gelişmiş Batılı ülkelerdeki sanayi tesislerinin üretim ve tedarik zincirini Doğu’ya taşımalarına ve dolayısıyla da Batılı ülkelerde imalat sanayinin ekonomideki payının azalmasına bir anlamda sanayisizleşmeye (de-industrialization) neden olmuştur. Sonuç olarak daha fazla yatırım ve hızlı büyüme hedefleyen finansal küreselleşme; istikrarsızlıklar doğurmuş, gelir dağılımı eşitsizliğini arttırmış ve güven bunalımına neden olmuştur. Bu bağlamda, kırılma noktası niteliğinde olan 2008 Küresel Finans Krizi, finansal sermayeye dayalı büyüme trendinin sürdürülebilir olmadığını acı bir kriz deneyimiyle ortaya koymuştur. Krizin yanı sıra Çin’in küresel ekonomide artan kontrol gücü gelişmiş ülkeleri yeni arayışlara itmektedir. Yeni süreçte küreselleşmeden bir geri çekilme yaşanırken ve küreselleşmenin doğası da değişirken sanayi politikasına olan ilgi yeniden artmaktadır. Sanayinin yeniden önem kazanması bu çalışmanın ana motivasyonu oluştururken, küresel ekonominin ve dolayısıyla küreselleşmenin değişen doğası ve dönüşümü üzerinden bu süreç değerlendirilmektedir. Yeni dönemde ülkelerin ekonomik yapılarında yapısal dönüşümü hızlandırmak, verimliliği artırmak ve rekabetçiliği yükseltmek amacıyla yeniden ilginin arttığı sanayi politikaları tartışılmaktadır.
In parallel with the structural change in world trade, Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) are becom... more In parallel with the structural change in world trade, Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) are becoming more prominent and gaining increasing importance. The proliferation of these agreements fills the gap left by multilateral trade negotiations, their scope of influence is expanding beyond reducing trade tariffs. Since the mid-20th century, multilateral trade negotiations have been used to liberalize the global trade, and the Bretton Woods institutions have accelerated this process. Along with multilateral initiatives, countries have also tended to liberalize trade among themselves through bilateral, regional, or interregional formations. Especially in the last three decades, Asia's rapidly expanding role in the world economy and its growing weight in global production and supply chains, coupled with the slowing economic power of developed countries, rising protectionism, and global uncertainties, have shown signs of a significant transformation in the international trade system. The breakdown of the Doha Round process in the face of rapid and structural change in the world economy, the failure of the WTO to realize the expected reforms and improvements, and the effects of the global financial crisis have led member countries to turn to RTAs instead of multilateral negotiations. This interest has increased even more and shifted towards new RTAs, in a sense, mega-regional agreements. This study examines the transformation of multilateral trade negotiations within the liberal trade system and argues that the emergence of new regionalism in this process, and hence the RTA, has promoted globalization through trade liberalization. In this context, it addresses the dynamics of RTAs, which are an essential part of the global trade system and have proven to have trade-creating potential. It argues that they will continue to be preferred by countries to broaden and deepen their trade policies in the coming years.
The rise of protectionism against the economic liberal order is a much-debated issue which is als... more The rise of protectionism against the economic liberal order is a much-debated issue which is also associated with the debates on the future of the liberal order. This paper argues that Trump"s economic protectionism is temporary and aims to strengthen the economic capacity of the United States rather than destroying the liberal economic order. As the USA ensures about the future of its hegemony and make himself the most beneficiary state, there can be less intervention to the functioning of the economic order. In doing this, he uses all power instruments of a hegemon which are material capability, institutions, and discourses. Trump aims to materially strengthen the USA position, and he supports this position with reorganized institutions and discourses within the liberal order. It is considered that reorganizing rules of institutions and creating a new language against the potential rivals is the most cost-effective way to preserve the global position of the United States.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relation between inflation, exchange rate (USD/TL, EU... more The purpose of this paper is to examine the relation between inflation, exchange rate (USD/TL, EUR/TL) and TRLIBOR (interest rate), which are among the main economic/financial indicators, and export loans related to foreign trade financing with particular reference to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Bitcoin, with its market value among cryptocurrencies and being the biggest in terms of its proce... more Bitcoin, with its market value among cryptocurrencies and being the biggest in terms of its processing volume, carries great potential in terms of low cost, speedy processing and lowlevel risk while also bringing with it important global-level change and transformation. On the other hand, the fact that cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin specifically are new, of unclear legal status, and carry the risk of being involved in illegal activity, there is the potential for their use as an extremely volatile and speculative investment tool and have environmental effects. This study examines Bitcoin mining and blockchain technology and investigates the high amounts of energy consumed by Bitcoin and its environmental effects. It is argued that the energy consumed as a result of increased Bitcoin mining will have environmental and social consequences, such as global warming and climate change.
Turkey has su ered from interventions and enforcements against its elected governments, on the av... more Turkey has su ered from interventions and enforcements against its elected governments, on the average, in every decade. Against this background, this study presents an assessment of the political economy of the foiled coup attempt on July 15, 2016 via the main theoretical approaches developed to explain the relations between economy and military coups. In this context, the study looks at the economic background of the pre-coup attempt period, crises scenarios serviced by international institutions and the goals of the perception management orchestrated by the western world for the attempted coup. In the same breath, the study presents in detail the FETÖ's colossal economic power amounting to billions of dollars. e main conclusion is that the July 15 coup attempt was perpetrated to prevent an interruption in ow of nancial resources into a murky network of business enterprises around a messianic cult.
Cryptocurrency, which has its own operating rules different from the traditional money system, ha... more Cryptocurrency, which has its own operating rules different from the traditional money system, has high security with cryptography and a decentralized structure and has received worldwide attention. In addition to the potential opportunities it offers, the use of cryptocurrencies, which are considered suspicious due to the risks they carry in operational transactions also affects their accounting. It is important to report and examine the accounting dimension of cryptocurrencies, which are handled with different dimensions and are heavily subject to financial transactions in the market because of the responsibility of providing information to the public. The fact that cryptocurrencies are different from other assets in the accounting literature and that public authorities have made no definite regulations and regulatory and supervisory institutions for accounting for these assets has led to adopting different approaches. In the study, cryptocurrencies are discussed, different methods implemented for accounting cryptocurrencies are explained, and suggestions are presented on how to approach them in accounting records.
Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008, the USA has changed its economic priorities and ... more Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008, the USA has changed its economic priorities and policy preferences in a concerted effort to bolster its weight in the global economy, reduce over-reliance on global supply chains, and create more employment within its borders. This change has become more apparent in the wake of the Trump presidency and the COVID-19 pandemic. Reviving the manufacturing industry through reshoring is now the main goal of US politicians. This article analyses the two strategies, in light of heightened technological competition with China, that the USA has brought into effect to reshore its factories from the People's Republic of China and so revitalise the American manufacturing industry. They are neo-protectionism and smart automation. Arguing that neo-protectionist policies and smart automation technologies are interrelated factors that have been used strategically to bring American multinational companies in China back to the USA, we examine whether or not these two strategies—each elements of the US–China tech war—can support the reshoring and revitalisation of the American manufacturing industry. We find that increased neo-protectionist measures and proliferation of smart automation technologies alone will not empower the USA sufficiently to consolidate its technological superiority over China, add impetus to its manufacturing investments, and create well-paying jobs for the broader segments of American society through the reshoring of manufacturing activities. To achieve these goals, the USA should instead implement an integrated policy framework that spans industrial policies to technology policies and tax policies to labour market policies. Otherwise, even though reshoring may gain a certain momentum, new industrial facilities will not expand productivity enough to raise the competitiveness of the US economy to satisfactory levels, and such investments might not provide enough new job opportunities to remediate socioeconomic problems.
Bölümü'nde öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmalarına devam etmektedir. Ekonomik gelişme, finans-reel sek... more Bölümü'nde öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmalarına devam etmektedir. Ekonomik gelişme, finans-reel sektör ilişkisi ve uluslararası politik iktisat alanlarında çeşitli uluslararası dergilerde yayınları bulunmaktadır.
Bu çalışma 2001 krizinde dibe vurmuş bir ekonomiye sahip Türkiye’nin 2015 yılında dünyanın en cöm... more Bu çalışma 2001 krizinde dibe vurmuş bir ekonomiye sahip Türkiye’nin 2015 yılında dünyanın en cömert ülkesi haline dönüşme hikayesini ele almakta ve kalkınma yardımlarında yürütmekte olduğu insani yönetişim odaklı politikaları değerlendirmektedir.
Belirsizliğin artış gösterdiği günümüzde, küresel ekonomi önemli bir dönüşüm sürecinden geçmekted... more Belirsizliğin artış gösterdiği günümüzde, küresel ekonomi önemli bir dönüşüm sürecinden geçmektedir. 1980'lerin ortasından 2008 Küresel Finans Krizi'ne kadar olan süreçte neoliberal bir hiper küreselleşme dönemi yaşanmış ve bu dönemde dünya ticaretinde ve yatırımlarında büyük ölçekli bir büyüme gerçekleşmiştir. Gelişmiş ülkelerde finansallaşma ile birlikte hizmetler sektörü hızlı bir şekilde gelişme göstermiş, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde üretim, yatırım ve tedarik zincirinin gelişmesi ile önemli ilerlemeler yaşanmıştır. Ancak finansal krizler ve makroekonomik sorunlar da yaşanmaya devam etmiştir. Öncelikle batılı ülkelerin sermaye ve finans piyasalarında kendini gösteren küreselleşme, ilk dönemlerde finansal derinleşmeye olumlu katkı sağlamıştır. Ancak, hızlanan bu dönüşüm gelişmiş Batılı ülkelerdeki sanayi tesislerinin üretim ve tedarik zincirini Doğu’ya taşımalarına ve dolayısıyla da Batılı ülkelerde imalat sanayinin ekonomideki payının azalmasına bir anlamda sanayisizleşmeye (de-industrialization) neden olmuştur. Sonuç olarak daha fazla yatırım ve hızlı büyüme hedefleyen finansal küreselleşme; istikrarsızlıklar doğurmuş, gelir dağılımı eşitsizliğini arttırmış ve güven bunalımına neden olmuştur. Bu bağlamda, kırılma noktası niteliğinde olan 2008 Küresel Finans Krizi, finansal sermayeye dayalı büyüme trendinin sürdürülebilir olmadığını acı bir kriz deneyimiyle ortaya koymuştur. Krizin yanı sıra Çin’in küresel ekonomide artan kontrol gücü gelişmiş ülkeleri yeni arayışlara itmektedir. Yeni süreçte küreselleşmeden bir geri çekilme yaşanırken ve küreselleşmenin doğası da değişirken sanayi politikasına olan ilgi yeniden artmaktadır. Sanayinin yeniden önem kazanması bu çalışmanın ana motivasyonu oluştururken, küresel ekonominin ve dolayısıyla küreselleşmenin değişen doğası ve dönüşümü üzerinden bu süreç değerlendirilmektedir. Yeni dönemde ülkelerin ekonomik yapılarında yapısal dönüşümü hızlandırmak, verimliliği artırmak ve rekabetçiliği yükseltmek amacıyla yeniden ilginin arttığı sanayi politikaları tartışılmaktadır.
In parallel with the structural change in world trade, Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) are becom... more In parallel with the structural change in world trade, Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) are becoming more prominent and gaining increasing importance. The proliferation of these agreements fills the gap left by multilateral trade negotiations, their scope of influence is expanding beyond reducing trade tariffs. Since the mid-20th century, multilateral trade negotiations have been used to liberalize the global trade, and the Bretton Woods institutions have accelerated this process. Along with multilateral initiatives, countries have also tended to liberalize trade among themselves through bilateral, regional, or interregional formations. Especially in the last three decades, Asia's rapidly expanding role in the world economy and its growing weight in global production and supply chains, coupled with the slowing economic power of developed countries, rising protectionism, and global uncertainties, have shown signs of a significant transformation in the international trade system. The breakdown of the Doha Round process in the face of rapid and structural change in the world economy, the failure of the WTO to realize the expected reforms and improvements, and the effects of the global financial crisis have led member countries to turn to RTAs instead of multilateral negotiations. This interest has increased even more and shifted towards new RTAs, in a sense, mega-regional agreements. This study examines the transformation of multilateral trade negotiations within the liberal trade system and argues that the emergence of new regionalism in this process, and hence the RTA, has promoted globalization through trade liberalization. In this context, it addresses the dynamics of RTAs, which are an essential part of the global trade system and have proven to have trade-creating potential. It argues that they will continue to be preferred by countries to broaden and deepen their trade policies in the coming years.
The rise of protectionism against the economic liberal order is a much-debated issue which is als... more The rise of protectionism against the economic liberal order is a much-debated issue which is also associated with the debates on the future of the liberal order. This paper argues that Trump"s economic protectionism is temporary and aims to strengthen the economic capacity of the United States rather than destroying the liberal economic order. As the USA ensures about the future of its hegemony and make himself the most beneficiary state, there can be less intervention to the functioning of the economic order. In doing this, he uses all power instruments of a hegemon which are material capability, institutions, and discourses. Trump aims to materially strengthen the USA position, and he supports this position with reorganized institutions and discourses within the liberal order. It is considered that reorganizing rules of institutions and creating a new language against the potential rivals is the most cost-effective way to preserve the global position of the United States.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relation between inflation, exchange rate (USD/TL, EU... more The purpose of this paper is to examine the relation between inflation, exchange rate (USD/TL, EUR/TL) and TRLIBOR (interest rate), which are among the main economic/financial indicators, and export loans related to foreign trade financing with particular reference to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Bitcoin, with its market value among cryptocurrencies and being the biggest in terms of its proce... more Bitcoin, with its market value among cryptocurrencies and being the biggest in terms of its processing volume, carries great potential in terms of low cost, speedy processing and lowlevel risk while also bringing with it important global-level change and transformation. On the other hand, the fact that cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin specifically are new, of unclear legal status, and carry the risk of being involved in illegal activity, there is the potential for their use as an extremely volatile and speculative investment tool and have environmental effects. This study examines Bitcoin mining and blockchain technology and investigates the high amounts of energy consumed by Bitcoin and its environmental effects. It is argued that the energy consumed as a result of increased Bitcoin mining will have environmental and social consequences, such as global warming and climate change.
Turkey has su ered from interventions and enforcements against its elected governments, on the av... more Turkey has su ered from interventions and enforcements against its elected governments, on the average, in every decade. Against this background, this study presents an assessment of the political economy of the foiled coup attempt on July 15, 2016 via the main theoretical approaches developed to explain the relations between economy and military coups. In this context, the study looks at the economic background of the pre-coup attempt period, crises scenarios serviced by international institutions and the goals of the perception management orchestrated by the western world for the attempted coup. In the same breath, the study presents in detail the FETÖ's colossal economic power amounting to billions of dollars. e main conclusion is that the July 15 coup attempt was perpetrated to prevent an interruption in ow of nancial resources into a murky network of business enterprises around a messianic cult.
Cryptocurrency, which has its own operating rules different from the traditional money system, ha... more Cryptocurrency, which has its own operating rules different from the traditional money system, has high security with cryptography and a decentralized structure and has received worldwide attention. In addition to the potential opportunities it offers, the use of cryptocurrencies, which are considered suspicious due to the risks they carry in operational transactions also affects their accounting. It is important to report and examine the accounting dimension of cryptocurrencies, which are handled with different dimensions and are heavily subject to financial transactions in the market because of the responsibility of providing information to the public. The fact that cryptocurrencies are different from other assets in the accounting literature and that public authorities have made no definite regulations and regulatory and supervisory institutions for accounting for these assets has led to adopting different approaches. In the study, cryptocurrencies are discussed, different methods implemented for accounting cryptocurrencies are explained, and suggestions are presented on how to approach them in accounting records.
Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008, the USA has changed its economic priorities and ... more Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008, the USA has changed its economic priorities and policy preferences in a concerted effort to bolster its weight in the global economy, reduce over-reliance on global supply chains, and create more employment within its borders. This change has become more apparent in the wake of the Trump presidency and the COVID-19 pandemic. Reviving the manufacturing industry through reshoring is now the main goal of US politicians. This article analyses the two strategies, in light of heightened technological competition with China, that the USA has brought into effect to reshore its factories from the People's Republic of China and so revitalise the American manufacturing industry. They are neo-protectionism and smart automation. Arguing that neo-protectionist policies and smart automation technologies are interrelated factors that have been used strategically to bring American multinational companies in China back to the USA, we examine whether or not these two strategies—each elements of the US–China tech war—can support the reshoring and revitalisation of the American manufacturing industry. We find that increased neo-protectionist measures and proliferation of smart automation technologies alone will not empower the USA sufficiently to consolidate its technological superiority over China, add impetus to its manufacturing investments, and create well-paying jobs for the broader segments of American society through the reshoring of manufacturing activities. To achieve these goals, the USA should instead implement an integrated policy framework that spans industrial policies to technology policies and tax policies to labour market policies. Otherwise, even though reshoring may gain a certain momentum, new industrial facilities will not expand productivity enough to raise the competitiveness of the US economy to satisfactory levels, and such investments might not provide enough new job opportunities to remediate socioeconomic problems.
Books by Serif Dilek
Papers by Serif Dilek