Papers by Adnan Seyaz
Marmara University Journal of Political Science, 2024
This study aims to analyze the change and continuity in Northern European Security after Finland ... more This study aims to analyze the change and continuity in Northern European Security after Finland and Sweden’s membership processes in NATO. With this purpose, firstly I examined the history of the countries in the region to detect possible continuities in their relations. Russia’s lack of respect for the sovereignty of its neighbors since 2008 and lastly the occupation of Ukraine forced Finland and Sweden to leave their long-lasting non-aligned status and caused to invalidate the concept of ‘Finlandization’. This study secondly focuses on this radical change’s effect on the security understanding of Northern Europe with a concentration on the role of NATO. The findings of this article put forward that recent NATO enlargement is vital for regional states to be able to counter Russia through uniting countries except Russia in the Baltic and Arctic. Russia is applying ‘hybrid war’ tactics as an unreliable regional power and it has been stuck in Ukraine since February 2022. NATO must learn from the Russia-Ukraine War and prepare against Russia’s conventional superiority over its neighboring states and the usage of asymmetrical means since no one may guarantee that Russia’s next steps will not violate the sovereignty of other regional states.
Migration Letters, 2023
The Ukrainian-Russian conflict of early 2022 marked a pivotal shift in global perceptions of post... more The Ukrainian-Russian conflict of early 2022 marked a pivotal shift in global perceptions of post-Cold War peace, particularly for younger generations. This study delves into the perceptions of modern warfare among youths, assessing the impact of ongoing conflicts on their perspectives. Geographically distant nations, Indonesia and Turkey, were selected to explore potential differences in outlook. Turkey's proximity to conflict zones juxtaposed with Indonesia's relative distance served as contrasting contexts for understanding these perceptions. Structured interviews with individuals aged 17 to 30 were conducted in both countries. The findings reveal a shared belief among the younger generation in both Indonesia and Turkey: a recognition of the perpetual existence of potential conflict in the future. Notably, differences emerged in assessing surrounding threats. Indonesian youths tend to perceive their region as more peaceful, while Turkish counterparts view regional escalation as an enduring threat. This study underscores the necessity for stakeholders to establish a global order centered on upholding international law. Such an effort is recommended to prevent future conflicts. Understanding the nuanced perspectives of young people from disparate geographical locations offers valuable insights for shaping policies and fostering a more peaceful global landscape.
Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2018
Rejim çalışmaları uzun bir dönem boyunca kapalı rejimler ve liberal demokrasilerin iki uç noktada... more Rejim çalışmaları uzun bir dönem boyunca kapalı rejimler ve liberal demokrasilerin iki uç noktada yer aldığı ön kabulüyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Soğuk Savaşın sona ermesiyle liberal demokrasinin zaferi ilan edilmiş ve kapalı rejimlerin tarihe karışacağı öngörüsü birçok teorisyen tarafından kabul edilmiştir. Ancak kapalı rejimler tarihe karışmadığı gibi demokratik geçiş döneminde olduğu iddia edilen birçok rejim liberal demokratik rejimlere geçişi gerçekleştirmeyerek melez rejim olarak adlandırılan bir ara rejim yaratmıştır. Her örnek ülkenin kendi özel koşullarına göre şekillenen melez rejimlerden rekabetçi otoriteryanizm ise demokratik rejimlerin unsurlarından yararlanarak meşruiyetini sağlamış ve otoriter yapısını güçlendirerek kalıcılığını artırmıştır. Bu çalışmada, melez rejimlerin doğası ve adlandırılma problemleri ile rekabetçi otoriter rejimlerin yapısı değerlendirilerek farklı tecrübeler ışığında açıklanması amaçlanmıştır.
Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2017
Vladimir Gel'man, who is a professor of political science at the European University at St. P... more Vladimir Gel'man, who is a professor of political science at the European University at St. Petersburg and Finland Distinguished Professor at the Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki, is the author and editor of more than twenty books in Russian and English.
Öneri Dergisi, 2020
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the Russian presidential power on the polit... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the Russian presidential power on the political regime in a comparative perspective since 1993. Yeltsin (1993-1999) and Putin (2000-incumbent) periods were analyzed firstly by examining the constitutional powers of the president. Shugart and Carey (1992), with reference to Duverger (1980), took the origin of the presidency and the degree of presidential support in parliament and among the elite under consideration. Besides, I also considered presidential popularity, keeping in mind the president's political background, as a necessary factor to be counted in for both continuation and the change in a regime. In order to confirm the change in the regime type, Freedom House and Voice & Accountability (V&A) Scores were used. The findings put forward that during the first years of the 1990s Yeltsin had to share his power with oligarchs and the family by adopting a more pro-western and pro-democracy stance while Putin did not share his power, thanks to his strong state understanding in line with international conjuncture. It is determined that the powers embedded in the constitution together with the political background of the president paved the way for establishing a more authoritarian regime during Putin period.
Russian Politics since 1990 witnessed an essential change which was expected to be a democratic t... more Russian Politics since 1990 witnessed an essential change which was expected to be a democratic transition. However, Putin’s presidency beginning with 2000 represented a turning mainly depending on the power vertical. This study aims at clarifying functions of informal politics in the construction and operation of Russia’s Managed Democracy since 2000. Through identifying practical responses to theoretical considerations I tried to put forward how the informal networks that traced back to Soviet period and Yeltsin’s presidency shaped political life of today’s Rus sia. Since it is hard to identify informal political networks, the findings of this study could only reach those evidence that were publicly declared or accepted by those in power.
Irina Busygina, who currently works in the Department of Applied Politics at National Research Un... more Irina Busygina, who currently works in the Department of Applied Politics at National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, studies comparative politics, regional politics, Russian foreign policy and EU-Russia relations. Her recent book is an exceptional one in terms of both her analysis of forms of power and power relations in global politics. Also, the application of this theoretical analysis to Russia-EU relations in the context of a common neighborhood makes it a novel one. The structure of the book provides an easy-reading framework as the first chapter gives the necessary theoretical background to the readers. Thus, it facilitates an understanding of the next four chapters on the formation and main practices of the EU and Russian foreign policy. The last four chapters distinguish four cases by focusing on the common neighborhood countries as an area of competition between Russia and the EU.
Rejim calismalari uzun bir donem boyunca kapali rejimler ve liberal demokrasilerin iki uc noktada... more Rejim calismalari uzun bir donem boyunca kapali rejimler ve liberal demokrasilerin iki uc noktada yer aldigi on kabuluyle gerceklestirilmistir. Soguk Savasin sona ermesiyle liberal demokrasinin zaferi ilan edilmis ve kapali rejimlerin tarihe karisacagi ongorusu bircok teorisyen tarafindan kabul edilmistir. Ancak kapali rejimler tarihe karismadigi gibi demokratik gecis doneminde oldugu iddia edilen bircok rejim liberal demokratik rejimlere gecisi gerceklestirmeyerek melez rejim olarak adlandirilan bir ara rejim yaratmistir. Her ornek ulkenin kendi ozel kosullarina gore sekillenen melez rejimlerden rekabetci otoriteryanizm ise demokratik rejimlerin unsurlarindan yararlanarak mesruiyetini saglamis ve otoriter yapisini guclendirerek kaliciligini artirmistir. Bu calismada, melez rejimlerin dogasi ve adlandirilma problemleri ile rekabetci otoriter rejimlerin yapisi degerlendirilerek farkli tecrubeler isiginda aciklanmasi amaclanmistir.
Vladimir Gel’man , who is a professor of political science at the European University at St. Pete... more Vladimir Gel’man , who is a professor of political science at the European University at St. Petersburg and Finland Distinguished Professor at the Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki, is the author and editor of more than twenty books in Russian and English .
Öneri Dergisi, 2020
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the Russian presidential power on the polit... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the Russian presidential power on the political regime in a comparative perspective since 1993. Yeltsin (1993-1999) and Putin (2000-incumbent) periods were analyzed firstly by examining the constitutional powers of the president. Shugart and Carey (1992), with reference to Duverger (1980), took the origin of the presidency and the degree of presidential support in parliament and among the elite under consideration. Besides, I also considered presidential popularity, keeping in mind the president's political background, as a necessary factor to be counted in for both continuation and the change in a regime. In order to confirm the change in the regime type, Freedom House and Voice & Accountability (V&A) Scores were used. The findings put forward that during the first years of the 1990s Yeltsin had to share his power with oligarchs and the family by adopting a more pro-western and pro-democracy stance while Putin did not share ...
Books by Adnan Seyaz
Routledge , 2023
The historical Dayton Peace Accords of 1995 put an end to the Bosnian War and created the consoci... more The historical Dayton Peace Accords of 1995 put an end to the Bosnian War and created the consociational democratic system, which brought three ethnic groups together. This book critically examines the post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the union of the Federation of Bosnia–Herzegovina and Republika Srpska, and its relationship with the European Union (EU).
The book discusses the nature of the accords and post-consolidation issues and the roles played by the EU and other actors in the democratic consolidation and Europeanization of BiH. It focuses on the establishment of democracy in a post-war, post-conflict society, and examines the internal democratization process and the challenges faced by the new democratic order. It studies complicated aspects of governance in post-Dayton Bosnia–Herzegovina and points out its strengths – in terms of maintaining peace and stability, and its weaknesses – the limits of democratization and forced segregation of communities.
This book will be of interest to scholars and researchers of East European studies, EU studies, political science, peace and conflict studies, international relations, ethnic studies, and strategic affairs.
Seyaz, A. (2023). The European Union and Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Democratic Consolidation (1st ed.). Routledge India.
Karadeniz: 2020 Gelişmeleri Işığında Bölgesel Değerlendirmeler, 2021
Karadeniz: 2021 Gelişmeleri Işığında Bölgesel Değerlendirmeler, 2022
Karadeniz: 2021 Gelişmeleri Işığında Bölgesel Değerlendirmeler yayın serisi ikinci yılında hem bö... more Karadeniz: 2021 Gelişmeleri Işığında Bölgesel Değerlendirmeler yayın serisi ikinci yılında hem bölgesel hem de küresel gelişmelere odaklanarak bölge ile ilgilenen araştırmacılar için bir başvuru kaynağı olma hedefini bu yılda devam ettirmekte. Oldukça yoğun gündem içerisinde çok büyük bir emeğin ürünü olarak sizlerle buluşan ve 2021 yılının değerlendirmesini içeren eserimizde birbirinden değerli yazarlarımız çalışmalarını uzmanlıkları çerçevesinde sunarken analitik yaklaşımlarıyla birbirini tamamlayan bölümlerle kitaba bütüncül bir perspektif katmaktadırlar. 2021 yılında Karadeniz Havzasındaki gelişmelerin ele alındığı bu kitapta on sekiz makale yer almaktadır. Üç bölümden oluşan kitabımızın ilk bölümünde havzadaki ülkelerden onunun 2021 yılında yaşadıkları süreçler masaya yatırılırken; ikinci bölümde uluslararası aktörlerin havzaya yaklaşımları ele alınmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ise nispeten daha bağımsız makalelerle Karadeniz havzası farklı açılardan incelenmekte ve okuyucuya ilk iki bölümdeki makaleleri analitik olarak birleştirebilecekleri alan sunulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Birinci bölüm Rukiye Patan'ın Türkiye'nin iç ve dış politika alanında ve ekonomik kapasitesinde önemli gelişmelerin gerçekleştiği bir yıl
Conference Presentations by Adnan Seyaz
The 7th INCSOS International Congress of Social Sciences Proceedings Book, 2022
Papers by Adnan Seyaz
Books by Adnan Seyaz
The book discusses the nature of the accords and post-consolidation issues and the roles played by the EU and other actors in the democratic consolidation and Europeanization of BiH. It focuses on the establishment of democracy in a post-war, post-conflict society, and examines the internal democratization process and the challenges faced by the new democratic order. It studies complicated aspects of governance in post-Dayton Bosnia–Herzegovina and points out its strengths – in terms of maintaining peace and stability, and its weaknesses – the limits of democratization and forced segregation of communities.
This book will be of interest to scholars and researchers of East European studies, EU studies, political science, peace and conflict studies, international relations, ethnic studies, and strategic affairs.
Seyaz, A. (2023). The European Union and Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Democratic Consolidation (1st ed.). Routledge India.
Conference Presentations by Adnan Seyaz
The book discusses the nature of the accords and post-consolidation issues and the roles played by the EU and other actors in the democratic consolidation and Europeanization of BiH. It focuses on the establishment of democracy in a post-war, post-conflict society, and examines the internal democratization process and the challenges faced by the new democratic order. It studies complicated aspects of governance in post-Dayton Bosnia–Herzegovina and points out its strengths – in terms of maintaining peace and stability, and its weaknesses – the limits of democratization and forced segregation of communities.
This book will be of interest to scholars and researchers of East European studies, EU studies, political science, peace and conflict studies, international relations, ethnic studies, and strategic affairs.
Seyaz, A. (2023). The European Union and Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Democratic Consolidation (1st ed.). Routledge India.