Alper Gürer
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
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Papers by Alper Gürer
çabası içinde olabilirler. Örgütler tarafından belirlenen davranışları gösterme sürecinde harcanan duygusal emek, iş yerindeki duyguları,
tutumları ve davranışları yönetme becerisidir ve en az fiziksel olarak sarf edilen emek kadar önemlidir; bu nedenle bu beceri, çalışanların iş
koşullarına ilişkin tatmin duygusunu artırarak, psikolojik, fiziksel ve sosyal açıdan daha iyi hissetmelerine katkıda bulunmaktadır. Bu
bağlamda, çalışan iyi oluşu, bireyin olumlu çalışma koşullarının etkisiyle şekillenen bir durumdur. İşten ayrılma niyeti ise, çalışanın örgütten
ayrılma isteğini temsil etmektedir. Bu niyetin yoğunluğu çalışanlar ve örgüt için önemli sonuçlar yaratabilmektedir. Duygusal emeğin,
çalışan iyi oluşu ve işten ayrılma niyeti üzerinde etkilerinin bulunduğu, bu nedenle çalışanların iyi oluş düzeylerini artıracak duygusal emek
stratejilerinin belirlenmesinin, iş gücünün istikrarı ve verimliliği açısından önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu kapsamda Kırıkkale ilinde
görev yapan öğretmenler üzerinde bir alan araştırması gerçekleştirilmiş ve 413 öğretmene ulaşılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, duygusal emek
boyutlarından doğal duyguların, işten ayrılma niyetini azaltırken; yüzeysel rol yapmanın artırdığını göstermiştir. Ayrıca duygusal emek
boyutlarından yüzeysel rol yapmanın, çalışan iyi oluşu, yaşamsal iyi oluş ve genel iyi oluş üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi bulunmazken; duygusal
emeğin diğer bir boyutu olan derinden rol yapmanın ise çalışan iyi oluşunu toplam düzeyleri dahil olmak üzere yaşamsal, psikolojik ve iş
yerinde iyi oluş açısından pozitif yönlü etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca doğal duygular da genel olarak çalışanların iyi oluş düzeylerini
pozitif yönde etkilediği görülmüştür.
Employees may try to display or suppress certain emotional states at work due to both internal and external factors. Emotional labor, which
is spent in the process of demonstrating behaviors determined by organizations, is the ability to manage emotions, attitudes and behaviors in
the workplace and is at least as important as physical labor; therefore, this skill contributes to employees' psychological, physical and social
well-being by increasing their sense of satisfaction with work conditions. In this context, employee well-being is shaped by the impact of
positive working conditions. Turnover intention, on the other hand, represents the employee's desire to leave the organization. The intensity
of this intention can create important consequences for employees and the organization. Emotional labor has effects on employee well-being
and turnover intention; therefore, it is thought that determining emotional labor strategies that will increase the well-being levels of
employees is important for the stability and efficiency of the workforce. In this context, a field study was conducted on teachers working in
Kırıkkale province and 413 teachers were reached. The findings showed that natural emotions, one of the dimensions of emotional labor,
decreased turnover intention, while superficial role-playing increased it. In addition, superficial role-playing, one of the dimensions of
emotional labor, did not have a significant effect on employee well-being, vital well-being and general well-being, while deep role-playing,
another dimension of emotional labor, was found to positively affect employee well-being in terms of vital, psychological and workplace
well-being, including total levels. In addition, natural emotions were also found to positively affect employees' well-being levels in general.
Organizations need a qualified workforce to adapt to challenging conditions am-nd manage crises, as documented. Today, organizations are facing a number of external threats, such as economic crises, as well as internal unrest, including organizational exclusion. In such circumstances, there is a clear need for employees with high resilience capacity who are able to cope with difficulties and pursue opportunities for self-improvement. This study examined the relationship between employee resilience capacity, organizational exclusion, and astrological personality traits. The study population consisted of academic and administrative staff employed at Kırıkkale University. A total of 380 participants were reached through convenience sampling. The findings indicated significant negative correlation between employees' resilience capacity and organizational exclusion levels. However, the relationship between employee resilience capacity and organizational exclusion did not vary significantly according to astrological personality traits.
Quiet quitting has become one of the popular concepts that has emerged in the context of recent events taking place in the world. The main problem of the study is the correct understanding of the quiet quitting phenomenon. The study aims to present the current situation by examining scientific studies and popular periodicals that address the concept. Quiet quitting behavior, carried out by employees, is seen as a response to current working conditions. Therefore, quiet quitting is important in the sense of being an example of current and future employee behaviors and actions. Based on the findings obtained from the existing literature, quiet quitting can be defined as behaviors such as not doing more than what the task requires, remaining passive, and staying behind. Although these behavior patterns are not newly discovered phenomena, when considered together, they reveal a meaningful structure that can be explained and defined. The reason behind labeling this behavior as quiet is the fact that individuals who exhibit this behavior have shown similar behavior patterns without being aware of each other. These reactive behaviors displayed by employees have become a phenomenon discussed worldwide, much like an underlying tidal wave that arrives quietly. As supported by the existing literature, There are two factors that contribute to the understanding and recognition of quiet quitting by the working masses. The first of these is the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, the compulsory and rapid changes in working conditions have had an accelerating and triggering effect on the behaviors carried out as part of quiet quitting. The other factor is social media. Through viral videos on social media platforms, individuals in similar situations who could not define their current situation and emotions have reached a point of awareness. The changing conditions of contemporary life and work have created a conducive environment for reactive employee behaviors such as quiet quitting. Therefore, individuals need to be constantly conscious and prepared to enhance their quality of life in the face of challenges.
Inflationary market conditions due to global and national economic fluctuations are frequently encountered especially in developing and underdeveloped countries. The high inflation situation, which is explained by the decrease in purchasing power, emerges as one of the sources of people's dissatisfaction with their financial situation. Studies on financial well-being show that this variable can affect employees and consumers in different ways. In addition, few studies have found that financial well-being may be related to physical health. Therefore, it is proposed and tested in this research that there may be relationships between financial well-being, physical health, employee well-being and shopping well-being. However, it is seen that the organizational, health, and consumption-related effects of financial well-being in an inflationary environment do not attract enough attention in the business literature. This research, it is aimed to illuminate the possible effects of financial well-being on employee well-being and shopping well-being in an inflation environment and the mediating role of physical health in these effects. For this purpose, primary data were collected with the descriptive survey method and analyzed with the structural equation model. In the research, it was determined that financial well-being affects employee well-being and physical health positively. In addition, it has been understood that physical health plays a partial mediator role in the effect of financial well-being on employee well-being. Furthermore, it has been determined that physical health affects employee well-being and shopping well-being, but financial well-being does not affect shopping well-being. Finally, the research findings were discussed within the scope of the research, and suggestions were developed for researchers and managers.
Mobbing behavior in organizations is the process of an employee systematically intimidating, manipulating, humiliating another employee, and forcing him to make mistakes, eventually bringing him to a point where he quits his job. Organizational deviation is employees act in violation of organizational and social norms, general acceptances and rules. Both mobbing and organizational deviation are concepts that can be counted among counterproductive behaviors. In this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between mobbing and organizational deviation behaviors. In addition, the change in these perceived behavioral levels according to demographic characteristics was also investigated. Examining these concepts, which have negative consequences for organizations, both helps to reveal the problem and also contributes to the literature due to the little study of the relationship between the two concepts. In the field research carried out on public employees, the survey method was used and 395 people were reached. According to the findings, positive relationships were determined between the variables and their sub-dimensions. In addition, it was determined and reported that the mean of variables differed in terms of some demographic characteristics.
Abstract: The most important feature that distinguishes humans from other living things is the brain and the functioning of the brain. It is possible to say that our brain, which manages our mind and emotions and is the main center of many motor movements, is also an important control center that determines the level and style of our social relationships. We generally define the reasoning function of the brain, which produces countless thoughts in our daily life, as intelligence. Intelligence is the most important intellectual activity that determines our position in life as well as being a neuronal movement that facilitates people's life and forms the basis of human existence in 1 Doç. Dr., Hitit Üniversitesi, Sungurlu MYO, Yönetim ve Organizasyon Bölümü, [email protected], 2 Doç. Dr., Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, Keskin MYO, Yönetim ve Organizasyon Bölümü [email protected], 3 Arş. Gör., Atatürk Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü, [email protected],
Sustainability is an approach based on meeting today's needs without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability has become a concept whose content has been increasing continuously since its first appearance and has been handled with its different dimensions in many areas today. As the importance of sustainability became more and more understood, it was realized that sustainability policies should be evaluated not only by government initiatives, but also in the context of the private sector, and businesses also started to take some responsibilities. Within this framework, it has become imperative for businesses to adapt to changing conditions and to produce sustainable contents. In terms of businesses, sustainability is shaped within the framework of general green business administration and with the creating dimension of sustainable green culture with green organization culture perspective. By this way, businesses can contribute to the sustainability of the natural environment on the one hand, and on the other hand, they can take their place in the ecological competition environment, strengthen their brand reputation and make themselves sustainable by making profit in the long term. It is observed that more and more businesses are trying to incorporate environmentally friendly values to their structures and thus contribute to sustainable development. In this context, it was aimed to reveal the effects of green organizational culture on sustainability.
Customer oriented behaviors towards understanding and meeting the needs and wants of the customers are considered important in the achievement of the objectives of the enterprises. However, traumatic events in the workplace may cause negative psychological effects on the employees. In this study, which is designed with the idea that traumas in the workplace can be effective in customer oriented behaviors of employees, the effect of stres after traumatic events on the customer orientation and the mediator role of the leader member interaction in this relationship is examined. 207 employees participated in the study conducted in a call center in Kırıkkale. In the research, regression analysis was used to examine the relationships between variables. Sobel test used to determine the significance level of mediation role. According to findings, stress after traumatic event in the workplace negatively affect the customer orientation of the employees. Leader member interaction level positively affect customer orientation. As a result of the study, the negative effect of stress after traumatic event were reduced due to mediator effect of leader member interaction.
Toplumun refahı açısından olumlu katkı sağladığı ifade edilen özgeci davranış günümüzün gittikçe gerginleşen iş dünyası için önemi yadsınamaz bir durumdur. Yine işletmelerin etkinliklerine ve gelişimine olumlu katkı sağlayacak çalışanların duygu ve düşüncelerini ifade etmelerini sağlayan çalışan sesliliği davranışı da bir o kadar önem arz etmektedir. Her iki değişkenin de çalışanın bireysel performansına olumlu etkisi olduğu düşüncesiyle bu çalışma, özgecilik davranışının bireysel performansa etkisinde çalışan sesliliğinin aracı rolü hipotezinden yola çıkılarak tasarlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda araştırmayı gerçekleştirmek için anket yöntemi seçilmiş ve Tokat ilinde tekstil sektöründe çalışan 347 katılımcı araştırmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler neticesinde bu üç değişken arasında yapısal eşitlik modeli kurulmuş ve uyum iyiliği değerlerinin kabul edilebilir düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür (RMSEA:0,057, CFI:0,938, NFI:0,900, GFI:0,900, AGFI:0,862 ve RMR:0,052). Sonuç olarak, özgecilik davranışının bireysel performansı olumlu yönde etkilediği yine bu etkide çalışan sesliliğinin artırıcı bir aracı rolü üstlendiği tespit edilmiştir. Katılımcıların demografik özelliklerinden ise cinsiyet ve medeni durum arasında anlamlı farklılıklara rastlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Özgecilik, Bireysel Performans, Çalışan Sesliliği.
The altruistic behavior that is said to increase the well-being of the society positively is an undeniable behavior for today's increasingly tense business world. Employee voice behavior, which means that employees will express their feelings and thoughts, which will contribute positively to the development of enterprises, is also important. This study, which is thought to have a positive effect on the individual performance of both variables, is designed based on the hypothesis of the mediating role of employee voice in the effect of altruism behavior on individual performance. In this context, the survey method was chosen to carry out the research and 347 participants in the textile sector in Tokat province were included in the study. As a result of the data obtained, a structural equation model was established between the three variables and it was seen that the good values of compliance were acceptable (RMSEA:0,057, CFI:0,938, NFI:0,900, GFI:0,900, AGFI:0,862 and RMR:0,052). As a result, it was seen that altruism behavior had a positive effect on individual performance and employee voice had an intermediary role in this effect. The demographic characteristics of the participants revealed significant differences between gender and marital status.
Keywords: Altruism, Individual Performance, Employee Voice.
Employee silence, which contains not disclosing emotions, thoughts and opinions related to employees' organizations and remaining silent, harm to organizations and therefore seen as undesirable behavior in organizations. The study aimed to reveal the relationship between employees' silence and the demographic characteristics of emploees. The study was conducted by analyzing the results of the survey which conducted with 700 people working in public and private sectors in line with the hypotheses formed. T-test and one-way analysis of varience (ANOVA) were used to determine whether the employees differ according to their demographic characteristics, who participated in the study. According to research findings, it was determined that gender, education, age, marital status, total working time, working time in the institutioan, administrative duty status showed statistically significant differences in the level of subscale of employee silence.
çabası içinde olabilirler. Örgütler tarafından belirlenen davranışları gösterme sürecinde harcanan duygusal emek, iş yerindeki duyguları,
tutumları ve davranışları yönetme becerisidir ve en az fiziksel olarak sarf edilen emek kadar önemlidir; bu nedenle bu beceri, çalışanların iş
koşullarına ilişkin tatmin duygusunu artırarak, psikolojik, fiziksel ve sosyal açıdan daha iyi hissetmelerine katkıda bulunmaktadır. Bu
bağlamda, çalışan iyi oluşu, bireyin olumlu çalışma koşullarının etkisiyle şekillenen bir durumdur. İşten ayrılma niyeti ise, çalışanın örgütten
ayrılma isteğini temsil etmektedir. Bu niyetin yoğunluğu çalışanlar ve örgüt için önemli sonuçlar yaratabilmektedir. Duygusal emeğin,
çalışan iyi oluşu ve işten ayrılma niyeti üzerinde etkilerinin bulunduğu, bu nedenle çalışanların iyi oluş düzeylerini artıracak duygusal emek
stratejilerinin belirlenmesinin, iş gücünün istikrarı ve verimliliği açısından önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu kapsamda Kırıkkale ilinde
görev yapan öğretmenler üzerinde bir alan araştırması gerçekleştirilmiş ve 413 öğretmene ulaşılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, duygusal emek
boyutlarından doğal duyguların, işten ayrılma niyetini azaltırken; yüzeysel rol yapmanın artırdığını göstermiştir. Ayrıca duygusal emek
boyutlarından yüzeysel rol yapmanın, çalışan iyi oluşu, yaşamsal iyi oluş ve genel iyi oluş üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi bulunmazken; duygusal
emeğin diğer bir boyutu olan derinden rol yapmanın ise çalışan iyi oluşunu toplam düzeyleri dahil olmak üzere yaşamsal, psikolojik ve iş
yerinde iyi oluş açısından pozitif yönlü etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca doğal duygular da genel olarak çalışanların iyi oluş düzeylerini
pozitif yönde etkilediği görülmüştür.
Employees may try to display or suppress certain emotional states at work due to both internal and external factors. Emotional labor, which
is spent in the process of demonstrating behaviors determined by organizations, is the ability to manage emotions, attitudes and behaviors in
the workplace and is at least as important as physical labor; therefore, this skill contributes to employees' psychological, physical and social
well-being by increasing their sense of satisfaction with work conditions. In this context, employee well-being is shaped by the impact of
positive working conditions. Turnover intention, on the other hand, represents the employee's desire to leave the organization. The intensity
of this intention can create important consequences for employees and the organization. Emotional labor has effects on employee well-being
and turnover intention; therefore, it is thought that determining emotional labor strategies that will increase the well-being levels of
employees is important for the stability and efficiency of the workforce. In this context, a field study was conducted on teachers working in
Kırıkkale province and 413 teachers were reached. The findings showed that natural emotions, one of the dimensions of emotional labor,
decreased turnover intention, while superficial role-playing increased it. In addition, superficial role-playing, one of the dimensions of
emotional labor, did not have a significant effect on employee well-being, vital well-being and general well-being, while deep role-playing,
another dimension of emotional labor, was found to positively affect employee well-being in terms of vital, psychological and workplace
well-being, including total levels. In addition, natural emotions were also found to positively affect employees' well-being levels in general.
Organizations need a qualified workforce to adapt to challenging conditions am-nd manage crises, as documented. Today, organizations are facing a number of external threats, such as economic crises, as well as internal unrest, including organizational exclusion. In such circumstances, there is a clear need for employees with high resilience capacity who are able to cope with difficulties and pursue opportunities for self-improvement. This study examined the relationship between employee resilience capacity, organizational exclusion, and astrological personality traits. The study population consisted of academic and administrative staff employed at Kırıkkale University. A total of 380 participants were reached through convenience sampling. The findings indicated significant negative correlation between employees' resilience capacity and organizational exclusion levels. However, the relationship between employee resilience capacity and organizational exclusion did not vary significantly according to astrological personality traits.
Quiet quitting has become one of the popular concepts that has emerged in the context of recent events taking place in the world. The main problem of the study is the correct understanding of the quiet quitting phenomenon. The study aims to present the current situation by examining scientific studies and popular periodicals that address the concept. Quiet quitting behavior, carried out by employees, is seen as a response to current working conditions. Therefore, quiet quitting is important in the sense of being an example of current and future employee behaviors and actions. Based on the findings obtained from the existing literature, quiet quitting can be defined as behaviors such as not doing more than what the task requires, remaining passive, and staying behind. Although these behavior patterns are not newly discovered phenomena, when considered together, they reveal a meaningful structure that can be explained and defined. The reason behind labeling this behavior as quiet is the fact that individuals who exhibit this behavior have shown similar behavior patterns without being aware of each other. These reactive behaviors displayed by employees have become a phenomenon discussed worldwide, much like an underlying tidal wave that arrives quietly. As supported by the existing literature, There are two factors that contribute to the understanding and recognition of quiet quitting by the working masses. The first of these is the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, the compulsory and rapid changes in working conditions have had an accelerating and triggering effect on the behaviors carried out as part of quiet quitting. The other factor is social media. Through viral videos on social media platforms, individuals in similar situations who could not define their current situation and emotions have reached a point of awareness. The changing conditions of contemporary life and work have created a conducive environment for reactive employee behaviors such as quiet quitting. Therefore, individuals need to be constantly conscious and prepared to enhance their quality of life in the face of challenges.
Inflationary market conditions due to global and national economic fluctuations are frequently encountered especially in developing and underdeveloped countries. The high inflation situation, which is explained by the decrease in purchasing power, emerges as one of the sources of people's dissatisfaction with their financial situation. Studies on financial well-being show that this variable can affect employees and consumers in different ways. In addition, few studies have found that financial well-being may be related to physical health. Therefore, it is proposed and tested in this research that there may be relationships between financial well-being, physical health, employee well-being and shopping well-being. However, it is seen that the organizational, health, and consumption-related effects of financial well-being in an inflationary environment do not attract enough attention in the business literature. This research, it is aimed to illuminate the possible effects of financial well-being on employee well-being and shopping well-being in an inflation environment and the mediating role of physical health in these effects. For this purpose, primary data were collected with the descriptive survey method and analyzed with the structural equation model. In the research, it was determined that financial well-being affects employee well-being and physical health positively. In addition, it has been understood that physical health plays a partial mediator role in the effect of financial well-being on employee well-being. Furthermore, it has been determined that physical health affects employee well-being and shopping well-being, but financial well-being does not affect shopping well-being. Finally, the research findings were discussed within the scope of the research, and suggestions were developed for researchers and managers.
Mobbing behavior in organizations is the process of an employee systematically intimidating, manipulating, humiliating another employee, and forcing him to make mistakes, eventually bringing him to a point where he quits his job. Organizational deviation is employees act in violation of organizational and social norms, general acceptances and rules. Both mobbing and organizational deviation are concepts that can be counted among counterproductive behaviors. In this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between mobbing and organizational deviation behaviors. In addition, the change in these perceived behavioral levels according to demographic characteristics was also investigated. Examining these concepts, which have negative consequences for organizations, both helps to reveal the problem and also contributes to the literature due to the little study of the relationship between the two concepts. In the field research carried out on public employees, the survey method was used and 395 people were reached. According to the findings, positive relationships were determined between the variables and their sub-dimensions. In addition, it was determined and reported that the mean of variables differed in terms of some demographic characteristics.
Abstract: The most important feature that distinguishes humans from other living things is the brain and the functioning of the brain. It is possible to say that our brain, which manages our mind and emotions and is the main center of many motor movements, is also an important control center that determines the level and style of our social relationships. We generally define the reasoning function of the brain, which produces countless thoughts in our daily life, as intelligence. Intelligence is the most important intellectual activity that determines our position in life as well as being a neuronal movement that facilitates people's life and forms the basis of human existence in 1 Doç. Dr., Hitit Üniversitesi, Sungurlu MYO, Yönetim ve Organizasyon Bölümü, [email protected], 2 Doç. Dr., Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, Keskin MYO, Yönetim ve Organizasyon Bölümü [email protected], 3 Arş. Gör., Atatürk Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü, [email protected],
Sustainability is an approach based on meeting today's needs without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability has become a concept whose content has been increasing continuously since its first appearance and has been handled with its different dimensions in many areas today. As the importance of sustainability became more and more understood, it was realized that sustainability policies should be evaluated not only by government initiatives, but also in the context of the private sector, and businesses also started to take some responsibilities. Within this framework, it has become imperative for businesses to adapt to changing conditions and to produce sustainable contents. In terms of businesses, sustainability is shaped within the framework of general green business administration and with the creating dimension of sustainable green culture with green organization culture perspective. By this way, businesses can contribute to the sustainability of the natural environment on the one hand, and on the other hand, they can take their place in the ecological competition environment, strengthen their brand reputation and make themselves sustainable by making profit in the long term. It is observed that more and more businesses are trying to incorporate environmentally friendly values to their structures and thus contribute to sustainable development. In this context, it was aimed to reveal the effects of green organizational culture on sustainability.
Customer oriented behaviors towards understanding and meeting the needs and wants of the customers are considered important in the achievement of the objectives of the enterprises. However, traumatic events in the workplace may cause negative psychological effects on the employees. In this study, which is designed with the idea that traumas in the workplace can be effective in customer oriented behaviors of employees, the effect of stres after traumatic events on the customer orientation and the mediator role of the leader member interaction in this relationship is examined. 207 employees participated in the study conducted in a call center in Kırıkkale. In the research, regression analysis was used to examine the relationships between variables. Sobel test used to determine the significance level of mediation role. According to findings, stress after traumatic event in the workplace negatively affect the customer orientation of the employees. Leader member interaction level positively affect customer orientation. As a result of the study, the negative effect of stress after traumatic event were reduced due to mediator effect of leader member interaction.
Toplumun refahı açısından olumlu katkı sağladığı ifade edilen özgeci davranış günümüzün gittikçe gerginleşen iş dünyası için önemi yadsınamaz bir durumdur. Yine işletmelerin etkinliklerine ve gelişimine olumlu katkı sağlayacak çalışanların duygu ve düşüncelerini ifade etmelerini sağlayan çalışan sesliliği davranışı da bir o kadar önem arz etmektedir. Her iki değişkenin de çalışanın bireysel performansına olumlu etkisi olduğu düşüncesiyle bu çalışma, özgecilik davranışının bireysel performansa etkisinde çalışan sesliliğinin aracı rolü hipotezinden yola çıkılarak tasarlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda araştırmayı gerçekleştirmek için anket yöntemi seçilmiş ve Tokat ilinde tekstil sektöründe çalışan 347 katılımcı araştırmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler neticesinde bu üç değişken arasında yapısal eşitlik modeli kurulmuş ve uyum iyiliği değerlerinin kabul edilebilir düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür (RMSEA:0,057, CFI:0,938, NFI:0,900, GFI:0,900, AGFI:0,862 ve RMR:0,052). Sonuç olarak, özgecilik davranışının bireysel performansı olumlu yönde etkilediği yine bu etkide çalışan sesliliğinin artırıcı bir aracı rolü üstlendiği tespit edilmiştir. Katılımcıların demografik özelliklerinden ise cinsiyet ve medeni durum arasında anlamlı farklılıklara rastlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Özgecilik, Bireysel Performans, Çalışan Sesliliği.
The altruistic behavior that is said to increase the well-being of the society positively is an undeniable behavior for today's increasingly tense business world. Employee voice behavior, which means that employees will express their feelings and thoughts, which will contribute positively to the development of enterprises, is also important. This study, which is thought to have a positive effect on the individual performance of both variables, is designed based on the hypothesis of the mediating role of employee voice in the effect of altruism behavior on individual performance. In this context, the survey method was chosen to carry out the research and 347 participants in the textile sector in Tokat province were included in the study. As a result of the data obtained, a structural equation model was established between the three variables and it was seen that the good values of compliance were acceptable (RMSEA:0,057, CFI:0,938, NFI:0,900, GFI:0,900, AGFI:0,862 and RMR:0,052). As a result, it was seen that altruism behavior had a positive effect on individual performance and employee voice had an intermediary role in this effect. The demographic characteristics of the participants revealed significant differences between gender and marital status.
Keywords: Altruism, Individual Performance, Employee Voice.
Employee silence, which contains not disclosing emotions, thoughts and opinions related to employees' organizations and remaining silent, harm to organizations and therefore seen as undesirable behavior in organizations. The study aimed to reveal the relationship between employees' silence and the demographic characteristics of emploees. The study was conducted by analyzing the results of the survey which conducted with 700 people working in public and private sectors in line with the hypotheses formed. T-test and one-way analysis of varience (ANOVA) were used to determine whether the employees differ according to their demographic characteristics, who participated in the study. According to research findings, it was determined that gender, education, age, marital status, total working time, working time in the institutioan, administrative duty status showed statistically significant differences in the level of subscale of employee silence.
and childhood attachment styles. In this context, the research population consists of women
managers in Kırıkkale province. As a sampling method, non-probability based convenience
sampling method was preferred. In this context, a field study was conducted on women
managers living in Kırıkkale province and 106 participants were reached. According to the
findings; it was determined that there were positive relationships between transformational
leadership and secure attachment and negative relationships between avoidant attachment;
positive relationships between traditional leadership and anxious-ambivalent attachment;
negative relationships between laissez-faire leadership and secure attachment, and positive
relationships between avoidant and anxious-ambivalent attachment styles.
It can be said that the most basic element in achieving the objectives of the organization and ensuring a sustainable competitive advantage is that the employees perform their job duties. In additiaon to this, employees may not find the work they do from time to time meaningful, they may think that their contribution to the organization is insignificant, or their work may not give them the opportunity to develop themselves. This situation, which is expressed in the literature as boreout syndrome, is one of the most important obstacles in front of organizations to reach their targets. Another factor that prevents organizations from reaching their goals is social loafing. Social loafing is also one of the undesirable behaviors for organizations that negatively affect the fulfillment of their job-related duties like boreout. Especially in today's organizational structures where teamwork is prominent, while the efforts of the employees are under the individual performances of the works carried out jointly with the group are called as social loafing, and this situation affects the organizational performance negatively by causing the employees not to get the desired efficiency. This study aims to reveal the effects of boreout syndrome on social loafing behavior of employees. The study also tried to find out whether the demographic characteristics of the employees have an impact on the boreout. For this purpose, the data obtained from 120 employees working in a factory operating in the food sector in Çorum province were analyzed. According to the findings of the study, it was concluded that the boreout has a positive effect on social loafing and that the education level of the employees caused a significant difference in boreout levels.
bir şekilde ortaya çıkabilecek “görevler” kilit rol oynamaktadır. Bu nedenledir ki çalışanların verilen
görevleri zamanında yapmaları örgütler açısından oldukça önemlidir. Aksi bir durumda, çalışanların, verilen
görevleri gerekli süre içinde yapmaması, mesai saatleri içerisinde temel görevleri dışında başka işlerle
uğraşması durumu ile açıklanan işte erteleme davranışı göstermesi örgütlerin verimliliği ve etkinliği
üzerinde olumsuz sonuçlar yaratacaktır.
Literatürde gerek bireysel ve örgütsel performansı olumsuz etkilemesi gerekse iş ahlakına uygun olmayan
bir davranış şekli olması açısından işte erteleme davranışının ve bu davranışın nedenlerinin araştırıldığı
çalışmalar mevcuttur. Bu çalışma da ise çalışanların algıladıkları yönetici desteğinin ve kariyer
memnuniyetinin işte erteleme davranışı üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Örgütlerde işte erteleme davranışının
gerçekleşmesinde yöneticilerin ortaya koydukları yaklaşım tarzının ve kişinin mevcut kariyer beklentilerini
karşıladığı bir iş veya görevde bulunmuyor olmasının önemli bir etken olabileceği düşüncesi bu çalışmanın
tasarlanmasında temel oluşturmuştur.
Bu bağlamda değişkenler arasındaki ilişkileri tespit etmek amacıyla, yönetici desteği, kariyer memnuniyeti
ve işte erteleme davranışını ölçen alanda geçerli ve güvenilir üç ölçekten ve demografik sorulardan oluşan
bir anket formu hazırlanarak Antalya ilinde faaliyet gösteren bir otelde görev yapmakta olan 119 çalışana
uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler kurulan hipotezler doğrultusunda korelasyon, regresyon ve anova
analizleri ile test edilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgulara göre, algılanan yönetici desteğinin ve kariyer
memnuniyetinin, işte erteleme davranışı üzerinde negatif yönlü bir etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bir diğer sonuç ise, çalışanların cinsiyet, yaş, çalışma süresi, çalışma
durumu ve eğitim düzeyleri özelliklerinin değişkenlerin ölçülen düzeyleri üzerinde anlamlı bir farklılık
yaratmadığı yönünde olmuştur.
leadership and ethical leadership on the presenteeism-the situation of being at work in spite of discomfort- is examined. Within the scope of the study, 406 participants working in the public and private sectors were reached and data were collected by survey method.
It is determined that the structure of measurement tools is appropriate according to reliability and validity analyzes, and linear regression analysis is used to measure the interaction among variables. According to the findings of the research, positive linear relationships between employees’ presenteeism behavior and ethical leadership perceptions;
and negative linear relationships between despotic leadership perceptions and presenteeism
are revealed. It is also observed that the presenteeism behavior of employees in
the public sector is more influenced by the leadership perceptions than private sector.
In terms of leadership qualities, in general and on sectoral basis, it is possible to say that
the effect of ethical leadership perception on presenteeism behavior, is higher than the
despotic leadership perception. Moreover, while it is determined that the employees’ leadership
perceptions could vary according to demographic characteristics, no significant
difference was found in terms of presenteeism behavior. In describing the behavior of
presenteeism, it is considered that the inclusion of different organizational variables in
analyzes will increase the clarity of the subject in future studies.
Just as every firm has an organizational culture, this culture interacts with the culture of the society in which it present. Every individual in the organization aims to harmonize with that organization by internalizing its own individual culture and organizational culture. It is thought that the level of cultural intelligence effect this adaptation process as well as entrepreneurship orientations of the employees. So, testing the hypothesis that cultural intelligence of individuals influence their entrepreneurial orientation is designed as the main objective of this research. In this context, a questionnaire form consisting of two valid and reliable subscales that measure cultural intelligence and individual entrepreneurship orientation and demographis questions was prepared and applied to 421 university students. As a result of the obtained data, it was seen that individual entrepreneurship orientation subscales, which are risk taking, innovativeness and proactivity, are affected by subdimensions of cultural intelligence which are metacognition, cognition, motivation and behavior and this effect is positive and statistically significant.