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      MedicineDiseaseClinical SciencesDermatological Diseases
Background and objectives : Religious/spiritual (R-S) well-being is associated with greater vitality and lower depression scores. In this study, we investigated strategies for coping with disease and the role of religiosity/spirituality... more
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ZusammenfassungIn der Vergangenheit haben Studien gezeigt, dass sich Interventionen bei chronisch Kranken und Krebspatient/-innen positiv auf die religiös-spirituelle (r/s) Befindlichkeit und die Krankheitsverarbeitung auswirken können.... more
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      MedicinePastoral CounselingSpiritual care
Although the association between spirituality and parameters of psychological health and disease has been investigated extensively, little evidence is available for its potential role in dermatology. In a single-centre observational... more
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2024 Spring Conference of the IGS research group: "MEDIALITY AND SELF-WORLD RELATIONS".
6-8 March - Max Weber Center - Erfurt
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      AestheticsSociology of ArtsFilm Editing
World Congress of Philosophy - Rome - 2024
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      Theodor AdornoFriedrich NietzscheFilmmakingFilm Editing
The article employs the concept of the “Resonance Relationship” to examine the theoretical and practical tensions inherent in the process of artistic creation as it pertains to the practice of film montage. A re-reading of the film... more
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      Critical TheoryAestheticsTheodor AdornoWalter Benjamin
Protocollo del seminario di Nicola Perullo: "Lezioni e conversazioni sull’etica, l’estetica, la psicologia e la credenza religiosa di L. Wittgenstein"
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      AestheticsAesthetics and EthicsLudwig Wittgenstein
Efficient feedback on energy consumption is regarded as one step towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Sonification is very apt to convey such information continuously in an ambient and effective way. This paper presents a pilot system... more
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Research Data Management (RDM) promises to make research outputs more transparent, findable, and reproducible. Strategies to streamline data management across disciplines are of key importance. This paper presents results of an... more
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      Research Data ManagementOpen Science and Research
Clear and findable publishing policies are important for authors to choose appropriate journals for publication. We investigated the clarity of policies of 171 major academic journals across disciplines regarding peer review and... more
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      Political ScienceBiologyMedicinePLoS one
This deliverable summarizes work undertaken in task 5.2 "Information seeking behaviours amongst policy-makers in the age of Open Science", aiming to assess the knowledge-base of policy-makers and how this is impacted by Open... more
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Open Science holds the promise to make scientific endeavours more inclusive, participatory, understandable, accessible, and re-usable for large audiences. However, making processes open will not per se drive wide re-use or participation... more
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The ON-MERRIT project aims to critically interrogate whether Open Science (OS) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) live up to the positive claims of their proponents in a multitude of ways and whether the Matthew effect in... more
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ON-MERRIT (Observing and Negating Matthew Effects in Responsible Research and Innovation Transition) is a new 30 month EC-funded project, starting in October 2019, to study "Matthew effects" of cumulative advantage in Open... more
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We used criteria associated with the Transpose database to evaluate policies in 171 of the most highly-cited journals across disciplines. We found that nearly one third don't clearly state even basic information about the editorial... more
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This contribution has originally been conceived as the introduction to my dissertation, to be submitted in February 2022 to the University of Graz (Department of Sociology). In the dissertation, I take up the vast discourse on data... more
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      Computer ScienceReuse
This contribution has originally been conceived as the introduction to my dissertation, to be submitted in February 2022 to the University of Graz (Department of Sociology). In the dissertation, I take up the vast discourse on data... more
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      Computer ScienceReuse
The presentation attached has been discussed at the EASST/4S 2020 conference titled "Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds"
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This document reports on the research conducted under Task 6.1 "Investigating institutional structures or reward and recognition in Open Science & RRI". Our work assesses the extent to which Open Science (OS) and Responsible... more
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    • Political Science