... A new element was introduced following the Arab conquest: the Arab administration began Islam... more ... A new element was introduced following the Arab conquest: the Arab administration began Islamising life in Egypt, pushing Copts to seek out ... THE FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF COPTIC PRIESTS In the church of Abu Yahnas al-Qasir al-Sharq, in the province of Mallawi, Anba ...
Cet ouvrage est consacré au peintre Yuḥ annā l-Armanī (mort en 1786), bien connu de ceux qui s'i... more Cet ouvrage est consacré au peintre Yuḥ annā l-Armanī (mort en 1786), bien connu de ceux qui s'intéressent aux icônes coptes. On lui en attribue plus de 300, dont plus de 100 de façon certaine. Quelques-unes ont été produites avec Ibrāhīm al-Nāsiḫ , sans doute son aîné. La plupart sont aujourd'hui conservées dans diff érentes églises du Caire. Si les historiens de l'art ont déjà consacré plusieurs études à ces oeuvres et à la renaissance de la peinture religieuse en milieu copte au XVIII e siècle, le travail de M. Guirguis innove de façon radicale, en s'intéressant moins aux peintures qu'au producteur et à ses commanditaires, en un mot, en tentant une histoire sociale de cette production artistique. Pour ce faire, il a su trouver des informations sur l'artiste, sa famille et ses partenaires dans les registres des tribunaux de la šarīʿa du Caire, se servir des sources concernant la construction et la restauration des églises aux archives du patriarcat copte, et s'appuyer sur sa bonne connaissance du contexte social général. L'oeuvre de Yuḥ annā l-Armanī est ainsi située dans le cadre d'un renouveau copte, dont les prémices seraient visibles à partir du milieu du XVII e siècle. La restauration et la décoration d'églises, ainsi que la production de manuscrits parfois enluminés, connaissent à partir de cette époque une croissance signifi cative. L'essor de la peinture d'icônes apparaît donc comme un volet d'une « renaissance » plus générale. Celle-ci a été à l'initiative d'une catégorie de notables laïcs (arāḫ ina) qui atteignirent un assez haut niveau de richesse et de prééminence dans la seconde moitié du dix-huitième siècle, et fi rent bénéfi cier de leur prospérité les églises et les oeuvres d'art religieux. La fondation pieuse (waqf) leur off rait un instrument juridique pour cette activité édilitaire, tout comme aux mamelouks sunnites qui entreprenaient de grandes opérations immobilières à la même époque. Yuḥ annā l-Armanī se donne plusieurs fois, sur ses oeuvres, le titre de naqqāš (décorateur), qui nous laisse supposer qu'il appartenait à la corporation des artisans de ce métier. La peinture d'icônes semble s'autonomiser progressivement d'un ensemble plus vaste d'activités et, sur certaines oeuvres, l'artiste prend le titre de muṣ awwir, révélateur de cette spécialisation. Le fait même de signer de son nom indique l'émergence d'un art spécifi que et sécularisé. En dehors des oeuvres peintes au profi t d'une église, il semble que l'artiste ait également réalisé des icônes à destination des maisons des notables. À sa mort, l'inventaire de ses biens mentionne « neuf tableaux de bois peints », ce
When there are many people who don't need to expect something more than the benefits to take,... more When there are many people who don't need to expect something more than the benefits to take, we will suggest you to have willing to reach all benefits. Be sure and surely do to take this the emergence of the modern coptic papacy the popes of egypt volume 3 that gives the best reasons to read. When you really need to get the reason why, this the emergence of the modern coptic papacy the popes of egypt volume 3 book will probably make you feel curious.
Social Research an International Quarterly of the Social Sciences, Jul 1, 2012
This paper is an analysis of the Coptic Church opposing attitude to the Egyptian revolution. By t... more This paper is an analysis of the Coptic Church opposing attitude to the Egyptian revolution. By tracing the shift that happened during Pope Shenouda's era (1971-2012), by which the church adapted new class policies that represent the clergy and the Coptic elite's interests. On the other hand the majority of Copts were completely ignored. That is why the Coptic church is fighting to keep its gains.
The Coptic Educational Systems and Institutions (11th Century - Present)
The French Institute for... more The Coptic Educational Systems and Institutions (11th Century - Present) The French Institute for Oriental Archaeology (IFAO), in cooperation with Center of Coptic Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, is hosting an international conference entitled "The Coptic Educational Systems and Institutions (11th Century - Present) on February 17 and 18, 2022, at The Institute’s premises in Cairo Context and Themes When it comes to the history of education among Copts in the Arab era, there are two important phases: the first is the period extending from the late tenth century to the middle of the fourteenth century, which witnessed the flooding of writings in religious, legal, theological, and liturgical aspects, as well as many philosophical and ideological debates and discussions. This momentum could indicate a reasonable environment for teaching and learning, which most of its features, methods, and institutions are not yet known. The second is the period that begins from the middle of the nineteenth century and onwards, with initiatives of educational projects and the establishment of schools for civilians and clergy, in addition to the Western missionaries that founded schools and educational institutions across the country. In between, the period spans from the middle of 14th century to the middle of 19th century especially the Ottoman period (1517-1805) is completely neglected, and has been stigmatized as the period of backwardness, darkness and ignorance. However, restricting Coptic education to religious matters in the medieval and pre-modern history, and to confessional schools in modern history has severely ignored other important aspects! Such as the financial and topographical knowledge, that the Copts were applying to achieve their functions in financial and administrative affairs. They had also certain engineering experiences required to achieve land surveying. Thus, it is of importance to explore and focus on these fields, and the ways of transferring knowledge. This point may allow a wide scope to study important aspects of Egyptian history. Hence, this approach is a way to study aspects of Coptic history in their broader contexts, or to study important aspects of Egyptian history from the point of view of professional and administrative knowledge. Moreover, there is scattered information about the traditional educational institutions of the Copts, especially the schools attached to the churches. In comparison to the abundance of information about these institutions on the Islamic side, whether chronicles, biographies, or thousands of legal documents, especially waqf endowment documents, the sources are silent about these institutions on the Coptic side. All these topics require further studies and analyses. Therefore, we invite researchers interested in the field, or related fields, to submit research papers on these issues. Please refer to the below list of suggested themes in which contributions can be made: 1- Traditional Educational Coptic Institutions 2- Between Islamic and Coptic Institutions: Sources and Approaches. 3- Religious and Theological Debates: The Institutional Education Systems Could Be Behind. 4- Ways of Transferring Religious and Liturgical Knowledge 5- Manuscripts Traditions, Copying, Revising, Editing. 6- Methods of Teaching Financial and Administrative Matters, Land Surveying, and Bookkeeping. 7- Sources of Non-Religious Teaching. 8- Modern and Missionary Schools 9- Charitable Foundations and Their Educational Roles 10- Current Educational and Research Centers. The above list is not restrictive. Researchers and scholars are free to explore other themes on related topics.
Important dates Papers can be submitted in Arabic, French, or English Deadline for submitting paper title, abstract (max. 300 words), and Short Bio or C.V. is on November 30th, 2021. Researchers who submit accepted contributions will be notified by December 18th, 2021. To submit an abstract, please follow this link: https://www.ifao.egnet.net/recherche/manifestations/ma1359/
Context and Themes When it comes to the history of education among Copts in the Arab era, there a... more Context and Themes When it comes to the history of education among Copts in the Arab era, there are two important phases: the first is the period extending from the late tenth century to the middle of the fourteenth century, which witnessed the flooding of writings in religious, legal, theological, and liturgical aspects, as well as many philosophical and ideological debates and discussions. This momentum could indicate a reasonable environment for teaching and learning, which most of its features, methods, and institutions are not yet known. The second is the period that begins from the middle of the nineteenth century and onwards, with initiatives of educational projects and the establishment of schools for civilians and clergy, in addition to the Western missionaries that founded schools and educational institutions across the country. In between, the period spans from the middle of 14 th century to the middle of 19 th century especially the Ottoman period (1517-1805) is completely neglected, and has been stigmatized as the period of backwardness, darkness and ignorance.
This article explores the process of Arabizing Coptic traditions of writing. It examines the infl... more This article explores the process of Arabizing Coptic traditions of writing. It examines the influence of the larger Arab Islamic context—economic, political, and social—on the restructuring of the Coptic community. Such changes manifest themselves in various aspects, including the traditions of writing history, jurisprudence, and liturgy, among others. The article analyzes several key issues at the core of Coptic history, such as the representation of the community before the state, a point of conflict between the clergy and Coptic dignitaries. The article traces the effects of this conflict up until the nineteenth century and its ramifications on the debate about who has the right to write Coptic history.
تدور هذه الورقة حول مرحلة تعريب تقاليد الكتابة عند القبط، وتتوقف عند المؤثرات الأوسع، اقتصادياً وسياسياً واجتماعياً، التي اسهمت في إعادة تشكل الطائفة القبطية ككل، وفي ترسيخ تقاليد جديدة عربية إسلامية تجلت في مناح شتى كان من بينها طرق التعاطي مع كتابة التاريخ والتشريعات والطقوس، وغيرها. وتتناول الورقة جوانب متعددة تكشف عن هذه التحولات. من ناحية أخرى، تحاول الورقة أن تتبع قضايا رئيسية شكلت لب موضوع التاريخ القبطي، وهو تمثيل الطائفة أمام السلطة الحاكمة، وكيف أن الصراع بين الإكليروس وأعيان القبط صار الموضوع الأهم، وترك بصماته في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر على من له حق كتابة تاريخ القبط.
... A new element was introduced following the Arab conquest: the Arab administration began Islam... more ... A new element was introduced following the Arab conquest: the Arab administration began Islamising life in Egypt, pushing Copts to seek out ... THE FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF COPTIC PRIESTS In the church of Abu Yahnas al-Qasir al-Sharq, in the province of Mallawi, Anba ...
Cet ouvrage est consacré au peintre Yuḥ annā l-Armanī (mort en 1786), bien connu de ceux qui s'i... more Cet ouvrage est consacré au peintre Yuḥ annā l-Armanī (mort en 1786), bien connu de ceux qui s'intéressent aux icônes coptes. On lui en attribue plus de 300, dont plus de 100 de façon certaine. Quelques-unes ont été produites avec Ibrāhīm al-Nāsiḫ , sans doute son aîné. La plupart sont aujourd'hui conservées dans diff érentes églises du Caire. Si les historiens de l'art ont déjà consacré plusieurs études à ces oeuvres et à la renaissance de la peinture religieuse en milieu copte au XVIII e siècle, le travail de M. Guirguis innove de façon radicale, en s'intéressant moins aux peintures qu'au producteur et à ses commanditaires, en un mot, en tentant une histoire sociale de cette production artistique. Pour ce faire, il a su trouver des informations sur l'artiste, sa famille et ses partenaires dans les registres des tribunaux de la šarīʿa du Caire, se servir des sources concernant la construction et la restauration des églises aux archives du patriarcat copte, et s'appuyer sur sa bonne connaissance du contexte social général. L'oeuvre de Yuḥ annā l-Armanī est ainsi située dans le cadre d'un renouveau copte, dont les prémices seraient visibles à partir du milieu du XVII e siècle. La restauration et la décoration d'églises, ainsi que la production de manuscrits parfois enluminés, connaissent à partir de cette époque une croissance signifi cative. L'essor de la peinture d'icônes apparaît donc comme un volet d'une « renaissance » plus générale. Celle-ci a été à l'initiative d'une catégorie de notables laïcs (arāḫ ina) qui atteignirent un assez haut niveau de richesse et de prééminence dans la seconde moitié du dix-huitième siècle, et fi rent bénéfi cier de leur prospérité les églises et les oeuvres d'art religieux. La fondation pieuse (waqf) leur off rait un instrument juridique pour cette activité édilitaire, tout comme aux mamelouks sunnites qui entreprenaient de grandes opérations immobilières à la même époque. Yuḥ annā l-Armanī se donne plusieurs fois, sur ses oeuvres, le titre de naqqāš (décorateur), qui nous laisse supposer qu'il appartenait à la corporation des artisans de ce métier. La peinture d'icônes semble s'autonomiser progressivement d'un ensemble plus vaste d'activités et, sur certaines oeuvres, l'artiste prend le titre de muṣ awwir, révélateur de cette spécialisation. Le fait même de signer de son nom indique l'émergence d'un art spécifi que et sécularisé. En dehors des oeuvres peintes au profi t d'une église, il semble que l'artiste ait également réalisé des icônes à destination des maisons des notables. À sa mort, l'inventaire de ses biens mentionne « neuf tableaux de bois peints », ce
When there are many people who don't need to expect something more than the benefits to take,... more When there are many people who don't need to expect something more than the benefits to take, we will suggest you to have willing to reach all benefits. Be sure and surely do to take this the emergence of the modern coptic papacy the popes of egypt volume 3 that gives the best reasons to read. When you really need to get the reason why, this the emergence of the modern coptic papacy the popes of egypt volume 3 book will probably make you feel curious.
Social Research an International Quarterly of the Social Sciences, Jul 1, 2012
This paper is an analysis of the Coptic Church opposing attitude to the Egyptian revolution. By t... more This paper is an analysis of the Coptic Church opposing attitude to the Egyptian revolution. By tracing the shift that happened during Pope Shenouda's era (1971-2012), by which the church adapted new class policies that represent the clergy and the Coptic elite's interests. On the other hand the majority of Copts were completely ignored. That is why the Coptic church is fighting to keep its gains.
The Coptic Educational Systems and Institutions (11th Century - Present)
The French Institute for... more The Coptic Educational Systems and Institutions (11th Century - Present) The French Institute for Oriental Archaeology (IFAO), in cooperation with Center of Coptic Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, is hosting an international conference entitled "The Coptic Educational Systems and Institutions (11th Century - Present) on February 17 and 18, 2022, at The Institute’s premises in Cairo Context and Themes When it comes to the history of education among Copts in the Arab era, there are two important phases: the first is the period extending from the late tenth century to the middle of the fourteenth century, which witnessed the flooding of writings in religious, legal, theological, and liturgical aspects, as well as many philosophical and ideological debates and discussions. This momentum could indicate a reasonable environment for teaching and learning, which most of its features, methods, and institutions are not yet known. The second is the period that begins from the middle of the nineteenth century and onwards, with initiatives of educational projects and the establishment of schools for civilians and clergy, in addition to the Western missionaries that founded schools and educational institutions across the country. In between, the period spans from the middle of 14th century to the middle of 19th century especially the Ottoman period (1517-1805) is completely neglected, and has been stigmatized as the period of backwardness, darkness and ignorance. However, restricting Coptic education to religious matters in the medieval and pre-modern history, and to confessional schools in modern history has severely ignored other important aspects! Such as the financial and topographical knowledge, that the Copts were applying to achieve their functions in financial and administrative affairs. They had also certain engineering experiences required to achieve land surveying. Thus, it is of importance to explore and focus on these fields, and the ways of transferring knowledge. This point may allow a wide scope to study important aspects of Egyptian history. Hence, this approach is a way to study aspects of Coptic history in their broader contexts, or to study important aspects of Egyptian history from the point of view of professional and administrative knowledge. Moreover, there is scattered information about the traditional educational institutions of the Copts, especially the schools attached to the churches. In comparison to the abundance of information about these institutions on the Islamic side, whether chronicles, biographies, or thousands of legal documents, especially waqf endowment documents, the sources are silent about these institutions on the Coptic side. All these topics require further studies and analyses. Therefore, we invite researchers interested in the field, or related fields, to submit research papers on these issues. Please refer to the below list of suggested themes in which contributions can be made: 1- Traditional Educational Coptic Institutions 2- Between Islamic and Coptic Institutions: Sources and Approaches. 3- Religious and Theological Debates: The Institutional Education Systems Could Be Behind. 4- Ways of Transferring Religious and Liturgical Knowledge 5- Manuscripts Traditions, Copying, Revising, Editing. 6- Methods of Teaching Financial and Administrative Matters, Land Surveying, and Bookkeeping. 7- Sources of Non-Religious Teaching. 8- Modern and Missionary Schools 9- Charitable Foundations and Their Educational Roles 10- Current Educational and Research Centers. The above list is not restrictive. Researchers and scholars are free to explore other themes on related topics.
Important dates Papers can be submitted in Arabic, French, or English Deadline for submitting paper title, abstract (max. 300 words), and Short Bio or C.V. is on November 30th, 2021. Researchers who submit accepted contributions will be notified by December 18th, 2021. To submit an abstract, please follow this link: https://www.ifao.egnet.net/recherche/manifestations/ma1359/
Context and Themes When it comes to the history of education among Copts in the Arab era, there a... more Context and Themes When it comes to the history of education among Copts in the Arab era, there are two important phases: the first is the period extending from the late tenth century to the middle of the fourteenth century, which witnessed the flooding of writings in religious, legal, theological, and liturgical aspects, as well as many philosophical and ideological debates and discussions. This momentum could indicate a reasonable environment for teaching and learning, which most of its features, methods, and institutions are not yet known. The second is the period that begins from the middle of the nineteenth century and onwards, with initiatives of educational projects and the establishment of schools for civilians and clergy, in addition to the Western missionaries that founded schools and educational institutions across the country. In between, the period spans from the middle of 14 th century to the middle of 19 th century especially the Ottoman period (1517-1805) is completely neglected, and has been stigmatized as the period of backwardness, darkness and ignorance.
This article explores the process of Arabizing Coptic traditions of writing. It examines the infl... more This article explores the process of Arabizing Coptic traditions of writing. It examines the influence of the larger Arab Islamic context—economic, political, and social—on the restructuring of the Coptic community. Such changes manifest themselves in various aspects, including the traditions of writing history, jurisprudence, and liturgy, among others. The article analyzes several key issues at the core of Coptic history, such as the representation of the community before the state, a point of conflict between the clergy and Coptic dignitaries. The article traces the effects of this conflict up until the nineteenth century and its ramifications on the debate about who has the right to write Coptic history.
تدور هذه الورقة حول مرحلة تعريب تقاليد الكتابة عند القبط، وتتوقف عند المؤثرات الأوسع، اقتصادياً وسياسياً واجتماعياً، التي اسهمت في إعادة تشكل الطائفة القبطية ككل، وفي ترسيخ تقاليد جديدة عربية إسلامية تجلت في مناح شتى كان من بينها طرق التعاطي مع كتابة التاريخ والتشريعات والطقوس، وغيرها. وتتناول الورقة جوانب متعددة تكشف عن هذه التحولات. من ناحية أخرى، تحاول الورقة أن تتبع قضايا رئيسية شكلت لب موضوع التاريخ القبطي، وهو تمثيل الطائفة أمام السلطة الحاكمة، وكيف أن الصراع بين الإكليروس وأعيان القبط صار الموضوع الأهم، وترك بصماته في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر على من له حق كتابة تاريخ القبط.
Papers by Magdi Guirguis
The French Institute for Oriental Archaeology (IFAO), in cooperation with Center of Coptic Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, is hosting an international conference entitled "The Coptic Educational Systems and Institutions (11th Century - Present) on February 17 and 18, 2022, at The Institute’s premises in Cairo
Context and Themes
When it comes to the history of education among Copts in the Arab era, there are two important phases: the first is the period extending from the late tenth century to the middle of the fourteenth century, which witnessed the flooding of writings in religious, legal, theological, and liturgical aspects, as well as many philosophical and ideological debates and discussions. This momentum could indicate a reasonable environment for teaching and learning, which most of its features, methods, and institutions are not yet known. The second is the period that begins from the middle of the nineteenth century and onwards, with initiatives of educational projects and the establishment of schools for civilians and clergy, in addition to the Western missionaries that founded schools and educational institutions across the country. In between, the period spans from the middle of 14th century to the middle of 19th century especially the Ottoman period (1517-1805) is completely neglected, and has been stigmatized as the period of backwardness, darkness and ignorance.
However, restricting Coptic education to religious matters in the medieval and pre-modern history, and to confessional schools in modern history has severely ignored other important aspects! Such as the financial and topographical knowledge, that the Copts were applying to achieve their functions in financial and administrative affairs. They had also certain engineering experiences required to achieve land surveying. Thus, it is of importance to explore and focus on these fields, and the ways of transferring knowledge. This point may allow a wide scope to study important aspects of Egyptian history. Hence, this approach is a way to study aspects of Coptic history in their broader contexts, or to study important aspects of Egyptian history from the point of view of professional and administrative knowledge.
Moreover, there is scattered information about the traditional educational institutions of the Copts, especially the schools attached to the churches. In comparison to the abundance of information about these institutions on the Islamic side, whether chronicles, biographies, or thousands of legal documents, especially waqf endowment documents, the sources are silent about these institutions on the Coptic side.
All these topics require further studies and analyses. Therefore, we invite researchers interested in the field, or related fields, to submit research papers on these issues. Please refer to the below list of suggested themes in which contributions can be made:
1- Traditional Educational Coptic Institutions
2- Between Islamic and Coptic Institutions: Sources and Approaches.
3- Religious and Theological Debates: The Institutional Education Systems Could Be Behind.
4- Ways of Transferring Religious and Liturgical Knowledge
5- Manuscripts Traditions, Copying, Revising, Editing.
6- Methods of Teaching Financial and Administrative Matters, Land Surveying, and Bookkeeping.
7- Sources of Non-Religious Teaching.
8- Modern and Missionary Schools
9- Charitable Foundations and Their Educational Roles
10- Current Educational and Research Centers.
The above list is not restrictive. Researchers and scholars are free to explore other themes on related topics.
Important dates
Papers can be submitted in Arabic, French, or English
Deadline for submitting paper title, abstract (max. 300 words), and Short Bio or C.V. is on November 30th, 2021.
Researchers who submit accepted contributions will be notified by December 18th, 2021.
To submit an abstract, please follow this link:
تدور هذه الورقة حول مرحلة تعريب تقاليد الكتابة عند القبط، وتتوقف عند المؤثرات الأوسع، اقتصادياً وسياسياً واجتماعياً، التي اسهمت في إعادة تشكل الطائفة القبطية ككل، وفي ترسيخ تقاليد جديدة عربية إسلامية تجلت في مناح شتى كان من بينها طرق التعاطي مع كتابة التاريخ والتشريعات والطقوس، وغيرها. وتتناول الورقة جوانب متعددة تكشف عن هذه التحولات. من ناحية أخرى، تحاول الورقة أن تتبع قضايا رئيسية شكلت لب موضوع التاريخ القبطي، وهو تمثيل الطائفة أمام السلطة الحاكمة، وكيف أن الصراع بين الإكليروس وأعيان القبط صار الموضوع الأهم، وترك بصماته في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر على من له حق كتابة تاريخ القبط.
The French Institute for Oriental Archaeology (IFAO), in cooperation with Center of Coptic Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, is hosting an international conference entitled "The Coptic Educational Systems and Institutions (11th Century - Present) on February 17 and 18, 2022, at The Institute’s premises in Cairo
Context and Themes
When it comes to the history of education among Copts in the Arab era, there are two important phases: the first is the period extending from the late tenth century to the middle of the fourteenth century, which witnessed the flooding of writings in religious, legal, theological, and liturgical aspects, as well as many philosophical and ideological debates and discussions. This momentum could indicate a reasonable environment for teaching and learning, which most of its features, methods, and institutions are not yet known. The second is the period that begins from the middle of the nineteenth century and onwards, with initiatives of educational projects and the establishment of schools for civilians and clergy, in addition to the Western missionaries that founded schools and educational institutions across the country. In between, the period spans from the middle of 14th century to the middle of 19th century especially the Ottoman period (1517-1805) is completely neglected, and has been stigmatized as the period of backwardness, darkness and ignorance.
However, restricting Coptic education to religious matters in the medieval and pre-modern history, and to confessional schools in modern history has severely ignored other important aspects! Such as the financial and topographical knowledge, that the Copts were applying to achieve their functions in financial and administrative affairs. They had also certain engineering experiences required to achieve land surveying. Thus, it is of importance to explore and focus on these fields, and the ways of transferring knowledge. This point may allow a wide scope to study important aspects of Egyptian history. Hence, this approach is a way to study aspects of Coptic history in their broader contexts, or to study important aspects of Egyptian history from the point of view of professional and administrative knowledge.
Moreover, there is scattered information about the traditional educational institutions of the Copts, especially the schools attached to the churches. In comparison to the abundance of information about these institutions on the Islamic side, whether chronicles, biographies, or thousands of legal documents, especially waqf endowment documents, the sources are silent about these institutions on the Coptic side.
All these topics require further studies and analyses. Therefore, we invite researchers interested in the field, or related fields, to submit research papers on these issues. Please refer to the below list of suggested themes in which contributions can be made:
1- Traditional Educational Coptic Institutions
2- Between Islamic and Coptic Institutions: Sources and Approaches.
3- Religious and Theological Debates: The Institutional Education Systems Could Be Behind.
4- Ways of Transferring Religious and Liturgical Knowledge
5- Manuscripts Traditions, Copying, Revising, Editing.
6- Methods of Teaching Financial and Administrative Matters, Land Surveying, and Bookkeeping.
7- Sources of Non-Religious Teaching.
8- Modern and Missionary Schools
9- Charitable Foundations and Their Educational Roles
10- Current Educational and Research Centers.
The above list is not restrictive. Researchers and scholars are free to explore other themes on related topics.
Important dates
Papers can be submitted in Arabic, French, or English
Deadline for submitting paper title, abstract (max. 300 words), and Short Bio or C.V. is on November 30th, 2021.
Researchers who submit accepted contributions will be notified by December 18th, 2021.
To submit an abstract, please follow this link:
تدور هذه الورقة حول مرحلة تعريب تقاليد الكتابة عند القبط، وتتوقف عند المؤثرات الأوسع، اقتصادياً وسياسياً واجتماعياً، التي اسهمت في إعادة تشكل الطائفة القبطية ككل، وفي ترسيخ تقاليد جديدة عربية إسلامية تجلت في مناح شتى كان من بينها طرق التعاطي مع كتابة التاريخ والتشريعات والطقوس، وغيرها. وتتناول الورقة جوانب متعددة تكشف عن هذه التحولات. من ناحية أخرى، تحاول الورقة أن تتبع قضايا رئيسية شكلت لب موضوع التاريخ القبطي، وهو تمثيل الطائفة أمام السلطة الحاكمة، وكيف أن الصراع بين الإكليروس وأعيان القبط صار الموضوع الأهم، وترك بصماته في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر على من له حق كتابة تاريخ القبط.