A warm Hoosier Welcome

It has been a while since this Hoosier gal has posted anything. Am trying to get back in the groove . Will be posted sewing, decorating and crafting tips. I like frugality, using what you have in your present stash.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I need to get back on my blogging more often.  Decided the remainder of this week will highlight some Christmas items in my home with crafting tips.
Here you will see the 2 1/2 ft. table top tree in my studio. I have it on top of a cabinet athe end of my long wood sewing table.  The tree skirt is an adorable quilted table mat with applique spools "Spoolin Around"  by KansasTroubles Quilters.
I will probably add more ornaments as some idea catches my fancy. So far I put a couple vintage tape measures, then clipped some antique wooden straight clothespins to some branches. 
Next, an idea with used patterns and styrofoam eggs came to mind. So.....for the eggs simply get whatever size styrofoam egg you want.  Add a nice layer of Modge Podge. Then begin layering strips of vintage patterns in crisscross fashion.  Set the egg on a plastic drying rack that Folkart painters use.  This has the tiny nubs all over. Holds the item up.
The next day do again. You can add however many layers you want. After this was totally dry I made a hole in top, squirted some glue into this area and put loop made with ribbon.

The hang tags were made using some flavored tea dyed tags. After drying I cut out of my quilt magazines tiny pictures of quilts.  Glue to tag. Stencil whatever quilting or sewing term on the tag. I used black ink.  When all done sprinkle lightly with glass glitter.
Enjoy !

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