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A Report on Effectiveness of Leadership Style in different Scenarios.
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      LeadershipChange LeadershipTransformational LeadershipTransformational Corporate Leadership
A business report on a company interested in joint venture. A report on strategic marketing mix, analysis of General Electrics (GE Matrix) and Boston Consulting Group (BCG Matrix), Market Entry Strategy, International marketing strategy... more
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      MarketingGlobalizationInternational MarketingMarketing Research
The growing number of voluntary standards for governing transnational arenas is presenting standards organizations with a problem. While claiming that they are pursuing shared, overarching objectives, at the same time, they are promoting... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness EthicsSocial Change
Abstract Social and environmental standards have become significant in the private regulation of several industries. But unlike governmental regulation, multiple standards co-exist in parallel. In this paper we explore the antecedents and... more
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The global coffee sector has seen a transformation towards more ‘sustainable’ forms of production, and, simultaneously, the continued dominance of mainstream coffee firms and practices. We examine this paradox by conceptualizing the... more
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editor and queries :relations gesellschaft für kommunikation mbh mörfelder landstr. 72 · 60598 frankfurt/m. ·
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      MarketingBusiness and ManagementManagement Studies
Abstract: The cocoa industry is suffering from a number of interconnected problems: Be this the over-aged tree stocks, the repercussions of disease and pest infestation, the political instability in West Africa, a lack of agricultural... more
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W hereas the deliberative democracy approach to ethics seeks to bridge universalist reason and contextual judgment to explain the emergence of intersubjective agreements, it remains unclear how these two are reconciled in practice. We... more
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      MarketingOrganization ScienceBusiness and Management
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Sustainability transitions have been studied as complex multi-level processes, but we still know relatively little about how they can be effectively governed, especially in transnational domains. Governance of transitions is often... more
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      CoffeeGovernanceStandardsTriple Bottom Line
Research has shown that management practices are adapted and 'made to fit' the specific context into which they are adopted. Less attention has been paid to how organizations anticipate and purposefully influence the adaptation process.... more
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      Organization StudiesBusiness and Management
ABSTRACT We examine the process through which responsibility for ‘wicked problems’ is socially constructed and attributed to particular actors. Private companies have taken on increasing responsibilities for what were previously... more
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We study the influence of a pervasive Western organizational mentality – clock-time orientation – in market-based models for human development. While a linear, clock-time orientation optimized for markets is meant to enhance efficiency,... more
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