King's College London
Dept. of Classics
A review, published by the Classical Journal, of a monograph on direct speech in Nonnus' Dionysiaca
A paper read at the KCL Classics dept seminar series.
A review of a volume of collected papers.
The texts, ideas, images, and material culture of ancient Greece and Rome have always been crucial to attempts to appropriate the past in order to authenticate the present. They underlie the mapping of change and the assertion and... more
- by Edith M Hall
In 1975, Tony Harrison published his translation of a selection of epigrams by Palladas, a fourth-century citizen of Alexandria and one of the last pagan poets. Harrison had been inspired by Peter Jay's modern verse translations of... more
- by Edith M Hall
This chapter explores classical Mediterranean thought on suffering through a detailed examination of one Greek tragedy, Sophocles' Philoctetes, in which both moral philosophy and medicine also feature. Suffering in this play has no... more