Thursday, March 6, 2025

Sunlit Garden blog hop

 Hi and welcome to my blog.  Today is my day for the Sunlit Blooms blog hop.  This blog is hosted by Jennifer at  This is her newest signature fabric collection with Island Batik.  I was excited to join when she asked for volunteers.  

I got the fabric and then somewhere I had lost the design I was going to do and had to recreate it.  I finally found the first set of designs, and when I started trying to work on it, it wasn't working right.  I couldn't find an easy way to cut it without a template, and I was away from home and had no printer. This was the first one that I was trying.  Things weren't lining up.  I have yet to try it again, and I may just print out the templates.


So, back to the drawing board.  I came up with a new idea that I liked better.  

Of course, I have all these grandiose ideas and really put a lot on my plate.  I had started teaching sewing classes in my area, then I did 2 retreats back-to-back and got sick during the first one (just a cold, but it is hard to do things when you don't feel well).  It took me a week to start feeling better after that second retreat, but I was still feeling no energy.   

I finally got started on the quilt and got part of the center block done. I ended up not ordering enough of the fabric from Jennifer, so I will have to see which shop has it and order some more so I can finish this quilt.  Then I will do another one so I can write the pattern and then wait a month or two and make another to make sure it all makes sense.

This is the 1/4 of the center block that is ready.  My thought was I was going to start quilting it just a bit to share a technique with you and I couldn't find the bolt of fusible web that I have.  It was too late to go anywhere to get any, as my nearest quilt shop that would have it, is a good hour north and they close around 6 anyway.  

So, I will share a picture of the technique I was going to do and then I will get the fusible web and finish it and share it here.  The method I was going to use is a reverse applique method that is done with machine quilting rulers. 

I have a template called bloom and as this pattern is called Evening Blooms, I thought that would be perfect in the solid parts of the quilt with a teal fabric behind it, and then I would cut out certain parts to reveal the fabric underneath.  I think that teal will be awesome peeking through.  

 This is what the bloom template looks like with 8 rotations.  

This is what it looks like with the reverse applique done. You can see I have done the 8 rotations, and then I choose different parts to cut out.  

This is a class that I am thinking of offering either online or in person.  If you would be interested in learning it, let me know and let me know if you prefer online or in person.  I am located in Utah, but would love to travel to come teach it, provided we can work it out.  

Thank you, Jennifer, for providing me with some fabric.  I will get the quilt done and share it with you as well as on my blog.  

If you have just read this post and missed the ones earlier in the week, here is who posted this week.

Thanks for joining me today.  I will work on this quilt and get it finished and post all about it here.  Remember to check your local quilt shops for Sunlit Garden from Island Batik.

Notice:  The pictures and tutorials on this blog are copyright and are not allowed to be copied or shared for any reason without written permission from me.  

Monday, October 21, 2024

Sew Pink Initiative ByAnnie blog hop


Today is my day on the #sewPINK initiative by  I chose to do this blog hop when byAnnie, put out the request, as my mother-in-law had breast cancer, but thankfully was able to recover from it.  I have also experienced having to re-do mammograms, because they were not sure what they had found.  I love the initiative that byAnnie does, to remind us how important it is to go for our mammograms regularly.  

First plan was to make the hold everything bag or the Divide and Conquer bags.  I decided I had better make a practice project first, especially since I was leaning towards the hold everything bag and needed to use vinyl.  Not having sewn on vinyl I thought it would be great to practice.  I decided to cut out a project bag.    I was doing this project as I was juicing apples and processing the juice.  I got a project bag almost done but the binding step just did not make sense to me.  Do I bind on the inside?  On the outside?  Nothing seemed right.  I found a video and realized I had made a mistake (you know, when you are multitasking and you think you know what you are doing?).  I got it unpicked and fixed it.  

I am going to make more project bags, as well as the Hold Everything bag and the Divide and Conquer bag.  I think the Divide and Conquer bags will work great for carrying my quilts for trunk shows or for classes.  

My project bag did not turn out 100% perfect, but I now know what I did wrong. 

Disclaimer:  The zippers, patterns, soft and stable, vinyl and other bag making hardware was provided to me from

The fabric came from my stash.  I used a Juki TL18QVP for sewing and my thread was glide 40 wt polyester by Filtec.  

Before I leave today, I want to share this from The #SewPink Initiative was created by LLC to raise awareness for breast cancer throughout the year. Efforts culminate in an annual blog hop during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month to promote self-care, awareness, early detection and support for those affected by breast cancer.

To learn more and see the calendar of events visit:

To find screenings available near you:
Thank you for joining me on this blog hop.  I would love for you to follow me on instagram and facebook at kathyskwiltsandmore.  Check out my website at

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Twilight blog hop Starry Block of Month

 When Claudia at asked for designers to create a pattern with her new line of batiks, I was excited to agree to do this.  The name of her new fabric line for island batiks is Twilight.  When I think of twilight I think of stars.  I was just going to design a simple star pattern, but them it turned into a design with lots of stars, so I will be making this a block of the month pattern.  

This one is a queen size quilt and contains 30 blocks.  Ranging from easy to more difficult but it will be a great skill builder.

This one is a throw size and has only 20 blocks.  

I have not completed my blocks yet, but I will definitely update my blog as I can get pictures of the blocks for my quilt.  

I let Claudia know that I wasn't able to get my quilt done, and why, but I appreciate her letting me join this blog hop.  I may be able to get some more blocks done today and take pictures, and I will update the blog when that happens.  

I will also let you know when the quilt pattern is ready.  

Thank You for joining me today.  

Monday, July 15, 2024

Churn dash block tutorial

 Hello and Welcome to todays blog post.  Thank you for joining me. Today I am going to do a tutorial with you on how to make a churn dash block.

This is an old, traditional block.  It was made in approximately the 1800 - 1850 time period.  I love the traditional blocks and in my quilt designs, you will see that I use these a lot.

For this block, it is normally done with 2 colors.  I found a perfect piece to use in my stash, and so I am using 3 colors in the block.  

So, what do you need to get started?  One of the first things I do, before cutting is starch my fabric.  I get a much better cut, which means my seams are more accurate.

Background Fabric:  This will be known as color A

1 square 7"

1 strip at 2 1/2" x 19"

Print Fabric:  This will be known as color B

1 square 7"

1 strips at 2 1/2" x 19"

Focus Fabric:  This will be known as Color C

4 1/2" square

Sew the "A" 7" square to the "B" 7" square around the outside edge 1/4" from the edges.

Sew the "A" 2 1/2" x 19" strip to the "B" 2 1/2" X 19" strip, along one long side with a 1/4" seam. 

Press the square and the strips.  On the strips, press the seam towards the "B" fabric.  Cut into 4 - 4 1/2" segments.  I will refer to these as "rails."

Take the square and cut it diagonally 2 times, so that you have 4 QST's (quarter square triangles).  Press the seams towards the "B" fabric. Trim to 4 1/2".

Now, lay out the blocks like this:

Row 1, QST, rail, QST

row 2, rail segment, block "C", rail segment

Row 3 QST, rail, QST

Now you are ready to sew your block together.  Lay out all the rows  and sew 1 row at a time.  On rows 1 and 3 press seams to the left.  On row 2 press seams toward the center.  
 Sew the rows together 

you have now completed your Churn Dash block.  

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.   Keep watching this blog, because I have some great things coming up.  I have a website almost ready to publish, with patterns I have designed as well as quilt kits. I will announce that here as well as social media when it goes live.  I also have some great blog posts planned.   As I was making this block I had an idea come to my mind, so I will be creating a pattern with this block.

 I invite you to follow me on social media at and

Monday, May 20, 2024

On the Road again blog hop

 Hello and Welcome to my day and day 2 of the On The Road Again blog hop, hosted by Carol at  

This challenge is ways we get places.   I just happen to be working on some baby quilts that fit this challenge just perfect.   I have little grandsons who think that trains are awesome.   Trains definitely get us places. 

They aren't quilted yet.  I am still deciding how to quilt them. 

Thank you for joining me today.   Hopefully I get these quilted soon.    If you have suggestions on the quilting, let me know.

Join these other bloggers this week to see what they have done. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

May 2024 Monthly Color Challenge

 Welcome to this months Monthly color challenge hosted by Jen @    You can get the pattern for free if you visit her blog this month.  

I had fun making the block this month.   Yellow is a favorite color and the flying geese are a favorite block (I have a lot of favorite blocks).    

I did a few different blocks this month, using fabrics from my stash.   I wanted to try different shades of yellows.

 I also  decided to do a black in there as well.   Yellow and black reminds me of bees, and I love bees, particularly honey bees.  

Remember if you want to get the free block, head over to Jen's blog at

Thanks for joining me today.  Before we go though, I want to share something I have been doing this year.   In March I purchased the EQ 8 software and have started designing and writing patterns.    I have had fun doing this.  I wrote a EPP Hexie pillow pattern last year and taught the technique at a retreat in February.  It was a fun class.   This is the pillow I made 

If you would like a copy of this pattern, please go to my Facebook page at   and let me know you would like one.   I have designed more quilts and am in need of pattern testers.   One of the projects is an EPP project, and if you enjoy EPP I would love you to test for me 

Thanks again for joining me today. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

April showers blog hop

Welcome!!!!!  Today is the first day of the April Showers blog hop hosted by Joan at    

 With this blog hop we are supposed to share things that remind us or what we might do with the theme of showers.  Rain Showers, baby showers, wedding showers, etc.    When I first read the title, I thought well April Showers bring May flowers.   

Then as I read more I thought of things I might do for a baby shower.   So today, I am going to share an idea for April Showers and an idea for Baby showers.  

For April Showers, I am going to share some flowers I am working on.   I have gotten into English paper piecing, and I am making a bunch of hexie flowers.  These will be used in 1 of 2 patterns that I am writing.    I am hoping to have both patterns ready  by July 1st as I will be teaching a class mid July on English paper piecing.    If you like to do English Paper piecing, and would like to be a tester, Please let me know.   

For baby showers, I like to do a quilt or a receiving blanket with a crocheted edge.    Unfortunately,  I don't have a picture of a receiving blanket, but I will share a quilt.    This quilt is one that I designed, as a beginning quilt pattern to teach my granddaughters how to quilt.   I have published the pattern and use it for teaching classes.  If you love this pattern and would like a copy, please let me know.  I can let you know how to pay for it, and how much it is.    

This is one that I made for a grandson.

Thank you for joining me today.    One last thing before I go.  I have been playing with pattern designing and am in need of testers.   If you like to test patterns, let me know.

Please check out the other bloggers this week and see what they are sharing.