09 September 2009

long time no blog and then: ...two blogs in one day! (;

I've got two more LO's to show - and as you look at them - you can imagine: they are emotional

The photos for the LO about me and my connection to music, I found in my Grandma's photobox.
She died about 20 yrs ago...and my uncle gave the box to me,
because he knows about my faible for those old pieces of paper ((((;

Marion: is there something in there you know!? (;

And the second one - THE DAY MY PARENTS MARRIED!
...when I was eight years old - AND SO HAPPY! (;
I scanned these photos for my Mum's 60th birthday last November!
It made us all sentimental - my Dad passed away 9 years ago...

... until soon - or maybe not!? (;

08 September 2009

Breaking the silence...

Yes, I've been "DEAD" again for over 2 months...
Although I have soooo many things to show and tell:
At first - I met HER at Berlin Main Station -

A few days later I've been "Lost-Place-Geocaching"
in the "Beelitz-Heilstätten" near Potsdam.
No picture can really show what we felt and saw! GREAT!
Beelitz - we'll be back for the 5/5er!

...for more FUN FOTOS, too!!! (;

(funny photos to be imagined here - but I didn't want to put them online here! (; )

(ok - this one's already "photoshop-ed" in colors)


But I have something else to show to you, too -
a LO I am really proud of:

Maybe I'm starting to develop my own style now!


I've also started a new job on the 10th of August - and quit where I've been as a trainee for the last year...
That's what I left on my table:

...because we'll see us again! (;

My first real employment as a graphic-designer is going well!
I am really happy to have a real job now - besides Starbucks - where I had my 5th year anniversary the 10th of August... );