From the past few decades, the employment condition of women have changed to some extent across the world with the introduction of various international labour laws viz-ILO convention on discrimination in employment & occupation 1958,...
moreFrom the past few decades, the employment condition of women have changed to some extent across the world
with the introduction of various international labour laws viz-ILO convention on discrimination in employment
& occupation 1958, UN convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against the women, as it
has been witnessed that their participation rate in the workforce have increased, they are also visible in the top
positions of the organisation and receive equitable pay. But, despite such legislations, research studies
conducted across the world have revealed that women discrimination in HRM practices still prevail in the
organisations. Even today, women are seen in the disadvantaged position at workplaces like they face
difficulties in accessing to the higher positions of the organisation, they have fewer training opportunities,
receive less challenging tasks and less performance ratings. Thus, it can be said that there still exists the
incongruence between what is stated by law and actual treatment of women at workplace. Moreover, the past
research has explored that when women experience discrimination at workplace, their commitment towards the
organisation gets affected. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to review the previous studies conducted
across the world on the said research constructs viz- women discrimination in HRM Practices and
organisational commitment and their relationship studies. The review is done by classifying, summarizing and
synthesizing the previous studies as per their year of publication and research aim. Based on the results of the
literature review, the current state of women discrimination in HRM Practices and its relationship with
organisational commitment is analysed and identified and an agenda for further research is suggested.
Keywords: Gender stereotyping, HRM Practices, Organisational Commitment, Women Discrimination