Showing posts with label hills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hills. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Late Evening Softness

6"x8" Oil on gessoboard 
Another small one this week!  Some evenings we get these beautiful soft clouds over the hills, I love this particular view and the atmosphere. I painted a larger one of this scene a few years was nice to revisit!!

Friday, 19 June 2015

Overcast Sky

6"x8" Oil on gessoboard
$100 + s/h

I love the beach on an overcast's peaceful and almost every time the sky is this blue-gray color, the hills are dark blue and the sea a lovely turquoise! This was the calm after rough weather had washed up seaweed! I am steadily getting through my larger paintings...not much time for my small daily work! I am enjoying working bigger and will be doing more, although  I had forgotton  how much time they take!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Hush of Evening

Day Twenty-Two-30 Paintings in 30 Days
6'x8' Oil on Board
Click here to  bid in auction

The twenty second painting in this challenge started by Leslie Saeta. Nearly at the finishing line! It has been good most days...I am much more focused and have learned not to fuss so much because  there isn't enough time! I am still sticking with my goal of painting my surroundings and each one is painted using a limited palette of three colors and white.
This is a view from my place looking toward the hills in the West early one evening. I love this time of day, it's very mellow... a time to relax!

Monday, 30 July 2012

Tree Bouquet

6"x6" Oil on board

I have been slow with posting...trying to finish paintings for exhibitions, one of them here at my gallery, Sept 8th-22nd.... six of us exhibiting, 4 painters and 2 potters....will be fun!!
This  part of the Estuary has a lot of  Eucalyptus trees, I like their shape and they look extra special with the hills as a backdrop...a bouquet came to mind when I saw this! It's another favourite area of mine and it's only about 10 minutes walk  from my house!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Westshore Beach

6"x8" Oil on canvas panel

This beach is about 5 minutes walk from where I live, I loved the atmosphere of the misty cloud still hanging over the Port and hills. It was mid-morning and I was walking the dog... I had to race home and grab my camera  before it disappeared.