International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2013
Recognizing the importance of tourism in rural areas of developing countries, this paper aims to ... more Recognizing the importance of tourism in rural areas of developing countries, this paper aims to identify the perceptions of host communities, living in the boundaries of the Küre Mountains National Park (KMNP), towards tourism development. Küre Mountains is a PAN Parks certified area and has been involved with tourism since 2000. A survey approach was used to collect data from residents of KMNP. The research was conducted in three towns (Pınarbaşı, Azdavay and Şenpazar)located in the buffer zone of KMNP. A two-page questionnaire was conducted, along with structured interviews with 207 residents, local authorities, and members of NGOs between January-March, 2011. Two main conclusions can be reached from the research: first, residents of KMNP had neutral or somewhat positive perceptions towards tourism. Second, the location of the residents affected their perceived impacts on tourism, with the residents living in Pınarbaşı perceiving higher positive impacts of tourism compared to residents of Azdavay and Şenpazar.
There is a considerable number of religious buildings in the Western Black Sea region in Turkey i... more There is a considerable number of religious buildings in the Western Black Sea region in Turkey inherited from the Roman period. Today some of these buildings have been devastated, some partially destroyed, some abandoned, and some have lost their authenticity because of restoration activities or conversion into mosques. In Safranbolu, Eregli, Amasra, Bartin, Sinop, and Bolu the ruins of these churches can still be seen. The Western Black Sea region, consisting of two cultural tourism destinations, Safranbolu and Kastamonu, is a touristic area with attractive cultural, religious, and rural tourism destinations visited by 5 million visitors annually. This study aims to identify the churches and chapels in the Western Black Sea region, to determine their current situation, to evaluate their tourism potential in the context of cultural/heritage/religious tourism, and to consider the reuse of religious buildings while adapting them.
For the survival and the competition of tourism enterprises, gaining a good position in the marke... more For the survival and the competition of tourism enterprises, gaining a good position in the market depends on developing new ideas that can bring solutions to social problems and creating a social impact with innovative approaches. Social innovation pertains to the process of solving social, economic, cultural, political, and ecological problems with innovative policies, processes, and practices. It helps to create social change in tourism, which is a social phenomenon. Considering the importance of developing innovative ideas in the tourism industry, the aim of this research is to collect the socially innovative ideas of Master's class students studying at a state university in Turkey. The current study adopted a qualitative approach through focus group interviews. The sample was chosen among Master class students of Tourism Management and Entrepreneurship. The results suggest that innovative ideas focusing on developing new products/services (new tourism types and destinations), local development, environmental protection, and enhancing tourist experience and customer satisfaction by using information technologies are prominent.
Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy And Travel Research
Gharānā kavramı Hint müzik geleneklerinin başat öğreti ve pratik aktarım yoluna işaret eder. Bu ö... more Gharānā kavramı Hint müzik geleneklerinin başat öğreti ve pratik aktarım yoluna işaret eder. Bu önemli müesseseyi tek bir kelimeyle karşılamak mümkün değildir. Sadece bir okul/ekol değil, bir tür müzik silsilesi, ötesinde mensubiyetine girilen bir aile gibi, son derece manevî boyutları ve aidiyet-temsiliyet işlevleri de olan bir üst-kavramdır. Felsefî, ahlâkî, toplumsal, … yüklemleriyle bir yandan "müzik-dışı" sayılıp bir yandan da müziği kuşatan, tamamlayan, "kılan" kurucu öğeleriyle referans alınan, irdelenen, ve hattâ başka müzik kültürlerince öykünülen, saygın bir "müessese"dir. İçinde bulunduğumuz coğrafya dahil, birçok müzik geleneğinde de benzer oluşumların varlığı, Gharānā'yı, kimi öğelerinin benimsenebileceği ve mensup olunan geleneklere eklemlendirilebileceği bir model olarak irdelenmeye, tanınmaya değer kılar. Bu çalışmada kavramın ana hatları ve temel kolları tanımlanmaya çalışılacak, önce etimolojik ve tarihsel arka planı verilip, süreç içindeki dönüşümleri, günümüzdeki geçerliliği ve model olma potansiyeli tartışılmaktadır.
There is a considerable number of religious buildings in the Western Black Sea region in Turkey i... more There is a considerable number of religious buildings in the Western Black Sea region in Turkey inherited from the Roman period. Today some of these buildings have been devastated, some partially destroyed, some abandoned, and some have lost their authenticity because of restoration activities or conversion into mosques. In Safranbolu, Ereğli, Amasra, Bartın, Sinop, and Bolu the ruins of these churches can still be seen. The Western Black Sea region, consisting of two cultural tourism destinations, Safranbolu and Kastamonu, is a touristic area with attractive cultural, religious, and rural tourism destinations visited by 5 million visitors annually. This study aims to identify the churches and chapels in the Western Black Sea region, to determine their current situation, to evaluate their tourism potential in the context of cultural/heritage/religious tourism, and to consider the reuse of religious buildings while adapting them.
Mutfak kültürü turizm çekicilikleri arasında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Günümüzde ulusal (Gazian... more Mutfak kültürü turizm çekicilikleri arasında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Günümüzde ulusal (Gaziantep, Antakya, Konya, İstanbul gibi) ve uluslararası (Örneğin, Toscana, şarap rotaları olarak Niagara, Stellensbosch, Napa Vadileri) pek çok destinasyon mutfak kültürleri ile ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada Batı Karadeniz Bölümünde bulunan ve tarihi geçmişi yanı sıra lezzetli pastırması ile de dikkat çeken Kastamonu ilinde pastırma üretimi, pastırmanın tarihi, pastırma ile yapılan yemekler incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak Kastamonu'da pastırmacılık üretimini sürdüren dört işletmeci ile yapılan yüz yüze görüşmelerden elde edilen bulgular sunulmuştur. Sonuçlar, Kastamonu pastırmasının bilinen tarihinin 19. yüzyıl sonuna kadar dayandığını, pastırma üretiminin halen geleneksel yöntemler kullanılarak atölyelerde devam ettiğini, içeriğinde kullanılan malzemeler nedeniyle farklı bir aroma ve tada sahip olduğunu ve hediyelik eşya olarak ziyaretçiler tarafından önemli miktarda satın alındığını göstermektedir.
Today environmental concern has penetrated all forms of commercial enterprise including the hospi... more Today environmental concern has penetrated all forms of commercial enterprise including the hospitality industry. Hotel properties where practices are environmentally sensitive will have a competitive advantage in the marketplace over rival properties. A hotel property instituting eco-friendly practices and communicating those efforts with the genaral public can gain a competitive advantage in the growing market segments. The ecotourist market segment represents a significant market for whom environmental issues are extremely salient in purchasing decisions.
Transylvanian review of administrative sciences, 2014
The aim of this article is to explore the weaknesses and strengths of local authorities in terms ... more The aim of this article is to explore the weaknesses and strengths of local authorities in terms of their participation in the tourism planning process in Turkey. A two-page questionnaire was applied, along with structured interviews with 71 administrators of metropolitan, provincial, and district authorities, between January 1 and September 31, 2011. The findings of the survey suggest that tourism planning responsibilities should be devolved to local authorities. Local authorities do not extensively participate in tourism planning at present because of inadequate budgeting and tourism allocation facilities, insufficient cooperation among stakeholders, and a domination of central administration traditions. Causes of insufficient participation in tourism planning statistically differ among local authorities, in terms of insufficient realizations of the importance of tourism planning by stakeholders, and public land allocation for the purpose of tourism. On the other hand, there is a ...
Heritage is regarded as one of the more significant and fastest-growing components of tourism: it... more Heritage is regarded as one of the more significant and fastest-growing components of tourism: it is becoming increasingly popular around the world, and is deemed important for tourism development. Turkey had 11 sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2013. Safranbolu is one of the World Heritage Sites that has been included on the list since 1994. This paper investigates the impacts of tourism as perceived by the residents of Safranbolu. The research was conducted on two occasions, in 2006 and in 2011, in order to find out whether there were significant changes in residents’ perceptions over those five years. Data were collected from 649 local residents. In 2006, 317 participants answered the questionnaire, while in 2011; the sample was composed of 332 inhabitants. The results show that residents have consistently positive perceptions toward tourism. Positive perceptions result from residents’ belief that tourism improves employment facilities and business opportunities, creates c...
This research focuses on the economic, social, and environmental impacts of tourism on residents’... more This research focuses on the economic, social, and environmental impacts of tourism on residents’ quality of life in Van province in Turkey. Because of its positive economic impacts on the local community, residents’ expectations of tourism industry are high. In order to determine the impacts of tourism on quality of life in Van, a survey was conducted using a sample of 351 residents. The findings show a relationship between the impacts of tourism and the local residents’ material and cultural wellbeing, and indicate that economic and cultural influences of tourism have a positive impact on the material and cultural wellbeing of local residents.
Turkey is a country with an old wine-producing tradition and with a huge tourism industry althoug... more Turkey is a country with an old wine-producing tradition and with a huge tourism industry although it has not made the importance of wine tourism profitable up to now. Wine tourism in Turkey has full of development potential. The history of wine in Turkey (Anatolia) dates back to the Neolithic period. According to archaeobotanists, the grape was first discovered in the region of Eastern Anatolia, Georgia, and Armenia trio (1). Turkey is among the world leaders in grape production. Turkey has the fifth largest grape-growing area at 500.000 ha after Spain, France, Italy, and China (2). Turkey ranks sixth in the world for grape production with annual four million tons of grape production (3). Unfortunately, only 11 percent of this huge output is used for wine making (4). Turkey's wine production is around 60,7 mio liters per year and it accounts for only two percent of global wine production (5). There are 166 wine producers licensed by Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Agency (TAPDK) (6) of Turkey, but it is a very small number when compared to other wine-making countries. The Turkish wine market is largely dominated by Doluca, Kavaklıdere, and Mey, each with an annual production capacity of more than 10 million liters (7). Boutique wineries began to be seen since the early 2000s.
Journal of Business Management and Economic Research
Bu çalışmanın amacı şehir otellerinde konaklayan otel misafirlerinin hizmet kalitesi algılarının ... more Bu çalışmanın amacı şehir otellerinde konaklayan otel misafirlerinin hizmet kalitesi algılarının belirlenmesidir. İş amaçlı seyahat edenlerin performansa dayalı hizmet kalitesi algılarını belirlemek amacıyla SERVPERF ölçeğinden yararlanılmıştır. Tripadvisor seyahat yorum sitesinde yer alan online tüketici yorumlarından faydalanılarak altı boyuttan (iş amaçlı fiziki unsurlar, fiziksel görünüm, güvenilirlik, heveslilik, güven/yeterlilik, empati) oluşan bir Hizmet Kalitesi Ölçeği oluşturulmuştur. Araştırma Ankara'da faaliyet gösteren dört ve beş yıldızlı otel işletmelerinde gerçekleştirilmiş olup 321 yerli turiste anket uygulamıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, müşterilerin Ankara'da faaliyet gösteren şehir otellerinin hizmetlerinden memnun olduklarını, altı boyut arasında en çok memnun olunan hizmet unsurlarının Heveslilik boyutu ile ilgili olduğunu, algılanan hizmet kalitesinde yerli turistlerin sosyo-demografik özelliklerine ve otel özelliklerine göre anlamlı farklılıklar olduğunu göstermektedir.
ve beş yıldızlı konaklama işletmesi çalışanlarının, iş motivasyonu ve iş tatmini düzeyleri ölçüle... more ve beş yıldızlı konaklama işletmesi çalışanlarının, iş motivasyonu ve iş tatmini düzeyleri ölçülerek, işgörenlerin motivasyon düzeyleri ile iş tatminleri temelinde kent ve kıyı oteli çalışanları arasında bir farklılaşma olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla ilgili çalışmada iş motivasyonu ve iş tatmini anketleri kullanılmış olup görgül çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin analizinde istatistiksel analiz programından yararlanılarak 'frekans analizi', 'yüzde dağılımı', 't-testi', 'Anova' ve 'Tukey' testleri yapılmıştır. Çalışmada kent otelleri yöneticilerinin kıyı otelleri yöneticilerine kıyasla dışsal motivasyon araçları olarak belirtilen, sigorta ve emeklilik imkânı, çalışma ortamının fiziksel koşulları, iş için gerekli araç-gereç ve ekipman desteği gibi faktörlere daha fazla önem verdikleri saptanmıştır. Ayrıca çalışmaya konu iki ilden Antalya'daki işgörenlerin, Ankara'daki işgörenlere kıyasla, iş başarma, işi zamanında bitirme gibi görevlerini yerine getirdiklerinde, üstleri tarafından takdir edilmedikleri ya da ödüllendirilmedikleri bu durumun ise çalışanlarda içsel motivasyonu azalttığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra kıyı işletmelerinde, iş ile ilgili kararlar alınırken ilgili işgörenin görüşlerine başvurulmadığı saptanmıştır.
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 2014
The aim of this article is to explore the weaknesses and strengths of local authorities in terms ... more The aim of this article is to explore the weaknesses and strengths of local authorities in terms of their participation in the tourism planning process in Turkey. A two-page questionnaire was applied, along with structured interviews with 71 administrators of metropolitan, provincial, and district authorities, between January 1 and Sep-tember 31, 2011. The findings of the survey suggest that tourism planning responsibilities should be devolved to local authorities. Local authorities do not extensively participate in tourism planning at present because of inadequate budgeting and tourism allocation facilities, insufficient cooperation among stakeholders, and a domination of central administration traditions. Causes of insufficient participation in tourism planning statistically differ among local authorities, in terms of insufficient realizations of the importance of tourism planning by stakeholders, and public land allocation for the purpose of tourism. On the other hand, there is a statistically significant difference between local authorities that have a tourism master plan and those who do not, in terms of a lack of educational opportunities for planners.
Ecotourism has been advanced as a form of sustainable tourism that is expected to boost the conse... more Ecotourism has been advanced as a form of sustainable tourism that is expected to boost the conservation of natural areas and development in the rural communities of Turkey. This study provides one of the few examinations of the rapidly developing Turkish ecotourism market in the context of foreign visitation to Lake Van Basin in Turkey. The aim of this paper is to determine the basic motivations and activities of foreign ecotourists visiting Lake Van Basin. The research sample was selected randomly and consisted of foreign visitors aged 18 or older. A two-page questionnaire was conducted through face-to-face interviews. A total of 147 participants participated in the survey in the period of April–December 2011 and April–December 2012. The findings include demographic results, travel motivations, and ecotourism activities. Visiting historical sites, exploring nature, and experiencing local culture are the three most important motivations of ecotourists. Furthermore, hiking, rural tourism activities, swimming in the lake, and winter sports were ranked as the most popular activities by visitors. Based on the one-way ANOVA results, there is a significant difference in terms of activities participated in (which include rafting, nature walks, winter sports, bird watching, and photo safari tours) among casual nature tourists, mainstream nature tourists, and dedicated nature tourists. In addition, the test results also indicate that with regard to the most important reasons to visit, only exploring new things statistically differs among the groups.
In the present day, since visitors increasingly prefer to visit more natural areas for the purpos... more In the present day, since visitors increasingly prefer to visit more natural areas for the purpose of tourism, determining a tourism strategy is becoming increasingly important for the stakeholders of a destination to achieve sustainable development. Within the Sarıkum Nature Preserve Area, which is a natural attraction formed from the enclosure of an old gulf by coastal dunes, different sensitive ecosystems live together. A lake, a lagoon, sand dunes, sea, and forest can all be found in this rare piece of nature. The research area was declared a nature reserve area in 1987, and a great part of it is also a first-degree protected natural area. In order to determine a tourism strategy for the research area, a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis was performed using a participatory approach. From December 2011 to June 2012, face-to-face interviews were conducted and questionnaires sent via e-mail to all stakeholders, including the Government of Sinop, the Culture and Tourism Directorate of Sinop Province, the Regional Directorate of Nature Protection and National Parks, the Association of Black Sea Tourism and the Cultural Wealth Preserve, representatives of the private sector and local people. The SWOT analysis was then finalised by a group of experts, including researchers. The aim of this paper is to determine a sustainable tourism strategy for ecotourism in the Sarıkum Nature Preserve Area. Furthermore, the results of the analysis form a basis not only for the tourism management plans of the research area, but also for similar nature reserve areas in the world.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2013
Recognizing the importance of tourism in rural areas of developing countries, this paper aims to ... more Recognizing the importance of tourism in rural areas of developing countries, this paper aims to identify the perceptions of host communities, living in the boundaries of the Küre Mountains National Park (KMNP), towards tourism development. Küre Mountains is a PAN Parks certified area and has been involved with tourism since 2000. A survey approach was used to collect data from residents of KMNP. The research was conducted in three towns (Pınarbaşı, Azdavay and Şenpazar)located in the buffer zone of KMNP. A two-page questionnaire was conducted, along with structured interviews with 207 residents, local authorities, and members of NGOs between January-March, 2011. Two main conclusions can be reached from the research: first, residents of KMNP had neutral or somewhat positive perceptions towards tourism. Second, the location of the residents affected their perceived impacts on tourism, with the residents living in Pınarbaşı perceiving higher positive impacts of tourism compared to residents of Azdavay and Şenpazar.
There is a considerable number of religious buildings in the Western Black Sea region in Turkey i... more There is a considerable number of religious buildings in the Western Black Sea region in Turkey inherited from the Roman period. Today some of these buildings have been devastated, some partially destroyed, some abandoned, and some have lost their authenticity because of restoration activities or conversion into mosques. In Safranbolu, Eregli, Amasra, Bartin, Sinop, and Bolu the ruins of these churches can still be seen. The Western Black Sea region, consisting of two cultural tourism destinations, Safranbolu and Kastamonu, is a touristic area with attractive cultural, religious, and rural tourism destinations visited by 5 million visitors annually. This study aims to identify the churches and chapels in the Western Black Sea region, to determine their current situation, to evaluate their tourism potential in the context of cultural/heritage/religious tourism, and to consider the reuse of religious buildings while adapting them.
For the survival and the competition of tourism enterprises, gaining a good position in the marke... more For the survival and the competition of tourism enterprises, gaining a good position in the market depends on developing new ideas that can bring solutions to social problems and creating a social impact with innovative approaches. Social innovation pertains to the process of solving social, economic, cultural, political, and ecological problems with innovative policies, processes, and practices. It helps to create social change in tourism, which is a social phenomenon. Considering the importance of developing innovative ideas in the tourism industry, the aim of this research is to collect the socially innovative ideas of Master's class students studying at a state university in Turkey. The current study adopted a qualitative approach through focus group interviews. The sample was chosen among Master class students of Tourism Management and Entrepreneurship. The results suggest that innovative ideas focusing on developing new products/services (new tourism types and destinations), local development, environmental protection, and enhancing tourist experience and customer satisfaction by using information technologies are prominent.
Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy And Travel Research
Gharānā kavramı Hint müzik geleneklerinin başat öğreti ve pratik aktarım yoluna işaret eder. Bu ö... more Gharānā kavramı Hint müzik geleneklerinin başat öğreti ve pratik aktarım yoluna işaret eder. Bu önemli müesseseyi tek bir kelimeyle karşılamak mümkün değildir. Sadece bir okul/ekol değil, bir tür müzik silsilesi, ötesinde mensubiyetine girilen bir aile gibi, son derece manevî boyutları ve aidiyet-temsiliyet işlevleri de olan bir üst-kavramdır. Felsefî, ahlâkî, toplumsal, … yüklemleriyle bir yandan "müzik-dışı" sayılıp bir yandan da müziği kuşatan, tamamlayan, "kılan" kurucu öğeleriyle referans alınan, irdelenen, ve hattâ başka müzik kültürlerince öykünülen, saygın bir "müessese"dir. İçinde bulunduğumuz coğrafya dahil, birçok müzik geleneğinde de benzer oluşumların varlığı, Gharānā'yı, kimi öğelerinin benimsenebileceği ve mensup olunan geleneklere eklemlendirilebileceği bir model olarak irdelenmeye, tanınmaya değer kılar. Bu çalışmada kavramın ana hatları ve temel kolları tanımlanmaya çalışılacak, önce etimolojik ve tarihsel arka planı verilip, süreç içindeki dönüşümleri, günümüzdeki geçerliliği ve model olma potansiyeli tartışılmaktadır.
There is a considerable number of religious buildings in the Western Black Sea region in Turkey i... more There is a considerable number of religious buildings in the Western Black Sea region in Turkey inherited from the Roman period. Today some of these buildings have been devastated, some partially destroyed, some abandoned, and some have lost their authenticity because of restoration activities or conversion into mosques. In Safranbolu, Ereğli, Amasra, Bartın, Sinop, and Bolu the ruins of these churches can still be seen. The Western Black Sea region, consisting of two cultural tourism destinations, Safranbolu and Kastamonu, is a touristic area with attractive cultural, religious, and rural tourism destinations visited by 5 million visitors annually. This study aims to identify the churches and chapels in the Western Black Sea region, to determine their current situation, to evaluate their tourism potential in the context of cultural/heritage/religious tourism, and to consider the reuse of religious buildings while adapting them.
Mutfak kültürü turizm çekicilikleri arasında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Günümüzde ulusal (Gazian... more Mutfak kültürü turizm çekicilikleri arasında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Günümüzde ulusal (Gaziantep, Antakya, Konya, İstanbul gibi) ve uluslararası (Örneğin, Toscana, şarap rotaları olarak Niagara, Stellensbosch, Napa Vadileri) pek çok destinasyon mutfak kültürleri ile ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada Batı Karadeniz Bölümünde bulunan ve tarihi geçmişi yanı sıra lezzetli pastırması ile de dikkat çeken Kastamonu ilinde pastırma üretimi, pastırmanın tarihi, pastırma ile yapılan yemekler incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak Kastamonu'da pastırmacılık üretimini sürdüren dört işletmeci ile yapılan yüz yüze görüşmelerden elde edilen bulgular sunulmuştur. Sonuçlar, Kastamonu pastırmasının bilinen tarihinin 19. yüzyıl sonuna kadar dayandığını, pastırma üretiminin halen geleneksel yöntemler kullanılarak atölyelerde devam ettiğini, içeriğinde kullanılan malzemeler nedeniyle farklı bir aroma ve tada sahip olduğunu ve hediyelik eşya olarak ziyaretçiler tarafından önemli miktarda satın alındığını göstermektedir.
Today environmental concern has penetrated all forms of commercial enterprise including the hospi... more Today environmental concern has penetrated all forms of commercial enterprise including the hospitality industry. Hotel properties where practices are environmentally sensitive will have a competitive advantage in the marketplace over rival properties. A hotel property instituting eco-friendly practices and communicating those efforts with the genaral public can gain a competitive advantage in the growing market segments. The ecotourist market segment represents a significant market for whom environmental issues are extremely salient in purchasing decisions.
Transylvanian review of administrative sciences, 2014
The aim of this article is to explore the weaknesses and strengths of local authorities in terms ... more The aim of this article is to explore the weaknesses and strengths of local authorities in terms of their participation in the tourism planning process in Turkey. A two-page questionnaire was applied, along with structured interviews with 71 administrators of metropolitan, provincial, and district authorities, between January 1 and September 31, 2011. The findings of the survey suggest that tourism planning responsibilities should be devolved to local authorities. Local authorities do not extensively participate in tourism planning at present because of inadequate budgeting and tourism allocation facilities, insufficient cooperation among stakeholders, and a domination of central administration traditions. Causes of insufficient participation in tourism planning statistically differ among local authorities, in terms of insufficient realizations of the importance of tourism planning by stakeholders, and public land allocation for the purpose of tourism. On the other hand, there is a ...
Heritage is regarded as one of the more significant and fastest-growing components of tourism: it... more Heritage is regarded as one of the more significant and fastest-growing components of tourism: it is becoming increasingly popular around the world, and is deemed important for tourism development. Turkey had 11 sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2013. Safranbolu is one of the World Heritage Sites that has been included on the list since 1994. This paper investigates the impacts of tourism as perceived by the residents of Safranbolu. The research was conducted on two occasions, in 2006 and in 2011, in order to find out whether there were significant changes in residents’ perceptions over those five years. Data were collected from 649 local residents. In 2006, 317 participants answered the questionnaire, while in 2011; the sample was composed of 332 inhabitants. The results show that residents have consistently positive perceptions toward tourism. Positive perceptions result from residents’ belief that tourism improves employment facilities and business opportunities, creates c...
This research focuses on the economic, social, and environmental impacts of tourism on residents’... more This research focuses on the economic, social, and environmental impacts of tourism on residents’ quality of life in Van province in Turkey. Because of its positive economic impacts on the local community, residents’ expectations of tourism industry are high. In order to determine the impacts of tourism on quality of life in Van, a survey was conducted using a sample of 351 residents. The findings show a relationship between the impacts of tourism and the local residents’ material and cultural wellbeing, and indicate that economic and cultural influences of tourism have a positive impact on the material and cultural wellbeing of local residents.
Turkey is a country with an old wine-producing tradition and with a huge tourism industry althoug... more Turkey is a country with an old wine-producing tradition and with a huge tourism industry although it has not made the importance of wine tourism profitable up to now. Wine tourism in Turkey has full of development potential. The history of wine in Turkey (Anatolia) dates back to the Neolithic period. According to archaeobotanists, the grape was first discovered in the region of Eastern Anatolia, Georgia, and Armenia trio (1). Turkey is among the world leaders in grape production. Turkey has the fifth largest grape-growing area at 500.000 ha after Spain, France, Italy, and China (2). Turkey ranks sixth in the world for grape production with annual four million tons of grape production (3). Unfortunately, only 11 percent of this huge output is used for wine making (4). Turkey's wine production is around 60,7 mio liters per year and it accounts for only two percent of global wine production (5). There are 166 wine producers licensed by Tobacco and Alcohol Market Regulatory Agency (TAPDK) (6) of Turkey, but it is a very small number when compared to other wine-making countries. The Turkish wine market is largely dominated by Doluca, Kavaklıdere, and Mey, each with an annual production capacity of more than 10 million liters (7). Boutique wineries began to be seen since the early 2000s.
Journal of Business Management and Economic Research
Bu çalışmanın amacı şehir otellerinde konaklayan otel misafirlerinin hizmet kalitesi algılarının ... more Bu çalışmanın amacı şehir otellerinde konaklayan otel misafirlerinin hizmet kalitesi algılarının belirlenmesidir. İş amaçlı seyahat edenlerin performansa dayalı hizmet kalitesi algılarını belirlemek amacıyla SERVPERF ölçeğinden yararlanılmıştır. Tripadvisor seyahat yorum sitesinde yer alan online tüketici yorumlarından faydalanılarak altı boyuttan (iş amaçlı fiziki unsurlar, fiziksel görünüm, güvenilirlik, heveslilik, güven/yeterlilik, empati) oluşan bir Hizmet Kalitesi Ölçeği oluşturulmuştur. Araştırma Ankara'da faaliyet gösteren dört ve beş yıldızlı otel işletmelerinde gerçekleştirilmiş olup 321 yerli turiste anket uygulamıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, müşterilerin Ankara'da faaliyet gösteren şehir otellerinin hizmetlerinden memnun olduklarını, altı boyut arasında en çok memnun olunan hizmet unsurlarının Heveslilik boyutu ile ilgili olduğunu, algılanan hizmet kalitesinde yerli turistlerin sosyo-demografik özelliklerine ve otel özelliklerine göre anlamlı farklılıklar olduğunu göstermektedir.
ve beş yıldızlı konaklama işletmesi çalışanlarının, iş motivasyonu ve iş tatmini düzeyleri ölçüle... more ve beş yıldızlı konaklama işletmesi çalışanlarının, iş motivasyonu ve iş tatmini düzeyleri ölçülerek, işgörenlerin motivasyon düzeyleri ile iş tatminleri temelinde kent ve kıyı oteli çalışanları arasında bir farklılaşma olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla ilgili çalışmada iş motivasyonu ve iş tatmini anketleri kullanılmış olup görgül çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin analizinde istatistiksel analiz programından yararlanılarak 'frekans analizi', 'yüzde dağılımı', 't-testi', 'Anova' ve 'Tukey' testleri yapılmıştır. Çalışmada kent otelleri yöneticilerinin kıyı otelleri yöneticilerine kıyasla dışsal motivasyon araçları olarak belirtilen, sigorta ve emeklilik imkânı, çalışma ortamının fiziksel koşulları, iş için gerekli araç-gereç ve ekipman desteği gibi faktörlere daha fazla önem verdikleri saptanmıştır. Ayrıca çalışmaya konu iki ilden Antalya'daki işgörenlerin, Ankara'daki işgörenlere kıyasla, iş başarma, işi zamanında bitirme gibi görevlerini yerine getirdiklerinde, üstleri tarafından takdir edilmedikleri ya da ödüllendirilmedikleri bu durumun ise çalışanlarda içsel motivasyonu azalttığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra kıyı işletmelerinde, iş ile ilgili kararlar alınırken ilgili işgörenin görüşlerine başvurulmadığı saptanmıştır.
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 2014
The aim of this article is to explore the weaknesses and strengths of local authorities in terms ... more The aim of this article is to explore the weaknesses and strengths of local authorities in terms of their participation in the tourism planning process in Turkey. A two-page questionnaire was applied, along with structured interviews with 71 administrators of metropolitan, provincial, and district authorities, between January 1 and Sep-tember 31, 2011. The findings of the survey suggest that tourism planning responsibilities should be devolved to local authorities. Local authorities do not extensively participate in tourism planning at present because of inadequate budgeting and tourism allocation facilities, insufficient cooperation among stakeholders, and a domination of central administration traditions. Causes of insufficient participation in tourism planning statistically differ among local authorities, in terms of insufficient realizations of the importance of tourism planning by stakeholders, and public land allocation for the purpose of tourism. On the other hand, there is a statistically significant difference between local authorities that have a tourism master plan and those who do not, in terms of a lack of educational opportunities for planners.
Ecotourism has been advanced as a form of sustainable tourism that is expected to boost the conse... more Ecotourism has been advanced as a form of sustainable tourism that is expected to boost the conservation of natural areas and development in the rural communities of Turkey. This study provides one of the few examinations of the rapidly developing Turkish ecotourism market in the context of foreign visitation to Lake Van Basin in Turkey. The aim of this paper is to determine the basic motivations and activities of foreign ecotourists visiting Lake Van Basin. The research sample was selected randomly and consisted of foreign visitors aged 18 or older. A two-page questionnaire was conducted through face-to-face interviews. A total of 147 participants participated in the survey in the period of April–December 2011 and April–December 2012. The findings include demographic results, travel motivations, and ecotourism activities. Visiting historical sites, exploring nature, and experiencing local culture are the three most important motivations of ecotourists. Furthermore, hiking, rural tourism activities, swimming in the lake, and winter sports were ranked as the most popular activities by visitors. Based on the one-way ANOVA results, there is a significant difference in terms of activities participated in (which include rafting, nature walks, winter sports, bird watching, and photo safari tours) among casual nature tourists, mainstream nature tourists, and dedicated nature tourists. In addition, the test results also indicate that with regard to the most important reasons to visit, only exploring new things statistically differs among the groups.
In the present day, since visitors increasingly prefer to visit more natural areas for the purpos... more In the present day, since visitors increasingly prefer to visit more natural areas for the purpose of tourism, determining a tourism strategy is becoming increasingly important for the stakeholders of a destination to achieve sustainable development. Within the Sarıkum Nature Preserve Area, which is a natural attraction formed from the enclosure of an old gulf by coastal dunes, different sensitive ecosystems live together. A lake, a lagoon, sand dunes, sea, and forest can all be found in this rare piece of nature. The research area was declared a nature reserve area in 1987, and a great part of it is also a first-degree protected natural area. In order to determine a tourism strategy for the research area, a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis was performed using a participatory approach. From December 2011 to June 2012, face-to-face interviews were conducted and questionnaires sent via e-mail to all stakeholders, including the Government of Sinop, the Culture and Tourism Directorate of Sinop Province, the Regional Directorate of Nature Protection and National Parks, the Association of Black Sea Tourism and the Cultural Wealth Preserve, representatives of the private sector and local people. The SWOT analysis was then finalised by a group of experts, including researchers. The aim of this paper is to determine a sustainable tourism strategy for ecotourism in the Sarıkum Nature Preserve Area. Furthermore, the results of the analysis form a basis not only for the tourism management plans of the research area, but also for similar nature reserve areas in the world.
This book takes inventory of and evaluates the available resources for the development of alterna... more This book takes inventory of and evaluates the available resources for the development of alternative tourism in Turkey. It examines the role of alternative tourism in future tourism development plans and proposes public policies necessary to assure sustainability. Although tourism started later in Turkey than in the Western Mediterranean countries it has grown very rapidly during the last three decades and today the country ranks among the top ten countries in the world in terms of both arrivals and receipts. However, most of the tourism development has been in the mass tourism sector or the so-called sun-sea-sand tourism. While crucial for the economic development of Turkey, mass tourism, in the absence of proper planning, has happened in a haphazard manner leading to numerous environmental and socio-cultural problems. This book argues that, in order to mitigate these problems, Turkey should encourage the development of alternative forms of tourism.
Papers by Nuray Turker