Papers by Ekaterina Novgorodova
По сей день остается актуальной проблема качества жизни российской молодежи и выявления психологи... more По сей день остается актуальной проблема качества жизни российской молодежи и выявления психологических индикаторов его оптимизации. К качестве такого признака автор рассматривает самоуважение личности. С целью построения модели детерминации субъективного благополучия молодежи, было проведено эмпирическое исследование. Проверялась каузальная модель медиаторного опосредования удовлетворенности жизнью, включающая социально-предписанный перфекционизм в качестве независимой переменной и самоуважение в качестве медиатора. В исследовании приняли участие 268 студентов среднего профессионального образования в возрасте от 16 до 20 лет (средний возраст 17.3 ± 1.3). Данные собирались посредством следующих психодиагностических методик: “Шкала глобальной удовлетворенности жизнью” (С.В. Яремчук), “Многомерная шкала перфекционизма” (И.И. Грачёвой) и “Опросник самоотношения” (В.В. Столина и С.Р. Пантилеева). По результатам применения корреляционного анализа констатируется значимая взаимосвязь между всеми рассматриваемыми переменными при p = 0.001, а именно: удовлетворенность жизнью отрицательно коррелирует с социально-предписанным перфекционизмом и положительно коррелирует с самоуважением, в то время как социально-предписанный перфекционизм имеет негативную связь с самоуважением респондентов. Результаты регрессионного анализа продемонстрировали, что самоуважение полностью опосредует связь между социально-предписанным перфекционизмом и удовлетворенностью жизнью. Итак, самоуважение индивида не только ассоциировано с удовлетворенностью жизнью и социально-предписанным перфекционизмом, но и опосредует данную связь. Показано, что интенсивная обеспокоенность ожиданиями значимых других приводит к низкой удовлетворенности жизнью вследствие не достаточного уважения к своему Я. Таким образом, засвидетельствована оптимизирующая роль самоуважения в процессе регуляции качества жизни современной молодежи.
The life quality of Russian youth and psychological indicators of improving their life quality still remain nettlesome. One of such indicators is self-respect viewed by the author of the present article. The aim of the research was to build a determination model of subjective well-being for young people. For this purpose, the author carried out an empirical research. The author tested the causal model of mediation of life satisfaction that involves socially prescribed perfectionism as an independent variable and self-respect as a mediator. The research involved 268 vocational students aged 16 - 20 years old (the mean age is 17,3 ± 1,3). Data was collected using the following psychologists tests and inventories: Global Life Satisfaction Scale (S. Yaremchuk), 'Multi-Dimensional Perfectionism Scale' (I. Gracheva) and 'Self-Attitude Inventory (V. Stolin and S. Pantileeva). The results were processed using the correlation analysis and demonstrated that there is a significant co-relation between all variables viewed whereas p=0,001. In particular, satisfaction with life has a negative correlation to self-respect of repondents. Results of the regression analysis of data also demonstrate that self-respect fully conditions the relation between socially prescribed perfectionism and satisfaction with life. Thus, self-respect of an individual is not only associated with the level of satisfactin with life and socially prescribed perfectionism but also determines this co-relation. The author demonstrates that a high level of anxeity and fear not to fulfil expectations of close ones reduces one's satisfaction with life as a result of low self-respect. Consequently, the author of the article proves the improving role of self-respect in the process of regulating the life quality of modern youth.
В настоящее время отмечается повышенное внимание научного сообщества и государственной власти к р... more В настоящее время отмечается повышенное внимание научного сообщества и государственной власти к развитию Дальнего Востока России. Важным аспектом данного вопроса является миграционный отток населения из Дальневосточного Федерального Округа, особенно остро обстоит ситуация с утратой наиболее активного социального слоя – молодежи. Авторы рассматривают территориальную мобильность молодых людей как способ регуляции их субъективного благополучия. Настоящая статья содержит итоги эмпирического исследования, проведенного на обширной выборке (n=657) учащихся различных образовательных систем (массовые школы, учреждения среднего профессионального образования и университеты). Были обследованы 326 юношей и 331 девушка в возрасте от 16 до 22 лет (средний возраст 18,0±1,8). Данные собирались посредством анкетирования и тестирования. Представлены результаты корреляционного и регрессионного анализов данных. Рассмотрены объективные (пол, возраст, уровень приобретаемого образования) и субъективные (параметры самоотношения) детерминанты удовлетворенности жизнью. Показано, что принадлежность к мужскому полу, младший возраст, высокий образовательный уровень и позитивное отношение к себе могут выступать прогностическими основаниями субъективного благополучия дальневосточной молодежи. Определены предикторы удовлетворенности жизнью учащихся, дифференцированные по образовательному признаку. Обнаружена опосредующая роль половой принадлежности респондентов в процессе регуляции субъективного благополучия. Верификация результатов достигалась также с помощью релевантной эмпирии, полученной российскими и зарубежными авторами. Достоверность полученных данных обеспечивалась опорой на теоретические положения современной психологии, репрезентативностью выборки и статистической значимостью. Итоги проведенной исследовательской работы вносят разъяснения в вопросы регуляции качества жизни современной личности и вскрывают психологические механизмы миграции дальневосточной молодежи. Обсуждается прикладной потенциал выявленных закономерностей.
Currently there is increased attention of the scientific community and the government to the development of the Far East of Russia. Its important aspect is the migration outflow of population from far Eastern Federal district, particularly acute is the situation with the outflow of the most active social group - young people. The authors examine territorial mobility of young people as a way of regulation of their subjective well-being. This article contains the results of empirical research conducted on a large sample (n = 657) of students of different educational systems (public schools, institutions of secondary vocational education and universities). 326 boys and 331 girls aged 16 to 22 years (mean age of 18.0 ± 1,8) were examined by means of questionnaire and testing. The results of correlation and regression analyses of the data are presented. The objective (gender, age, level of acquired education) and subjective (parameteis of self-attitude) features are described, on which sometimes life satisfaction depends. It is shown that male gender, youth, high educational level and positive attitude may be prognostic grounds for subjective well-being of the Far Eastern young people. Predictors of life satisfaction of students are identified differentiated on educational grounds. The mediating role of gender of the respondents in the regulation of subjective well-being is discovered. Verification of the results was achieved also by using relevant empirical data obtained by Russian and foreign authors. The validity of the obtained data was ensured by relying on theoretical principles of modern psychology, the representativeness of the sample and statistical significance of the data. The results of the research make a clarification in the matters of regulation of the quality of life of the modern person and reveal the psychological mechanisms of migration of far Eastern young people. The application potential of the identified patterns is shown.
Peculiarities of perception by immigrants psychological safety of educational environment, 2017
Анализируется проблема готовности российской образовательной системы к обучению и воспитанию инос... more Анализируется проблема готовности российской образовательной системы к обучению и воспитанию иностранных граждан. Представлены результаты эмпирического изучения переживания психологической безопасности образовательной среды среди студентов-иммигрантов (n=27) и коренных жителей Калининградской области (n=47). Особое внимание уделено проблеме дискриминации этнических меньшинств. Определены приоритетные направления работы по оптимизации современного образовательного пространства.
The problem of this article is readiness of the Russian education system to the training and education of foreign citizens considers. Presents the results of empirical study of the experiences of the students-immigrants (n=27) and the indigenous residents of the Kaliningrad region (n=47) psychological safety of the educational environment. Special attention is paid to the problem of discrimination against ethnic minorities. Identified priority areas of work for the optimization of modern educational space.
Quality of Life among Adolescent Immigrants , 2017
Содержится сравнительный анализ удовлетворенности различными аспектами своей жизни среди мигранто... more Содержится сравнительный анализ удовлетворенности различными аспектами своей жизни среди мигрантов и автохтонов, обучающихся в общеобразовательных школах Калининградской области.
The article presents the results of a study of the quality of life in migrants in adolescence. They are characterized by such indicators of satisfaction as health, financial prosperity, life in Russia, and a degree of national security. Contentment with the life activity in adolescent migrants is the important indicator of their socio-psychological adaptation and identification with the host country.
В статье анализируются особенности взаимоотношений аутосимпатии и перфекционизма современной моло... more В статье анализируются особенности взаимоотношений аутосимпатии и перфекционизма современной молодежи. Приводятся результаты эмпирического исследования на обширной выборке учащихся (n = 628). Данные подвергались корреляционному и регрессионному анализу. Обнаружены достоверные взаимосвязи между измеряемыми признаками. Проанализирован вклад объективных (половая принадлежность, возраст и уровень приобретаемого образования) и субъективных (параметры перфекционизма) переменных в предсказание аутосимпатии молодежи. Обсуждаются потенциальные возможности прикладного использования результатов исследования.
В наши дни явление перфекционизма остается на пике исследовательской активности. При этом выборке... more В наши дни явление перфекционизма остается на пике исследовательской активности. При этом выборке одаренных перфекционистов уделяется недостаточно внимания. В этой связи был осуществлен обзор зарубежных и отечественных научных публикаций, отражающих разные точки зрения на взаимоотношения перфекционизма и одаренности. Также на материале современных эмпирических исследований автор рассматривает явление перфекционизма через призму социальных ожиданий от одаренных и академически успешных детей и подростков. Проанализированы представления и установки родителей и учителей в отношении учащихся, идентифицированных как одаренные. Замечено, что завышенные ожидания приводят не только к нарастанию перфекционизма учеников, но также ингибируют академическую деятельность и фрустрируют их психосоциальное развитие. Показана необходимость учета широкого спектра потребностей таких детей (социальных и эмоциональных, а не только интеллектуальных). Сделан вывод о целесообразности психолого-педагогической поддержки, содействующей самопринятию одаренных перфекционистов.
This article contains an overview of foreign and domestic publications about relationship between perfectionism and giftedness. The author analyzes the phenomenon of perfectionism through the prism of social expectations from gifted and academically successful children and adolescents on the material of modern empirical research. Also studies the implicit concept and attitudes of parents and teachers towards students identified as gifted and successful. It is concluded that there is a necessity of taking into account the social and emotional needs of these children, as well as the appropriateness of psychology-pedagogical support, promoting their self-acceptance.
В статье сопоставлены проявления перфекционизма учащихся различного образовательного уровня (нача... more В статье сопоставлены проявления перфекционизма учащихся различного образовательного уровня (начальное, среднее и высшее профессиональное). Обнаружены кардинальные отличия в перфекционных устремлениях молодых людей, получающих разное образование. Лидирует в выраженности перфекционизма контингент училищ.
Рассмотрена проблема перфекционизма в контексте субъективного благополучия
личности. Дан литерату... more Рассмотрена проблема перфекционизма в контексте субъективного благополучия
личности. Дан литературный обзор зарубежных исследований вклада перфекционных
тенденций в объяснение субъективной удовлетворенности жизнью. Проведено
первое в России выявление потенциала влияния перфекционизма на
удовлетворенность своей жизнью молодых людей. В качестве испытуемых выступили
учащиеся в возрасте от 16 до 22 лет (N = 657). Изучены взаимосвязи перфекционных
тенденций с удовлетворенностью жизнью. Обнаружено отталкивание последней от
большинства параметров перфекционизма, а также положительная корреляция с
личными стандартами и родительскими ожиданиями. Показана роль
перфекционизма в предсказании удовлетворенности жизнью молодого поколения.
Выявлено, что обеспокоенность ошибками, а также родительская критика и сомнения
в действиях позволяют спрогнозировать низкую степень удовлетворенности жизнью.
Обнаружено, что российские юноши испытывают большую удовлетворенность
жизнью, чем девушки. Отдифференцированы предикторы когнитивного компонента
субъективного благополучия по половому признаку.
The paper focuses on the problem of perfectionism in context of modern youth’s subjective well-being. The theoretical part contains the review of foreign studies contribution to perfectionism in the explanation of subjective life satisfaction. The first test of perfectionism potential impact on the youth’s life satisfaction has been carried out in Russia. The subjects are students aged 16 to 22 years (N = 657). The relationship between perfectionism and life satisfaction of the respondents has been studied. It has been found, that life satisfaction is repulsed from most of the parameters of perfectionism, as well as the correlation with the "personal standards and parental expectations" is positive. The role of perfectionism in predicting life satisfaction of the younger generation has been displayed. It has been revealed that "concern about mistakes" and "parental criticism and doubts about actions" allow predicting low level of life satisfaction. It has been found that Russian young men are experiencing greater life satisfaction than young women. The predictors of cognitive component in subjective well-being have been differentiated by gender.
Представлены результаты исследования по изучению системы саморазвития личности современной молоде... more Представлены результаты исследования по изучению системы саморазвития личности современной молодежи. Рассмотрены такие аспекты, как удовлетворенность жизнью, самопринятие и самосовершенствование. Проект содержит эмпирическую проверку оптимальной модели регуляции саморазвития на материале анализа данных по учащимся ВПО.
In the article the results of research of self-development’s system are presented. There are considered such aspects of self-development as satisfaction with a life, self-acceptance and self-perfection. The project contains an empirical verification of the optimal model of self-development regulation’s system. The model is based on the date of students of higher education.
В статье содержится обзор отечественных исследований отношения к себе лиц, обладающих перфекционн... more В статье содержится обзор отечественных исследований отношения к себе лиц, обладающих перфекционными тенденциями. Также представлены результаты эмпирического изучения взаимосвязи проявлений перфекционизма и самоотношения. Выявлена амбивалентность отношения к себе перфекционистов.
The article contains review of Russian research the components of attitude towards
themselves perfectionists. The results of empirical study of the relationship between
manifestations of perfectionism with self-attitude are presented. The study found
ambivalent attitude towards themselves of perfectionists.
В статье представлены результаты изучения саморазвития современной молодежи. Рассматриваются таки... more В статье представлены результаты изучения саморазвития современной молодежи. Рассматриваются такие аспекты саморазвития, как самопринятие и самосовершенствование. Исследование показывает, что самопринятие негативно связано с перфекционными тенденциями молодежи. Результаты позволяют рассматривать перфекционизм и самопринятие как разнонаправленные тенденции саморазвития в юношеском возрасте.
The current research investigated self-development of modern youth. This article focuses on such aspects of self-development as self-acceptance and self-perfection. The study found that self-acceptance is associated negatively with youth perfectionism. The results suggest that perfectionism and self-acceptance are oppositely directed aspects of self-development in youth.
Представлены результаты эмпирического изучения корреляционных связей различных параметров самоотн... more Представлены результаты эмпирического изучения корреляционных связей различных параметров самоотношения и перфекционизма на выборке из 159 студентов вузов. Описана взаимосвязь негативного отношения к себе и стремления к совершенству в среде учащейся молодежи.
The article presents the empirical results of correlations of self-relation and perfectionism in a sample of 159 university students. The negative interrelation of self-regard and desire for self-improvement among the students are described.
Предпринята попытка систематизации существующих научных представлений о перфекционизме посредство... more Предпринята попытка систематизации существующих научных представлений о перфекционизме посредством контент-анализа и факторизации содержательных компонентов явления, поскольку много-численные эмпирические исследования психологических закономерностей этого феномена осуществляются в настоящее время исходя из различных терминологических определений.
The article is an attempt to systemize the existing scientific ideas of per-fectionism through a content analysis and factorization of the content component of the phenomenon, since numerous empirical studies into psychological patterns of this phenomenon are conducted at the moment on the basis of different terminological definitions.
The paper focuses on the problem of perfectionism in context of modern youth’s subjective well-be... more The paper focuses on the problem of perfectionism in context of modern youth’s subjective well-being. The theoretical part contains the review of foreign studies contribution to perfectionism in the explanation of subjective life satisfaction. The first test of perfectionism potential impact on the youth’s life satisfaction has been carried out in Russia. The subjects are students aged 16 to 22 years (N = 657). The relationship between perfectionism and life satisfaction of the respondents has been studied. It has been found, that life satisfaction is repulsed from most of the parameters of perfectionism, as well as the correlation with the "personal standards and parental expectations" is positive. The role of perfectionism in predicting life satisfaction of the younger generation has been displayed. It has been revealed that "concern about mistakes" and "parental criticism and doubts about actions" allow predicting low level of life satisfaction. It has been found that Russian young men are experiencing greater life satisfaction than young women. The predictors of cognitive component in subjective well-being have been differentiated by gender.
The project contains empirical verification of the optimal model of self-development regulation s... more The project contains empirical verification of the optimal model of self-development regulation system.
The study is aimed at obtain of the information about the correlations of self-perfection and sel... more The study is aimed at obtain of the information about the correlations of self-perfection and self-acceptance in the system of the personality self-development in youth age.
Books by Ekaterina Novgorodova
Self-Development and Subjective Well-Being of the Modern Youth, 2015
В монографии предпринята попытка исследовать сущность саморазвития, проанализировать его компонен... more В монографии предпринята попытка исследовать сущность саморазвития, проанализировать его компоненты и факторы детерминации. В качестве основных тенденций саморазвития рассматриваются самосовершенствование (в своей крайней форме достигающее перфекиионизма) и самопринятие. Обобщены эмпирические исследования саморазвития современной молодежи; проведен сравнительный анализ существующих теоретических подходов к проблеме. Субъективное благополучие трактуется как компонент системы регуляции саморазвития личности, обеспечивающий обратную связь и побуждающий человека к самоизменению. Имеется приложение, в котором детально описаны различные методики диагностики перфекиионизма, самопринятия и субъективного благополучия. Для практических психологов и педагогов, сопровождающих саморазвитие молодежи, а также всех интересующихся проблемами подрастающего поколения в современной России.
Papers by Ekaterina Novgorodova
The life quality of Russian youth and psychological indicators of improving their life quality still remain nettlesome. One of such indicators is self-respect viewed by the author of the present article. The aim of the research was to build a determination model of subjective well-being for young people. For this purpose, the author carried out an empirical research. The author tested the causal model of mediation of life satisfaction that involves socially prescribed perfectionism as an independent variable and self-respect as a mediator. The research involved 268 vocational students aged 16 - 20 years old (the mean age is 17,3 ± 1,3). Data was collected using the following psychologists tests and inventories: Global Life Satisfaction Scale (S. Yaremchuk), 'Multi-Dimensional Perfectionism Scale' (I. Gracheva) and 'Self-Attitude Inventory (V. Stolin and S. Pantileeva). The results were processed using the correlation analysis and demonstrated that there is a significant co-relation between all variables viewed whereas p=0,001. In particular, satisfaction with life has a negative correlation to self-respect of repondents. Results of the regression analysis of data also demonstrate that self-respect fully conditions the relation between socially prescribed perfectionism and satisfaction with life. Thus, self-respect of an individual is not only associated with the level of satisfactin with life and socially prescribed perfectionism but also determines this co-relation. The author demonstrates that a high level of anxeity and fear not to fulfil expectations of close ones reduces one's satisfaction with life as a result of low self-respect. Consequently, the author of the article proves the improving role of self-respect in the process of regulating the life quality of modern youth.
Currently there is increased attention of the scientific community and the government to the development of the Far East of Russia. Its important aspect is the migration outflow of population from far Eastern Federal district, particularly acute is the situation with the outflow of the most active social group - young people. The authors examine territorial mobility of young people as a way of regulation of their subjective well-being. This article contains the results of empirical research conducted on a large sample (n = 657) of students of different educational systems (public schools, institutions of secondary vocational education and universities). 326 boys and 331 girls aged 16 to 22 years (mean age of 18.0 ± 1,8) were examined by means of questionnaire and testing. The results of correlation and regression analyses of the data are presented. The objective (gender, age, level of acquired education) and subjective (parameteis of self-attitude) features are described, on which sometimes life satisfaction depends. It is shown that male gender, youth, high educational level and positive attitude may be prognostic grounds for subjective well-being of the Far Eastern young people. Predictors of life satisfaction of students are identified differentiated on educational grounds. The mediating role of gender of the respondents in the regulation of subjective well-being is discovered. Verification of the results was achieved also by using relevant empirical data obtained by Russian and foreign authors. The validity of the obtained data was ensured by relying on theoretical principles of modern psychology, the representativeness of the sample and statistical significance of the data. The results of the research make a clarification in the matters of regulation of the quality of life of the modern person and reveal the psychological mechanisms of migration of far Eastern young people. The application potential of the identified patterns is shown.
The problem of this article is readiness of the Russian education system to the training and education of foreign citizens considers. Presents the results of empirical study of the experiences of the students-immigrants (n=27) and the indigenous residents of the Kaliningrad region (n=47) psychological safety of the educational environment. Special attention is paid to the problem of discrimination against ethnic minorities. Identified priority areas of work for the optimization of modern educational space.
The article presents the results of a study of the quality of life in migrants in adolescence. They are characterized by such indicators of satisfaction as health, financial prosperity, life in Russia, and a degree of national security. Contentment with the life activity in adolescent migrants is the important indicator of their socio-psychological adaptation and identification with the host country.
This article contains an overview of foreign and domestic publications about relationship between perfectionism and giftedness. The author analyzes the phenomenon of perfectionism through the prism of social expectations from gifted and academically successful children and adolescents on the material of modern empirical research. Also studies the implicit concept and attitudes of parents and teachers towards students identified as gifted and successful. It is concluded that there is a necessity of taking into account the social and emotional needs of these children, as well as the appropriateness of psychology-pedagogical support, promoting their self-acceptance.
личности. Дан литературный обзор зарубежных исследований вклада перфекционных
тенденций в объяснение субъективной удовлетворенности жизнью. Проведено
первое в России выявление потенциала влияния перфекционизма на
удовлетворенность своей жизнью молодых людей. В качестве испытуемых выступили
учащиеся в возрасте от 16 до 22 лет (N = 657). Изучены взаимосвязи перфекционных
тенденций с удовлетворенностью жизнью. Обнаружено отталкивание последней от
большинства параметров перфекционизма, а также положительная корреляция с
личными стандартами и родительскими ожиданиями. Показана роль
перфекционизма в предсказании удовлетворенности жизнью молодого поколения.
Выявлено, что обеспокоенность ошибками, а также родительская критика и сомнения
в действиях позволяют спрогнозировать низкую степень удовлетворенности жизнью.
Обнаружено, что российские юноши испытывают большую удовлетворенность
жизнью, чем девушки. Отдифференцированы предикторы когнитивного компонента
субъективного благополучия по половому признаку.
The paper focuses on the problem of perfectionism in context of modern youth’s subjective well-being. The theoretical part contains the review of foreign studies contribution to perfectionism in the explanation of subjective life satisfaction. The first test of perfectionism potential impact on the youth’s life satisfaction has been carried out in Russia. The subjects are students aged 16 to 22 years (N = 657). The relationship between perfectionism and life satisfaction of the respondents has been studied. It has been found, that life satisfaction is repulsed from most of the parameters of perfectionism, as well as the correlation with the "personal standards and parental expectations" is positive. The role of perfectionism in predicting life satisfaction of the younger generation has been displayed. It has been revealed that "concern about mistakes" and "parental criticism and doubts about actions" allow predicting low level of life satisfaction. It has been found that Russian young men are experiencing greater life satisfaction than young women. The predictors of cognitive component in subjective well-being have been differentiated by gender.
In the article the results of research of self-development’s system are presented. There are considered such aspects of self-development as satisfaction with a life, self-acceptance and self-perfection. The project contains an empirical verification of the optimal model of self-development regulation’s system. The model is based on the date of students of higher education.
The article contains review of Russian research the components of attitude towards
themselves perfectionists. The results of empirical study of the relationship between
manifestations of perfectionism with self-attitude are presented. The study found
ambivalent attitude towards themselves of perfectionists.
The current research investigated self-development of modern youth. This article focuses on such aspects of self-development as self-acceptance and self-perfection. The study found that self-acceptance is associated negatively with youth perfectionism. The results suggest that perfectionism and self-acceptance are oppositely directed aspects of self-development in youth.
The article presents the empirical results of correlations of self-relation and perfectionism in a sample of 159 university students. The negative interrelation of self-regard and desire for self-improvement among the students are described.
The article is an attempt to systemize the existing scientific ideas of per-fectionism through a content analysis and factorization of the content component of the phenomenon, since numerous empirical studies into psychological patterns of this phenomenon are conducted at the moment on the basis of different terminological definitions.
Books by Ekaterina Novgorodova
The life quality of Russian youth and psychological indicators of improving their life quality still remain nettlesome. One of such indicators is self-respect viewed by the author of the present article. The aim of the research was to build a determination model of subjective well-being for young people. For this purpose, the author carried out an empirical research. The author tested the causal model of mediation of life satisfaction that involves socially prescribed perfectionism as an independent variable and self-respect as a mediator. The research involved 268 vocational students aged 16 - 20 years old (the mean age is 17,3 ± 1,3). Data was collected using the following psychologists tests and inventories: Global Life Satisfaction Scale (S. Yaremchuk), 'Multi-Dimensional Perfectionism Scale' (I. Gracheva) and 'Self-Attitude Inventory (V. Stolin and S. Pantileeva). The results were processed using the correlation analysis and demonstrated that there is a significant co-relation between all variables viewed whereas p=0,001. In particular, satisfaction with life has a negative correlation to self-respect of repondents. Results of the regression analysis of data also demonstrate that self-respect fully conditions the relation between socially prescribed perfectionism and satisfaction with life. Thus, self-respect of an individual is not only associated with the level of satisfactin with life and socially prescribed perfectionism but also determines this co-relation. The author demonstrates that a high level of anxeity and fear not to fulfil expectations of close ones reduces one's satisfaction with life as a result of low self-respect. Consequently, the author of the article proves the improving role of self-respect in the process of regulating the life quality of modern youth.
Currently there is increased attention of the scientific community and the government to the development of the Far East of Russia. Its important aspect is the migration outflow of population from far Eastern Federal district, particularly acute is the situation with the outflow of the most active social group - young people. The authors examine territorial mobility of young people as a way of regulation of their subjective well-being. This article contains the results of empirical research conducted on a large sample (n = 657) of students of different educational systems (public schools, institutions of secondary vocational education and universities). 326 boys and 331 girls aged 16 to 22 years (mean age of 18.0 ± 1,8) were examined by means of questionnaire and testing. The results of correlation and regression analyses of the data are presented. The objective (gender, age, level of acquired education) and subjective (parameteis of self-attitude) features are described, on which sometimes life satisfaction depends. It is shown that male gender, youth, high educational level and positive attitude may be prognostic grounds for subjective well-being of the Far Eastern young people. Predictors of life satisfaction of students are identified differentiated on educational grounds. The mediating role of gender of the respondents in the regulation of subjective well-being is discovered. Verification of the results was achieved also by using relevant empirical data obtained by Russian and foreign authors. The validity of the obtained data was ensured by relying on theoretical principles of modern psychology, the representativeness of the sample and statistical significance of the data. The results of the research make a clarification in the matters of regulation of the quality of life of the modern person and reveal the psychological mechanisms of migration of far Eastern young people. The application potential of the identified patterns is shown.
The problem of this article is readiness of the Russian education system to the training and education of foreign citizens considers. Presents the results of empirical study of the experiences of the students-immigrants (n=27) and the indigenous residents of the Kaliningrad region (n=47) psychological safety of the educational environment. Special attention is paid to the problem of discrimination against ethnic minorities. Identified priority areas of work for the optimization of modern educational space.
The article presents the results of a study of the quality of life in migrants in adolescence. They are characterized by such indicators of satisfaction as health, financial prosperity, life in Russia, and a degree of national security. Contentment with the life activity in adolescent migrants is the important indicator of their socio-psychological adaptation and identification with the host country.
This article contains an overview of foreign and domestic publications about relationship between perfectionism and giftedness. The author analyzes the phenomenon of perfectionism through the prism of social expectations from gifted and academically successful children and adolescents on the material of modern empirical research. Also studies the implicit concept and attitudes of parents and teachers towards students identified as gifted and successful. It is concluded that there is a necessity of taking into account the social and emotional needs of these children, as well as the appropriateness of psychology-pedagogical support, promoting their self-acceptance.
личности. Дан литературный обзор зарубежных исследований вклада перфекционных
тенденций в объяснение субъективной удовлетворенности жизнью. Проведено
первое в России выявление потенциала влияния перфекционизма на
удовлетворенность своей жизнью молодых людей. В качестве испытуемых выступили
учащиеся в возрасте от 16 до 22 лет (N = 657). Изучены взаимосвязи перфекционных
тенденций с удовлетворенностью жизнью. Обнаружено отталкивание последней от
большинства параметров перфекционизма, а также положительная корреляция с
личными стандартами и родительскими ожиданиями. Показана роль
перфекционизма в предсказании удовлетворенности жизнью молодого поколения.
Выявлено, что обеспокоенность ошибками, а также родительская критика и сомнения
в действиях позволяют спрогнозировать низкую степень удовлетворенности жизнью.
Обнаружено, что российские юноши испытывают большую удовлетворенность
жизнью, чем девушки. Отдифференцированы предикторы когнитивного компонента
субъективного благополучия по половому признаку.
The paper focuses on the problem of perfectionism in context of modern youth’s subjective well-being. The theoretical part contains the review of foreign studies contribution to perfectionism in the explanation of subjective life satisfaction. The first test of perfectionism potential impact on the youth’s life satisfaction has been carried out in Russia. The subjects are students aged 16 to 22 years (N = 657). The relationship between perfectionism and life satisfaction of the respondents has been studied. It has been found, that life satisfaction is repulsed from most of the parameters of perfectionism, as well as the correlation with the "personal standards and parental expectations" is positive. The role of perfectionism in predicting life satisfaction of the younger generation has been displayed. It has been revealed that "concern about mistakes" and "parental criticism and doubts about actions" allow predicting low level of life satisfaction. It has been found that Russian young men are experiencing greater life satisfaction than young women. The predictors of cognitive component in subjective well-being have been differentiated by gender.
In the article the results of research of self-development’s system are presented. There are considered such aspects of self-development as satisfaction with a life, self-acceptance and self-perfection. The project contains an empirical verification of the optimal model of self-development regulation’s system. The model is based on the date of students of higher education.
The article contains review of Russian research the components of attitude towards
themselves perfectionists. The results of empirical study of the relationship between
manifestations of perfectionism with self-attitude are presented. The study found
ambivalent attitude towards themselves of perfectionists.
The current research investigated self-development of modern youth. This article focuses on such aspects of self-development as self-acceptance and self-perfection. The study found that self-acceptance is associated negatively with youth perfectionism. The results suggest that perfectionism and self-acceptance are oppositely directed aspects of self-development in youth.
The article presents the empirical results of correlations of self-relation and perfectionism in a sample of 159 university students. The negative interrelation of self-regard and desire for self-improvement among the students are described.
The article is an attempt to systemize the existing scientific ideas of per-fectionism through a content analysis and factorization of the content component of the phenomenon, since numerous empirical studies into psychological patterns of this phenomenon are conducted at the moment on the basis of different terminological definitions.