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      Development StudiesGhanaDemocracyDevelopment
Countries emerging from conflict are expectedly vulnerable and fragile. After the devastation that is atypical of violent conflicts, few will deny that there is a clear moral imperative for aid to be used to address the humanitarian and... more
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The UN Charter recognizes the right of its member states to non-intervention in their internal affairs. According to Falk, (1999) the wording of the provision was designed to reassure member states that their sovereign rights will be... more
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answers his own question posed in the title of the book through systematic and coherent analysis of the various themes that form the building blocks of his narrative. In his opinion, the so called "war on terror" has been a spectacular... more
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This thesis explores how multicultural teams deal with communication across cultures; and how during that process, they perceive and resolve conflicts. In any multicultural environment, there are two types of conflicts, i.e. task related... more
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    • Cross-Cultural Communication