Thursday, October 9, 2008


Sylvia Jenstad said...

Wow I really love your old cars... they are so cool... and your colours...very cool

Susan Beauchemin said...

Hi Ron--great paintings! I've passed an award on to you--check out my site for details.

Bãpp said...

all of them,
jan :)

Bãpp said...

how can I follow you Ron ?
Jan :)

Alan Pedder said...

Hi Ron
Could not locate your e-mail anywhere on your profile so here I am.
I recall you did a great tutorial of one of your paintings on PaintDoodles some time back and i used it to paint a Morris 1000 but I can no longer recall the process. Is it still available? Would love to refresh my memory again of how to do it. alan

jyothisethu said...

the paintings are beautiful...
like the color, ideas, compositions...
everything fantastic...

F.M.Marrouch said...

Muy buen Blog, tienes un estilo muy personal, me gusta mucho

marty said...

gorgeous paintings and gorgeous colours ! I love

Jennifer McLean said...

Hi Ron,
I just love the colors in your paintings. Beautiful.
Thanks for following my blog, I look forward to enjoying each other's art (I'm now following you too.)

Anonymous said...

hola, parece que no has regresado , con estas maravillosas imágenes , debo dejarte mi felicitaciones , espero regreses pronto, para deleite de todos. espero estes bien. desde el sur de América.

con este talento debes regresar ..