Papers by Kholmirzo Kholmurodov
Доклады Академии наук Республики Таджикистан, 2017
In the present paper we propose a new technique for the numerical solution of the Schrodinger equ... more In the present paper we propose a new technique for the numerical solution of the Schrodinger equation with the commonly arising nonlinearity $$i{\psi _t} + {\psi _{xx}} + f\left( {{{\left| \psi \right|}^2}} \right)\psi = 0,$$ (1) , where in the term of f we take the polynomial of the l-th degree: $$f \equiv f\left( {{{\left| \psi \right|}^2}} \right) = \sum\limits_{t = 0}^N {{\alpha _l}} {\left| \psi \right|^{2l}} = {\alpha _0} + {\alpha _1}{\left| \psi \right|^4} + \cdots + {\alpha _N}{\left| \psi \right|^{2N}}.$$ (2) . Depending on the number of terms in the series and also on the coefficients of (2) (we suppose that α0, α1, • • • are arbitrary in general), eq.(l) arises in various branches of physics.

Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, Jul 1, 2007
The important functions that CDKs perform in cell division and cell cycle regulation made central... more The important functions that CDKs perform in cell division and cell cycle regulation made central protein kinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC28 a target model for structural and functional analysis. The 3D models of CDC28 protein kinase using molecular modeling techniques will enlarge our understanding of the phosphorylation mechanism and the structural changes of mutant kinases. Structural template for S. cerevisiae CDC28 was identiˇed from PDB (Protein Databank) using BLASTP (basic local alignment search tool for proteins). Template-target alignments were generated for homology modeling and checked manually for error. The models were then generated using MODELLER and validated using PROCHECK followed by energy minimization and molecular dynamics calculations in AMBER forceˇeld. ‚ ¦´Ò¥ ËÊ´±Í¨¨, ±μÉμ•Ò¥ ¢Ò ¶μ²´ÖÕÉ Í¨±²¨´ § ¢¨¸¨³Ò¥ ¶•μÉ¥¨´±¨´ §Ò (cyclin-dependent kinases, CDKs) ¢ ¤¥²¥´¨¨±²¥É±¨¨•¥£Ê²Öͨ¨±²¥Éμδμ£μ ͨ±² , ¶•¥¢• ɨ²¨CDC28 Saccharomyces cerevisiae ¢ Í¥´É• ²Ó´ÊÕ ³¨Ï¥´Ó¨ ¶•¨¢²¥± É¥²Ó´ÊÕ ³μ¤¥²Ó ¤²Ö¨¸¸²¥¤μ¢ ´¨Ö¨Ì¸É•Ê±ÉÊ•´ÒÌË Ê´±Í¨μ´ ²Ó´Ò̸¢μ°¸É¢. μ¸É•μ¥´¨¥ ¤¥±¢ É´ÒÌ 3D-³μ¤¥²¥° ¶•μÉ¥¨´±¨´ §Ò CDC28¸¨¸ ¶μ²Ó §μ-¢ ´¨¥³¸μ¢•¥³¥´´ÒÌ ³¥Éμ¤μ¢ ±μ³ ¶ÓÕÉ¥•´μ£μ ³μ²¥±Ê²Ö•´μ£μ ³μ¤¥²¨•μ¢ ´¨Ö ¶μ §¢μ²Ö¥É • ¸Ï¨•¨ÉÓ Ï¨ §´ ´¨Ö μ ËÊ´±Í¨μ´ ²Ó´ÒÌ ¶•μÉ¥¨´±¨´ § Ì, ³¥Ì ´¨ §³ Ì Ëμ¸Ë앨²¨•μ¢ ´¨Ö¨¸É•Ê±ÉÊ•´ÒÌ ¶¥•¥¸É•μ°± Ì ³ÊÉ ´É´ÒÌ ²²¥²¥°. ‚ ¤ ´´μ°• ¡μÉ¥´ μ¸´μ¢¥ £μ³μ²μ£¨Î´μ£μ ³μ¤¥²¨•μ¢ ´¨Ö ¢μ¸¸É-μ¢²¥´ ¸É•Ê±ÉÊ• ¶•μÉ¥¨´±¨´ §Ò S. cerevisiae CDC28 ¶•¨ ¶μ³μШ ¶ ±¥É MODELLER.˜ ¡²μ¤ ²Ö¨¸±μ³μ°¸É•Ê±ÉÊ•Ò S. cerevisiae CDC28 ¡Ò²¨¤¥´É¨Ë¨Í¨•μ¢ ´¨ § ¡ §Ò ¤ ´´ÒÌ PDB (Protein Databank)¸ ¶μ³μÐÓÕ ¶•μ£• ³³´ÒÌ ³μ¤Ê²¥°PROCHECK¨BLASTP (basic local alignment search tool for proteins). " ²¥¥ ¶•μ¢μ¤¨²μ¸Ó OE"-³μ¤¥²¨•μ¢ ´¨¥¸¨¸ ¶μ²Ó §μ¢ ´¨¥³ ¶ ±¥É AMBER.
Applied Reconfigurable Computing, Mar 2, 2000

Physica Scripta, Apr 1, 1986
It is shown that many sublattice isotropic XY chain with magnon-phonon interactions at the long-w... more It is shown that many sublattice isotropic XY chain with magnon-phonon interactions at the long-wave approximations may be described by generalized Zakharov's system with U(p, q) isogroup. Two-sublattice XY chain through the Jordan-Wigner transformations reduced to Su-Schriffer-Heeger coupled electron-phonon model in the quasi-one-dimensional conductor polyacetylene (CH)x theory. The Hamiltonian structure of U(p, q) Zakharov's system and its "ultrarelativistic" limit (i.e., the Yajima-Oikawa system with U(p, q) isogroup) are studied. The linear problem and the generating functionals for infinite series of additional integrals of motion for U(p, q) Yajima-Oikawa system are constructed. Four types of soliton solutions under different boundary conditions and appropriate integrals of particles number and energy are found. The quasistationary and ultra-relativistic limits are discussed.
Natural Science, 2010
An analysis of the molecular dynamics (МD) of the interaction between a carbon nanotube (CNT) and... more An analysis of the molecular dynamics (МD) of the interaction between a carbon nanotube (CNT) and a carbon disulfide active solvent (CS 2) has been carried out. The aim of the present work is to estimate the dynamical and structural behavior of the CNT-CS 2 system at different relative atomic concentrations and under temperature changes. The structural radial distribution functions and the dynamical configurations have been built for a CNT interacting with a CS 2 solvent. A nontrivial observation for the CNT-CS 2 system is that the solvent carbon disulfide atoms make up a patterned (layered) formation around the carbon nanotube.
Žurnal fizičeskoj himii, 2014
Springer eBooks, Dec 18, 2006
Springer proceedings in physics, 1992
In this paper the existence of a threshold of the soliton formation for the Korteweq-de Vries(KdV... more In this paper the existence of a threshold of the soliton formation for the Korteweq-de Vries(KdV) equation, Ut + 6UUx + Uxxx = 0, in decaying of “zero area” pulses, \(\int\limits_{ - \infty }^{ + \infty } U \left( {x ,0} \right)dx = 0,\) is established. The following zero area pulses were considered: (1) the rectangular pulse (expression (1)); (2) the “sinusoidal” pulse, U (x, 0) = Uo · sinkx, x ∈ (− π /k, π /k); (3) the Rayleigh pulse, U (x, 0) = Uo · x · exp (−k2 x2).
Himiâ vysokih ènergij, 2016
Springer proceedings in physics, 2002
The many-body Finnis-Sinclair potential has been used to perform a MD simulation of the impact of... more The many-body Finnis-Sinclair potential has been used to perform a MD simulation of the impact of an A1 cluster on an A1 surface. We have used an optimised version of the DL_POLY molecular dynamics simulation code [1] to study the cluster-surface impact processes. Based on the density and temperature distribution data the low energy cluster-surface interactions has been analyzed in detail and a novel interpretation of droplet spreading process is given.
Поверхность. Физика, химия, механика, 2017
HighTech and innovation journal, Feb 19, 2022
In this study, by means of quantum-chemical calculations within the framework of density function... more In this study, by means of quantum-chemical calculations within the framework of density functional theory, we considered a number of structural and electronic properties of nanocrystals of the CsSn[Br1−xIx]3 (systems CsSnBr3, CsSnBr2I, CsSnBrI2 and CsSnI3) and discussed the effect of iodine concentration on the geometry and electronic properties of these materials. The exchange correlation effects of electrons were taken into account by the LDA, GGA and the modified Becke-Jones exchange correlation potential (mBJ). The results obtained in the framework of the DFT-mBJ and the Wien2k packages are in good agreement with the data from experimental measurements and open up the possibility of accurately predicting a number of fundamental properties of perovskite-like complex structures and the development of new materials.
Химия высоких энергий, 2018

Acta Physica Polonica A, 2006
Large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of the high-pressure transformations of the xenon/wate... more Large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of the high-pressure transformations of the xenon/water system were performed involving special purpose molecular dynamics machines. We investigated several systems of different sizes and geometry at the suitable simulational conditions (density, temperature, etc.), which are similar to the experiments conducted on the xenon hydrates. A binary mixture (ice water + Xe) undergoes at high pressure a long evolution and the Xe-guest atoms, enclosed inside the water molecules, were observed and analyzed. Even for the thin slabs, starting with the capture of the guest atoms by the water molecules, the water clusters around the xenon atoms are formed. The results show that such a hydrate-like formation preserves its structural stability over a long period of the simulation time of order of nanosecond. The molecular dynamics simulations were performed on a basis of the MDGRAPE-2 modifications of the DL POLY general purposes package, with the efficient treatment of the Ewald real and reciprocal-space components of the Coulombic and Van der Waals forces. The MDGRAPE-2 accelerates the calculations of the Coulomb and Van der Waals forces, without applying a spherical cut of a fixed distance.
Поверхность. Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования., 2013

Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2019
T HE DEVELOPMENT of modern bio-nanoelectronic technologies requires new hybrid organo-inorganic s... more T HE DEVELOPMENT of modern bio-nanoelectronic technologies requires new hybrid organo-inorganic systems that have a specific functional purpose and allow work in the tissues of living organisms. The practical realization and scientific study of a hybrid twocomponent system in the form of DNA molecule fragments and nanoparticles of biocompatible ceramics was the goal of this work. The interaction of a DNA molecule with nanoparticles of a solid solution of the composition ZrO 2-3mol% Y 2 O 3 (YSZ) was studied using Raman scattering and transmission electron microscopy. Samples of YSZ oxide and hydroxide were investigated in triplicate at room temperature using LabRAM HR Evolution Horiba spectrometer and JEM 200A instrument. The effect of the force field of the surface of YSZ nanoparticles on the optical properties of the DNA molecule in the TRIS buffer solution was shown. The effects of increasing the intensity of spectral lines in the long-wavelength region 250-660 cm-1 (254 cm-1 , 322 cm-1 , 470 cm-1 , 663 cm-1). suppressing the intensity of spectral lines in the shortwave region 600-3300 cm-1 (604 cm-1 , 917 cm-1 , 951 cm-1 , 1256 cm-1 , 1302 cm-1 , 2767 cm-1 , 3180 cm-1 , 3241 cm-1 , 3285 cm-1), as well as shifting lines 519 cm-1 , 917 cm-1 , 1048 cm-1 , 1547 cm-1 and 1639 on 40-60 cm-1 in the shortwave region are established. From the standpoint of the theory of wave processes, a qualitative description of the detected Up-conversion effect was done. An assumption about the potential applicability of the YSZ nanoparticle surface-DNA nucleotide interfaces as a heterodyne frequency converter in molecular-and bio-electronic devices was made. Keywords: DNA in the electric field, immobilization of DNA molecules on the surface of semiconductors and dielectrics, Raman scattering, frequency modulation, heterodyne transfer of a frequency band, molecular electronics, bio-electronic, powder nanotechnologies.
Papers by Kholmirzo Kholmurodov