We got really busy the last few days before Christmas, but I still got all my photos taken. This project has been really fun for me and I think I want to make it a new tradition for my December.
Here are the final 5 days before Christmas -
5 days Before - we made these really cute button trees from my scrapbooking stash. They boys had a blast making them! They are all unique and individual just like each of our sons too.

4 days Before - Christmas deliveries make me HAPPY! These are the fabulous glitter cups I had made for Amy and Christie (and myself too) They finally arrived today and I am thrilled with how they turned out.

3 days Before - When Amy was here for Thanksgiving she bought a coffee table at this fun shop in Wichita and we needed to deliver it down to OK for them. I decided to make a quick trip of it with the boys and deliver the table and their Christmas gifts from our family. We took the opportunity to drive downtown in OKC to see this really cool Lego show. The boys and Rachel had so much fun seeing all the creations. This Capitol building piece was a favorite!

2 days Before - My sister Natalie and her husband, Mitch arrived to spend the Christmas weekend with us. The boys are ecstatic to have them at the house to play with as much as they want!

1 day Before - We spend Christmas Eve with my parents and I took the opportunity with so many able photographers to grab a quick family photo. These boys make my heart sing and I love spending time with our family!

Christmas Morning - New jammies, fully stockings, and expectant little boys! It doesn't get much better than this!

Now I get to choose just how to put this great little book together! I can't wait to dig through my Christmas stash and find some fun goodies to make these 13 photos shine. I have some additional journaling to add along with our Christmas/New Year's photo this year. I will definitely post when I am done.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year friends!
xo, Jen