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Легкая атлетика-спортивно-педагогическая дисциплина в поддержании здорового образа жизни Абдулахатов Акрам Рузмаматович, преподаватель; Кушмуродов Бекзод Абдураимович, преподаватель; Атамуродов Шодиёр Уралович, преподаватель Джизакский... more
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    • Physical Education and Sport
Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in all educational institutions today. One of the popular sports is volleyball. This article discusses the importance and uniqueness of volleyball.
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Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in all educational institutions today. One of the popular sports is volleyball. This article discusses the importance and uniqueness of volleyball.
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Jizzax Davlat pedagogika instituti Maktagacha ta"lim va boshlang"ich ta"limda jismoniy tarbiya yo"nalishi o"qituvchisi ANNOTATSIYA Ushbu maqolada bolalar va o'smirlar sport maktablarida voleybolchilarga voleybol sport texnikasini... more
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Annotatsiya: Ommaviy sport turlaridan biri voleyboldir. Ushbu maqolada voleybol sport texnikasini axamiyati va o'ziga xosligi xaqida so'z borgan.
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Volleyball is a highly popular team sport that requires a range of physical and technical skills. To become a successful volleyball player, it is crucial to undergo extensive training, especially during the formative years. This article... more
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TECHNIQUE AND TACTICS OF THE VOLLEYBALL GAME Turapova Shokhsanam Kholmurod qizi Teacher of Physical Education at the State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physical Culture Annotation A volleyball game consists of attacking and defensive... more
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Teaching volleyball to primary school students at the training level can be a challenging task, but with the help of technology, it can become easier and more effective. In this article, we explore the various technologies that can be... more
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The scientific work is devoted to the analysis and application of applied statistical programs in teaching the discipline "Sports metrology". The state conducts a comparative analysis of statistical software packages and their... more
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voleybol bo‘yicha yosh sportchilarning mahorat va iste’dodini shakllantirishda sport maktablarining ahamiyati haqida umumiy ma’lumotdan boshlanadi, so‘ngra yosh sportchilarni tayyorlashda texnologiyadan foydalanish bo‘yicha... more
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This paper examines the use of technology in enhancing the training of 12-14-yearold volleyball players in sports schools for children and teenagers. The paper begins with an overview of the importance of sports schools in developing... more
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Bu tadqiqotda 12-14 yoshli volebolchilami tayyorlash texnologiyalarini takomillashtirishni o'rganish maqsadga qo'yilgan. Tadqiqot, yangi va zamonaviy texnologiyalarni joriy etish, ularni amaliyotda sinash, va ular orqali... more
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The article describes the organization of the initial training of young volleyball players and the content, tasks, tools, and training issues.
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ЕНГИЛ АТЛЕТИКА БИТИРУВЧИЛАРИНИНГ ИЛМИЙ ТАДҚИҚОТ ИШЛАРИНИНГ ТАШКИЛ ҚИЛИНИШИ Норқулов.Ш.М ЖДПУ Спорт Турларини ўқитиш методикаси кафедраси катта ўқитувчиси Аннотация: Ушбу мақолада Халкаро спорт таснифида (классификация) югуришлар,... more
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Норқулов.Ш.М ЖДПУ Спорт Турларини ўқитиш методикаси кафедраси катта ўқитувчиси Аннотация: Ушбу мақолада Мутахассис томонидан олиб борилаётган муаммолар ва ютукларни ўрганиш юзасидан дастлаб мавжуд камчиликларнинг сабаблари аниқланиб,... more
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This article analyzes the socio-pedagogical factors that shape modern forms of gender culture, emphasizing the need to form a culture of gender-specific roles, relationships
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This article analyzes the development trends of the formation of gender culture in a person, and explains the role and necessity of gender culture in the development of a wellrounded person.
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The article actualizes the problem of the development of gender culture as a culture of social interaction, gives its historical and genetic analysis and determines the role of education in this process. It is shown that the development... more
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This article describes the ways of developing gender culture in adolescent students by means of gamification. Also, in the article, the teacher presents educational materials with the help of gamification (game-based activity) in forming... more
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The problem of gender differentiation of students is considered, the purpose of which is the deconstruction of traditional cultural restrictions on the development of the potential of the individual depending on gender, the health of... more
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