Books by Bohumil Jiroušek
by Milan Ducháček, Bohumil Jiroušek, Roman Pazderský, Adam Hudek, Marek Ďurčanský, Jitka Rauchová, Nina Milotová, Miro Lysy, Martin Kindl, Vojtěch Čurda, Dalibor Státník, Hana Kábová, Václav Nájemník, Milica Lustigová Bunčáková, Zdenka Gláserová Lebedová, and Tomáš Pánek Václav CHALOUPECKÝ a generace roku 1914. Otazníky české a slovenské historiografie v éře první republiky, 2018
The 100 years anniversary of the establishment of Czechoslovak Republic seems to be a suitable oc... more The 100 years anniversary of the establishment of Czechoslovak Republic seems to be a suitable occasion for exploring the legacy of “the 1914 generation“ in historiography (as it was metaphorically called by Czech historian Jaroslav Werstadt), especially with the emphasis on the Czechoslovak perplexities, continuities and discontinuities of topics of the historiography of inter-war Czechoslovakia.
The book aspires to question the discourse of the traditional interpretation of Czech and Slovak historiography in Modern Age (esp. the late 19th and fi rst half of the 20th century), prefering problem-based questions to biographical issues. The emphasis lies here on methodology, the use of nationalist political agenda behind a historiographical framework and the question of generational (dis)continuity, especially concerning the emergence of Marxism within the Czech and Slovak social sciences during the 30’s.
The individual chapters of this collective monograph focus mainly on the historical context and the reflection of the work of Václav Chaloupecký (1882–1951), a distinguished Czech historian, the pupil of Jaroslav Goll and Josef Pekař, professor of Czechoslovak history and also (in 1937/38) the rector of the Comenius University in Bratislava, who after the Munich treaty and again after 1945 continued his academic career at the Charles University in Prague.
Due to recently published monographs on Václav Chaloupecký and Karel Stloukal, two of the most important academic figures of the “1914 generation”, biographical and overview chapters are not part of this monograph. Via Chaloupecký’s web of social and professional connections, the authors rather focus on particular subject matters and problems open to interpretation. Chaloupecký’s role as the Bratislava-based promoter of the newly forged “picture of Czechoslovak history” serves here as a pars pro toto, a crossroad leading to a different contemporary field of questions.
The monograph attempts to address mainly the critical reception of Chaloupecký’s theses and works, usually and generally linked to the “Czechoslovakism” label and the issues of historiographical pratice and public actions of Chaloupecký’s Czech and Slovak professional companions including teachers, colleagues and pupils as well.
Papers by Bohumil Jiroušek
Soudobé dějiny, Sep 1, 2013
O stranické historiografii Zamyšlení nad jednou knihou a jejím tématem Bohumil Jiroušek Marxistic... more O stranické historiografii Zamyšlení nad jednou knihou a jejím tématem Bohumil Jiroušek Marxistická, či zřejmě přesněji marxisticko-leninská historiografie v Československu je přes vzrůstající zájem zejména mezi mladou generací vědců stále poměrně opomíjeným tématem, o stranické historiografii to pak platí téměř absolutně. Zaujaly proto již dílčí texty Vítězslava Sommera, 1 který své poznání na tomto poli posléze zúročil v knize Angažované dějepisectví: Stranická historiografie mezi stalinismem a reformním komunismem (1950-1970), kterou vydalo v roce 2011 Nakladatelství Lidové noviny spolu s Filozofickou fakultou Univerzity Karlovy v edici České dějiny. Sommer v ní přichází se syntetickým pohledem na dvacetiletí vývoje historiografie dělnického hnutí a Komunistické strany Československa v tak exponované době, jakou byla padesátá a šedesátá léta uplynulého století; následující dvacetiletí
Soudobé dějiny, Sep 1, 2013
Výrazným nástrojem indoktrinace moderních společností (obecně lze říci společenského myšlení jako... more Výrazným nástrojem indoktrinace moderních společností (obecně lze říci společenského myšlení jako takového) jsou-vedle školství, ovlivňujícího zejména děti a mládež-moderní komunikační média; tvoří pomyslné síto, jehož prostřednictvím jsou informace poskytovány, filtrovány a určitým způsobem prezentovány. V zásadě to platí ve všech režimech, ovšem autoritativní režimy toho využívají mnohem intenzivněji, respektive se snaží mnohem důsledněji a jsou schopny mnohem účinněji regulovat informační toky a bránit pronikání "nežádoucích" informací na veřejnost. Z hlediska české a československé vědy to bylo nejvíce patrné počátkem padesátých let uplynulého století. 1
Institute of Slavic Studies RAS eBooks, 2021
This study deals with the changes in the interpretation of relations between the Russian Revoluti... more This study deals with the changes in the interpretation of relations between the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the establishment of Czechoslovakia in the autumn of 1918, throughout the 20th century. The interwar era emphasized the importance of T. G. Masaryk and the Czechoslovak legions, after the World War II - especially in 1948-1989 - the establishment of Czechoslovakia was associated with the Russian October Revolution of 1917, in response to communist riots. The interpretation of the origin of Czechoslovakia in 1918 is much more diversified today, at the beginning of the 21st century; in relation to the Russian environment, it rather recalls the importance of the February Revolution of 1917, the overthrow of the Tsar, which could also lead to the overthrow of the Austro-Hungarian and German empires.
Bohemia - Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder, Dec 31, 2011
Opera Historica, Mar 30, 2010
Soudobé dějiny (Contemporary History), 2013
Historia Slavorum Occidentis, Dec 31, 2013
Books by Bohumil Jiroušek
The book aspires to question the discourse of the traditional interpretation of Czech and Slovak historiography in Modern Age (esp. the late 19th and fi rst half of the 20th century), prefering problem-based questions to biographical issues. The emphasis lies here on methodology, the use of nationalist political agenda behind a historiographical framework and the question of generational (dis)continuity, especially concerning the emergence of Marxism within the Czech and Slovak social sciences during the 30’s.
The individual chapters of this collective monograph focus mainly on the historical context and the reflection of the work of Václav Chaloupecký (1882–1951), a distinguished Czech historian, the pupil of Jaroslav Goll and Josef Pekař, professor of Czechoslovak history and also (in 1937/38) the rector of the Comenius University in Bratislava, who after the Munich treaty and again after 1945 continued his academic career at the Charles University in Prague.
Due to recently published monographs on Václav Chaloupecký and Karel Stloukal, two of the most important academic figures of the “1914 generation”, biographical and overview chapters are not part of this monograph. Via Chaloupecký’s web of social and professional connections, the authors rather focus on particular subject matters and problems open to interpretation. Chaloupecký’s role as the Bratislava-based promoter of the newly forged “picture of Czechoslovak history” serves here as a pars pro toto, a crossroad leading to a different contemporary field of questions.
The monograph attempts to address mainly the critical reception of Chaloupecký’s theses and works, usually and generally linked to the “Czechoslovakism” label and the issues of historiographical pratice and public actions of Chaloupecký’s Czech and Slovak professional companions including teachers, colleagues and pupils as well.
Papers by Bohumil Jiroušek
The book aspires to question the discourse of the traditional interpretation of Czech and Slovak historiography in Modern Age (esp. the late 19th and fi rst half of the 20th century), prefering problem-based questions to biographical issues. The emphasis lies here on methodology, the use of nationalist political agenda behind a historiographical framework and the question of generational (dis)continuity, especially concerning the emergence of Marxism within the Czech and Slovak social sciences during the 30’s.
The individual chapters of this collective monograph focus mainly on the historical context and the reflection of the work of Václav Chaloupecký (1882–1951), a distinguished Czech historian, the pupil of Jaroslav Goll and Josef Pekař, professor of Czechoslovak history and also (in 1937/38) the rector of the Comenius University in Bratislava, who after the Munich treaty and again after 1945 continued his academic career at the Charles University in Prague.
Due to recently published monographs on Václav Chaloupecký and Karel Stloukal, two of the most important academic figures of the “1914 generation”, biographical and overview chapters are not part of this monograph. Via Chaloupecký’s web of social and professional connections, the authors rather focus on particular subject matters and problems open to interpretation. Chaloupecký’s role as the Bratislava-based promoter of the newly forged “picture of Czechoslovak history” serves here as a pars pro toto, a crossroad leading to a different contemporary field of questions.
The monograph attempts to address mainly the critical reception of Chaloupecký’s theses and works, usually and generally linked to the “Czechoslovakism” label and the issues of historiographical pratice and public actions of Chaloupecký’s Czech and Slovak professional companions including teachers, colleagues and pupils as well.