Papers by Eduardo Silva Peña
Revista Oralidad-es, 2019
This paper deals with the way in which gossip, known in some places on the island of San Andrés a... more This paper deals with the way in which gossip, known in some places on the island of San Andrés as sheshand and understood as an act of speech with political potential that stages the narrative tensions that mark politics and culture in the Caribbean, is manifested by means of the action of the characters of two Caribbean matrons: the big mamma in the play Henrietta by Transatlantic Thea- ter and Lorenza Vallejo in Los Pañamanes by Fanny Buitrago. In a Caribbean feminine key, the two works establish and reveal a high historical content in their narratives by staging the context of two iconic moments in the history of the island of San Andrés: The declaration of emancipation in 1849 and the declaration of Free Port in 1953.
This paper presents a series of reflections on the Green Moon Festival held on the island of San ... more This paper presents a series of reflections on the Green Moon Festival held on the island of San Andres (Colombia), the musical traditions presented there and the identities that are constituted around the event. Based on a comparison of two texts that reference the Festival in its beginnings and a recent ethnography, the analysis centers around the transformations and reinterpretations that has marked the event, showing the Festival as an ambivalent place that oscillates between interests of state/commercial cooptation and identity claims.
This article explores how some women in the island of San Andres have participated in different p... more This article explores how some women in the island of San Andres have participated in different performance practices, which have in common the challenge to the colonial imposition of a history and linear time that exposes its own documentary authority. The performance is taken as a methodology that destabilizes the primacy of the archive in the analysis of historical processes and also allows reflection on processes of social, embodied, and participatory memory to address how various practices of the past are manifested in the present. We will study an ancient kind of fair known as concert. The analysis of the work of local artist Marilyn Biscaino Combak, combak, serves as an example to show the conditions un- der which social memory is manifested in a scenario of experiences and daily practices of women.
Conference Presentations by Eduardo Silva Peña
Este texto, presenta, a partir de las experiencias del autor en un trabajo de campo desarrollado ... more Este texto, presenta, a partir de las experiencias del autor en un trabajo de campo desarrollado entre 2006 y 2009 en el resguardo Wacoyo, con los indígenas sikuani del municipio de Puerto Gaitán, Meta, una (proble)matización de la dicotomía identitaria "blanco-sikuani" desde un proceso de folclorización de las danzas y cantos tradicionales sikuani mediadas por la presencia intermitente de personas ajenas a la comunidad, especialmente profesores e investigadores. Así, las danzas y los cantos forman parte de un movimiento identitario que tal y como “solicitan” los visitantes a la comunidad, se exotiza y mercantiliza. A partir de la categoría de performance, lente con el que se observa la cotidianidad en la que los sujetos hacen cultura y se apropian de ella, se postula el cuerpo como lugar material donde se inscribe la experiencia y como modo de ser-en-el mundo.
Thesis Chapters by Eduardo Silva Peña
La presente investigación busca, a través de herramientas de los estudios de performance, estudio... more La presente investigación busca, a través de herramientas de los estudios de performance, estudios de la memoria y feminismos poscoloniales, detectar y visibilizar la presencia de las mujeres en los archivos históricos y repertorios de memoria en la isla de San Andrés (Colombia). Así el primer capítulo revisa, a partir del incidente del incendio de la casa de gobierno, la configuración del proyecto estatal/patriarcal en la isla, sus modos de producción de memoria sobre cuerpos y territorios. En el segundo, se abordan los efectos de la pérdida del mar como producto del fallo del tribunal de La Haya en 2012 sobre las memorias y la configuración identitaria en la isla, y por último, el capítulo tres revisa el trabajo de la Fundación Teatral Trasatlántico y sus modos de representación de la ausencia desde la memoria corporal diaspórica.
Books by Eduardo Silva Peña
Memorias, historias y olvidos Colonialismo, sociedad y política en el archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia, 2019
Papers by Eduardo Silva Peña
Conference Presentations by Eduardo Silva Peña
Thesis Chapters by Eduardo Silva Peña
Books by Eduardo Silva Peña