Today I had the the fine opportunity of lecturing about the profession of archaeology at
Gymnasiet Lärkan in Helsinki to a group of very motivated senior students. What a wonderful experience :). I hope to see at least some of them attend my excavations during the incoming summer!
Despite of the recession there still seems to to be an interest in history among the students, many of which were very much aware of the recent developments in historical/medieval archaeology. Another field of interest today was about the ethics of the excavation of graves.
The bad reputation of the National Board of Antiquities in Finland seems to have been inherited quite well from previous generations. When asked, not one of the students had anything positive to say about this important National institution. When I asked about a negative impressions of "Museovirasto" several hands flung up. Personally I can´t but wonder how things have come to this, but maybe it´s just simply a case of resistance of authorities.
On the contrast to this the respect for the Universities and the education given there seem to be on a good maybe "traditionally too good" or high level.