Łukasz Wrona
I am historian, game designer and reenactor.
Address: Kraków, Malopolskie, Poland
Address: Kraków, Malopolskie, Poland
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Papers by Łukasz Wrona
analysis of modern board games
The article sets three goals. The first is to draw attention to the dynamic development
of the board games industry and the development of a new product, which are modern
board games. In order to be able to talk about the use of board games in historical education in the near future, a tool analyzing the “historicity” of a given title should be created.
That is why the second part presents a tool for analyzing the game and its way of conducting historical narrative. It consists of five steps, which, in turn, include considerations on
1) the title of the game, 2) the visual appearance of the game, 3) the plot of the game,
4) game mechanics, 5) theoretical thought. The proposed method will allow to indicate
the areas in which the game touches historical content, to note errors and inaccuracies, and
to assess the suitability and purposefulness of using a given game in school education. The
later concerns the last goal of the text, i.e. the indication of the potential possibilities of
using games about history and the requirements that are connected with this. These requirements have to be fulfilled primarily by the teacher. There is no doubt, however, that board
games are a valuable medium telling the story of the past, yet more importantly – a medium
appreciated by young people.
analysis of modern board games
The article sets three goals. The first is to draw attention to the dynamic development
of the board games industry and the development of a new product, which are modern
board games. In order to be able to talk about the use of board games in historical education in the near future, a tool analyzing the “historicity” of a given title should be created.
That is why the second part presents a tool for analyzing the game and its way of conducting historical narrative. It consists of five steps, which, in turn, include considerations on
1) the title of the game, 2) the visual appearance of the game, 3) the plot of the game,
4) game mechanics, 5) theoretical thought. The proposed method will allow to indicate
the areas in which the game touches historical content, to note errors and inaccuracies, and
to assess the suitability and purposefulness of using a given game in school education. The
later concerns the last goal of the text, i.e. the indication of the potential possibilities of
using games about history and the requirements that are connected with this. These requirements have to be fulfilled primarily by the teacher. There is no doubt, however, that board
games are a valuable medium telling the story of the past, yet more importantly – a medium
appreciated by young people.