Tesis by Eisamar Ochoa
Tesis de Maestría, 2021
Este trabajo busca analizar, a través del caso estudio de la cooperativa Escuela Popular de Agric... more Este trabajo busca analizar, a través del caso estudio de la cooperativa Escuela Popular de Agricultura Urbana, el impacto que tiene sobre la subjetividad de actores de origen urbano el involucramiento vivencial con la práctica de la agricultura, con el objetivo final de reconocer las posibilidades que plantea ésta práctica para la transformación social. A través de la técnica de sistematización de experiencias propuesta por Oscar Jara, sustentada en la metódica de investigación de Luis Antonio Bigott y fundamentada en el enfoque de la dialéctica trascendental de Franz Hinkelammert, se realizaron jornadas de reflexión crítica colectiva y entrevistas, que se acompañaron de un proceso permanente de observación crítica con registro en diario de campo, con el objetivo de cuestionar la manera como los sujetos que estamos involucrados en la experiencia entendemos el proceso organizativo y nos reconocemos dentro de él;visibilizar y comprender las contradicciones, posibilidades y limitaciones de una apuesta política como esta en la actualidad; y, a la vez, aterrizar el modelo ideal que orienta y moviliza la praxis de la organización, en las posibilidades reales de transformación. Al concluir la sistematización se pudo comprobar que el proceso de involucramiento con la agricultura ha tenido un impacto importante en la subjetividad de los actores involucrados con la experiencia, que ha transformado nuestras percepciones y proyecciones sobre la realidad, conllevando un proceso de desfetichización parcial de la conciencia
Trabajo Final presentado para optar al título de Antropólogo Tutor: Kay Tarble
Books by Eisamar Ochoa
Encuentros descoloniales: Memorias de la primera Escuela de Pensamiento Descolonial Nuestramericano
L a g r a n d i v e r g e n c i a y l a b r e c h a c o l o n i a l J o s é R o m e r o -L o s a ... more L a g r a n d i v e r g e n c i a y l a b r e c h a c o l o n i a l J o s é R o m e r o -L o s a c c o M a r x y l a t r a n s m o d e r n i d a d d e c o l o n i a l J u a n J o s é B a u t is t a S e g a le s D e s p l a z a m i e n t o e n l a m i r a d a : d e l o s m a r x i s m o s a l o s f e m i n i s m o s d e s c o l o n i a l e s K a r in a O c h o a M u ñ o z L a p e r s p e c t i v a d e l a e c o l o g í a p o l í t i c a y l a a g r i c u l t u r a l a t i n o a m e r i c a n a H é c t o r A li m o n d a L a h i s t o r i c i d a d d e l o s s i s t e m a s a g r í c o l a s l a t i n o a m e r i c a n o s ( h a s t a l a d é c a d a d e 1 9 8 0 ) H é c t o r A li m o n d a T e r r i t o r i o s , t i e r r a , t e r r i t o r i o s : f o r m a s d e p r o p i e d a d y u n i v e r s o s s i m b ó l i c o s e n l a a g r i c u l t u r a l a t i n o a m e r i c a n a H é c t o r A li m o n d a D e l a f a l l a m e t a b ó l i c a a l a r e c o n s t r u c c i ó n d e l a v i d a H é c t o r A li m o n d a S e m i n a r i o d e H é c t o r A l i m o n d a : " C o l o n i a l i d a d d e l a n a t u r a l e z a " X im e n a G o n z á le z B r o q u e n y E is a m a r O c h o a
El presente escrito fue elaborado como resultado de un trabajo de investigación realizado entre l... more El presente escrito fue elaborado como resultado de un trabajo de investigación realizado entre los años 2010 y 2012, junto con la Empresa Mixta Socialista Leguminosas del Alba, y enfocado en el estudio y reconocimiento de la historia, tradiciones y desarrollo del cultivo de leguminosas en Venezuela.
Semillas del Pueblo: Luchas y resistencias para el resguardo y reproducción de la vida
El «maravilloso país en movimiento» que proclamó el Chino Valera Mora tiene hoy su máxima expresi... more El «maravilloso país en movimiento» que proclamó el Chino Valera Mora tiene hoy su máxima expresión en la comuna: espacio geopolítico que se constituye por la voluntad de mujeres y hombres empeñados en la construcción de otra forma de vivir digna y en colectivo.
Papers by Eisamar Ochoa
Antropológica, Jul 23, 2015
El Rincón del Perro Enrollado es un yacimiento habitacional del período pre-hispánico tardío (100... more El Rincón del Perro Enrollado es un yacimiento habitacional del período pre-hispánico tardío (1000-1500 d.C.) ubicado al noroeste del estado Bolívar, en la zona interfluvial del Orinoco Medio, en donde se ha evidenciado la presencia de suelos modificados antrópicamente. Se analizaron las relaciones existentes entre los patrones de variabilidad físico-química del suelo y la distribución diferencial de los artefactos arqueológicos. Los resultados de este trabajo sugieren la posibilidad de que en el área interfluvial orinoquense se hayan establecido asentamientos permanentes en el pasado prehispánico, en donde la dependencia hacia el consumo de plantas cultivadas tuvo una importancia considerable y en donde la intensidad de las actividades cotidianas, que involucraban el procesamiento intensivo de alimentos de origen vegetal, lograron modificar significativamente las propiedades originales del suelo.
Este libro se realizó bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.... more Este libro se realizó bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), atribuíble a la Editorial La Estrella Roja y sus autores originales.
The Journal of Peasant Studies, 2018
ABSTRACT In late December 2015, amidst plummeting oil prices, highly politicized food shortages, ... more ABSTRACT In late December 2015, amidst plummeting oil prices, highly politicized food shortages, and an all-around tense political climate in Venezuela, an unexpected event took place in the country’s National Assembly just days before a major shift in its political leadership. A new seed law was passed, with provisions including bans on genetically modified seeds and the patenting of life forms, recognition of both formal and informal seed systems, and protections for the seeds of the country’s peasant, Indigenous, and Afro-descendant communities. The processes behind the Law’s passage were long, messy, dynamic and contentious, with unanticipated twists and turns, betrayals and alliances. This article shares an ‘intimate perspective’ into these processes, as described by those directly involved in them, and as seen through the combined analytical lenses of a historical, relational and interactive approach to food sovereignty construction. This includes an exploration of the shifting of roles across state-society lines; the interaction of threats and opportunities as catalysts for collective action; and incremental shifts in power as social movements engage strategically in different types of spaces, including inside, outside, through and between formal structures of the state. Such an approach complicates simplified narratives around state co-optation of movements on the one hand or idealized depictions of state-society synergy on the other, revealing the many shades of grey involved. The aim is to contribute new insights into the complexities of state-society relations in the construction of food sovereignty, and into bottom-up policy-making processes more generally.
Antropológica, 2015
El Rincón del Perro Enrollado es un yacimiento habitacional del período pre-hispánico tardío (100... more El Rincón del Perro Enrollado es un yacimiento habitacional del período pre-hispánico tardío (1000-1500 d.C.) ubicado al noroeste del estado Bolívar, en la zona interfluvial del Orinoco Medio, en donde se ha evidenciado la presencia de suelos modificados antrópicamente. Se analizaron las relaciones existentes entre los patrones de variabilidad físico-química del suelo y la distribución diferencial de los artefactos arqueológicos. Los resultados de este trabajo sugieren la posibilidad de que en el área interfluvial orinoquense se hayan establecido asentamientos permanentes en el pasado prehispánico, en donde la dependencia hacia el consumo de plantas cultivadas tuvo una importancia considerable, y en donde la intensidad de las actividades cotidianas, que involucraban el procesamiento intensivo de alimentos de origen vegetal, logró modificar significativamente las propiedades originales de los suelos.
SEMILLAS DEL PUEBLO. Luchas y resistencias para el resguardo y reproducción de la vida, 2016
El «maravilloso país en movimiento» que proclamó el Chino Valera Mora tiene hoy su máxima expresi... more El «maravilloso país en movimiento» que proclamó el Chino Valera Mora tiene hoy su máxima expresión en la comuna: espacio geopolítico que se constituye por la voluntad de mujeres y hombres empeñados en la construcción de otra forma de vivir digna y en colectivo.
In late December 2015, amidst plummeting oil prices, highly
politicized food shortages, and an al... more In late December 2015, amidst plummeting oil prices, highly
politicized food shortages, and an all-around tense political climate
in Venezuela, an unexpected event took place in the country’s
National Assembly just days before a major shift in its political
leadership. A new seed law was passed, with provisions including
bans on genetically modified seeds and the patenting of life forms,
recognition of both formal and informal seed systems, and
protections for the seeds of the country’s peasant, Indigenous, and
Afro-descendant communities. The processes behind the Law’s
passage were long, messy, dynamic and contentious, with
unanticipated twists and turns, betrayals and alliances. This article
shares an ‘intimate perspective’ into these processes, as described
by those directly involved in them, and as seen through the
combined analytical lenses of a historical, relational and interactive
approach to food sovereignty construction. This includes an
exploration of the shifting of roles across state-society lines; the
interaction of threats and opportunities as catalysts for collective
action; and incremental shifts in power as social movements engage
strategically in different types of spaces, including inside, outside,
through and between formal structures of the state. Such an
approach complicates simplified narratives around state co-optation
of movements on the one hand or idealized depictions of statesociety
synergy on the other, revealing the many shades of grey
involved. The aim is to contribute new insights into the complexities
of state-society relations in the construction of food sovereignty,
and into bottom-up policy-making processes more generally.
In late December 2015, amidst plummeting oil prices, highly politicized food shortages, and an al... more In late December 2015, amidst plummeting oil prices, highly politicized food shortages, and an all-around tense political climate in Venezuela, an unexpected event took place in the country’s National Assembly just days before a major shift in its political leadership. A new seed law was passed, with provisions including bans on genetically modified seeds and the patenting of life forms, recognition of both formal and informal seed systems, and protections for the seeds of the country’s peasant, Indigenous, and Afro-descendant communities. The processes behind the Law’s passage were long, messy, dynamic and contentious, with unanticipated twists and turns, betrayals and alliances. This article shares an ‘intimate perspective’ into these processes, as described by those directly involved in them, and as seen through the combined analytical lenses of a historical, relational and interactive approach to food sovereignty construction. This includes an exploration of the shifting of roles across state-society lines; the interaction of threats and opportunities as catalysts for collective action; and incremental shifts in power as social movements engage strategically in different types of spaces, including inside, outside, through and between formal structures of the state. Such an approach complicates simplified narratives around state co-optation of movements on the one hand or idealized depictions of state-society synergy on the other, revealing the many shades of grey involved. The aim is to contribute new insights into the complexities of state-society relations in the construction of food sovereignty, and into bottom-up policy-making processes more generally.
Conference Presentations by Eisamar Ochoa
Pensar desde el Sur: Venezuela desde las ciencias sociales y humanidades. Interpelaciones y horizontes. Tomo I
Tesis by Eisamar Ochoa
Books by Eisamar Ochoa
Papers by Eisamar Ochoa
politicized food shortages, and an all-around tense political climate
in Venezuela, an unexpected event took place in the country’s
National Assembly just days before a major shift in its political
leadership. A new seed law was passed, with provisions including
bans on genetically modified seeds and the patenting of life forms,
recognition of both formal and informal seed systems, and
protections for the seeds of the country’s peasant, Indigenous, and
Afro-descendant communities. The processes behind the Law’s
passage were long, messy, dynamic and contentious, with
unanticipated twists and turns, betrayals and alliances. This article
shares an ‘intimate perspective’ into these processes, as described
by those directly involved in them, and as seen through the
combined analytical lenses of a historical, relational and interactive
approach to food sovereignty construction. This includes an
exploration of the shifting of roles across state-society lines; the
interaction of threats and opportunities as catalysts for collective
action; and incremental shifts in power as social movements engage
strategically in different types of spaces, including inside, outside,
through and between formal structures of the state. Such an
approach complicates simplified narratives around state co-optation
of movements on the one hand or idealized depictions of statesociety
synergy on the other, revealing the many shades of grey
involved. The aim is to contribute new insights into the complexities
of state-society relations in the construction of food sovereignty,
and into bottom-up policy-making processes more generally.
Conference Presentations by Eisamar Ochoa
politicized food shortages, and an all-around tense political climate
in Venezuela, an unexpected event took place in the country’s
National Assembly just days before a major shift in its political
leadership. A new seed law was passed, with provisions including
bans on genetically modified seeds and the patenting of life forms,
recognition of both formal and informal seed systems, and
protections for the seeds of the country’s peasant, Indigenous, and
Afro-descendant communities. The processes behind the Law’s
passage were long, messy, dynamic and contentious, with
unanticipated twists and turns, betrayals and alliances. This article
shares an ‘intimate perspective’ into these processes, as described
by those directly involved in them, and as seen through the
combined analytical lenses of a historical, relational and interactive
approach to food sovereignty construction. This includes an
exploration of the shifting of roles across state-society lines; the
interaction of threats and opportunities as catalysts for collective
action; and incremental shifts in power as social movements engage
strategically in different types of spaces, including inside, outside,
through and between formal structures of the state. Such an
approach complicates simplified narratives around state co-optation
of movements on the one hand or idealized depictions of statesociety
synergy on the other, revealing the many shades of grey
involved. The aim is to contribute new insights into the complexities
of state-society relations in the construction of food sovereignty,
and into bottom-up policy-making processes more generally.