Books by Elena Kostyleva

Contact, Circulation, Exchange Proceedings of the Modified Bone & Shell UISPP Commission Conference (2-3 March 2017, University of Trnava) , 2023
The Sakhtysh archaeological complex is situated in the Upper Volga area and is one of the main lo... more The Sakhtysh archaeological complex is situated in the Upper Volga area and is one of the main locations of hunter-fisher-gatherer archaeology in the forested parts of central European Russia with eleven stratified multiperiod settlements and campsites spatially overlapping with cemeteries and adjoining so-called ritual activity areas. The chronological framework of the complex covers a period between the Early Mesolithic (the 9th millennium BC) and the Early Iron Age (circa 600 BC-500 AD), but the most intensive occupation takes place during the Lyalovo and Volosovo culture phases from the 5th to the early 3rd millennium BC. This article gives an overview of non-local materials recovered at the Sakhtysh sites and presents their find contexts. The majority of artefacts, considered to be imported or "exotic", come from burials or "ritual activity areas". Exotic items include ornaments and tools made of different raw materials, amber, various stones (serpentine, rock crystal, metatuff) and an animal species not native to the region (marmot). The geographic origin of these materials takes different directions within a radius of nearly 1,000 km from Sakhtysh: the Baltic Sea coast (amber), the shores of Lake Onega (metatuff), the Ural Mountains (rock crystal, serpentine) and the forest-steppe and steppe areas of western Eurasia (marmot). Most of the artefacts are readymade objects and can be classified as ornaments (pendants, beads, rings, buttons). They have been interpreted as decorations, most likely attached to the clothing or used as personal ornaments. In the domestic contexts, only the Russian-Karelian tools made of metatuff are commonly encountered. In the burial contexts, the distribution of non-local materials shows certain patterns indicating either temporal differences in the use of different parts of the sites, the specific status of the deceased and the social group that performed the burial, or specific events during which these imported goods may have played a particular role. The circulation of diverse materials in the forest zone illustrates the rising complexity and intensification of contacts between the hunter-fisher-gatherer communities of the 4th millennium BC. Extensive exchange and communication networks exploiting the natural waterways made it possible for certain materials and artefacts, some even produced in specialized workshops, to be transmitted over great distances between the Baltic Sea and the Urals. In this context, the Sakhtysh complex can be regarded as a border point in the distribution of various exotic materials: east from Sakhtysh, amber finds are rare, and west, marmot incisors and serpentine are uncommon.
In the catalog presented works of art of the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Eneolithic from the collec... more In the catalog presented works of art of the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Eneolithic from the collections of the archaeological Museum of Ivanovo state University (Central Russia)

On the territory of the Upper Volga region and in the Volga-Oka interfluve archaeologists excavat... more On the territory of the Upper Volga region and in the Volga-Oka interfluve archaeologists excavated 150 Neolithic and Aeneolithic sites in the XX century. Huge amount of artifacts and animal-made things was cleared in their cultural layers, remains of tens of dwelling and utility buildings were discovered. In thirty five locations 294 burials of ancient people were found (fig. 1). Detailed information in literature and archives is found only about 281 burials. They were examined by many archaeologists, though more than half of the interments (54,8%) was excavated by the Upper Volga expedition of the Institute of the Archaeology of the Academy of Science of the USSR (Russian Academy of Science) under the leadership of D.A. Krainov.
At present there is not a publication, which inventories the outcome of their researches. This book is devoted to that very subject. Results of the researches of the buried on the Sakhtysh sites are the basis for the identification of the cultural belonging and the chronology of the burials. There are several reasons for that. Firstly, those burial grounds by the amount of the interments were the most numerous. Secondly, they were thoroughly examined. Thirdly, graves of different times on two sites (Sakhtysh II and IIA) possessed a clear stratigraphy. Fourthly, the bones of solely Sakhtysh deceaseds were dated with the radiocarbon method.
Papers by Elena Kostyleva
Сборник содержит материалы международной конференции, приуроченной к 120-летию М.Е. Фосс, 110-лет... more Сборник содержит материалы международной конференции, приуроченной к 120-летию М.Е. Фосс, 110-летию Н.Н. Гуриной и 80-летию А.Т. Синюка. Представленные работы затрагивают вопросы изучения позднекаменного века и эпохи раннего металла. Анализируются критерии выделения археологических культур неолита, сходства и различия волго-окской, верхневолжской, дубово-отарской, среднедонской, средневолжской и других культур. Рассматриваются возможности определения культурных областей, горизонтов и типов. Выделяются принципы обоснования перехода от неолита к бронзовому веку на территории лесной и лесостепной зон Восточной Европы. Определяется роль керамики в реконструкции культурных процессов в неолите-энеолите. Издание предназначено для археологов и представителей смежных дисциплин.

Samarskij naučnyj vestnik, Mar 1, 2022
Аннотация. В статье представлен анализ локализации костяных подвесок в виде объёмных головок птиц... more Аннотация. В статье представлен анализ локализации костяных подвесок в виде объёмных головок птиц с поселений Сахтыш I, II и IIа, расположенных вблизи озера Сахтыш, ныне полностью уничтоженного разработками торфа (центральная часть Европейской России, Ивановская область). Всего выявлено 14 экземпляров: по шесть штук на Сахтыше I и II, две-на Сахтыше IIа. Они относятся к волосовской культуре и представлены изображениями утки, гуся, лебедя, ворона, глухаря, орлана, крохаля, пеликана. Все скульптуры очень индивидуальны, среди них нет канонических, повторяющихся по внешнему виду. Контекст их нахождения различен: в захоронении (Сахтыш 1), в «кладах» и на ритуальной площадке могильника (Сахтыш II), в «святилище» на территории могильника (Сахтыш IIа), недалеко от «святилища» (Сахтыш II), недалеко от захоронений (Сахтыш I и Сахтыш IIа), в жилищах и рядом с ними (Сахтыш I). Большинство из них, так или иначе, связано с погребениями и погребальными ритуалами. Наиболее ярко связь фигурок с погребальными практиками прослежена на территории волосовского могильника Сахтыш II. Ключевые слова: энеолит; волосовская культура; фигурки птиц из кости/рога; погребальные ритуалы; центр Европейской России.
Samarskij naučnyj vestnik, Nov 30, 2018
27. Тупахина О.С., Тупахин Д.С. Реконструкция социально-экономических отношений в энеолите Западн... more 27. Тупахина О.С., Тупахин Д.С. Реконструкция социально-экономических отношений в энеолите Западносибирского Заполярья по результатам междисциплинарных исследований поселения Горный Самотнел-1 // Труды V (XXI) Всероссийского археологического съезда в Барнауле-Белокурихе: сборник научных статей: в 3 т. / отв. ред. А.П. Деревянко, А.А. Тишкин. Барнаул: Изд-во Алт. ун-та, 2017. Т. III. С. 85-89.
Science advances, Feb 23, 2024

Nature, Jan 9, 2024
Western Eurasia witnessed several large-scale human migrations during the Holocene 1-5. Here, to ... more Western Eurasia witnessed several large-scale human migrations during the Holocene 1-5. Here, to investigate the cross-continental effects of these migrations, we shotgun-sequenced 317 genomes-mainly from the Mesolithic and Neolithic periodsfrom across northern and western Eurasia. These were imputed alongside published data to obtain diploid genotypes from more than 1,600 ancient humans. Our analyses revealed a 'great divide' genomic boundary extending from the Black Sea to the Baltic. Mesolithic hunter-gatherers were highly genetically differentiated east and west of this zone, and the effect of the neolithization was equally disparate. Large-scale ancestry shifts occurred in the west as farming was introduced, including near-total replacement of hunter-gatherers in many areas, whereas no substantial ancestry shifts happened east of the zone during the same period. Similarly, relatedness decreased in the west from the Neolithic transition onwards, whereas, east of the Urals, relatedness remained high until around 4,000 bp, consistent with the persistence of localized groups of hunter-gatherers. The boundary dissolved when Yamnaya-related ancestry spread across western Eurasia around 5,000 bp, resulting in a second major turnover that reached most parts of Europe within a 1,000-year span. The genetic origin and fate of the Yamnaya have remained elusive, but we show that hunter-gatherers from the Middle Don region contributed ancestry to them. Yamnaya groups later admixed with individuals associated with the Globular Amphora culture before expanding into Europe. Similar turnovers occurred in western Siberia, where we report new genomic data from a 'Neolithic steppe' cline spanning the Siberian forest steppe to Lake Baikal. These prehistoric migrations had profound and lasting effects on the genetic diversity of Eurasian populations.

We present the first robust radiocarbon (14C) chronology for prehistoric burial activity at Sakht... more We present the first robust radiocarbon (14C) chronology for prehistoric burial activity at Sakhtysh, in European Russia, where nearly 180 inhumations attributed to Lyalovo and Volosovo pottery‐using hunter‐gatherer‐fishers represent the largest known mortuary populations of these groups. Past attempts at14C dating were restricted by poor preservation and limited understanding of diet and dietary14C reservoir effects (DREs). We obtained 32 new AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry)14C dates on human petrous bones. Dietary stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) for all AMS‐dated human samples allow us to propose a novel DRE correction model, using differences in14C, δ13C and δ15N from bones and teeth of the same individuals to predict DREs of up to c.90014C years. Our chronological model for 40 individuals dates Lyalovo burials to the early 5thmillennium cal BC, and Volosovo burials to the mid‐4thto early 3rdmillennium. It reveals a previously unrecognised shift in the Volosovo subsistence econom...

Samara Journal of Science, 2018
Sakhtysh II burial ground (Central Russia) belongs to the final stage of the Eneolithic Volosovo ... more Sakhtysh II burial ground (Central Russia) belongs to the final stage of the Eneolithic Volosovo culture evolution. The Upper-Volga expedition IA RAS conducted the research there during 1960-1980. About twenty ritual hoards were discovered at Sakhtysh II consisting of artifacts clusters with traces of fire exposure. Among them there is a variety of fishing tools: serrated edges, harpoons, fishing hooks. We believe that the coracoid artefacts made of bone, the purpose of which is still debated, are also harpoons. The variety of the fishing tools forms allow us to speak about the specialization in fishing. Time of use of these hoards is based on coal samples from the ritual hearths which have been determined by radiocarbon dates: 3820 40, 3900 40, 4190 50 BP (Le-2617, 2613, 2615). However, dating of animal bones (bear and badger) from two hoards (№ 9 and 11) in 2017 at the Belfast laboratory provided new AMS dates: 4730 41 and 4445 37. The significant difference between new and previo...

The Upper Volga culture (UVC) in the Volga and Oka basin is one of the earliest pottery cultures ... more The Upper Volga culture (UVC) in the Volga and Oka basin is one of the earliest pottery cultures in Eastern Europe. The Sakhtysh IIa site is attributed to the core area of the UVC, with pottery encompassing all stages of this culture. A detailed analysis of artefact deposition in different layers allows the creation of chronological models of early pottery development in this region. A series of new radiocarbon dates of food crust on pottery sherds which typologically belong to different stages of UVC at Sakhtysh IIa, as well as an overview of the oldest pottery are presented in this article. IZVLE∞EK – Kultura zgornje Volge (UVC) ob rekah Volga in Oka je ena najstarej∏ih kultur z lon≠enino v vzhodni Evropi. Najdi∏≠e Sakhtysh IIa se nahaja v osrednjem obmo≠ju njene razprostranjenosti in vsebuje kerami≠ne najdbe iz vseh stopenj kulture UVC. Z natan≠no analizo pozicije najdb v razli≠nih plasteh smo izdelali kronolo∏ki model za razvoj najstarej∏e lon≠enine v regiji. V ≠lanku predstavlj...
Evolution of Neolithic cultures of Eastern Europe
Сборник содержит материалы международной конференции, приуроченной к 120-летию М.Е. Фосс, 110-лет... more Сборник содержит материалы международной конференции, приуроченной к 120-летию М.Е. Фосс, 110-летию Н.Н. Гуриной и 80-летию А.Т. Синюка. Представленные работы затрагивают вопросы изучения позднекаменного века и эпохи раннего металла. Анализируются критерии выделения археологических культур неолита, сходства и различия волго-окской, верхневолжской, дубово-отарской, среднедонской, средневолжской и других культур. Рассматриваются возможности определения культурных областей, горизонтов и типов. Выделяются принципы обоснования перехода от неолита к бронзовому веку на территории лесной и лесостепной зон Восточной Европы. Определяется роль керамики в реконструкции культурных процессов в неолите-энеолите. Издание предназначено для археологов и представителей смежных дисциплин.

Организация конференции и издание материалов осуществлены при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект №... more Организация конференции и издание материалов осуществлены при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, проект № 18-09-20015 г УДК 902/904 ББК 63.4 С 833 Стратегии жизнеобеспечения в каменном веке, прямые и косвенные свидетельства рыболовства и собирательства. Материалы международной конференции, посвященной 50-летию В.М. Лозовского. Под редакцией О.В. Лозовской, А.А. Выборнова и Е.В. Долбуновой.-СПб.: ИИМК РАН, 2018.-266 с. Сборник содержит материалы международной конференции, приуроченной к 50-летию яркого исследователя позднего каменного века Восточной Европы В.М. Лозовского. Представленные работы объединены проблематикой изучения взаимодействия человека и окружающей среды и разным моделям адаптации в рамках первобытного хозяйства. Основное внимание уделяется роли рыбной ловли и собирательства съедобных растений, важнейших видов деятельности, однако недостаточно освещенных в археологических источниках. Материалы поздних поселений с благоприятными условиями сохранности органических материалов, а также косвенные свидетельства производства и использования рыболовных инструментов и орудий собирательства, горелые макроостатки семян и растений, данные химического состава содержимого посуды и изотопные характеристики человеческих костей, должны помочь реально оценить роль этих видов пищевых ресурсов в диете первобытного человека. Издание предназначено для археологов, палеогеографов, палеоботаников и представителей смежных дисциплин.
Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2018
Аннотация. Могильник Сахтыш-IIа (Центральная Россия) исследовался в 1980-1990-е годы Верхневолжск... more Аннотация. Могильник Сахтыш-IIа (Центральная Россия) исследовался в 1980-1990-е годы Верхневолжской экспедицией ИА РАН. На его территории было обнаружено 72 захоронения неолита-энеолита, относящихся к льяловской и волосовской культурам IV-III тыс. до н.э. В составе погребального инвентаря обнаруживаются хорошо выраженные культурные различия. В могилах льяловской культуры присутствовали малочисленные костяные орудия. В захоронениях волосовской культуры найдены разнообразные украшения из зубов и костей животных. Преобладали подвески из зубов медведя, культ которого широко представлен в волосовской культуре.
Ivanovo state university bulletin. Series "The Humanities"

Тверской археологический сборник. Вып. 12. Тверь, 2021
E.L. Kostyleva, A.V. Utkin
OF TH... more E.L. Kostyleva, A.V. Utkin
In 1990, a kind of "sanctuary" was investigated on the territory of the Volosovo culture's burial ground Sakhtysh IIa
Late Neolithic/Eneolithic) in the Ivanovo region. A life-size ritual mask carved from elk antler was hidden in the
enter of the burial ground. The mask was used for practices related to the ancestor worship. It is believed that the
mask was damaged during production and possibly never used in rituals. The peculiarity of design of the mask is
imilar to the design of the face of the "ancestor" ritual figurine from the site Tamula I in Estonia, East Baltic re
ion. This fact is considered as another one connection of the East Baltic region and the Centre of the Russian Plain
n the Late Neolithic/Eneolithic.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2019
This article examines Volosovo period chronology at the hunter-gatherer settlement and burial sit... more This article examines Volosovo period chronology at the hunter-gatherer settlement and burial sites Sakhtysh II and IIa (Upper-Volga area, Russia) by presenting 15 new AMS and stable bulk isotope (EA-IRMS; δ13C, δ15N, %C, %N, C:N ratio) measurements of animal bones and teeth from ritual contexts, as well as the first published AMS-dated charred organic residues on Volosovo pottery. The results confirm some recently presented views about chronology and further contradict the use sequence previously proposed for the sites. The discrepancies may be partially related to freshwater reservoir effect (FRE), but mostly to the problems in the quality and context of the conventional datings. The results are also briefly discussed in the background of general Volosovo chronology.
Books by Elena Kostyleva
At present there is not a publication, which inventories the outcome of their researches. This book is devoted to that very subject. Results of the researches of the buried on the Sakhtysh sites are the basis for the identification of the cultural belonging and the chronology of the burials. There are several reasons for that. Firstly, those burial grounds by the amount of the interments were the most numerous. Secondly, they were thoroughly examined. Thirdly, graves of different times on two sites (Sakhtysh II and IIA) possessed a clear stratigraphy. Fourthly, the bones of solely Sakhtysh deceaseds were dated with the radiocarbon method.
Papers by Elena Kostyleva
In 1990, a kind of "sanctuary" was investigated on the territory of the Volosovo culture's burial ground Sakhtysh IIa
Late Neolithic/Eneolithic) in the Ivanovo region. A life-size ritual mask carved from elk antler was hidden in the
enter of the burial ground. The mask was used for practices related to the ancestor worship. It is believed that the
mask was damaged during production and possibly never used in rituals. The peculiarity of design of the mask is
imilar to the design of the face of the "ancestor" ritual figurine from the site Tamula I in Estonia, East Baltic re
ion. This fact is considered as another one connection of the East Baltic region and the Centre of the Russian Plain
n the Late Neolithic/Eneolithic.
At present there is not a publication, which inventories the outcome of their researches. This book is devoted to that very subject. Results of the researches of the buried on the Sakhtysh sites are the basis for the identification of the cultural belonging and the chronology of the burials. There are several reasons for that. Firstly, those burial grounds by the amount of the interments were the most numerous. Secondly, they were thoroughly examined. Thirdly, graves of different times on two sites (Sakhtysh II and IIA) possessed a clear stratigraphy. Fourthly, the bones of solely Sakhtysh deceaseds were dated with the radiocarbon method.
In 1990, a kind of "sanctuary" was investigated on the territory of the Volosovo culture's burial ground Sakhtysh IIa
Late Neolithic/Eneolithic) in the Ivanovo region. A life-size ritual mask carved from elk antler was hidden in the
enter of the burial ground. The mask was used for practices related to the ancestor worship. It is believed that the
mask was damaged during production and possibly never used in rituals. The peculiarity of design of the mask is
imilar to the design of the face of the "ancestor" ritual figurine from the site Tamula I in Estonia, East Baltic re
ion. This fact is considered as another one connection of the East Baltic region and the Centre of the Russian Plain
n the Late Neolithic/Eneolithic.