Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Life is A Circus - ELLE Decoration Inside Design Amsterdam 27-29 September #IDA13

Trapeze artists in circus, lithograph by Calvert Litho. Co., 1890 
At least my life feels like a circus. Tatatataaaaa..... swinging on the trapeze, letting go and trusting to be caught. Juggling to keep all the balls in the air. And of course all acts to be performed with the perfect amount of strength, grace, and flexibility :).
I truly believe that being an artist-designer doesn't differ that much from a circus performer. The discipline, the perseverance and yes the BALLS to actually do it! The past months have not been easy. Letting go, exploring new boundries and crossing them. It is called GROWTH with plenty of growing pains. But the beauty of it all is that I am not floating in mid air alone. I have wonderful friends and family around me that love me and catch me and talented creative people to work with!
One of them is the incredible imaginative Lily Higgins, student of the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. When I decided to participate with my flagship store at the ELLE DECORATION Inside Design Amsterdam #IDA13 I wanted to do something special. I have always loved the circus and decided to turn my store windows into an old fashioned circus to showcase my latest collection of pillows, trays and lampshades. It only took one meeting with Lily and she new immediately what I envisaged. So.... I herewith proudly present THE AMZING LILY HIGGINS! Her whimsical life size drawings do our canal bank store windows pride.
Rabbit by Lily Higgins sitting on Mariska Meijers'
 'Bold Cubism' Pillows

Detail of store windom designed by Lily Higgins

We proudly present our Store Windows designed by Lily Higgins!


Monday, September 16, 2013

This one is for you Mum!

My mum and I....

it is your 74th Birthday!
and you love it when I write, especially on my blog


you have taught me to be strong and independent (not sure whether that stubborn part was intentional too ::)

you let me grow up in a loving warm nest..

you gave me two wonderful sisters....

you make me laugh and cry, think and wonder...

you taught me that there is no mountain that can't be conquered

you support my crazy dreams, even though it must drive you bonkers sometimes....

There are so many becauses Mum and these are just a few. There is no beginning nor is there an end to what I would like to say to you. Just looking forward to our next cuddle HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM LOVE YOU!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

(oh and Dad please don't feel left out you are as much in to this ride as Mum xoxoxoxox)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Parisian Encounters - Maison&Objet

Detail of the Mariska Meijers booth at MaisonObjet
In one word OVERWHELMING! That was my week in Paris. With a small apartment in the Marais as our home base my team and I worked round the clock. But working in Paris is no punishment :).
The MaisonObjet has been really good for us. Building a brand is not easy but this show brings  opportunities, we learn valuable lessons, build relationships, get inspired by other creators and enthusiastic clients. Enjoy the snapshots!
another detail with Jungle Fever and Coco Ikat pillows
trays and wallpaper in the background
View from the apartment in The Marais
Loved my own wallpaper design on
such impressive scale in the booth
of Eichholz!
Oh yes and I managed to run Sunday morning! Sooo beautiful and quiet..

With the lovely Tori Mellott editor of Traditional Home
We were picked by Nelly Rodi trend agency and featured
with some great brands like Versace-Rosenthal
 and Seletti
Some USA made in our booth. Beautifully handcrafted
wall sconces by dunes and duchess
My absolute favorite from a colleague designer. Rhinoceros by Imo
and yes :) Jonathan Adler popped by to say hi and view the
new collection!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Paris is Always a Good Idea - Maison & Objet Fall 2013

I am still that girl..... chasing my dreams......

The weeks leading up to Maison&Objet are always challenging but HOW do I look forward to board that train to Paris on Thursday! As Audrey Hepburn once said: "Paris is always a good idea". Paris, Maison&Objet,  is bringing good things for me and my team. For a couple of years we have been investing, building, enjoying, suffering (with a smile), thrown back, stepping up, side tracking......., stepping up again, and again and again....we are getting there slowly but steadily and with pride we will be presenting the new collection "Bold Cubsim". Based on my hand painted designs a beautiful range of pillows, trays and lampshades have been developped together with European craftsmen (and girls!), from Holland and Sweden (and we show a bit of US made don't we DunesandDuchess ;)) .
Thank you team, clients, fans, followers, friends and family! Believing in myself is one thing but YOUR support is indispensable! xox

PS I will be reporting fom Paris so stay tuned!


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