Papers by Janice Grskovic
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Apr 1, 2011
Candidates preparing to become special education teachers are asked reflect on their field experi... more Candidates preparing to become special education teachers are asked reflect on their field experiences in journals. Eight participants were randomly selected from special education methods classes. Their 10 weeks of field experience reflections were qualitatively analyzed for the disposition to teach in special education. Construct codes emerged: Ethical Behavior, Empathy, Classroom Behavior Management, Reflective Analysis, and Collaboration. Comparisons were made between the reflections of traditional undergraduate students and candidates in a graduate alternative route to certification. Results suggest that field reflections can be used to assess the development of the disposition to teach in special education.
International Journal of Special Education, 2010
Journal For the Education of the Gifted, Dec 31, 2000
Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 2001
Secondary content teachers are more likely than ever before to be asked to provide instruction fo... more Secondary content teachers are more likely than ever before to be asked to provide instruction for students with disabilities in their classrooms. Despite years of recommendations for curricular reform, general education teachers continue to report feeling ill-prepared to teach students with disabilities. The purpose of this study was to identify the knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential for preparing secondary content teachers to effectively teach students with mild disabilities. A national sample of experienced special education teachers working in secondary schools rated a modified version of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Special Education Teacher Preparation Standards on their importance in general education teacher preparation. Thirty one “Essential” standards were identified and are recommended for inclusion in secondary teacher curricula.
International Journal of Special …, 2010
Janice A. Grskovic. Indiana University Northwest. Sydney S. Zentall. Purdue University. ... 33. W... more Janice A. Grskovic. Indiana University Northwest. Sydney S. Zentall. Purdue University. ... 33. Worries about fairness, -.04, .61, .08, .15, -.13. 40. Moody -- frequent ups and downs, .16, .53, -.11, .20, .01. 11. Loud with friends or family, .31, .43, .03, -.33, -.01. ...
Exceptional Children, 2001
Candidates preparing to become special education teachers are asked reflect on their field experi... more Candidates preparing to become special education teachers are asked reflect on their field experiences in journals. Eight participants were randomly selected from special education methods classes. Their 10 weeks of field experience reflections were qualitatively ...
Research studies that evaluated working memory with students with autism and other disorders were... more Research studies that evaluated working memory with students with autism and other disorders were reviewed and summarized. Results suggest that persons with autism score lower on measures of working memory than do typical controls especially on tasks that require cognitive flexibility, planning, greater working memory load, and spatial working memory, and with increasing task complexity and in dual task conditions. Lower scores in verbal working memory were associated with greater problems in adaptive behavior and more restrictive and repetitive behavior. Children with autism were as likely as typical children to employ articulatory rehearsal (verbal WM). The format of WM tasks may determine whether or not performance is impaired. Implications for educational practice and future research are discussed.
Filial therapy has been shown to be an effective intervention for improving child behavior proble... more Filial therapy has been shown to be an effective intervention for improving child behavior problems and parent—child interactions. This study extends the literature by assessing the effects of peer-facilitated filial therapy on the behavior of both younger and older students with disabilities. We assessed the effects of training and feedback on the therapeutic behaviors of older students who served as play tutors and assessed the effect of play tutor behavior on young tutee behavior as rated by parents and teachers. Results showed that play tutors increased their facilitative play behavior over time and benefited from feedback. Control students did not show similar gains. Teachers, but not parents, recorded a significant decrease in total problematic behavior and in particular decreases in internalizing behavior (i.e., withdrawal, somatic complaints, depression, and anxiety) for the younger students.Kindertherapie hat sich als effektives Verfahren erwiesen, Verhaltensprobleme von Kindern und die Interaktionen zwischen Eltern und Kind zu verbessern. Diese Studie erweitert die vorhandene Literatur, indem sie die Wirkung von peer-facilitated filial therapy (Kindertherapie, die von Peers gefördert wird) auf das Verhalten von jĂĽngeren und älteren SchĂĽlern und SchĂĽlerinnen mit Behinderungen auswertet. Wir maĂźen die Wirkung von Trainings und Feedbacks auf das therapeutische Verhalten älterer SchĂĽler, die als Spiel-Tutoren im Einsatz waren, und erhoben die Wirkung des Verhaltens der Spiel-Tutoren auf das Verhalten der betreuten Kinder, wie es von Eltern und Lehrern eingeschätzt wurde. Die Resultate zeigten, dass Spiel-Tutoren ihr förderliches Spielverhalten im Lauf der Zeit verbesserten und von Feedback profitierten. SchĂĽler einer Kontrollgruppe zeigten keine vergleichbaren Fortschritte. Lehrer, nicht aber Eltern, stellten gesamthaft eine signifikante Abnahme von problematischem Verhalten fest, insbesondere Verringerung von internalisierendem Verhalten bei den jĂĽngeren SchĂĽlern (z.B. RĂĽckzug, somatische Beschwerden, Depression und Angst).La terapia filial ha demostrado ser una intervenciĂłn efectiva para mejorar los problemas de comportamiento infantil y las interacciones entre padres e hijos. Este estudio amplĂa la literatura al evaluar los efectos de la terapia filial facilitada por pares en el comportamiento de estudiantes con discapacidades, tanto jĂłvenes como mayores. Se evaluaron los efectos que tienen la formaciĂłn y el feedback en los comportamientos terapĂ©uticos de estudiantes de más edad que actuaron como tutores de juego y asĂ como se tuvo en cuenta la evaluaciĂłn de padres y maestros del efecto del comportamiento del tutor de juego en el comportamiento de los jĂłvenes. Los resultados mostraron que los tutores de juego con el tiempo aumentaron su comportamiento de juego facilitador y sacaron provecho del feedback. Los estudiantes de control no mostraron beneficios similares. Los profesores, pero no los padres, registran una disminuciĂłn significativa en el comportamiento problemático en general, y en particulares disminuciones en el comportamiento internalizado (es decir, retraimiento, quejas somáticas, depresiĂłn y ansiedad) de los estudiantes más jĂłvenes.On a dĂ©montrĂ© que la “thĂ©rapie filiale” est une pratique efficace pour amĂ©liorer les problèmes de comportement et les interactions parent-enfant. Tout en Ă©largissant la littĂ©rature de recherche, cette Ă©tude Ă©value les effets de la thĂ©rapie filiale faite par des pairs, par et pour des Ă©lèves souffrant d'un handicap Ă l'apprentissage. Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© d'une part les effets de la formation Ă la thĂ©rapie filiale et du feedback sur les comportements thĂ©rapeutiques des Ă©lèves plus âgĂ©s dans leur rĂ´le de “tuteurs par le jeu” et d'autre part l'effet du comportement des “tuteurs par le jeu” sur le comportement des jeunes selon l'Ă©valuation des parents et des enseignants. Au fur et Ă mesure, les rĂ©sultats ont dĂ©montrĂ© une augmentation du comportement de jeu facilitant chez les “tuteurs par le jeu” et que ceux-ci ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© du feed-back offert. Les Ă©lèves dans le groupe de contrĂ´le n'ont pas manifestĂ© de tels bĂ©nĂ©fices. Les enseignants, non les parents, ont notĂ© une diminution significative des comportements difficiles dans leur globalitĂ© et, plus spĂ©cifiquement, une diminution des comportements internalisĂ©s (par ex. retrait, symptĂ´mes somatiques, dĂ©pression et anxiĂ©tĂ©) chez les jeunes Ă©lèves.A terapia filial tem-se revelado uma intervenção eficaz na melhoria de crianças com problemas do comportamento, bem como das interacções pais-filhos. Este estudo contribui para a literatura ao avaliar os efeitos da terapia filial facilitada pelos pares no comportamento de estudantes, de diferentes grupos etários, com incapacidades. Avaliámos o efeito da prática e da retroacção nos comportamentos terapĂŞuticos de estudantes mais velhos que assumiam o papel de ludo-tutores, bem como o efeito do comportamento do ludo-tutor no seu jovem tutorando, tendo este sido cotado por pais e professores. Os resultados demonstram que o comportamento facilitador dos ludo-tutores aumenta com o tempo e beneficia do efeito de retroacção. Os estudantes no grupo de controlo nĂŁo manifestam ganhos semelhantes. Os professores, mas nĂŁo os pais, registam um decrĂ©scimo significativo nos problemas de comportamento de forma global e em particular em comportamentos de interiorização (i.e., retirada, queixas somáticas, depressĂŁo e ansiedade) dos estudantes mais jovens.
Education and Treatment of Children, 2009
This study evaluated the effects of color highlighting during a math computation task on performa... more This study evaluated the effects of color highlighting during a math computation task on performance accuracy and behavior of students with attention problems. Using a multiple baseline across participants design, three students solved math computation problems on worksheets with and without highlighting. Off-task behavior recorded from videotape and number of problems correct were measured. Results suggest highlighting increased math computation accuracy and reduced off-task behavior for students with attention problems. S tudents with attention problems appear distractible because they selectively attend to aspects of the environment that are salient or novel, such as things that change, move, or are loud or colorful . Any strong environmental stimulus can capture their attention as they are more likely than students without attention problems to attend to the salient features of a task. This attentional bias to salience results in problems with sustained and selective attention. Selective attention is the ability to focus on a specific aspect or characteristic of a task while ignoring all other, possibly more salient, aspects . Selective attention is required when listening to instructions, identifying letters, or when selecting operations in math problems, for example.
Assessment for Effective Intervention, 2000
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 1996
The effects of color on the reading recognition and comprehension of 3 students with learning dis... more The effects of color on the reading recognition and comprehension of 3 students with learning disabilities and attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder were assessed in a single-subject design. Color did not enhance sight-word learning; for longer reading comprehension tasks, color had an immediate effect across and within sessions. mproved academic attention has been documented for students with
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 2010
Two exploratory studies assessed the effects of an intervention on the math problem solving of st... more Two exploratory studies assessed the effects of an intervention on the math problem solving of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In the first study, students were assessed on a visual task in a high stimulation classroom analog setting with and without the use of a fine motor activity. Results showed that the fine motor activity was associated with more math problems correct. In the second study, students were presented with a visual task with and without auditory distraction. Results showed that the auditory distraction impeded performance but that the fine motor activity mitigated the effects of the distraction. Although the results of these studies are modest, they suggest that fine motor activity may affect the performances of students with ADHD and future research is needed.
Journal of Behavioral Education, 2007
This study evaluated the effectiveness of fine motor physical activity with tactile stimulation d... more This study evaluated the effectiveness of fine motor physical activity with tactile stimulation during two conditions of math problem solving, visual and auditory. Eight 4th and 5th grade students with attention problems participated. Using an alternating treatments design, students solved as many math story problems as they could, presented on worksheets or verbally during two conditions, with and without tactile stimulation during 20 min. Motor behavior, recorded from videotape, and number of correctly completed word problems were measured. Results suggest that fine motor manipulation of a tactile stimulation object reduced excessive motor movement and increased task completion of students with attention problems.
International Journal of Play Therapy, 2008
Papers by Janice Grskovic