Women are considered as vulnerable members of almost every society. In Pakistan the scenario is no different. ‘Run-away women’ is one of the socio-legal problems faced by women. Women who consider running away from their families often... more
Author-Shah Rukh Nadeem Book Review by Amjad Hussain Amjad Receiving a book as gift is an epicurean pleasure. I received the Title book " Readistan" from My Friend Nasir Mehmood. This book gives summary of 50 best books ranging from... more
Civic sense is a broader term that encompasses respect for the law and community dealing. It also focuses on etiquette and fundamental human manners that can make our daily interactions more respectful and trustworthy. We often hear about... more
Largest Public Library in Pakistan
Arfa Karim was youngest MCP Pakistani girl. She was talented with High IQ level.
According to Statistics thousands of precious lives are lost in tragic accidents across Pakistan. Trains crushing students crossing the Railway line, faulty engines, failure of brakes, and blasts of gas cylinders are a few causes. A few... more
My mother got a bone fracture a few months ago and the whole family went through trauma. Thanks God We found a good orthopedic surgeon who did the successful operation and we took a sigh of relief. Luckily the doctor was known to one of... more
Travel Story of Liberia
Discovering the Cosmos: The James Webb Space Telescope
Unlocking the Power of Positive Habits Contents
Mastering the Art of Learning: Unveiling the Feynman Technique
Seeds of Creativity: Developing Creative Skills in Children
Exploring the Enigma of Déjà Vu: Unraveling the Mysteries of Familiarity
The Mystery of Compressed Time: Exploring the Phenomenon Contents
Down the Rabbit Hole: Navigating Distractions in the Digital Wonderland