You don't have a patreon by chance do you? I love the stuff you put out and would happily chip in a few bucks to make more happen
I do not, but thank you for asking! I am hoping I’ll be able to produce more after I recover more from some post-covid health issues. It’s been slow going, but I’m making progress!
I would throw into the pot regardless as a thank you for all the stuff you've put out cheaply that has already given me a ton of fun.
I understand if you wouldn't want to do it until you feel like you can be prolific, but I feel like that's the point of patreon... To be able to make a contribution to someone who makes things that you like without expectation of them doing more than just keep being awesome. It can add pressure, but you can always keep it on the down low. I don't agree particularly with it having to be a behind the scenes pass.
I don't do a lot of patreon, but it's all Bastionland/Luca Rejec type ones. People who don't have loads of releases but they're all things that I get a ton of enjoyment from. 2400 and QZ have been like that for me.
Hope you're feeling better soon.