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A member registered Oct 30, 2014 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I'm working on some ideas that will hopefully make the enemies far more noticeable including a slightly expanded palette and giving them a slow pulsing glow, hopefully that should help seeing them on screen :)

Thank you for the feedback!

I've been messing with balancing and some polishing and think I've gotten things a little more balanced, my initial intention had the difficulty build way too fast and that only make certain issues way more noticeable :s

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing!

Yeah, I have a lot planed for balancing and expanding post-jam hahah Hopefully I can get this to shape up into something nice :)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

It's just a bit unfair right now, nothing you ( or anyone ) should feel bad about, I hope to get things to curve nicer so everyone can have fun trying to claim a high score and feel enveloped in the world :)

Thanks for playing, I'll definitely be continuing post-jam!

I could see a 2D spin-off being interesting, but I'm keeping focused on 3D for now hahah 

That said, I have a lot lined up to try to address the difficulty and unfairness of the current game's gameplay, so hopefully post-jam I'll be able to do some testing and get something both difficulty but fair :)

Thank you for the feedback, it goes a long way!

Really impressive! This is one of those team jam games that came together extremely well over an ambitious idea that could only succeed if everyone pulled their weight and knew what they were doing, so fantastic job :)

The only thing I can suggest is making more, polishing up the UI, and aiming to release a mid-length game, if you all do want to continue it post-jam. It seem you know what you're doing and I'd love to see this carried on!

Great job to everyone on the team!

Absolutely love the style and flourish of this game! The movement feels pretty good and the general concept of switching back and forth between characters is pretty cool!

I feel this game could get pretty exciting post-jam with more content and hazards tossed in, so I really hope you consider going  on with this project :)

Great job

Katamari with tanks, who'd have thought that'd happen hahah I had a great short time with this game though, it's a really solid concept that could totally be built out into a level-based mech-esque build and fight game!

I would just love to see more content in this post-jam with some polish tosses in to help get things a bit more visually exciting and clean.

Great job all in all!

Man this game is incredibly juicy, looks finished, and has an amazingly polished feel to it.

I would love to see this expanded and released as a mid-length puzzler game on the switch! It feels really good and with even more polish and content I think it has a ton going for it :)

Great job!!

This feels like a short demo for a full game most of the time due to all the polish and general loop! I really loved the art, the concept, and the simple yet deep design :)

I really hope y'all continue this post-jam since it feels you two really know what you're doing with this one and have a great opportunity to keep going and turn this into a full mid-length release with tons of wacky mechanics and fun opportunities throughout. Perhaps leveling to get more exciting abilities, feeding frenzies where you have to dodge hungry monsters as you continue to do your job, etc. So much to explore here!

Great job to both of you!

I really like what you did with this concept! It's simplistic, physics feels amazing, tons of creativity with the approach, and lots of polish :)

I did get a bit more frustrated as it went on, but in the form of a bite-sized jam game I think this went down really well! The frustration definitely hit the same note as putting small decals on Gundam models, so I'd say you did really well capturing the feeling of working with tweezers on something that loves to misstick hahah

Great job all around!

Yeah, balance is the next big focus, I have lots of ideas I'll be testing on people with various degrees of skill to see what works out best :)

Thanks for playing!

Really stylish and punchy roguelite bullet hell! This fits perfectly with the jam theme and is just an overall great game!

There were some issues I had where I would enter the next room and immediately be hit before I could react, so perhaps a slight delay to enemies or room start time as the player transitions in would be nice. Also, perhaps removing the pickup delay once you clear the room so you don't have to wait around as much. This game could really be a solid release post-jam with more mechanics and polish :) I hope you continue it on!

Good job!

Slick, cute, & easy to follow, I really liked this game!

I hope you continue this one more post-jam! I could definitely see this fleshed out into a bite-sized/mid-length roguelite that builds into all sorts of crazy mechanics and juicy effects! 

Awesome job, I seriously loved this game!

(1 edit)

Don't blame yourself, it's pretty unbalanced unless you're bunny hopping around, and the game doesn't really explain that or teach how :s I'll be working on a bunch of things post-jam to help balance it out and hopefully make it more fun and approachable!

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you could still enjoy the game :)

Neat idea and a fun execution on the theme :) I really liked the raycasted shadows and the general level of polish everything seemed to have!

I'm kind of curious how the game would feel if the zombies chased you when your torch was out and they had line of sight. I noticed I mostly just avoided zombies or spam fired my gun when going around the map. So perhaps adding some pressure might help force the player to make more delicate decisions of what to do.

Very cool idea though, y'all did a great job! I love seeing team games and hope you all keep together making games :)

Really cute and unique mix and match puzzler, I really enjoyed how this tied into the jam theme and the amount of variety you could get just messing around. Due to the semi-dynamic nature of things it didn't feel as bad when you goofed up because you at least got to see a fun little monster hahah

The play screen felt like it could perhaps be re-arranged to enlarge the play space, but outside that I feel everything was really well executed :)

Good job on this one!

Incredible execution on this game, fantastic narrative, sound design, story progression, lesson, etc.

I feel you should really polish this up post-jam and release it proper, this was a fantastic learning, narrative, and gameplay experience!

It's not too common to see a story-driven jam game, let alone one that really knocks it out of the park so well, great job!

Really neat concept! I was surprised, in a really good way, when the character first burst apart and I realized what I needed to do. I feel the art was really nice here and set the mood perfectly :)

I did run into a lot of collision issues and did feel the controls could use a little more sanding down, however these are small problems that could be fixed in a post-jam update to flesh the game out a bit more! 

I really hope you keep going with this one, solid entry :)

Very cute character design and animation :) The main mechanic was pretty interesting as well, I really enjoyed the strong differentiation between the characters abilities and handling!

The game could certainly do with a bit more polish and perhaps more environmental props to help build more landmarks into the map, but it's a jam and as is this feels pretty great :) One last thing I'd like to see in a post-jam update is the ability to hold down to see below you as Drizit, to help ensure I'm not jumping into anything dangerous

I had a great time playing this one, good job to both you!

Yeah, still a fair bit of tweaking and work to go to get things nicely balanced hahah

Thanks for the feedback :)

Cute style :) I really enjoyed the way you explored the mechanic in this game and I had a lot of fun working through the levels! 

My one suggestion, is maybe not to have the rotating camera, there were points where it got a little frustrating or dizzying while playing. This totally feels like a game a few friends and I would love to play over a few drinks and I think the spinning might really get some people hahah

Great job though, I had a good time!

A very slick and fun platformer! I really enjoyed the sound design, visuals, and general feeling of the movement in this game. The mechanic was also really well done and quite cute :) I feel the dialogue really added a nice level of polish over everything!

I did one one issue where I accidentally dropped Krawly and went back a level and when I returned he was just gone for the rest of the game. I'm feeling this probably wasn't supposed to happen

Great game though and very good job!

Wow, a networked multiplayer game in a jam is bold, but awesome job getting it done and working!

In the future, if you do another online game, you should probably have some sort of demo/tutorial mode for people who can't hunt down someone to play with or don't know they can open the game twice to demo out ( that's what I did ). It's really cool once you get it going, I absolutely loved the sound effects for placing the blocks, definitely got a good chuckle from me :)

Good job!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)

Thanks for playing!

Yeah, I agree, I'll be working on a bunch more post-jam to smooth out the difficulty, clean things up, and flesh out the game with more interesting and (hopefully fair) challenging content  :)

Thanks a bunch for the feedback, and thanks for playing!

Glad you liked the visuals!

I totally agree, while I do really want this game to be hard, right now it's just unfair and doesn't really lead in in a friendly way :s I'll definitely be working on that in the first pass post-jam :)

Thanks for the feedback!

Really cool game, and the spring physics felt undeniably awesome! I love the tie in to the theme and feel this was executed really well!

I would love to see this carried on post-jam and fleshed out into a brutally difficult level-based platformer, there's just a lot of fun to be had and a lot of cool mechanics to be explored! I feel the audience is there for a game like this, at least in the form of Youtubers and streamers who have started getting more and more into difficult games for audiences that like to see their pain hahah

Great job to both of you!

No doubt! That's the main thing I'm going to be working on first, the lack of sound or any form of indicator for enemies behind you is currently really frustrating and leads to a lot of unfair deaths and that's not really what I want. I'm going to be spending a lot of time on this aspect to get things into a fair brutal difficulty range. It's never fun when a hard game feels hard just because you can't see the future hahah

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing :)

Man the growing jaunty tune is just fantastic, it sounds phenomenal! The rest of the game also controlled really well, I was worried things might get a bit janky with the main stack/line swapping mechanic, but it never felt like I was cheated :)

The one thing that caused me a bit of confusion was the torches being hooked up to the doors, you teach it well and after the first time your eyes always see and immediately know what it is and done so it was never a bottleneck, it just felt a bit strange since the dwarf are jammin' out and barehanded extinguishing these bad boys hahah

I absolutely love seeing strong team entries, good job to everyone involved!

Thanks for the kind words! 

Yeah, PS1 horror games were definitely a big inspiration for me here hahah

Interesting concept and very nice visuals!

I bumped into some issues guessing which way the lines should go and often finding myself resorting to clicking to see if I missed anything, it would be nice to see some sort of rotating indicator for which lines can be rotated. However, with a bit more polish this could be a really and sleek puzzler, I'd love to see a few more updates to this post-jam :)

Good job!

I'm happy to hear that!

Thank you for playing :)

That was one of the big inspirations for the enemy design when I realized my initial AI wasn't very fun hahah

Thanks a bunch for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Hahah Thanks for the kind words and thanks a bunch for playing!

I'm really glad you enjoyed it :)

Man you cut it so close to the deadline hahah, great job making it in though! I can imagine that was pretty stressful.

Anyways, this is a really creative and fun idea especially in the context of the jam! I had a blast building various, poorly crafted, structure out of the objects in the map to complete the various goofy goals. It was a blast to see what would happen next and to explore the map to find different ways to tackle tasks! 

My biggest gripe is how awkward getting stuff objects to rotate the way you wanted was. It would have been nice to be able to hold ctrl and move the mouse to rotate the object. I know this functionality can sometimes be a bit tricky to implement right, so definitely not faulting y'all for anything, just a chance to polish up a bit for that full release down the line, right ;) 

There were definitely moments where this didn't feel at all like a jam game and showed a lot of potential to go on to a full release, good job to whole team, y'all did great!

Cool themes and a really solid execution! The physics never went wonky, the enemy(?) destruction was really satisfying, the sound was nicely executed, and the visuals were really nice on the eyes and easy to identify!

I really liked this game, I feel adding adding respawns after each frame break between sections and then starting the player back requiring them to break a frame to re-enter the area would be really cool and take away the annoyance of slip ups and having to do all of it over again. However with a little bit more polish and more content this feels like a great game to do a more full release of post-jam!

Great job :)

This is a fun idea and an interesting mechanic that starts impossible but you can totally start to get the grasp of and start bouncing along in no time.

I had a lot of issues with the controls even once I started a hand on them. Mostly to do with collisions or funky hitboxes. I feel with more polish and art this game could definitely take off in the indie-game streamer area. A lot of streamers are getting increasingly into these super hard and very frustrating games since they tend to intrigue audiences who don't have the patience and provide pretty fun content along the way. I totally think if you take this farther post-jam, clean up the controls, and paint it up, then it could go over pretty well once it meets the market :)

Good job!

Awesome to hear!

I think there could be something there, I feel a temporary scare might not be too interesting. However, maybe you could have the ability to throw some kind of light or turn on lights that attract zombies away from you, just to play more into the idea of light and sound :) 

I'm sure there's a cool way to incorporate scaring the zombies though, I'm just not too sure. Unless there was some kind of monster hierarchy and you you could use the head or blood of a monster they react in fear towards to spook them away :s Maybe there's something cool there

All depends on the implementation

Have fun experimenting :)

Love the visuals of your game! I also really appreciated the sound, world, and dialogue it all really came together to make a lovely experience that I can definitely see being expanded on with more levels, more facial/body reactions to events ( throwing Han makes him look surprised/worried, perhaps ) and more mechanics!

this seems like something that could totally go to a full release post-jam without even seeming like a jam game. It's just an all around solid concept and execution :) 

Good job!