It sounds very interesting, though!
Zed Hanok
Creator of
Recent community posts
I’m planning on an engine with an API using Python’s FastAPI – it generates murder mystery plot elements, clues, descriptions, and stuff like that. It would be used as a backend for any number of games in different settings.
Also, I hope it can generate the same data in at least a couple different forms: (a) JSON data for further use in the game MVC Controller, or (b) a text description on the clue, location, item, etc.
I’m mostly interested in the backend to games, not a full game. I might make it more sophisticated or have a simple game frontend, if I have time.
The only things missing from this being PERFECTO is:
- sword fighting (like in Sid Meyer’s Pirates! or Prince of Persia)
- bullwhip attack (like in Zorro–the DOS one that was a clone of Prince of Persia)
- and grapple-cable swing (like Bionic Commando)
I wouldn’t mind doing those myself, if I ever need them! If I make ‘em, I’ll send them your way! :D
I look forward to seeing what you do next. I’m hoping for more house furnishings, more complex houses. That kind of thing. :D
Yeah, it kind-of reminds me of a DOS game called SLEUTH! I loved that game, and when the timer ran out, the killer started stalking you! :D
I think you did GREAT in 7 days! This must have been hard! Please keep working on it!
Very interesting stuff!
This format is great! Just what I would’ve hoped for!
You are one of the greats! I want to study your graphics and try to imitate your style, if I’m good enough.
I just love your autotiles, I think they might be my favorites!
I love it!
It makes me think of the new voxel version of DOOM that somebody is making… Not sure why it does, it just does! :D
So perfect!
You could try Krita software or online clone of Photoshop–both are free and should work okay. I hope.
This sounds very clever! I like this idea a lot!
You’re a genius!
I was thinking about using Brython to code it and call some JS framework for browser-based games. Is that Python enough?
Aaron/“Zed Hanok”
I really like this idea, it’s great!
I love this. It keeps sitting in the back of my brain, pestering me to use if for something, but I haven’t decided what, yet… Maybe a modification for psychological damage added to it, then make an Art of War TTRPG of some sort… Just a though! :D
Simple, straightforward, and GREAT! :D
Sorry, I’ll try to fix it, although I’m a bit slow lately ’cause of my health. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it!
This is amazing!
Thanks for that information!
I really like this tileset!
I’ve been studying sprite styles and drawing sprites lately, and I keep coming back to how great these “puny characters” are! I’m going to play around with making them (or a sprite style I make that’s based on them) look like a demake of Skyrim…
Very nice!
These are amazing!
What license is this for? Can we use it for other game engines besides RPG Maker?
You’re a genius!
Dude, let it heal. We can wait. Love your work! :D
Genius! :D
Genius! :D
Good grief! It’s great! :D
You are an incredible pixel artist! :D
I can’t wait to see anything else you add! I really like this!
I can’t wait to find my old GM8 app and try these out! :D